By Masaaki Sugita

I began to make a small format print from November 1998, for I had been completely exhausted by the works, Landscapes in Osaka, four copper engravings until the end of 1997, the large format prints which I needed much time to engrave and to print only for one print. The small format is quickly done to engrave and print, and needs low material costs.
The subject of this works are the daily life of my mother and her dog, Choppi by one copper engraving and ten wood engravings. Choppi died 2008 for about age 15, my mother was 2019, age 96. I was at their last moment of both.

Serial No. 1020009 (work number 1020, 9th print)
Title / Choppi itchy, Mam drinks a vitamin drink
Printed on Oct 11, 2000

Image size 100 x 108mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Sept 23 to Oct 10, 2000
Total work time 20.3 hours

Serial No. 1019008 (work number 1019, 8th print)
Title / The favorite fish eaten by Choppi, Mam is angry
Printed on Sep 20, 2000

Image size 100 x 108mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Aug 31 to Sept 19, 2000
Total work time 16.8 hours

One day, I was waked up by some noise, the talking like from the room below as usual morning. That was that my mother was angrily blaming Choppi ate her favorite, grilled salt salmon of her breakfast on the table. It is the low Japanese table. She was talking to Choppi, gWho said you might eat?h gIt is most delicious part of the fish!!h She liked especially the stomach part of the sault salmon that I like too for rice, very traditional Japanese food. And she didnft forget also to excuse for her Choppi with sympathy. She was saying followingly gShe usually does scarcely eath gShe has to be very hangryh
Those are the conversation between my mother an Choppi.

Serial No. 1018008 (work number 1018, 8th print)
Title / Choppi on the center, Mam on the edge
Printed on Aug30, 2000

Image size 112 x 145mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Aug 31 to Sept 19, 2000
Total work time 23 hours

Choppi sleep on the motherfs bed. She was very clever dog. She understands well the situation. My mother often talked loud in her sleeping by a bad dream. When she began to talk, then she quickly noticed and began to bark from the short and low voice, and getting higher and louder as my mother began violently shouting, finally she approached to motherfs face and let her awake by scratching her face.
I saw many times it. The motherfs house is very old Japanese house which is originally built by wood, earth and paper! like fairy tale, so it is no sound proof and privacy.
I use to spend time in midnight to watch on TV in the living room side by motherfs bed room. She lives in the room instead of the upper room when I returned this home and live in her room in 1995.

Serial No. 1017008 (work number 1017, 8th print)
Title / "WHY"
Printed on Jul 26, 2000

Image size 75 x 102mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Jul 3 to Jul 25, 2000
Total work time 21.5 hours

Serial No. 1016009 (work number 1016, 9th print)
Title / "Breakfast"
Printed on Jun 28, 2000

Image size 80 x 79mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Jun 12 to 27, 2000
Total work time 20.5 hours

When I waked up and had breakfast, my mother and Choppi were there in living room to walk or returned from walk. The table was small and low Japanese table.

Serial No. 1015009 (work number 1015, 9th print)
Title / Unknown man coming
Printed on Jun 14, 2000

Image size 80 x 77mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on May 29 to Jun 6, 2000
Total work time 13 hours

Serial No. 1014009 (work number 1014, 4th print)
Title / "Chooppi is waiting Mam finishs washing"
Printed on May 24, 2000

Image size 80 x 72mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on May 16 to 22, 2000
Total work time 10.8 hours

Serial No. 1013009@(work number 1013, 9th print)
Title / Hero is here
Printed on May 15, 2000

Image size 111 x 80mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Apr 24 to May, 2000
Total work time 27.8 hours

Serial No. 1012009@(work number 1012, 9th print)
Title / Choppi can't sleep without the doll
Printed on Apr 26, 2000

Image size 85 x 108mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Apr 8 to 26, 2000
Total work time 24 hours

It was a routine. When my mother goes to bed, Choppi does too, bringing with her favorite doll found from somewhere. My mother says to her gYou canft sleep without it?h or gChoppi, Ifll sleep! Come on! Bringing with your doll!h

Serial No. 1011123@(work number 1011, 123rd print)
Title / Mam preaching to a dog, Choppi sleeping like
Printed on Oct 27, 1999

Image size 105 x 93mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Hahnemule 5760 230‚‡/‡u natural white
Techinque / wood engraving(X2)
Engraved on Jan 28 to Feb 7, 1999
Revised on Jun 29, 1999 Total work time 30 hours

My mother usually praised the other person when she wanted to preach someone. She said gThe other person is clever!h She didnft say it, but there would be the following words that butcwhich she really wanted to say. Choppi also had such word by my mother. gLook! The other dog is clever!h Choppi was no reaction with pretending slept.
How many times I had such word!

Serial No. 1008097A@(work number 1008, 97th print)
Title / "V-wan-k V-wan-k"
Edition 97
Printed on Aug 4, 1999

Image size 105 x 74mm
copper plate size 158 x 104mm
sheet size 340 x 240mm
Paper / Gampi on Velin Arches 250‚‡/‡u
Techinque / copper engraving (C2) Chine colle
Engraved on Nov 4 to Dec 4, 1998
Total work time 70 hours

Choppi was waiting for the morning walk. She jumped up on the table, if my mother looked not to get action, and asked it in front of her face. My mother gave the big smoke blowing from the nostrils. I donft smoke. I had really been annoyed by her smoking.