Mac OS X Server 10.1: NAT 環境で DNS を設定するサンプルファイル

Mac OS X Server 10.1: NAT 環境で DNS を設定するサンプルファイル

警告:DNS 設定の誤ったコンフィグレーションは、重大なシステムの問題を起こす場合があることに注意する必要があります。熟練したユーザのみがこれらの設定を扱う必要があります。

------ この行から下をコピーしてください --------

// This BIND 8.2 Config File for a Mac OS X Server 10.1.x
// named.conf file from the Apple Knowledge Base Article Number
// [CAUTION: Users should be aware that the incorrect configuration of DNS
// settings can result in serious system issues. It is recommended that only
// experienced users manipulate these settings.


// Declares control channels to be used by the rndc utility
// controls {
// unix "/var/run/ndc" perm 0600 owner 0 group 0;
// inet port 54 allow {any; };
// It is recommended that be the only address used
// This also allows non-privileged users on the local host to manage your name server
// };

// Information that you need to provide for this file
// Replace the 2 forwarders ip_addr vales with the DNS Server IP addresses
// provided by your ISP
// ip_addr - An IP address in with exactly four elements in dotted-decimal notation
// (example:
// If you do not have a NAT gateway or router, comment out the forwarders line
// by using "//" <no quotes>

// Controls global server configuration options and sets defaults for other statements
options {
directory "/var/named";
notify no;
forwarders { ip_addr; ip_addr; };
statistics-interval 1;
version "surely you must be joking";

// These entries are not specific to any zone
// They are required by any DNS server

zone "." in {
type hint;
file "db.cache";

zone "" in {
type master;
file "db.127.0.0";

// The following entries are where your zone information is entered

// This file contains the host names and their correlating IP addresses.

zone "" in {
type master;
file "";

// This file contains the IP addresses and their correlating reverse lookup.

zone "" in {
type master;
file "db.10.0.1";

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