大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.104]] A  529Z8384NTA104
  The current ( 1 ) against extreme Islamist terrorism is
 sometimes characterized as aclash of civilizations. More
 accurately, it is a ( 2 ) war within Islamic civilization between a
 ( 3 ) minority that uses violence to ( 4 ) a simplified and
 ideological version of its religion and a mainstream that has more
 diverse and ( 5 ) views. Trade, economic growth, education,
 development of civil-society institutions, and gradual increases in
 political participation may ( 6 ) strengthen the mainstream over time.
 Equally important will be the explanation ( 7 ) by the West.
 Defeating Islamist terrorism ( 8 ) hard intelligence and police
 work, but we must also ( 9 ) mainstream Muslims to dry up the
 sources of new radical recruits. Thus far, intelligence reports
 indicate that the policies of the United States have created more
 terrorists than they have killed. America needs to ( 10 ) hard and
 soft power intosmartpower, as it did during the Cold War.
  ア requires  イ struggle  ウ tolerant  エ attract  オ combine
  カ enforce  キ radical  ク civil   ケ given   コ help
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.104]] B  529Z8384
  Many official instruments of soft, or attractive, powerfor
 example, public diplomacy, broadcasting, exchange programs,
 development assistance, disaster relief, and military-to-military
 contactsare ( 11 ) around the government with no overall
 strategy or budget that even tries to ( 12 ) them. The United
 States spends about 500 times more on the military than it does on
 broadcasting and exchanges combined. The United States cut
 short-wave, English-language broadcasts to save the ( 13 ) of
 less than half an hour of the defense budget of the United States.
 How do we make such trade-offs? And how should the government
 ( 14 ) to the nonofficial generators of soft powereverything from
 Hollywood to Harvard to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundationthat
 ( 15 ) from our civil society?
  The United States should develop a smart-power strategy by
 creating a deputy national security advisor charged with developing
 and implementing a more streamlined outreach plan. The advisor should
 have the ( 16 ) to redistribute departmental funds to ( 17 ) the
 strategy. In addition, the government should ( 18 ) a federally
 funded research and development corporation to support the plan, as
 well as a nonpartisan, nongovernmentalCivil Society Fund.” Its
 ( 19 ) board would serve to separate policy advocacy and
 diplomacy from the development of long-term social interactions around
 the world. Until Americans prioritize such a smart-power strategy, we
 will ( 20 ) for generations in the struggle against extreme Islamist
  サ independent  シ equivalent  ス authority  セ establish  ソ integrate
  タ scattered   チ founder   ツ execute   テ derive   ト relate
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  1.イ  2.ク  3.キ  4.カ  5.ウ  6.コ  7.ケ  8.ア  9.エ 10.オ  .
 11.タ 12.ソ 13.シ 14.ト 15.テ 16.ス 17.ツ 18.セ 19.サ 20.チ  .

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  [[長文No.104]] A  529Z8384
  [01] The current struggle against extreme Islamist terrorism is
 sometimes characterized as aclash of civilizations. [02] More
 accurately, it is a civil war within Islamic civilization between a
 radical minority that uses violence to enforce a simplified and
 ideological version of its religion and a mainstream that has more
 diverse and tolerant views. [03] Trade, economic growth, education,
 development of civil-society institutions, and gradual increases in
 political participation may help strengthen the mainstream over time.
 [04] Equally important will be the explanation given by the West.
 [05] Defeating Islamist terrorism requires hard intelligence and police
 work, but we must also attract mainstream Muslims to dry up the
 sources of new radical recruits. [06] Thus far, intelligence reports
 indicate that the policies of the United States have created more
 terrorists than they have killed. [07] America needs to combine hard and
 soft power intosmartpower, as it did during the Cold War.


