大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.101]] A 70174611NTA101
    If peace is ever to be ( 1 ), there will have to be great changes
 in education. At ( 2 ), children are taught to love their country to
 the ( 3 ) of other countries, and among their countrymen in history
 those whom they are specially taught to ( 4 ) are usually those who have
 shown most skill in killing foreigners. An English child is taught to
 admire Nelson and Wellington; a French child, to admire Napoleon; and
 a German child, Barbarossa. These are not among those of the child's
 countrymen who have done most for the world. They are those who have
 ( 5 ) their country in ways that must be forever closed if man is to
 survive. The conception of Man as one family will have to be taught as
 carefully as the ( 6 ) is now taught. This will not be an easy
 transition. It will be said that boys under such a regimen will be soft
 and effeminate. It will be said that they will lose the manly virtues and
 will be ( 7 ) of courage. All this will be said by Christians in
 spite of Christ's teaching. But, ( 8 ) as it may appear, boys brought
 up in the old way will grow into quarrelsome men who will find a world
 without war unbearably tame. Only a new kind of education, inculcating
 a new set of moral values, will make it possible to keep a peaceful world
 in existence.
    There will, after all, be plenty of opportunity for adventure, even
 dangerous adventure. Boys can go to the Antarctic for their holidays, and
 young men can go to the moon. There are many ways of showing courage
 without ( 9 ) to kill other people, and it is such ways that should be
 ( 10 ).
  ア encouraged  イ destitute  ウ opposite  エ secure  オ admire
  カ exclusion  キ dreadful  ク present  ケ having  コ served
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.101]] B 70174611
    In the teaching of history, there should be no undue ( 11 ) upon
 one's own country. The history of wars should be a small part of what is
 taught. Much the more important part should be concerned with progress
 in the arts of civilisation. War should be treated as ( 12 ) is treated.
 It should be ( 13 ) with equal horror and with equal aversion. All
 this, I fear, may not be pleasing to most present-day educationists. But,
 unless education is changed in some such way, it is to be feared that
 men's natural ferocity will, sooner or later, ( 14 ) out.
    But it is not only children who need education. It is needed,
 also by adults, both ordinary men and women and those who are important
 in government. Every technical advance in armaments has involved an
 increase in the size of States. Gunpowder made modern states possible at
 the time of the Renaissance by making castles ( 15 ). What castles were
 at that time, national States are now, since weapons of mass destruction
 have made even the greatest States ( 16 ) to complete destruction. A new
 kind of outlook is, therefore, necessary. Communities, hitherto, have
 survived, when they have survived, by a combination of internal
 co-operation and external competition. The H-bomb has made the latter
 out of date. World-wide co-operation is now a condition of survival.
 But world-wide co-operation, if it is to ( 17 ), requires co-operative
 feelings in ( 18 ). It is difficult to imagine a World Government
 succeeding if the various countries of which it is ( 19 ) continue to
 hate and suspect each other. To bring about more friendly feelings across
 the boundaries of nations to begin with, a matter of adult education. It
 is necessary to teach both individuals and Governments that as one family
 mankind may prosper as never before, but as many competing families there
 is no prospect before mankind ( 20 ) death. To teach this lesson should
 be a large part of the educative work of the future scheme.
  サ individuals  シ emphasis  ス regarded  セ murder  ソ break
  タ composed   チ obsolete  ツ succeed  テ except  ト liable
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
1.エ  2.ク  3.カ  4.オ  5.コ  6.ウ  7.イ  8.キ  9.ケ 10.ア  .
11.シ 12.セ 13.ス 14.ソ 15.チ 16.ト 17.ツ 18.サ 19.タ 20.テ  .

