Mitella doiana

Family Saxifragaceae
Scientific name Mitella doiana Ohwi
Synonyms none
Common name (Japanese common name) hime-charumeru-sou (ヒメチャルメルソウ, 姫チャルメル草 [meaning: charamela weed])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Kyushu (Yakushima Island)
(Other nations) none
Habitat Mountane wet forest or mountane streamside rocks
Chromosomal number 2n=28
Description Leaves 0.7-1.3cm long, 0.7-1.3cm wide, pedicels 1-1.5cm long. Scapes ca. 2-7cm tall. Flowers green ca. 2.5mm long, ca. 2-3mm across, flowering in May to June. Seeds 1mm long. Prerennial plants.
Reference A Note on the Genus Mitella of Japan
Note Emdemic to Japan. Rare species.

March 2009
at my home
March 2009
at my home
March 2009
at my home

March 2009
at my home

April 2009
at my home