大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.105]] A  532Z8418NTA105
    Humans are very complex animals. An inseparable mixture of
 evolutionary psychology, culture and ethnicity, various beliefs, and
 personal interests and traits determines what humans find attractive. Yet,
 deep down, the genes' ( 1 ) to procreate is still one of the powerful
 forces within the human mind. In the search for a healthy, fertile mate,
 our minds are programmed no differently from those of our Stone Age
 ( 2 ). Beauty may be in the eye of the ( 3 ), but as David Buss
 has put it,Those eyes and the minds behind the eyes have been shaped by
 millions of years of human ( 4 ). The sense of what is attractive is
 largely determined by an adaptive decision-making machinery that has evolved
 at least partially for mate ( 5 ).
    If you think that attractiveness is unimportant, ( 6 ) again. The
 creators of the ABC News program 20/20 conducted an experiment to gauge
 how often ( 7 ) men and women get preferential treatment. In one test
 in Atlanta, two actresses dressed alike were each made to stand helplessly
 next to a car that had ( 8 ) out of gas. For the more ( 9 ) looking of the
 two, a few pedestrians stopped, but only to point her to the nearest gas
 station. For the more attractive actress, no fewer than a ( 10 ) cars
 stopped, and six drivers actually went to get her gas!
  ア attractive  イ ancestors  ウ evolution  エ selection  オ beholder
  カ average   キ desire    ク dozen    ケ think    コ run
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.105]] B  532Z8418
    In a second experiment, 20/20 hired two men to ( 11 ) for a job. The
 two candidates had similar education and work experience, and even the
 small differences that did ( 12 ) in their resumes were deliberately
 ironed out. There was, however, one noticeable difference between the two
 menone was very attractive while the other was more ordinary looking.
 ( 13 ) it or not, the interviewer was eager to have the more attractive man
 ( 14 ) as soon as possible for a tryout day, while the more plain-looking
 man got adon't call us, we'll ( 15 ) youreply.
    For a long time it has been assumed that the ( 16 ) for beauty are
 largely cultural, and therefore learned rather than ( 17 ). More recent
 studies by Judith Langlois have totally ( 18 ) this conventional wisdom.
 Langlois first had adults rank pictures of both white and black females for
 attractiveness. Then the pictures were shown in pairs (one more attractive
 than the other) to infants in two age groupstwo to three months and six
 to eight months old. Infants in both age groups were found to ( 19 ) longer
 at the faces ranked more ( 20 ).
 サ attractive  シ overturned  ス criteria  セ believe  ソ innate
  タ return    チ apply    ツ exist   テ call    ト gaze
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
1.キ  2.イ  3.オ  4.ウ  5.エ  6.ケ  7.ア  8.コ  9.カ 10.ク  .
11.チ 12.ツ 13.セ 14.タ 15.テ 16.ス 17.ソ 18.シ 19.ト 20.サ  .

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  [[長文No.105]] A  532Z8418
  [01] Humans are very complex animals. [02] An inseparable mixture of
 evolutionary psychology, culture and ethnicity, various beliefs, and
 personal interests and traits determines what humans find attractive.
 [03] Yet, deep down, the genes' desire to procreate is still one of the
 powerful forces within the human mind. [04] In the search for a healthy,
 fertile mate, our minds are programmed no differently from those of our
 Stone Age ancestors. [05] Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but as
 David Buss has put it,Those eyes and the minds behind the eyes have been
 shaped by millions of years of human evolution. [06] The sense of what is
 attractive is largely determined by an adaptive decision-making machinery
 that has evolved at least partially for mate selection.


  [07] If you think that attractiveness is unimportant, think again.
 [08] The creators of the ABC News program 20/20 conducted an experiment to
 gauge how often attractive men and women get preferential treatment.
 [09] In one test in Atlanta, two actresses dressed alike were each made to
 stand helplessly next to a car that had run out of gas. [10] For the more
 average looking of the two, a few pedestrians stopped, but only to point her
 to the nearest gas station. [11] For the more attractive actress, no fewer
 than a dozen cars stopped, and six drivers actually went to get her gas!