      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

  [[長文No.101]] A 70174611
  [01] If peace is ever to be secure, there will have to be great changes
 in education. [02] At present, children are taught to love their country
 to the exclusion of other countries, and among their countrymen in history
 those whom they are specially taught to admire are usually those who have
 shown most skill in killing foreigners. [03] An English child is taught
 to admire Nelson and Wellington; a French child, to admire Napoleon; and
 a German child, Barbarossa. [04] These are not among those of the child's
 countrymen who have done most for the world. [05] They are those who have
 served their country in ways that must be forever closed if man is to
 survive. [06] The conception of Man as one family will have to be taught
 as carefully as the opposite is now taught. [07] This will not be an easy
 transition. [08] It will be said that boys under such a regimen will be
 soft and effeminate. [09] It will be said that they will lose the manly
 virtues and will be destitute of courage. [10] All this will be said by
 Christians in spite of Christ's teaching. [11] But, dreadful as it may
 appear, boys brought up in the old way will grow into quarrelsome men who
 will find a world without war unbearably tame. [12] Only a new kind of
 education, inculcating a new set of moral values, will make it possible to
 keep a peaceful world in existence.


   [13] There will, after all, be plenty of opportunity for adventure,
 even dangerous adventure. [14] Boys can go to the Antarctic for their
 holidays, and young men can go to the moon. [15] There are many ways of
 showing courage without having to kill other people, and it is such ways
 that should be encouraged.


  [[長文No.101]] B 70174611
   [16] In the teaching of history, there should be no undue emphasis
 upon one's own country. [17] The history of wars should be a small part
 of what is taught. [18] Much the more important part should be concerned
 with progress in the arts of civilisation. [19] War should be treated as
 murder is treated. [20] It should be regarded with equal horror and with
 equal aversion. [21] All this, I fear, may not be pleasing to most
 present-day educationists. [22] But, unless education is changed in some
 such way, it is to be feared that men's natural ferocity will, sooner or
 later, break out.


   [23] But it is not only children who need education. [24] It is
 needed, also by adults, both ordinary men and women and those who are
 important in government. [25] Every technical advance in armaments has
 involved an increase in the size of States. [26] Gunpowder made modern
 states possible at the time of the Renaissance by making castles obsolete.
 [27] What castles were at that time, national States are now, since
 weapons of mass destruction have made even the greatest States liable to
 complete destruction. [28] A new kind of outlook is, therefore, necessary.
 [29] Communities, hitherto, have survived, when they have survived, by a
 combination of internal co-operation and external competition.
 [30] The H-bomb has made the latter out of date. [31] World-wide
 co-operation is now a condition of survival. [32] But world-wide
 co-operation, if it is to succeed, requires co-operative feelings in
 individuals. [33] It is difficult to imagine a World Government
 succeeding if the various countries of which it is composed continue to
 hate and suspect each other. [34] To bring about more friendly feelings
 across the boundaries of nations to begin with, a matter of adult
 education. [35] It is necessary to teach both individuals and Governments
 that as one family mankind may prosper as never before, but as many
 competing families there is no prospect before mankind except death. 
 [36] To teach this lesson should be a large part of the educative work of
 the future scheme.



      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

  [[長文No.101]] A 70174611
 [01] If peace is ever to be secure, there will have to be great changes
 in education.
 If peace is ever to be secure もしも平和をいつか確保するつもりなら
  ☆ is to [be to 不定詞] 可能、意図。
 there will have to be great changes 大きな変化がなければならないだろう
 in education 教育に
  secure 確保された、ゆるぎない


 [02] At present, children are taught to love their country to the
 exclusion of other countries, and among their countrymen in history
 those whom they are specially taught to admire are usually those who have
 shown most skill in killing foreigners.
 At present 現在
 children are taught to するように教えられている
 love their country 自分の国を愛する
 to the exclusion of other countries 他の国を除外して
 and そして。等位接続詞。重文を作る。
 among their countrymen in history 歴史上の自国の人々の中で
 those whom they are specially taught 特に教えられている人は
  ☆ those[S] are[V] those[C] 2文型
  ☆ whom 関係代名詞。目的格。
 to admire 賞賛するように
 are usually those who have shown 通常、示してきた人だ
  ☆ who 関係代名詞。主格。
 most skill in killing foreigners 外国人を殺すことに最も非凡な才能
  exclusion 除外、排除
  countrymen 同国人
  admire 賞賛する
  skill 技能、技術、腕前
  at present 現在(は)
  to the exclusion of 〜を除外して


