大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.103]] A 706Z7304NTA103
    “Life is really simple,”said Confucius,“but we insist on ( 1 ) it
 complicated. The Economist agrees. Unfortunately, Confucius could not
 have ( 2 ) what lay ahead. The rate at which mankind makes life
 complicated seems ever to ( 3 ). This is a bad thing. So this newspaper
 wants to be the first to ( 4 ) down some new rules. Henceforth, genius
 will be measured not by how fancy, big or powerful somebody makes
 something, but by how ( 5 ).
    Take, for instance, technology. The rich world is full of ( 6 )
 rooms with video-cassette recorders whose clocks have been ( 7 ) at 00:00
 for 20 years, because most of us can't ( 8 ) out how to set the time, or
 can't be bothered. Computers, with their incomprehensible error messages,
 unannounced crashes and other eccentricities, are ( 9 ) people to despair.
 Computer firms are at last beginning to understand that progress no longer
 means adding ever more useless features but cutting them, or at least
 ( 10 ) them, as our survey of the information-technology industry in this
 issue explains.
  ア accelerate  イ driving  ウ figure  エ living  オ simple
  カ blinking   キ guessed  ク hiding  ケ making  コ lay
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.103]] B 706Z7304
    That leaves a lot of other bureaucracies and industries. The taxman,
 for instance. In most countries, when people fight over the tax ( 11 ) on
 citizens, they mostly mean the tax rate. But surely the cost of the
 systems' ( 12 ) complexity is also considerable. Every new zone, haven,
 credit, incentive, break and ( 13 ) adds grams, if not kilograms, to the
 paperwork. Some countries' tax forms now ( 14 )War and Peaceby weight.
 This not only ( 15 ) enormous amounts of time and attention from some of
 the smartest people on the planetsurely a ( 16 )it is also a
 crashing bore.
    Hence our call to action. Simplify! We are not suggesting ( 17 )
 down, or making ( 18 ) simple but wrong. Instead we want what Albert
 Einstein ( 19 ):Everything should be made as simple as possible, but
 not ( 20 ).
  サ advocated  シ anything  ス consumes  セ loophole  ソ dumbing
  タ simpler   チ burden   ツ sheer   テ waste   ト top
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
1.ケ  2.キ  3.ア  4.コ  5.オ  6.エ  7.カ  8.ウ  9.イ 10.ク  .
11.チ 12.ツ 13.セ 14.ト 15.ス 16.テ 17.ソ 18.シ 19.サ 20.タ  .

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  [[長文No.103]] A 706Z7304
  [01] “Life is really simple,”said Confucius,“but we insist on making
 it complicated. [02] The Economist agrees. [03] Unfortunately,
 Confucius could not have guessed what lay ahead. [04] The rate at which
 mankind makes life complicated seems ever to accelerate. [05] This is a
 bad thing. [06] So this newspaper wants to be the first to lay down some
 new rules. [07] Henceforth, genius will be measured not by how fancy, big
 or powerful somebody makes something, but by how simple.


  [08] Take, for instance, technology. [09] The rich world is full of
 living rooms with video-cassette recorders whose clocks have been
 blinking at 00:00 for 20 years, because most of us can't figure out how
 to set the time, or can't be bothered. [10] Computers, with their
 incomprehensible error messages, unannounced crashes and other
 eccentricities, are driving people to despair. [11] Computer firms are
 at last beginning to understand that progress no longer means adding ever
 more useless features but cutting them, or at least hiding them, as our
 survey of the information-technology industry in this issue explains.


  [[長文No.103]] B 706Z7304
  [12] That leaves a lot of other bureaucracies and industries. [13] The
 taxman, for instance. [14] In most countries, when people fight over the
 tax burden on citizens, they mostly mean the tax rate. [15] But surely
 the cost of the systems' sheer complexity is also considerable.
 [16] Every new zone, haven, credit, incentive, break and loophole adds
 grams, if not kilograms, to the paperwork. [17] Some countries' tax forms
 now topWar and Peaceby weight. [18] This not only consumes enormous
 amounts of time and attention from some of the smartest people on the
 planetsurely a wasteit is also a crashing bore.


  [19] Hence our call to action. [20] Simplify! [21] We are not
 suggesting dumbing down, or making anything simple but wrong.
 [22] Instead we want what Albert Einstein advocated:Everything should
 be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.



