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about Federal Republic of Nigeria

 Formal Name  Federal republic of Nigeria
 Capital  Abuja
 Area  923,769 sq km, slightly more than 2.5 times
 the size of Japan
 Population  118,000,000 (1997 est)
 Language  English (official), Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo
 Ethnic Composition  Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo,
 (more than 250 ethnic group)
 Religion  Muslim (50%), Christian (40%),
 indigenous belief (10%)
 Currency  Nira, Nira 110 = US$1.00

Nigerian Public Holidays
January 1New Year's Day
February 12Eid Al AdhaFestival of Sacrifice
May 1Labour Day
May 14Prophet's Birthday
October 1National Day
October 27Start of RamadanMonth of fasting
November 26Eid Al Fitr
December 25Christmas Day
December 26Boxing Day

Nigerian History
Start of British Control1903
British Colony and Protectorate1914
The Independance of Nigeria1960
Nigeria became a republic within the Commonwealth1963
Coup d'etat1966
Biafra War19671970
The Return to Civilian Rule1979
Coup d'etat1983
Major General Ibrahim Babangida carried out coup d'etat1985
The capital was officially moved from Lagos to Abuja1991
The sudden death of the dictator, General Sani Abacha,1988
General Olusegun Obasanjo inaugurated Nigeria's presidency
A new constitution adopted
Civilian rule starts

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