 [03] An English child is taught to admire Nelson and Wellington; a French
 child, to admire Napoleon; and a German child, Barbarossa.
 An English child is taught イギリス人の子供は教えられる
 to admire Nelson and Wellington; ネルソンとウェリントンを賞賛するように
 a French child, to admire Napoleon; フランス人の子供はナポレオンを
  ☆ カンマの後に is taught が省略。
 and a German child, Barbarossa そしてドイツ人の子供はバルバロッサ
  ☆ カンマの後に is taught to admire が省略。
  Nelson ネルソン[1758-1805]海軍提督。ナポレオンの制海権獲得を阻止。
  Wellington ウェリントン[1769-1852]軍人、政治家。ナポレオンを破る。
  Napoleon ナポレオン[1769-1821]フランス第一帝政の皇帝。
  Barbarossa 神聖ローマ帝国皇帝フリードリヒ1世(1123-1190)の愛称。


 [04] These are not among those of the child's countrymen who have done
 most for the world.
 These are not among those of こうした人達は〜の中にいる人達ではない
 the child's countrymen その子供の国の人
 who have done most for the world 世界のために最も貢献した
  ☆ who 関係代名詞。主格。


 [05] They are those who have served their country in ways that must be
 forever closed if man is to survive.
 They are those その人達は人達だ
 who have served their country in ways 形で自分の国に仕えた
  ☆ who 関係代名詞。主格。
 that must be forever closed 永久にやめねばならない
  ☆ that 関係代名詞。主格。
 if man is to survive もしも人類が生き残るつもりなら
  ☆ is to [be to 不定詞] 意図。
  serve 仕える
  in ways 形で
  forever 永遠に
  close やめる、使用を中止する
  survive 生き残る


 [06] The conception of Man as one family will have to be taught
 as carefully as the opposite is now taught.
 The conception of Man as one family 一つの家族としての人類という概念
 will have to be taught 教えられねばならない
 as carefully as 同じくらい注意深く
 the opposite is now taught その正反対のことが現在教えられている
  conception 概念
  Man 人類
  the opposite その正反対のこと


 [07] This will not be an easy transition.
 This will not be これは〜ではないだろう
 an easy transition 簡単な変化
  transition 変遷、移り変わり、変化


 [08] It will be said that boys under such a regimen will be soft and
 It will be said that 〜と言われるだろう
  ☆ Itthat B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
 boys under such a regimen そうした体制下では少年は
 will be soft and effeminate 軟弱で勇気に欠けることになるだろう
  regimen 政治制度、政体、体制
  soft 軟弱な
  effeminate 女のような、柔弱な、勇気に欠ける


 [09] It will be said that they will lose the manly virtues and will be
 destitute of courage.
 It will be said that 〜と言われるだろう
  ☆ Itthat B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
 they will lose the manly virtues 男らしい美点を失うだろう
 and そして。2つの will を並列。
 will be destitute of courage 勇気を持たなくなるだろう
  manly 男らしい、男性の
  virtue 美点
  destitute 欠いている、持たない
  courage 勇気
  destitute of 〜を欠いている、持っていない


 [10] All this will be said by Christians in spite of Christ's teaching.
 All this will be said こうしたこと全てが言われるだろう
 by Christians キリスト教信者によって
 in spite of Christ's teaching キリストの教えにもかかわらず
  Christian キリスト教信者
  Christ キリスト
  teaching 教え
  in spite of 〜にもかかわらず


