Dendrobium moniliforme

Family Orchidaceae
Subamily Epidendroideae
Tribe Dendrobieae (also placed in Podochileae)
Subtribe Dendrobiinae
Scientific name Dendrobium moniliforme (L.) Swartz
Synonyms Callista japonica Kuntze; Callista moniliformis (L.) Kuntze; Dendrobium castum Bateman; Dendrobium heishanense Hayata; Dendrobium japonicum Lindley; Dendrobium monile (Thunberg) Kränzlin; Dendrobium nienkui Tso; Dendrobium taiwanianum S. S. Ying; Dendrobium yunnanense Finet; Dendrobium zonatum Rolfe; Epidendrum monile Thunberg; Epidendrum moniliferum Panzer; Epidendrum moniliforme L.; Limodorum monile (Thunberg) Thunberg; Onychium japonicum Blume; Ormostema albiflora Rafinesque
Common name (Japanese common name) seki-koku or sekkoku (セキコク or セッコク, 石斛  [meaning:  Japanese pronunciation of Chinese common name]))
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Honshu (south of Iwate prefecture), Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa
(Other nations) Korea, China, Taiwan
Chromosomal number 2n=38
Description Plants 5-25cm long. Leaves 3-7cm long, 5-12mm wide. Flowers white, yellow or pink sepals 2-2.5cm, flowering in May to June. Growing epiphyte on mossy branches of broadleaf treeson or on mossy rocks. Perennial plants.
Reference Dendrobium moniliforme (L.) Sw.
Dendrobium moniliforme (L.) Sw. 1799
Polymers containing antimicrobial agents and methods for making and using same (US Patent 5906825/1999)
Cosmetic composition and production thereof (US Patent 20060018867)
Paints, coatings and polymers containing phytochemical agents and methods for making and using same (WIPO Patent WO/2005/017051)
Vitamin K for prevention and treatment of skin rash secondary to anti-EGFR therapy (WIPO Patent WO/2006/113479)
Liposomes containing phytochemical agents and methods for making and using same (WIPO Patent WO/2006/068759)
Filter materials with biocidal phytochemical agents (WIPO Patent WO/2007/016223)
FDA: Chinese Herbal Medicines
Note Chosei-ran (チョウセイラン, 長生蘭 [meaning: long life orchid]) is a Dendrobium based calivated plant name. Chose-ran involves many varieties, mainly variegatas. Some Chose-rans are artificial hybrids, including Dendrobiun Cassiope, Dendrobium Ise and similar different hybrids (merely Bulbophyllum and Dendrobium hybrids).

Chinese type (Yunnan)
May 2013
at my home

March 2006
at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine
March 2006
at Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine

Flower Varieties (Den. moniliforme based hybrids)

'Kimaru' 'Toh-en' 'Hakuren'
March 2008
at my home
March 2008
at my home
March 2008
at my home