Swertia tashiroi

Family Gentianaceae
Tribe Gentianeae
Subtribe Gentianinae
Scientific name Swertia tashiroi Makino
Synonyms Frastera tashiroi (Maximovicz) Makino; Ophelia tashiroi Maximovicz; Swertia kuroiwae Makino
Common name (Japanese common name) hetsuka-rindou (ヘツカリンドウ, 辺塚竜胆 [meaning: Hetsuka village gentian])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (Kagoshima Prefecture), Okinawa
(Other nations) none
Habitat Forest
Chromosomal number 2n=60
Description Stems electing 30-60cm tall. Leaves 10-20cm long. Flowers corollas ca. 2.5-3cm across, flowering in October to January (mainly in November to December). Annual or winter annual plants.
Reference  Swertia tashiroi Makino

November 2010
at my home
November 2010
at my home
November 2010
at my home