Customize of [MAIN] and numeric buttons

The mode can be assigned to the [MAIN] button and the numeric buttons.

In the case of the [MAIN] button

It changes to the mode assigned when the main screen was displayed and the [MAIN] button was pressed.

How to assign the mode
Please press the pad equivalent to the mode to assign, pressing the [MAIN] button.

For example, if PAD7 (PROGRAM) is pushed pressing the [MAIN] button, PROGRAM mode will be assigned to the [MAIN] button.
In this case, if the [MAIN] button is pressed when the main screen is displayed, it will change to a program mode.
It is changed by performing the same operation to change the mode to assign.

When PROGRAM mode is assigned to the [MAIN] button

The [MAIN] button is pressed.

It changes to PROGRAM mode.
In this case, MAIN is changed to PROGRAM mode by turns by the [MAIN] button.

This function will be canceled, if a [SHIFT]+MAIN button is pressed when the main screen is displayed.

In the case of the numeric buttons

The mode can be assigned to 0-9 of a numeric button.

Please press F5 (Num.Key) button in OTHER mode.

Please select "MODE CHANGE".

When "MODE CHANGE" is select, the mode can be assigned to a numeric button.

How to assign the mode
Please press the pad (mode) assigned while pressing the number button which assigns the mode.

For example, if PAD5 (RECORD) is pressed, pressing 5 of a numeric button, RECORD mode is assigned to the button of 5,
and RECORD mode will be displayed if 5 of a numeric button is pressed.