  [[長文No.105]] B  532Z8418
  [12] In a second experiment, 20/20 hired two men to apply for a job.
 [13] The two candidates had similar education and work experience, and even
 the small differences that did exist in their resumes were deliberately
 ironed out. [14] There was, however, one noticeable difference between the
 two menone was very attractive while the other was more ordinary looking.
 [15] Believe it or not, the interviewer was eager to have the more
 attractive man return as soon as possible for a tryout day, while the more
 plain-looking man got adon't call us, we'll call youreply.


  [16] For a long time it has been assumed that the criteria for beauty are
 largely cultural, and therefore learned rather than innate. [17] More
 recent studies by Judith Langlois have totally overturned this conventional
 wisdom. [18] Langlois first had adults rank pictures of both white and
 black females for attractiveness. [19] Then the pictures were shown in
 pairs (one more attractive than the other) to infants in two age groups
 two to three months and six to eight months old. [20] Infants in both age
 groups were found to gaze longer at the faces ranked more attractive.



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  [[長文No.105]] A  532Z8418
 [01] Humans are very complex animals.
 Humans are very complex animals. 人間はとても複雑な動物だ
  human 人間
  complex 複雑な


 [02] An inseparable mixture of evolutionary psychology, culture and
   ethnicity, various beliefs, and personal interests and traits determines
   what humans find attractive.
 An inseparable mixture of 〜が分離できない状態で入り混じったもの
 evolutionary psychology, 進化した心理状態
 culture and ethnicity, various beliefs, 文化、民族性、様々な信条
 and そして。等位接続詞。重文を作る。
 personal interests and traits 個人的な興味と特性[無生物主語]→によって
 determines 〜が決まる
 what humans find attractive. 人間が何を魅力的だと考えるか
  inseparable 分離できない(状態の)
  mixture 混ざり合ったもの、混合物
  evolutionary 進化(論)(上)の
  psychology 心理学、心理(状態)
  culture 文化、教養
  ethnicity 民族性、民族的背景
  various 様々な
  belief 信条、信じ(てい)ること
  personal 個人的な、主観的な
  interest 興味、利害
  trait 特性、特徴
  determine 決める、決定する
  attractive 魅力的な


 [03] Yet, deep down, the genes' desire to procreate is still one of the
   powerful forces within the human mind.
 Yet, deep down, しかし、深い部分には
 the genes' desire to procreate 遺伝子の、子孫を作り出す欲求
  ☆ to procreate 不定詞の形容詞用法。 desire にかかる。
 is still one of the powerful forces 依然として強い影響力の一つだ
 within the human mind. 人間の心の中では
  gene 遺伝子
  desire 欲求、願望
  procreate 子孫を作り出す、子を産む
  still 依然として、まだ、今もなお
  powerful (力)強い、強力な、影響力のある
  force (影響)力、強さ
  mind こころ、精神


 [04] In the search for a healthy, fertile mate, our minds are programmed no
   differently from those of our Stone Age ancestors.
 In the search for 〜を求める中で、〜を探し求める点で
 a healthy, fertile mate, 健康で繁殖力のある繁殖相手
 our minds are programmed 人間の心は方向付けられている
 no differently from 〜と全く同じように、〜と全く違わないように
 those[the minds] of 〜の心
 our Stone Age ancestors. 石器時代の祖先
  search 探し求めること、追求
  healthy 健康な
  fertile 繁殖力のある、多産の
  mate 繁殖相手、つがいの片方
  programmed 方向付けられている
  differently 違うように
  those of [that of の複数表現]
  Stone Age 石器時代
  ancestor 祖先、先祖


 [05] Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but as David Buss has put it,
   Those eyes and the minds behind the eyes have been shaped by millions
   of years of human evolution.
 Beauty may be in the eye 美は目の中にあるのかも知れない
 of the beholder, 見る者の
 but as David Buss has put it, しかし、デイビッドバスが言ったように
 Those eyes and the minds behind the eyes そうした目と目の背後にある心
 have been shaped by 〜によって形作られてきた
 millions of years of human evolution. 何百万年にも渡る人間の進化
  beauty 美
  beholder 見る者
  shape 形作る
  evolution 進化
  Beauty is be in the eye of the beholder. 美は見る者の目の中にある[諺]
  millions of 何百万もの


