Asarum kooyanum

Family Aristolochiaceae
Scientific name Asarum kooyanum Makino
Synonyms Heterotropa kooyana (Makino) F. Maekawa
Common name (Japanese common name) koya kan-aoi (コウヤカンアオイ, 高野寒葵 [meaning: Mt. Koya winter hollyhock])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (Wakayama Prefecture)
(Other nations) none
Habitat Mountane forest
Chromosomal number n=12
Description Leaves 6-10cm long. Flowers ca. 2cm, flowering in March to May. Evergreen. Perennial plants.
Reference Asarum kooyanum Makino
Population Structures of Asarum kooyanum var. brachypodion and Egg Densities of Luedorfia japonica Laid on it in Secondary Forests at Kaisho-cho in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture in the Spring of 1999.
Note Native to Japan

May 2011
at my home
May 2011
at my home
May 2011
at my home

May 2011
at my home