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  [[長文No.103]] A 706Z7304
 [01] “Life is really simple,”said Confucius,“but we insist on making
   it complicated.
 Life is really simple 人生は実に単純だ
 said Confucius 孔子は言っている
 but しかし。等位接続詞。重文を作る。
 we insist on 人間はどうしても〜したがる
 making it complicated それ[人生]を複雑にすること
  ☆ make[V] it[O] complicated[C] 5文型
  Confucius 孔子[551-479 B.C.]
  insist 主張[力説]する、どうしてもと言い張る
  complicate 複雑にする
  insist on どうしても〜したがる


 [02] The Economist agrees.
 The Economist 新聞エコノミスト[英国の週刊経済紙]
 agrees 賛成する
  The Economist エコノミスト[体裁は雑誌だが自称は新聞]
  economist 経済学者


 [03] Unfortunately, Confucius could not have guessed what lay ahead.
 Unfortunately 残念ながら
 Confucius could not have guessed 孔子は推測し得なかった
  ☆ could not have guessed 仮定法過去完了
 what lay ahead 何が将来に待っているか
  unfortunately 残念ながら、不幸なことに
  guess 推測する
  lie ahead 先[将来]にある


 [04] The rate at which mankind makes life complicated seems ever to
 The rate 速度
 at which その速度で
 mankind makes life complicated 人間が人生を複雑にしていく
  ☆ mankind[S] makes[V] life[O] complicated[C] 5文型
 seems ever to accelerate 絶えず加速していくようだ
  rate 速さ
  mankind 人類、人間
  complicate 複雑にする
  accelerate 加速する


 [05] This is a bad thing.
 This is これは
 a bad thing 悪いこと


 [06] So this newspaper wants to be the first to lay down some new rules.
 So だから
 this newspaper この新聞
 wants to be the first 最初の存在になりたい
 to lay down some new rules いくつかの新しい規則を定める
  ☆ to lay 不定詞の形容詞用法。 first にかかる。
  lay down rules 規則を定める


 [07] Henceforth, genius will be measured not by how fancy, big or powerful
   somebody makes something, but by how simple.
 Henceforth 今後は
 genius will be measured 天才の尺度は〜(で測ること)になるだろう
 not by 〜によってではなく
  ☆ not A but B:AではなくB。
 how fancy, big or powerful いかに複雑で大きくて強力か
 somebody makes something 誰かが何かを〜にする
  ☆ fancy, big or powerful[C] somebody[S] makes[V] something[O] 5文型
 but by 〜によって
 how simple いかに単純か
  henceforth 今後は、これからは
  genius 天才、天賦の才
  measure 測る、評価する
  fancy 手の込んだ、法外な、複雑な
  not A but B:AではなくB。


 [08] Take, for instance, technology.
 Take 取って(考えて)みよう
 for instance 例えば
 technology 科学技術
  technology 科学技術


 [09] The rich world is full of living rooms with video-cassette recorders
   whose clocks have been blinking at 00:00 for 20 years, because most of
   us can't figure out how to set the time, or can't be bothered.
 The rich world 豊かな世界[先進諸国のこと]
 is full of living rooms 居間で満ちている
 with video-cassette recorders ビデオカセットレコーダのある
 whose clocks have been blinking その時計が点滅している(ままの)
 at 00:00 for 20 years 00時00分で20年間
 because most of us can't figure out たいていの人が理解できないからだ
 how to set the time 時間の合わせ方
 or can't be bothered あるいはわざわざそんなことをしたくない
  blink 点滅する、明滅する
  figure 計算する、理解する
  bother 混乱させる、悩ませる、心配する
  full of 〜で満ちている
  figure out 理解する
  set the time (時計の)時間を合わせる
  can't be bothered わざわざ〜したくない


 [10] Computers, with their incomprehensible error messages, unannounced
   crashes and other eccentricities, are driving people to despair.
 Computers コンピュータ
 with 〜があって(それが原因で)
 their incomprehensible error messages その理解不能なエラーメッセージ
 unannounced crashes and 予期しない突然の故障と
 other eccentricities そのほかの奇異な反応
 are driving people to despair 人々は絶望に追いやられている
  incomprehensible 理解できない、不可解な
  unannounced 予期しない、突然の
  crash 故障(して動かなくなること)
  eccentricity 奇異な反応、風変わりな行為[癖]
  drive people to despair 人々を絶望に追いやる


 [11] Computer firms are at last beginning to understand that progress no
   longer means adding ever more useless features but cutting them, or at
   least hiding them, as our survey of the information-technology industry
   in this issue explains.
 Computer firms コンピュータ会社
 are at last beginning to understand ついに理解し始めている
 that 接続詞。名詞節を導く。
 progress no longer means adding 進歩の意味がもはや加えることではない
  ☆ no longer A but B:もやはAではなくB
 ever more useless features ますます多くの役に立たない特徴
 but cutting them それらを取り除くこと
 or at least hiding them あるいは少なくともそれらを隠すこと
 as 〜のように
 our survey 当紙の調査[無生物主語]→によって、で
 of the information-technology industry 情報技術産業に関する
 in this issue 今週号の
 explains 説明されている
  firm 会社
  progress 進歩
  useless 役に立たない
  feature 特徴
  hide 隠す
  survey 調査
  information-technology 情報技術
  industry 産業
  issue 号
  at least 少なくとも
  no longer もはや〜でない


