Iris japonica

Family Iridaceae
Subfamily Iridoideae
Tribe Irideae
Scientific name Iris japonica Thunberg
Synonyms Iris chinensis Curtis, not Bunge; Iris chinensis Thunberg, not Bunge; Iris fimbriata Ventenat; Iris tectorum Maximovicz
Common name (Japanese common name) shaga (シャガ, 射干 [meaning: shaga = Chinese name of Belamcanda chinensis (misunderstanding or mistransported name)])
(English common name) butterfly flower, crested iris, Japanese iris, putchock, fringed iris
Distribution (Japan) Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu
(Other nations) China, Myanmar
Habitat Mountain slope in mountane forest
Chromosomal number 2n=24, 28, 34, 36, 54, 56
Description Leaves 30-60cm long, 2-3.5cm wide. Scapes 30-70cm tall. Flowers white with pale blue spots ca. 5cm across, calyx ca. 15mm long, flowering in April to May. Perennial plants.
Reference Iris japonica Thunb.
Iris japonica Thunb.
Note Iris japonica Thunberg is thought to be a naturalized species from China in ancient era.

April 2007
at my home
April 2006
at my home
May 2007
at my home