 [06] The sense of what is attractive is largely determined by an adaptive
   decision-making machinery that has evolved at least partially for mate
 The sense of what is attractive 何が魅力的かという感覚
 is largely determined by 主に〜によって決まってくる
 an adaptive decision-making machinery 適応性のある意志決定の仕組み
 that has evolved at least partially 少なくとも部分的には、進化してきた
 for mate selection. 繁殖相手を選ぶために
  sense 感覚
  adaptive 適応性のある、順応できる
  decision-making 意志[最終]決定(の)
  machinery 仕組み
  evolve 進化する、組織、機械装置
  partially 部分的に(は)
  selection 選択(すること)、選ばれること
  at least 少なくとも


 [07] If you think that attractiveness is unimportant, think again.
 If you think that もしも〜と考えているなら
 attractiveness is unimportant, 魅力的であることが重要でない
 think again. 考えを変えなさい
  attractiveness 魅力(的であること)
  unimportant 重要でない
  think again 考えを変える、考え直す


 [08] The creators of the ABC News program 20/20 conducted an experiment to
   gauge how often attractive men and women get preferential treatment.
 The creators of の制作者
 the ABC News program 20/20 ABCのニュース番組20/20
 conducted an experiment to gauge 推測するために実験を行った
  ☆ to gauge 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」、目的「ために」どちらも可]。
 how often attractive men and women いかに頻繁に、魅力的な人達が
 get preferential treatment. 特別な待遇を受ける
  creator 制作者
  ABC アメリカのテレビ放送会社
  News program ニュース番組
  conduct 行う
  experiment 実験
  gauge 推測する、正確に計る
  preferential 差別的な、優先の
  treatment (取り)扱い、待遇
  preferential treatment 特別待遇


 [09] In one test in Atlanta, two actresses dressed alike were each made to
   stand helplessly next to a car that had run out of gas.
 In one test in Atlanta, アトランタでのある検査では
 two actresses dressed alike 同じ様な服装をした2人の女優
 were each made to stand それぞれ、立たされた
 helplessly next to a car 困惑した表情で、車の隣で
 that had run out of gas ガス欠になった
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は car 。
  actress 女優
  dress 服を着(せ)る
  alike 同じ様に、似ている、同様な
  helplessly 困惑した表情で、どうしようもなく
  gas = gasoline ガソリン
  next to 〜の隣に
  run out of 〜がなくなる、尽きる


 [10] For the more average looking of the two, a few pedestrians stopped, but
   only to point her to the nearest gas station.
 For the more average looking より平均的に見える女優のために
 of the two, 2人のうち
 a few pedestrians stopped, 2、3人の歩行者が立ち止まった
 but only to point her to しかし、彼女に指し示してくれただけだった
 the nearest gas station. 一番近いガソリンスタンド
  average 平均的な
  pedestrian 歩行者
  point 指し示す
  of the two 2人のうち
  only to 〜しただけ
  gas station ガソリンスタンド


 [11] For the more attractive actress, no fewer than a dozen cars stopped,
   and six drivers actually went to get her gas!
 For the more attractive actress, より魅力的な女優のため
 no fewer than a dozen cars stopped, 12台もの車が止まった
 and six drivers actually そして6人の運転手は実際
 went to get her gas! ガソリンを入れに行ってやった
  dozen ダース、12
  actually 実際
  no fewer than 〜もの


  [[長文No.105]] B  532Z8418
 [12] In a second experiment, 20/20 hired two men to apply for a job.
 In a second experiment, 2つめの実験では
 20/20 hired two men 20/20では2人の男性を雇った
 to apply for a job. 一つの仕事に志願するのに
  ☆ to apply 不定詞の副詞用法[目的「ために」、結果「そして」どちらも可]。
  hire 雇う
  apply for 〜に志願する[申し込む]