  [[長文No.104]] B  529Z8384
  [08] Many official instruments of soft, or attractive, powerfor
 example, public diplomacy, broadcasting, exchange programs,
 development assistance, disaster relief, and military-to-military
 contactsare scattered around the government with no overall
 strategy or budget that even tries to integrate them. [09] The United
 States spends about 500 times more on the military than it does on
 broadcasting and exchanges combined. [10] The United States cut
 short-wave, English-language broadcasts to save the equivalent of
 less than half an hour of the defense budget of the United States.
 [11] How do we make such trade-offs? [12] And how should the government
 relate to the nonofficial generators of soft powereverything from
 Hollywood to Harvard to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundationthat
 derive from our civil society?


 * ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団 マイクロソフト会長のビル・ゲイツと妻メリンダ
  [13] The United States should develop a smart-power strategy by
 creating a deputy national security advisor charged with developing
 and implementing a more streamlined outreach plan. [14] The advisor should
 have the authority to redistribute departmental funds to execute the
 strategy. [15] In addition, the government should establish a federally
 funded research and development corporation to support the plan, as
 well as a nonpartisan, nongovernmentalCivil Society Fund. [16] Its
 independent board would serve to separate policy advocacy and
 diplomacy from the development of long-term social interactions around
 the world. [17] Until Americans prioritize such a smart-power strategy, we
 will founder for generations in the struggle against extreme Islamist



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  [[長文No.104]] A  529Z8384
 [01] The current struggle against extreme Islamist terrorism is sometimes
   characterized as aclash of civilizations.
 The current struggle against 現在の〜との戦い
 extreme Islamist terrorism イスラム原理主義者による過激なテロ
 is sometimes characterized as 〜と見なされることがある
 aclash of civilizations. 「文明間の対立」
  current 今の、現在[最新]の
  struggle 戦い、苦闘
  extreme 過激な、極端な
  Islamist イスラム原理主義者
  terrorism テロ(リズム)、恐怖状態、恐怖政治
  characterize みなす、述べる、描く、特徴づける
  clash 対立、衝突、争い、不一致
  civilization 文明
  struggle against 〜との戦い
  characterize A as B:AをBと見なす


 [02] More accurately, it is a civil war within Islamic civilization between
   a radical minority that uses violence to enforce a simplified and
   ideological version of its religion and a mainstream that has more
   diverse and tolerant views.
 More accurately, もっと正確に言えば
 it is a civil war それは内戦である
 within Islamic civilization イスラム文明内で起こっている
 between a radical minority 少数過激派と
  ☆ betweenand B:AとBとの間で
 that uses violence to enforce 暴力を使って強要する
  ☆ that は関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は minority 。
 a simplified and ideological version 単純化した観念論的なもの
  ☆ simplified 過去分詞の形容詞。
 of its religion 自らの宗教の
 and a mainstream 主流との
 that has more diverse and tolerant views. より多様で寛容な考え方を持った
  ☆ that は関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は mainstream 。
  accurately 正確に(言うと)
  Islamic イスラム(教)の
  radical 過激な、急進的な、根本的な
  minority 少数(派)
  violence 暴力
  enforce 強要する、施行する、守らせる
  simplify 単純にする
  ideological 観念論的な
  version (対応する)もの、型、版
  mainstream 主流(派)
  diverse 多様な
  tolerant 寛容な
  view 考え方
  civil war 内戦


 [03] Trade, economic growth, education, development of civil-society
   institutions, and gradual increases in political participation may help
   strengthen the mainstream over time.
 Trade, economic growth, education, 貿易、経済成長、教育
 development of civil-society institutions, 市民社会組織の発展
 and gradual increases in political participation そして政治参加の徐々の増加
 may help (to) strengthen the mainstream 主流派の強化に役立つかも知れない
 over time. やがて
  civil-society 市民社会
  institution 組織
  political 政治の
  participation 参加
  strengthen 強化する
  over time やがて、時がたてば


