大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.102]] A 530Z8294NTA102
    It is commonly ( 1 ) that corruption ( 2 ) the allocation of resources
 by diverting much-needed capital from economic development into corrupt
 officials' pockets. Thus high-level corruption in a country is considered
 detrimental to its economic ( 3 ). However, some countries such as China
 have ( 4 ) rapid economic growth in spite of rampant corruption.
    Both public-opinion polls in China and surveys by international
 organizations ( 5 ) that the level of corruption in China is deeply rooted
 and widespread. However, in spite of this ( 6 ) corruption, the Chinese
 economy has been growing rapidly, with an average annual growth rate of
 approximately 10% over the last 20 years. China is not alone; there are
 other countries that show ( 7 ) patterns, mostly in East Asia.
    This ( 8 ) a puzzle: Is corruption really detrimental to economic
 growth? More specifically, why does corruption seem to be more ( 9 ) to
 some countries and less harmful to others in ( 10 ) of economic growth?
  ア achieved  イ believed  ウ distorts  エ confirm  オ endemic
  カ harmful  キ similar  ク growth   ケ poses   コ terms
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.102]] B 530Z8294
    Some researchers have made theefficiency-enhancingcorruption
 ( 11 ). Under a political and economic environment ( 12 ) regulations are
 extremely rigid and antibusiness, bribery may serve as lubricant to
 circumvent ( 13 ) regulations and thus help economic performance. But
 the researchers have ( 14 ) to further specify ( 15 ) some countries tend to
 enjoy thisefficiency-enhancingeffect while others do not.
    Our study ( 16 ) light on this issue. We argue that a major factor
 that may systematically ( 17 ) countries with predominantly
 efficiency-enhancingcorruption from countries with predominantly
 predatorycorruption is the level of public trust in a society, namely,
 trust between strangers. In a society with a high level of public trust,
 corruption tends to be efficiency-enhancing, or less harmful to economic
 growth, ( 18 ) in a society that lacks public trust, corruption ( 19 ) to
 be more ( 20 ) and more harmful to economic growth.
  サ distinguish  シ predatory  ス argument  セ stifling  ソ whereas
  タ sheds     チ where    ツ failed   テ tends   ト why
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
 1.イ  2.ウ  3.ク  4.ア  5.エ  6.オ  7.キ  8.ケ  9.カ 10.コ  .
11.ス 12.チ 13.セ 14.ツ 15.ト 16.タ 17.サ 18.ソ 19.テ 20.シ  .

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  [[長文No.102]] A 530Z8294
  [01] It is commonly believed that corruption distorts the allocation of
 resources by diverting much-needed capital from economic development into
 corrupt officials' pockets. [02] Thus high-level corruption in a country is
 considered detrimental to its economic growth. [03] However, some countries
 such as China have achieved rapid economic growth in spite of rampant


  [04] Both public-opinion polls in China and surveys by international
 organizations confirm that the level of corruption in China is deeply
 rooted and widespread. [05] However, in spite of this endemic corruption,
 the Chinese economy has been growing rapidly, with an average annual growth
 rate of approximately 10% over the last 20 years. [06] China is not alone;
 there are other countries that show similar patterns, mostly in East Asia.


  [07] This poses a puzzle: Is corruption really detrimental to economic
 growth? [08] More specifically, why does corruption seem to be more harmful
to some countries and less harmful to others in terms of economic growth?


  [[長文No.102]] B 530Z8294
  [09] Some researchers have made theefficiency-enhancingcorruption
 argument. [10] Under a political and economic environment where regulations
 are extremely rigid and antibusiness, bribery may serve as lubricant to
 circumvent stifling regulations and thus help economic performance.
 [11] But the researchers have failed to further specify why some countries
 tend to enjoy thisefficiency-enhancingeffect while others do not.