 [11] But, dreadful as it may appear, boys brought up in the old way will
 grow into quarrelsome men who will find a world without war unbearably
 But しかし
 dreadful as it may appear 恐ろしいことのように思えるが
  ☆ as 譲歩の接続詞 = though
 boys brought up in the old way 古い形式の中で育てられた男の子達
  ☆ brought 過去分詞の形容詞。 boys にかかる。
 will grow into quarrelsome men 怒りっぽい大人になる
 who will find a world without war 戦争のない世界を〜と思う
  ☆ who 関係代名詞。主格。
  ☆ who[S] find[V] world[O] tame[C] 5文型
 unbearably tame 我慢できないほど退屈な
  dreadful 恐ろしい
  quarrelsome 怒りっぽい、けんかっぱやい
  unbearably 我慢できないほど
  tame 退屈な、つまらない
  bring up 育てる


 [12] Only a new kind of education, inculcating a new set of moral values,
 will make it possible to keep a peaceful world in existence.
 Only a new kind of education 新しい種類の教育によってしか〜ない
  ☆ kind[S] make[V] it[O] possible[C] 5文型
 inculcating a new set of moral values 一連の新しい道徳的価値観を教え込む
  ☆ inculcating 分詞構文[継続] = which inculcate 、
  カンマを同格と考え、inculcating を動名詞と考えても可。
 will make it possible to 〜することが可能になる
  ☆ make it possible to do 形式目的語構文。
 keep a peaceful world in existence 平和な世界が存在する状態を保つ
  inculcate 教え込む、植え付ける
  moral 道徳的な
  values 価値観
  peaceful 平和な
  existence 存在
  a set of 一連の
  in existence 存在している


 [13] There will, after all, be plenty of opportunity for adventure,
 even dangerous adventure.
 There will, after all, be 結局あるのだ
 plenty of opportunity for adventure 冒険の機会はたくさん
 even dangerous adventure 危険な冒険でさえ
  opportunity 機会
  adventure 冒険
  dangerous 危険な
  after all 結局、そもそも
  plenty of たくさんの


 [14] Boys can go to the Antarctic for their holidays, and young men can
 go to the moon.
 Boys can go to the Antarctic 男の子は南極に行くことができる
 for their holidays 休日に
 and そして。等位接続詞。重文を作る。
 young men can go to the moon 若者は月に行ける
  Antarctic 南極地方
  holiday 休日


 [15] There are many ways of showing courage without having to kill other
 people, and it is such ways that should be encouraged.
 There are many ways of showing courage 勇気を示す用法はたくさんある
 without having to kill other people 他の人間を殺さなくても
 and そして。等位接続詞。重文を作る。
 it is such ways that should be encouraged 奨励されるべきはそうした方法だ
  ☆ it isthat B:強調構文「BなのはA」。
  encourage 奨励する


  [[長文No.101]] B 70174611
 [16] In the teaching of history, there should be no undue emphasis
 upon one's own country.
 In the teaching of history 歴史を教える際
 there should be no undue emphasis 過度の強調が置かれるべきではない
 upon one's own country 自分自身の国に
  undue 過度の、不当な
  emphasis 強調
  emphasis (up)on 〜に対する強調


 [17] The history of wars should be a small part of what is taught.
 The history of wars 戦争の歴史
 should be a small part 小さな部分であるべきだ
 of what is taught 教えられることの


 [18] Much the more important part should be concerned with progress in the
 arts of civilisation.
 Much the more important part はるかに重要な部分
  ☆ Much は、比較級 the more important を強調。
 should be concerned with progress 進歩に関するものであるべき
 in the arts of civilisation 文明の諸技術の
  concern 関係する[させる]
  progress 進歩
  art 技術
  civilisation 文明
  concerned with 〜に関する


 [19] War should be treated as murder is treated.
 War should be treated 戦争は扱われるべきだ
 as murder is treated 殺人が扱われるのと同じように
  treat 扱う
  murder 殺人


 [20] It should be regarded with equal horror and with equal aversion.
 It should be regarded 戦争は考えられるべきだ
 with equal horror and with equal aversion 同じ恐怖と同じ反感を持って
  regard 考える
  equal 同じ、等しい
  horror 恐怖
  aversion 反感、さけたい気持ち