  [[長文No.103]] B 706Z7304
 [12] That leaves a lot of other bureaucracies and industries.
 That それ[無生物主語]→によって
 leaves 残される(ことになる)
 a lot of other 他の多くの
 bureaucracies and industries 官僚制度と産業
  bureaucracy 官僚(制度)
  a lot of 多くの


 [13] The taxman, for instance.
 The taxman 税務署
 for instance 例えば
  taxman 税務署員
  the taxman 税務署


 [14] In most countries, when people fight over the tax burden on citizens,
   they mostly mean the tax rate.
 In most countries たいていの国で
 when people fight 人々が争う場合
 over the tax burden on citizens 国民に対する税の負担に関して
 they mostly mean the tax rate ほとんどが税率を意味する
  fight 争う、戦う
  tax 税(金)
  burden 重荷、負担
  citizen 市民、国民
  tax rate 税率


 [15] But surely the cost of the systems' sheer complexity is also
 But surely しかし確かに
 the cost of the systems' sheer complexity 体制が全く複雑であることでの費用
 is also considerable またかなりのものである
  cost 費用
  system 体制
  sheer 全くの
  complexity 複雑さ
  considerable かなりの


 [16] Every new zone, haven, credit, incentive, break and loophole adds
   grams, if not kilograms, to the paperwork.
 Every new 新たな〜毎に
 zone, haven, credit, 区画、租税回避地、信用貸し
 incentive, break and loophole 奨励金、変化そして抜け穴
 adds grams 少し加える→少し増える
 if not kilograms 大量ではないとしても
 to the paperwork 書類作業が
  zone 区画
  haven 租税回避地[企業誘致のための税金の安い、あるいは無い場所]
  credit 信用貸し
  incentive 奨励金
  break 変化
  loophole 抜け穴
  gram 少量、少しの重さ、グラム
  kilogram 大量、キログラム
  paperwork 書類作業
  add A to B:AをBに加える
  if not 〜ではないとしても


 [17] Some countries' tax forms now topWar and Peaceby weight.
 Some countries' tax forms 税金の申告書類が〜な国もある
 now top 今では〜を上回る
 War and Peace”「戦争と平和」分厚くて重い本として言及。
 by weight 重さで
  tax form 税金の申告書類
  top を上回る、超える
  War and Peace ロシアの長編小説。トルストイ著。1865-69に発表。


 [18] This not only consumes enormous amounts of time and attention from
   some of the smartest people on the planetsurely a wasteit is
   also a crashing bore.
 This これ[無生物主語]→によって
 not only consumes 消費されるだけでなく
  ☆ not only A (but の代わり) also B:AだけでなくBもまた
 enormous amounts of time and attention 膨大な時間と注意
 from some of the smartest people 最も頭の良い人々
 on the planet この地球上の
 surely a waste それは間違いなく無駄なことだ
 it is also a crashing bore それは非常に退屈なことでもある
  consume 消費する
  enormous 膨大な
  smart 頭の良い
  waste 無駄なこと
  crashing 完全な、徹底した、異常な
  bore 退屈なこと
  not only A but also B:AだけでなくBもまた
  the planet 惑星→地球
  a crashing bore 非常に退屈なこと[人]


 [19] Hence our call to action.
 Hence それゆえに、従って
 our call to action 当紙の行動の要請(ということになる)
  call to[for] 〜を要請すること


 [20] Simplify!
 Simplify 単純にせよ[命令文]
  simplify 単純にする


 [21] We are not suggesting dumbing down, or making anything simple but
 We are not suggesting 〜を提案しているのではない
 dumbing down, or 程度を下げることとか
 making anything simple but wrong 単純だが間違ったものを作ること
  suggest 提案する、〜してはどうかと言う
  dumb down 程度を下げる、大衆化する
  simple but wrong 単純だが間違った


 [22] Instead we want what Albert Einstein advocated:Everything should
   be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
 Instead we want そうではなく欲しいのだ
 what Albert Einstein advocated アルバートアインシュタインが主張したもの
 Everything should be made あらゆるものが作られるべき
 as simple as possible 出来るだけ単純に
 but not simpler しかしそれ以上に(単純にすべき)ではない
  ☆ simpler (than it should be)
  instead そうではなく
  advocate 主張する



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