 [04] Equally important will be the explanation given by the West.
 Equally important will be 同じように重要なのが
  ☆ important[C] be[V] explanation[S] 2文型。
 the explanation given by the West. 西側諸国によって与えられる説明
  ☆ given 過去分詞の形容詞。 explanation にかかる。
  the West 西洋[西側](諸国)


 [05] Defeating Islamist terrorism requires hard intelligence and police
   work, but we must also attract mainstream Muslims to dry up the
   sources of new radical recruits.
 Defeating Islamist terrorism イスラム原理主義者のテロを打ち負かすこと
 requires 必要とする→必要である
 hard intelligence and police work, 激しい情報活動と警察活動
 but we must also attract しかし、引きつけることもしなければならない
 mainstream Muslims イスラム教徒の主流派
 to dry up the sources そして源を枯渇させること
  ☆ to dry 不定詞の副詞用法[目的「ために」、結果「そして」どちらも可]。
 of new radical recruits. 過激派新兵の補充
  defeat 打ち負かす
  intelligence 情報
  attract 引きつける
  dry up 枯渇させる
  source 源
  recruit 新人、新兵補充


 [06] Thus far, intelligence reports indicate that the policies of the United
   States have created more terrorists than they have killed.
 Thus far, 今までのところ
 intelligence reports indicate that 情報活動による報告で〜が指摘されている
 the policies of the United States アメリカの政策によって
 have created more terrorists than より多くのテロリストが生み出された
 they have killed. 殺してきた
  thus far = so far 今までのところ(では)


 [07] America needs to combine hard and soft power intosmartpower, as it
   did during the Cold War.
 America needs to combine アメリカは結合させる必要がある
 hard and soft power ハードパワーとソフトパワーを
 into“smart”power, 「賢明な」力に
 as it did during the Cold War. 冷戦時にそうしたのと同じように
  combine 結合させる
  smart 賢明な
  the Cold War 冷戦


  [[長文No.104]] B  529Z8384
 [08] Many official instruments of soft, or attractive, powerfor example,
   public diplomacy, broadcasting, exchange programs, development assistance,
   disaster relief, and military-to-military contactsare scattered
   around the government with no overall strategy or budget that even tries
   to integrate them.
 Many official instruments 公式の手段の多く
 of soft, or attractive, power ソフトなあるいは魅力的な力
 −for example, 例えば
 public diplomacy, broadcasting, exchange programs, 公的な外交、放送、交流計画
 development assistance, disaster relief, 開発援助、災害救援
 and military-to-military contacts そして軍隊同士の接触
 are scattered around the government 政府の周辺にばらまかれている
 with no overall strategy or budget 全般的な戦略も予算も全くない
 that even tries to integrate them. それらを統合だけでもしようとする
  official 公式の
  instrument 手段
  attractive 魅力的な
  public 公的な
  diplomacy 外交
  broadcasting 放送
  disaster 災害
  relief 救援
  military-to-military 軍と軍の
  scatter ばらまく
  overall 全般的な、全てを考慮に入れた
  strategy 戦略
  budget 予算
  integrate 統合する


 [09] The United States spends about 500 times more on the military than it
   does on broadcasting and exchanges combined.
 The United States spends アメリカは使っている
 about 500 times more 約500倍多くの額
 on the military 軍隊に
 than it does on broadcasting and exchanges combined. 放送と交流に使う合計より
  ☆ combined 過去分詞の形容詞。「〜の合計」
  spend A on B:A(のお金)をBに使う
  military 軍隊
  combine 組み合わせる、結合させる


 [10] The United States cut short-wave, English-language broadcasts to save
   the equivalent of less than half an hour of the defense budget of the
   United States.
 The United States cut アメリカは削減している
 short-wave, English-language broadcasts 短波の英語放送
 to save the equivalent of 〜と同等の額を節約するために
 less than half an hour of 〜の30分に満たないもの
 the defense budget of the United States. 米国防衛予算
  short-wave 短波の
  equivalent 同等のもの
  defense 防衛


