Pan and level of a Pad mixer are controllable by a MIDI controller

The level and pan of a mixer are controllable by a MIDI controller.

A pad is controllable only to A01-A16.


If F1(CC) button is pushed in the mode of MIXER, it will become CC assignment screen of a MIDI controller.

Please turn a DATA wheel and select the mode.

When MULTI CHANNEL mode is select, it is set as follows by fixation.

When NON-CHANNEL mode is select, arbitrary control change numbers can be assigned to a pan and level.
Please set a control change number to each pad in the PanCC# field and the LevCC# field.

In addition, if the knob and slider of a MIDI controller are moved when cursor is in the PanCC# field or the LevCC# field,
the received control change number will be automatically set to the cursor position.

Note: A setup of assigned MIDI CC is memorized by the system by pressing the MAIN button.

If CC currently assigned to the mixer of the pad is received, "CC PAD MIXER" will be displayed on the indicator field of a main screen.

CC currently recorded on the sequence does not work in pad mixer.
Priority is given to pan when the same CC as pan and level is set.