Calanthe alpina

Family Orchidaceae
Subfamily Epidendroideae
Tribe Collabieae
Scientific name Calanthe alpina Hooker f. ex Lindley
Synonyms Calanthe alpina Hooker f. ex Lindley var. fimbriatomarginata (Fukuyama) F. Maekawa; Calanthe alpina Hooker f. ex Lindley var. schlechteri (H. Hara) F. Maekawa; Calanthe buccinifera Rolfe; Calanthe fimbriata Franchet; Calanthe fimbriatomarginata Fukuyama; Calanthe schlechteri H. Hara
Common name (Japanese common name) kiso ebine (キソエビネ, 木曽海老根 [meaning: Kiso ebine (Kiso = an old name of Gifu Prefecture; ebine = Calanthe discolor)]), fusa ebine (フサエビネ, 羽唇海老根 [meaning: feather lip ebine])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (Kanto region, Central region)
(Other nations) China, Taiwan, Nepal
Habitat Subalpine or mountane forest
Chromosomal number unknown
Description Leaves 15-30cm long, 3-4cm wide. Scapes electing 20-30cm tall. Flowers pale purple sepals 15-17mm long, 4-6mm wide, flowering June to July. Terrestrial. Evergreen. Perennial plants
Reference Calanthe alpina Hook. f. ex Lindl.
Calanthe alpina Hook. f. ex Lindl.
Note Rare species.

mid May 2009
at my home
mid May 2009
at my home

mid May 2009
at my home
mid May 2009
at my home
mid May 2009
at my home

early May 2009
at my home
early May 2009
at my home
early May 2009
at my home