808 Button

Event recording mode with 808 method (Only Time signature 4/4 can be used)

Record of an event can be performed carrying out loop playback of the bar of a marker location, if F2 (808) button is pressed during recording or playback.

If a pad is hit, the event of the location currently assigned to the pad will be recorded on the position of a horizontal marker.
The location currently assigned to the pad is as follows.

For example, if PAD13, PAD9, PAD5, and PAD1 are struck in the case of the above figure, an event will be recorded as shown in the following figur.

If PAD13, PAD9, PAD5, and PAD1 are hit once again, an event will be deleted as shown in the following figure.

If the F3 (CLEAR) button is pressed, all events on the horizontal marker will be deleted.