EXCLUSIVE data cannot be used.
A track is to 1-16
Time signature of a sequence is only 4/4.
The sustain pedal information converts it into duration and makes recording/playback.
The file name can use only the alphabet. (Any file names other than alphabet may not be read.)

Basic operation

Change and selection of a setup can be performed by turning the wheel of a mouse or clicking a left button. Refer to video.
However, when cursor is blinking in the input field of a value, please input with a numeric key.
A button is ON = Color of a button changes.

When a grid is 1 track display mode Refer to video.
Received MIDI signals are sent all to the active truck regardless of a channel. (Excluding signals that are assigned to "MIDI to button")

When a grid is all track display mode. (Multi timbre mode)
Received MIDI signal is sent as follows according to channels. (Excluding signals that are assigned to "MIDI to button")
Channel 1 => TRACK 1
Channel 2 => TRACK 2
Channel 3 => TRACK 3
Channel 4 => TRACK 4
Channel 5 => TRACK 5
Channel 6 => TRACK 6
Channel 7 => TRACK 7
Channel 8 => TRACK 8
Channel 9 => TRACK 9
Channel 10 => TRACK 10
Channel 11 => TRACK 11
Channel 12 => TRACK 12
Channel 13 => TRACK 13
Channel 14 => TRACK 14
Channel 15 => TRACK 15
Channel 16 => TRACK 16

The device recognized by JJ Sequencer is displayed.
"MIDI in Device" always receives all the devices.

1 Receive Channel
2 When you want to receive a channel pressure and the poly pressure, please turn ON.
3 Please choose the device which wants to receive when you want to receive a MIDI clock.
4 When you do not want to receive a program change, please turn OFF.
5 Please set according to the standard of a sound source

When you enter the events of a drum by a pad controller, please set a controller as follows.
Refer to video.
PAD01 = NOTE36
PAD02 = NOTE37
PAD03 = NOTE38
PAD04 = NOTE39
PAD05 = NOTE40
PAD06 = NOTE41
PAD07 = NOTE42
PAD08 = NOTE43
PAD09 = NOTE44
PAD10 = NOTE45
PAD11 = NOTE46
PAD12 = NOTE47
PAD13 = NOTE48
PAD14 = NOTE49
PAD15 = NOTE50
PAD16 = NOTE51

1 When you record drum events by a MIDI keyboard, please choose the key used as PAD01. Refer to video.
2 The octave of a MIDI controller can be changed. (Can be set for each track) Refer to video.
3 The display of a grid is changed. Refer to video.

Entering and editing an events

Please see video.
Please see video.

Velocity An event is recorded with the selected value.

When PLAYED is select
The value according to the strength which pressed the pad or keyboard of the MIDI controller is recorded.
When an event is entered with a mouse, it is inputted with the value of 127.
T.Correct The timing of the recorded event is corrected to the location of the selected value in real time.

Swing% (50%-75%)
With the swing feature, the even numbered events chosen in the selected value will be off the rhythm according to the value in the Swing% field.
When OFF, 1/8-3, 1/16-3, and 1/32-3 are select, Swing does not work.

The set value shifts from the location of timing correct, and an event is recorded. (You can set by tick.)
Duration An event is recorded with the selected value.

When PLAYED is select
The length that pad or keyboard of the MIDI controller is pressed will be applied to the event.

Change of velocity

Please choose a parameter and input a value into the "Value" field by numeric keys.
A value can be set between 0 to 127.
When "% " is chosen, a value can be set between 0 to 200.

Value set in the "Value" field is set.

Value set in the "Value" field is added.

Value set in the "Value" field is subtracted.

Multiplies the Velocity by the value set in the "Value" field.

Changing of Duration

Please choose a parameter and input a value into the "Value" field by numeric keys.
A value can be set between 0 to 999.
When "% " is chosen, a value can be set between 0 to 200.

Value set in the "Value" field is set.

Value set in the "Value" field is added.

Value set in the "Value" field is subtracted.

Multiplies the Velocity by the value set in the "Value" field.

Change of Timing Correct

Note Value Please choose the value of timing correct.
OFF = NO timing correction,
1/8 = 1/8 note, 1/8(3) = 1/8 note triplets, 1/16 =1/16 note, 1/16(3) = 1/16 note triplets, 1/32 = 1/32 note, 1/32(3) = 1/32 note triplets.
Strength% Strength controls how rigidly the events will be quantized.
In other words, a 0% setting will not quantize the events at all, whereas a 100% setting will cause every note to snap perfectly into position within the beat.
Settings closer to 0% will allow note timing to be more relaxed and true to the original performance,
while settings closer to 100% will make the events more precise.
Shift Earlier In the shift timing field, set the amount of Shift timing.
Set amount is shifts forwards.
Shift Later In the shift timing field, set the amount of Shift timing.
Set amount is shifts back
Swing% You can set the swing value in the Swing% field.
With the swing feature, the even numbered events chosen in the Note value field will be off the rhythm according to the value in the Swing% field.
With this feature you can create the shuffle groove.
When OFF is chosen in the Note Value field, Strength and Swing do not work.
Moreover, when 1/8-3, 1/16-3, and 1/32-3 are chosen, Swing does not work.


It is the mode which edits arbitrary 1 bar while performing loop reproduction.
Please refer to video.

Explanation of each part

1 "As Track Channel" = The incoming MIDI signal is outputted with reference to a setup of the MIDI channel of the track of sequence.
OFF = Not output the incoming MIDI signal.
2 If it turns ON, the loop of the end from the start of sequence will be performed.
3 The device (device number) of the destination is chosen when sending MIDI Clock.
4 Type of a track is select.
Will change also grid by type.
5 If this button is turned ON, a grid will become 16 track display mode.

