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about Kingdom of Thailand

 Formal Name  Kingdom of Thailand
 Capital  Bangkok
 Area  514,000 sq km
 Population  60,810,000 (1997)
 Language  Thai, ethnic and regional dialects
 Ethnic Composition  Thai (75%), Chinese (14%), other
 Religion  Buddhism (95%)
 Currency  Baht, BH 43.07 = US$1.00

Thai Public Holidays

January 1New Year's Day
April 6Chakri DayIt commemorates King Rama I.
May 1Labour Day
May 5Coronation DayThe coronation is that of the present King and Queen.
August 12H.M. the Queen's Birthday
October 23Chulalongkorn Memorial DayMemory of King Rama V
December 5H.M. the King's Birthday
December 10Constitution Day
December 31New Year's Eve

The Thai Dynasty

The Thai people who originally lived in southwestern China, migrated into Southwest Asia over 1000 years. They formed states at the various parts of Thailand around 11th century. Sukhothai Dynasty was established after the unity of those states in the 11th century.Before Sukhothai, there were pewerful kingdoms established by the Mon and Khmer.

Sukhothai Dynasty12381438
Ayutthaya Dynasty13501767
Thonburi Dynasty17671782
Chakkri Dynasty1782

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