 [11] How do we make such trade-offs?
 How do we make such trade-offs? どうしてそんな交換ができるのか。
  trade-offs (より必要なものとの)交換


 [12] And how should the government relate to the nonofficial generators of
   soft powereverything from Hollywood to Harvard to the Bill and
   Melinda Gates Foundationthat derive from our civil society?
 And how should the government relate to 〜にどうやって説明出来るのか
 the nonofficial 非公式の
 generators of soft power ソフトパワーを生み出すもの
 − つまり
 everything from 〜から(〜まで)すべて
 Hollywood to Harvard to ハリウッド、ハーバード大学
 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ビルとメリンダゲイツ財団
 that derive from our civil society? 市民社会から出てくる
  nonofficial 非公式の
  generator 生み出すもの
  relate to 〜に説明する
  derive from 〜から出てくる


 [13] The United States should develop a smart-power strategy by creating a
   deputy national security advisor charged with developing and implementing
   a more streamlined outreach plan.
 The United States should develop アメリカは展開すべきだ
 a smart-power strategy by creating 〜を作り出すことで賢明な力による戦略を
 a deputy national security advisor 国家安全保障顧問補佐官(の職)
 charged with developing and implementing 開発と実行を委ねられた
 a more streamlined outreach plan. より合理化した社会事業計画
  deputy 補佐官
  advisor 顧問
  charge 委ねる、託す、指令する
  implement 実行する
  streamline 合理化する
  outreach 社会事業(を広めるための)
  national security 国家安全保障


 [14] The advisor should have the authority to redistribute departmental
   funds to execute the strategy.
 The advisor should have the authority その顧問には権限を与えるべきだ
 to redistribute departmental funds 部門の資金を再分配する
  ☆ to redistribute 不定詞の形容詞用法。 authority にかかる。
 to execute the strategy. 戦略を実行するために
  ☆ to execute 不定詞の副詞用法[目的「ために」、結果「そして」どちらも可]。
  authority 権限、職権、許可
  redistribute 再分配する
  departmental 部門の
  execute 実行する、実施する


 [15] In addition, the government should establish a federally funded
   research and development corporation to support the plan, as well as a
   nonpartisan, nongovernmentalCivil Society Fund.
 In addition, さらに
 the government should establish 政府は設立すべきだ
 a federally funded 連邦出資の
 research and development corporation 研究開発公社
 to support the plan, そしてその計画を援助する
  ☆ to support 不定詞の副詞用法[目的「ために」、結果「そして」どちらも可]。
 as well as 〜同様
 a nonpartisan, nongovernmental 超党派、非政府の
 Civil Society Fund.「市民社会基金」
  federally 連邦によって
  corporation 公社、(社団)法人
  nonpartisan 超党派の
  nongovernmental 非政府の
  Fund 基金
  in addition さらに、その上
  as well as 〜だけでなく、〜同様


 [16] Its independent board would serve to separate policy advocacy and
   diplomacy from the development of long-term social interactions around
   the world.
 Its independent board would serve その独立した委員会であれば役立つだろう
  ☆ would serve 仮定法過去。
 to separate policy advocacy and diplomacy 政策の弁護と外交を引き離す
 from the development of 〜の発達から
 long-term social interactions 長期に渡る社会的交流
 around the world. 世界中の(国々の)
  independent 独立した
  board 委員会
  advocacy 弁護、唱道
  long-term 長期に渡る
  interaction 交流、相互作用


 [17] Until Americans prioritize such a smart-power strategy, we will
   founder for generations in the struggle against extreme Islamist
 Until Americans prioritize アメリカ人が優先させるまでは
 such a smart-power strategy, そうした賢明な力による戦略
 we will founder for generations 何世代にも渡って失敗するだろう
 in the struggle against 〜との戦いで
 extreme Islamist terrorism. イスラム原理主義者による過激なテロ
  prioritize 優先させる
  founder 失敗する、浸水して沈む
  for generations 何世代にも渡って



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