1 If this button is clicked, a marker will move to the start of a sequence. Refer to video.
2 Recording can be started by receive of MIDI note. Refer to video.
If this button is turned ON and "REC" or a "OVER DUB" button is turned ON, it will be in the standby state of recording.
Recording will be started if MIDI note is received in this state.
Recording is started even if it receives the start signal of a MIDI clock.
3 The track selected if this button is turned ON becomes a solo.
4 The marker will move by an event unit when click this button. Refer to video.
5 If this button is clicked, it will move marker according to the value of the timing correct setting. Refer to video.
6 If this button is clicked, you can move marker by bar. Refer to video.
7 If this button is clicked, the number of the bars displayed on a grid will be changed. (1-16) Refer to video.
You can also be changed by turning the mouse wheel on the button
8 If this button is clicked, a marker will move to the end of a sequence. Refer to video.
9 When you want to enter an event with a mouse, please turn ON this button.
10 The tempo of a sequence will be set if this button is clicked according to the tempo which you want to set.
11 If it continues pressing the pad of a MIDI controller, holding ON of this button, you can note repeat according to the setting in timing correct. Refer to video.
12 This button will be displayed if the loop button is ON. Refer to video.
If the pad of a MIDI controller is hit holding ON of this button at the time of OVER DUB recording, all the events of the hit pad will be erased. (Only the events within the loop)
13 If this button is turned ON, record to the sequence of MIDI data will be started.
14 If this button is turned ON, record to the sequence of MIDI data will be started.
When there is a recorded event in the track, new events is added to it.
15 You can record an event with MIDI controller one by one when turn on this button.
16 If this button is clicked, playback/recording of a sequence will stop.
17 If this button is clicked, playback will be started from the location of a marker.
18 A click of this button will start reproduction from the first of a sequence.
19 If this button is turned ON during a play, the loop of the bars of a marker position will be carried out. Refer to video.
The number of the bars which carry out a loop with the loop bar of the loop field can be changed.
When the loop is set as two or more bars, if ZOOM IN is performed, unloop automatically.
20 When this button is ON, if this button is clicked, it will return to the state before recording.
Or will return to the state it was in before the event is erased.
21 If this button is turned ON, an event list will be displayed on the right-hand side of a screen. Refer to video.
22 If this button is turned ON, it will become track mute mode. Refer to video.
You can mute/unmute tracks in real time during playback by hitting the pads of a MIDI controller.
23 A click of this button will mute all the tracks.
24 A click of this button will unmute all the tracks.
25 At the time of track mute mode, if this button is turned ON, the pad of a MIDI controller can perform solo/unsolo of the track corresponding to a pad. Refer to video.
26 At the time of track mute mode, if this button is turned ON, the pad of a MIDI controller can perform mute/unmute of the track corresponding to a pad. Refer to video.

Refer to video.

1 You can select the rhythm for the metronome sound.
The metronome will be played with 1/4 note if you set "1/4", and 1/8 note if you set "1/8".
2 Set a sound to use for a metronome.
In the case of the above figure, the sound of the note number 36 of the channel 10 of the sound source of a device 2 is used.
3 A channel is set if needed.
4 A device (sound source) is chosen.
5 Velocity of a no accent
6 Velocity of an accent

1 You can change the NOTE that is output. Refer to video.
2 NOTE that you have changed if you click on this button will return to the default settings. Refer to video.
3 If this button is clicked, all the pad mute and solo will be canceled.

1 MASTER = It is outputted to the sound source of the device number chosen in the Master Device field.
TRACK = It is outputted to the sound source of the device number chosen by each track.
2 If this button is turned ON, the drum name of GM will be displayed.
3 A click of this button will unmute all the tracks.
4 If this button is clicked, all the channels will return to a default setup.


The value of the parameter of each track is displayed.
The value currently recorded will be displayed when the value is recorded on the first 2 bars of a sequence.
A default value is displayed when the value is not recorded on a sequence.
It will be output when you change the value or when you change the sequence.
If a sequence is saved, it will be recorded to a sequence as setups of a track.

1 It can set, when the standard of a sound source is GS or GX. Refer to video.
2 Level (CC#7)
3 Pan (CC#10)
4 Reverb (CC#91)
5 Chorus (CC#93)
6 When a sound did not stop, the click of this button will stop a sound.
7 Value of the parameters is output if you click this button.
8 If this button is clicked, the value of parameters will return to a default.
9 If this button is clicked, the present setups will be memorized by the system as a default value.

MIDI to button
Refer to video.
The button of JJ Sequencer can be operated by a MIDI controller.
Please assign NOTE or CC of a controller to the button which you want to operate.
Please refer to video.

Step recording of chords
Refer to video.

Please choose the kind of chord in the Chord field and choose a route key in the Key field.
Please set Arpeggio if needed.
If the Rec button is clicked with a mouse, chord event will be recorded on the location of a marker.

1 If this is turned ON, a chord is recordable by playing a route key by a MIDI controller.
2 If this button is clicked, a marker will move at 1/8 intervals.
3 A click of this button will delete the chord of a marker location.

If the button of CHORD EDIT is clicked, the window of "Chord Edit" opens and chords can be edited.

If cursor is moved to the keyboard field, it can also set by playing a chord directly by a MIDI keyboard.
In this case, please play "C" first.


Load An extension can load the file of "mid".
The following file of MPC can also be read.
"SEQ" and "ALL"
Load Folder All the Sequence files in the selected folder are read.
Save a Sequence A sequence is saved by the standard MIDI file format 1.