 [13] The two candidates had similar education and work experience, and even
   the small differences that did exist in their resumes were deliberately
   ironed out.
 The two candidates この2人の候補者
 had similar education and work experience, 類似した教育と職歴を持っていた
 and even the small differences そして、小さな違いさえ
 that did exist in their resumes 履歴書に実際にあった
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は differences 。
  ☆ did は強調「実際に」。
 were deliberately ironed out. わざと取り除かれた
  candidate (立)候補者、志願者、受験者
  resume 履歴書
  deliberately わざと、故意に
  iron out 取り除く


 [14] There was, however, one noticeable difference between the two men
   one was very attractive while the other was more ordinary looking.
 There was, however, しかし、あった
 one noticeable difference 一つの著しい違い
 between the two men この2人の男性の間には
 one was very attractive while 一人は、非常に魅力的で、一方
 the other was more ordinary looking. もう一人は、より平凡な外見だった
  noticeable 著しい、目立つ、重要な
  ordinary 平凡な、普通の


 [15] Believe it or not, the interviewer was eager to have the more
   attractive man return as soon as possible for a tryout day, while the
   more plain-looking man got adon't call us, we'll call youreply.
 Believe it or not, 驚くなかれ
 the interviewer was eager 面接担当者は、熱望した
 to have the more attractive man return より魅力的な男性が戻って来ること
  ☆ have[V] man[O] return[C] 使役の5文型。
 as soon as possible for a tryout day, 適正試験日を出来るだけ速くして
 while the more plain-looking man got 一方、平凡な外見の男性は得た
 a“don't call us, 「電話はしないで下さい、
 we'll call you”reply. こちらから連絡しますので」という返事
  interviewer 面接(担当)者
  tryout 適性試験、予選
  reply 返事
  (whether you) believe it or not 信じようと信じまいと、驚くなかれ
  eager to 〜することを熱望して
  don't call us, we'll call you 電話はしないで下さい、こちらから連絡します


 [16] For a long time it has been assumed that the criteria for beauty are
   largely cultural, and therefore learned rather than innate.
 For a long time 長い間
 it has been assumed that 〜と考えられてきた
 the criteria for beauty are largely cultural, 美の基準は主に文化的
 and therefore 従って
 learned rather than innate. 先天的と言うよりも経験によって身に付く
  assume 考える、みなす、引き受ける
  criteria 基準、尺度(単数形はcriterion)
  learn 身につける、習得する
  innate 生まれつきの、先天的な
  for a long time 長い間
  rather than 〜というよりむしろ


 [17] More recent studies by Judith Langlois have totally overturned this
   conventional wisdom.
 More recent studies もっと最近の研究[無生物主語]→によって
 by Judith Langlois ジュディスランロスによる
 have totally overturned 完全に覆された
 this conventional wisdom. この従来の知識
  totally 完全に、全く
  overturn くつがえす、ひっくり返す
  conventional 従来の
  wisdom 知識、知恵


 [18] Langlois first had adults rank pictures of both white and black females
   for attractiveness.
 Langlois first ランロスはまず
  ☆ Langlois[S] had[V] adults[O] rank[C] 使役の5文型。
 had adults rank pictures 大人に写真を分類させた
 of both white and black females 白人女性と黒人女性両方の
 for attractiveness. 魅力の点から
  rank 分類する
  female 女性


 [19] Then the pictures were shown in pairs (one more attractive than the
   other) to infants in two age groupstwo to three months and six to
   eight months old.
 Then the pictures were shown in pairs 次に写真は2つ一組で見せられた
 (one more attractive than the other) 一つがもう一つよりも魅力的
 to infants in two age groups 2つの年齢集団の幼児に
 two to three months and 2ヶ月から3ヶ月と
 six to eight months old. 6ヶ月から8ヶ月の
  infant 幼児
  in pairs 2つ一組で


 [20] Infants in both age groups were found to gaze longer at the faces
   ranked more attractive.
 Infants in both age groups どちらの年齢集団の幼児も
 were found to gaze longer at the faces 顔の方を長くじっと見つめると分かった
 ranked more attractive. より魅力的だと分類された
  gaze at 〜を見つめる



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