 [21] All this, I fear, may not be pleasing to most present-day
 All this, I fear, 残念ながら、これら全てが〜だと思う
 may not be pleasing 喜ばしいことではないかも知れない
 to most present-day educationists 現在のほとんどの教育者にとって
  I fear 残念ながら〜と思う = I'm afraid
  pleasing 喜ばしい、満足できる
  present-day 現代の、今日の
  education(al)ist 教育(学)者、教師


 [22] But, unless education is changed in some such way, it is to be
 feared that men's natural ferocity will, sooner or later, break out.
 But, unless education is changed しかし、教育が変わらなければ
 in some such way そういったような形で
 it is to be feared that 〜が懸念される、〜の恐れがある
  ☆ itthat B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
  ☆ is to:be to 不定詞。可能性、運命「ことになる(かも知れない)」。
 men's natural ferocity 人間が生まれつき持っている残忍さ
 will, sooner or later, break out 遅かれ早かれ、突然出てくる
  some 何らかの、〜のような
  fear 懸念する、ではないかと心配する
  ferocity 残忍さ
  sooner or later 遅かれ早かれ、いつかは
  break out 突然出てくる


 [23] But it is not only children who need education.
 But it is not only children しかし子供だけではない
  ☆ it iswho B:強調構文「BなのはA」。
 who need education 教育が必要


 [24] It is needed, also by adults, both ordinary men and women and those
 who are important in government.
 It is needed, also by adults, 教育は大人にも必要
 both ordinary men and women and those ふつうの人々と〜な人達の両方
  ☆ both A and B:AとB両方。
  ☆ men and women = people
 who are important in government 政府の重要な人物
  ☆ who 関係代名詞。主格。
  ordinary 普通の
  government 政府


 [25] Every technical advance in armaments has involved an increase in the
 size of States.
 Every technical advance in armaments 平気の技術が進歩する度に
  ☆ advance[S] involved[V] increase[O] 3文型
 has involved an increase 拡大が伴ってきた
 in the size of States 諸国家の規模の
  technical 技術の
  advance 進歩
  armament 兵器、軍備
  involve 〜を伴う、〜を含む
  increase 拡大、増加
  state 国家


 [26] Gunpowder made modern states possible at the time of the Renaissance
 by making castles obsolete.
 Gunpowder 火薬[無生物主語]→によって
  ☆ Gunpowder[S] made[V] states[O] possible[C] 5文型
 made modern states possible 現代国家の存在が可能になった
 at the time of the Renaissance ルネッサンスの時代に
 by making castles obsolete 城が時代遅れになることによって
  ☆ make[V] castles[O] obsolete[C] 5文型
  gunpowder 火薬
  modern 現代の
  Renaissance ルネッサンス
  castle 城
  obsolete 時代遅れの
  at the time of 〜の時代に


 [27] What castles were at that time, national States are now, since
 weapons of mass destruction have made even the greatest States liable to
 complete destruction.
 What castles were at that time 当時の城の存在
 national States are now 現在の国家の存在
 since というのは〜だから
 weapons of mass destruction 大量破壊兵器[無生物主語]→によって
 have made even the greatest States いかに大きな国家も〜になってきた
 liable to complete destruction 完全に破壊されることを免れない
  (national) States 国家
  weapon 兵器
  mass 大量(の)
  destruction 破壊
  liable 〜にかかりやすい、〜を免れない
  complete 完全な
  destruction 破壊
  at that time 当時の
  weapons of mass destruction 大量破壊兵器
  liable to 〜を免れない


 [28] A new kind of outlook is, therefore, necessary.
 A new kind of outlook 新しい種類の考え方
 is, therefore, necessary 従って、必要である
  outlook 見解、考え方
  kind of 種類の


