A man read fate of a person from a pattern carved with in a palm.The trial is done from a very long yeas ago.The oldest documents about lines in palm which has existed now was made by an aryan.The aryan who invaded ancient India, and established Aryan culture made the documents at b.c. .This book is considered to be a secret method of a Brahman believer.and is treasured by a mortuary chapel in a cave which is an ancient Indian historic site.So,we cannot look it anymore now.But,An authority of lines in palm studies of the the beginning 20th century;a British scholar Kilo read it and there are the record that he read.
According to the record of a Kilo, the book which made of joined human skin is written with red liquid and divided into three parts in all.A figure of a line of a palm and a commentary of significance are put than total 100.The page made by skin tinged slightly with yellow, even those days that already passed through several thousand years ,seem to be bright so that it was done coating in a compound such as vanish.Becouse of these resco in documents and a cave,that a study of lines in palm was done for a long time is considered to be sure by an archeologist.The lines in palm studies were study to be oldest for the human.
These days,it is West lines in palm studies that become the mainstream all over the world.Becasuse both of origin, whether West or Orient,developed from the same ancient Indian lines in palm studies,there are many common .points .please look the below table.
現在、日本はもとより世界中で主流となっているのは西洋手相学で、私自身もその流れを汲んでいます。しかし西洋式にしろ東洋式にせよ、その根本は古代インドの手相学から発展したものなので、多くの共通点があります。たとえば、感情線(heart line)を東洋相法では「天紋」と呼び、品性や感情のよしあしがこれに現れるとしています。
同様に、知能線(head line)を「人紋」と呼び、頭脳の働きを読み取ります。また、生命線(life line)を「地紋」と呼び、寿命の長短や健康の程度が現れるとしています。
Heart line : 感情線
感情線には、内面的な性質、価値観、自己表現の有り様、他者との関わり方などが表れます。 An internal property, a value system, a state of self-expression, relation with an another person appear in feelings line. |
寿命の長短や健康の程度が現れるところです。 Length of life and degree of health are going to appear in Life line."The length of Lifeline = The length of Life" is not true.We have to look at shape of a curve, the vividness as well as length of a lifeline. |
頭脳線が表すのは、思考の方向性や資性です。 It is directionality and inborn character of a thought that brain Line expresses.We can watch much information to direct way of life of the person such as how to catch things, a tendency of the emission of mental energy .
For father information ,see this pagehttp://www.findyourfate.com/palmistry/palmistry.htm