  [12] Our study sheds light on this issue. [13] We argue that a major
 factor that may systematically distinguish countries with predominantly
 efficiency-enhancingcorruption from countries with predominantly
 predatorycorruption is the level of public trust in a society, namely,
 trust between strangers. [14] In a society with a high level of public
 trust, corruption tends to be efficiency-enhancing, or less harmful to
 economic growth, whereas in a society that lacks public trust, corruption
 tends to be more predatory and more harmful to economic growth.



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  [[長文No.102]] A 530Z8294
 [01] It is commonly believed that corruption distorts the allocation of
   resources by diverting much-needed capital from economic development into
   corrupt officials' pockets.
 It is commonly believed that 〜と一般的に考えられている
 corruption distorts the allocation of resources 汚職によって資源の分配が歪む
 by diverting much-needed capital 非常に必要とされる資本がそれることで
 from economic development 経済発展から
 into corrupt officials' pockets. 不正な役人の懐に入る
  commonly 一般的に
  corruption 汚職、堕落
  distort ゆがめる、曲げる
  allocation 分配、割当額[量]
  resource 資源、資金
  divert そらす
  capital 資本(金)
  economic 経済(上)の
  development 発展
  corrupt 堕落させる、堕落した、不正な
  official 役人、公式の


 [02] Thus high-level corruption in a country is considered detrimental to
   its economic growth.
 Thus high-level corruption in a country 従って、国の上層部での汚職
 is considered detrimental 有害だと考えられている
 to its economic growth. その国の経済成長にとって
  high-level 上層部の[による]
  detrimental 有害な


 [03] However, some countries such as China have achieved rapid economic
   growth in spite of rampant corruption.
 However, some countries しかし、国によっては
 such as China have achieved 例えば中国は成し遂げてきた
 rapid economic growth 急速な経済成長
 in spite of rampant corruption. はびこっている汚職にもかかわらず
  in spite of 〜にもかかわらず
  rampant 激しい、はびこっている


 [04] Both public-opinion polls in China and surveys by international
   organizations confirm that the level of corruption in China is deeply
   rooted and widespread.
 Both public-opinion polls in China しかし、中国での世論調査
 and surveys by international organizations そして国際的な組織による調査
 confirm that 〜が確認されている
 the level of corruption in China 中国の汚職の程度
 is deeply rooted and widespread. 根が深く、広範囲にわたる
  public-opinion poll 世論調査
  survey 調査
  organization 組織(体)
  confirm 確認する


 [05] However, in spite of this endemic corruption, the Chinese economy has
   been growing rapidly, with an average annual growth rate of approximately
   10% over the last 20 years.
 However, in spite of しかし、〜にもかかわらず
 this endemic corruption, この国特有の汚職にもかかわらず
 the Chinese economy has been growing rapidly, 中国経済は急速成長を遂げており
 with an average annual growth rate of 年間平均成長率は
 approximately 10% over the last 20 years. この20年間、約10%
  endemic (一地方)特有の
  annual 1年間の、毎年の
  approximately ほぼ、約、おおよそ
  growth rate 成長率


 [06] China is not alone; there are other countries that show similar
   patterns, mostly in East Asia.
 China is not alone 中国だけではない
 there are other countries 国が他にもある
 that show similar patterns, 類似した傾向を示す
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は countries 。
 mostly in East Asia. ほとんどが東アジアにある
  not alone 単独ではない、他にもある
  pattern 傾向
  mostly ほとんど


 [07] This poses a puzzle: Is corruption really detrimental to economic
 This poses a puzzle: このことから難問が生じる
 Is corruption really detrimental 汚職は本当に有害なのか
 to economic growth? 経済成長にとって
  pose 提出する、引き起こす
  puzzle 難問


 [08] More specifically, why does corruption seem to be more harmful to some
   countries and less harmful to others in terms of economic growth?
 More specifically, もっと正確に言えば
 why does corruption seem to be なぜ汚職が〜のようであるのか
 more harmful to some countries 国によってはより有害で
 and less harmful to others そして、国によってはそれ程有害でない
 in terms of economic growth? 経済成長の点から見て
  specifically もっと正確に言えば、すなわち
  in terms of 〜の点から


