Track List

If the WINDOW button is pushed when cursor is in a track number or the "Trk" field, the window of "Track List" will open.

If F2(DELETE) button is pressed, the window of "Delete Track" will open.

If F5 (DO IT) button is pressed, a setup and event of the selected track will be deleted.
If F3 (ALL TR) button is pressed, a setup and event of all the tracks will be deleted.

If F3(DEFALT) button is pressed, the window of "Track Default" will open.

If F5(DO IT)button is pressed, a setup of the present of all tracks (1-64) will be memorized as a default setup.
If a new sequence is made, this setup will be used for each track as a default setup.
In addition, the memorized contents will be reset if the power is turned off.

If F5(COPY) button is pressed, the window of "Copy Track" will open.

Please select a track to copy in upper Tr field.
Please select the track in the copy destination in the Tr field (below).
A copy will be performed if F3 (DO IT) button is pressed.

An event and the contents of a setting are copyed to the track of a copy destination.