 [29] Communities, hitherto, have survived, when they have survived, by a
 combination of internal co-operation and external competition.
 Communities, hitherto, have survived 地域社会は今まで存続してきた
 when they have survived 存続してきた場合には
 by a combination of 〜の組み合わせによって
 internal co-operation and external competition 内部での協力と外部との競争
  community 地域社会
  hitherto 今まで
  combination 組み合わせ
  internal 内部の
  co-operation 協力
  external 外部(と)の、対外的な
  competition 競争


 [30] The H-bomb has made the latter out of date.
 The H-bomb 水爆[無生物主語]→によって
  ☆ H-bomb[S] made[V] latter[O] out of date[C] 5文型
 has made the latter out of date 後者が時代遅れになった
  ☆ the latter 後者 = external competition 外部との競争
  H-bomb 水爆 = hydrogen bomb 水素爆弾
  the latter 後者
  out of date 時代遅れの = obsolete


 [31] World-wide co-operation is now a condition of survival.
 World-wide co-operation is 世界中で協力することが
 now a condition of survival 今や、存続の必要条件
  world-wide 世界中での
  condition (必要)条件
  survival 存続


 [32] But world-wide co-operation, if it is to succeed, requires
 co-operative feelings in individuals.
 But world-wide co-operation しかし、世界中で協力すること[無生物主語]には
 if it is to succeed それが成功するには
  ☆ is to:be to 不定詞[意図「成功させたいなら」、可能]。
 requires co-operative feelings 協力する気持ちが必要である
 in individuals 個人個人に
  require 必要である
  co-operative 協力的な、協力しようとする
  feelings 感情、気持ち
  individual 個人


 [33] It is difficult to imagine a World Government succeeding if the
 various countries of which it is composed continue to hate and suspect
 each other.
 It is difficult to imagine 想像するのは難しい
  ☆ Itto B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
 a World Government succeeding 世界政府が成功する
  ☆ succeeding は imagine の目的語。意味上の主語が Government 。
 if the various countries of which it is composed 構成する様々な国が〜なら
  ☆ countries[S] continue[V] to hate[O] 3文型。
  ☆ of which it[the World Government] is composed ← the World Government
   is composed of the various countries
 continue to hate and suspect each other 互いを憎み疑い続ける
  imagine 想像する
  a World Government 世界政府
  succeed 成功する
  various 様々な
  continue 続く
  hate 憎む
  suspect 疑う
  be composed of 〜で出来ている
  each other お互い


 [34] To bring about more friendly feelings across the boundaries of
 nations to begin with, a matter of adult education.
 To bring about more friendly feelings もっと友好的な感情を成し遂げること
 across the boundaries of nations 国境を越えて
 to begin with まず第一に
 a matter of adult education 大人の教育の問題
  friendly 友好的な
  boundary 境界線
  bring about 引き起こす、成し遂げる = cause
  to begin with 第一に
  a matter of 〜の問題


 [35] It is necessary to teach both individuals and Governments that as
 one family mankind may prosper as never before, but as many competing
 families there is no prospect before mankind except death. 
 It is necessary to teach 教えることが必要である
  ☆ Itto B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
 both individuals and Governments that 個人と政府両方に〜を
  ☆ that 接続詞。名詞節を導く。
 as one family 一つの家族として(なら)
 mankind may prosper 人類は繁栄するかも知れない
 as never before これまでなかったほどに
 but しかし。等位接続詞。重文を作る。
 as many competing families 競争する多くの家族として(では)
 there is no prospect before mankind 人類の前に可能性はない
 except death 死以外の
  mankind 人類
  prosper 繁栄する、栄える
  compete 競争する
  prospect 可能性、見込み
  except 〜以外の、〜を除いて
  death 死
  as never before かつてなかったほどに


 [36] To teach this lesson should be a large part of the educative work of
 the future scheme.
 To teach this lesson この教訓を教えること
 should be a large part 大部分になるべき
 of the educative work 教育の仕事の
 of the future scheme 未来計画の
  lesson 教訓
  educative 教育の
  scheme 計画



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