  [[長文No.102]] B 530Z8294
 [09] Some researchers have made theefficiency-enhancingcorruption
 Some researchers have made 〜をしてきた研究者がいる
 theefficiency-enhancingcorruption argument. 「能率が高まる」汚職議論
  efficiency 能率
  enhance 高める、増す
  argument 議論、主張


 [10] Under a political and economic environment where regulations are
   extremely rigid and antibusiness, bribery may serve as lubricant to
   circumvent stifling regulations and thus help economic performance.
 Under a political and economic environment 政治経済環境のもとでは
 where regulations are extremely rigid 規制が極端に厳しく
  ☆ where 関係副詞。先行詞は environment 。
 and antibusiness, そして反商業的な
 bribery may serve as lubricant 賄賂が潤滑剤として働くのかも知れない
 to circumvent stifling regulations 窮屈な規制が緩和され
  ☆ to circumvent 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」]。
 and thus help (to) economic performance. そして、経済成績に役立つ
  regulation 規制
  extremely 極端に
  rigid 厳しい、厳格な
  antibusiness 反商業的な
  bribery 賄賂、贈収賄(行為)
  lubricant 潤滑剤[油]
  circumvent 妨げる、抜け道を見つける
  stifle 息苦しくさせる
  performance 成績、遂行、演技、性能


 [11] But the researchers have failed to further specify why some countries
   tend to enjoy thisefficiency-enhancingeffect while others do not.
 But the researchers しかしその研究者達は
 have failed to further specify さらに具体的に述べることが出来てこなかった
 why some countries tend to enjoy なぜ得られる(結果になる)国があり
 thisefficiency-enhancingeffect この「能率が高まる」効果
 while others do not. 一方で、そうでない国がある
  further さらに
  specify 具体的に述べる
  enjoy 与えられる、得られる
  effect 効果
  fail to do = cannot do できない
  tend to 〜する結果になる、〜する傾向がある


 [12] Our study sheds light on this issue.
 Our study sheds light on 我々の研究から、説明出来る
 this issue. この問題
  issue 問題
  shed[throw/cast] light (up)on 説明する、より明確にさせる


 [13] We argue that a major factor that may systematically distinguish
   countries with predominantlyefficiency-enhancingcorruption from
   countries with predominantlypredatorycorruption is the level of
   public trust in a society, namely, trust between strangers.
 We argue that 〜と主張したい
 a major factor 主な要因
 that may systematically distinguish 体系的に区別出来る
 countries with 〜のある国
 predominantlyefficiency-enhancingcorruption 主に「能率が高まる」汚職
 from countries with 〜を持った国と
 predominantlypredatorycorruption 主に「利己的な」汚職
 is the level of public trust 公的信頼度の水準
 in a society, 社会の内部での
 namely, trust between strangers. つまり、知らない者同士の信頼度
  argue 主張する
  systematically 体系的に
  predominantly 主に
  predatory 利己的な、略奪の、肉食性の
  trust 信頼
  namely つまり
  distinguish A from B:AをBと区別する


 [14] In a society with a high level of public trust, corruption tends to be
   efficiency-enhancing, or less harmful to economic growth, whereas in a
   society that lacks public trust, corruption tends to be more predatory
   and more harmful to economic growth.
 In a society 社会内では
 with a high level of public trust, 高い公的信頼度を持つ
 corruption tends to be 汚職は〜になる傾向がある
 efficiency-enhancing, 能率が高まる
 or less harmful to economic growth, あるいは経済成長にあまり有害でない
 whereas in a society 一方、社会内では
 that lacks public trust, 公的信頼度が不足している
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は society 。
 corruption tends to be more predatory 汚職は、より利己的になる傾向がある
 and more harmful そしてより有害である
 to economic growth. 経済成長にとって
  lack 不足している



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