大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.107]] A  533Z8454NTA107
    The ( 1 ) I saw that Newsweek magazine's cover story was about phobias,
 I ( 2 ) through looking for the part about mine.
    I skimmed past the part about the agoraphobic (fear of spaces) lady who
 had come out of her apartment only three times in sixty-one years. And the
 gephyrophobic (fear of bridges) man ( 3 ) wife puts him in the car trunk
 when they cross a ( 4 ) span. And all the other examples of phobics who
 ( 5 ) snakes, shopping malls, strangers, eating in public, dogs, germs,
 vehicles or darkness.
    Then I found it. Aerophobia: the fear of flying. My own, personal
    I have this thing about airplanes. I've been on a plane only once in
 the past twenty-five years. Actually, I've been on two, but I don't ( 6 )
 the second one because I ( 7 ) off before the stewardess closed the door.
    Since I won't fly, naturally I'm interested in the subject of not
 flying, and I read all the articles about itespecially those that
 suggest a ( 8 ).
    Just once, I'd like to read something that got it right. And, I'm
 sorry to say, the current Newsweek article didn't ( 9 ).
    It said:The fear of flying is usually experienced as the fear of
 being trapped inside an airplane. It is a kind of claustrophobia of the
 soul that has very ( 10 ) to do with the real dangers of air travel.
  ア scrambled  イ dreaded  ウ succeed  エ thumbed  オ little
  カ moment   キ remedy  ク count   ケ whose   コ fear
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.107]] B  533Z8454
    What ( 11 ). It has ( 12 ) to do with being trapped inside an airplane.
 Or anyclaustrophobia of the soul,( 13 ) that means.
    I don't mind at all being trapped inside an airplane. I could get on a
 plane right now, sit down and be totally relaxed, comfortable, ( 14 ) a
 trace of fear. As long as the thing stayed on the ground, where it belongs.
    That's the part that ( 15 ) menot being inside that tin tube.
 But being inside of it when it is hurtling through the air at the speed of
 a bullet, four or five miles above the nearest rooftop.
    Over the years, I've tried to explain my problem to those who ( 16 )
 me to fly or try to get to the root of my resistance.
    I tried going to a psychiatrist. He spent hours listening to me talk
 about all the things that can happen to an airplane. Birds flying into the
 jet intake. Mechanics with ( 17 ) forgetting to tighten bolts. Guys in the
 control tower having nervous breakdowns. Pilots with suicidal tendencies.
 Some passenger jumping up and saying:Take me to Havana or we go ( 18 )!
    When I finished our last session, nothing had changed, ( 19 ) the
 psychiatrist had become so ( 20 ) that he wouldn't fly either. And after
 all I did for him, he still sent me a bill.
  サ hangovers  シ nonsense  ス whatever  セ bothers  ソ nothing
  タ without   チ except   ツ scared   テ boom   ト urge
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

1.カ  2.エ  3.ケ  4.イ  5.コ  6.ク  7.ア  8.キ  9.ウ 10.オ  .
11.シ 12.ソ 13.ス 14.タ 15.セ 16.ト 17.サ 18.テ 19.チ 20.ツ  .
  [[長文No.107]] A  533Z8454
  [01] The moment I saw that Newsweek magazine's cover story was about
 phobias, I thumbed through looking for the part about mine.


  [02] I skimmed past the part about the agoraphobic (fear of spaces) lady
 who had come out of her apartment only three times in sixty-one years.
 [03] And the gephyrophobic (fear of bridges) man whose wife puts him in the
 car trunk when they cross a dreaded span. [04] And all the other examples
 of phobics who fear snakes, shopping malls, strangers, eating in public,
 dogs, germs, vehicles or darkness.


  [05] Then I found it. [06] Aerophobia: the fear of flying. [07] My own,
 personal phobia.


  [08] I have this thing about airplanes. [09] I've been on a plane only
 once in the past twenty-five years. [10] Actually, I've been on two, but I
 don't count the second one because I scrambled off before the stewardess
 closed the door.


  [11] Since I won't fly, naturally I'm interested in the subject of not
 flying, and I read all the articles about itespecially those that
 suggest a remedy.


  [12] Just once, I'd like to read something that got it right. [13] And,
 I'm sorry to say, the current Newsweek article didn't succeed.


  [14] It said:The fear of flying is usually experienced as the fear of
 being trapped inside an airplane. [15] It is a kind of claustrophobia of
 the soul that has very little to do with the real dangers of air travel.


  [[長文No.107]] B  533Z8454
  [16] What nonsense. [17] It has nothing to do with being trapped inside
 an airplane. [18] Or anyclaustrophobia of the soul,whatever that means.


  [19] I don't mind at all being trapped inside an airplane. [20] I could
 get on a plane right now, sit down and be totally relaxed, comfortable,
 without a trace of fear. [21] As long as the thing stayed on the ground,
 where it belongs.


  [22] That's the part that bothers menot being inside that tin tube.
 [23] But being inside of it when it is hurtling through the air at the speed
 of a bullet, four or five miles above the nearest rooftop.


  [24] Over the years, I've tried to explain my problem to those who urge
 me to fly or try to get to the root of my resistance.


  [25] I tried going to a psychiatrist. [26] He spent hours listening to me
 talk about all the things that can happen to an airplane. [27] Birds flying
 into the jet intake. [28] Mechanics with hangovers forgetting to tighten
 bolts. [29] Guys in the control tower having nervous breakdowns.
 [30] Pilots with suicidal tendencies. [31] Some passenger jumping up and
 saying:Take me to Havana or we go boom!


  [32] When I finished our last session, nothing had changed, except the
 psychiatrist had become so scared that he wouldn't fly either. [33] And
 after all I did for him, he still sent me a bill.



      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

  [[長文No.107]] A  533Z8454
 [01] The moment I saw that Newsweek magazine's cover story was about
   phobias, I thumbed through looking for the part about mine.
 The moment I saw that 〜を見てすぐに
 Newsweek magazine's cover story ニューズウィーク誌の表紙の関連記事
 was about phobias, 恐怖症についてだった
 I thumbed through 私は飛ばし読みした
 looking for the part about mine. 自分のもの[恐怖症]についての部分を探して
  ☆ looking 分詞構文[付帯状況「ながら」、継続「そして」どちらも可]。
  phobia 恐怖症
  the moment [接続詞]〜してすぐ、〜した途端に
  Newsweek magazine 雑誌ニューズウィーク
  cover story 表紙関連記事
  thumb through 飛ばし読みする
  look for 探す


 [02] I skimmed past the part about the agoraphobic (fear of spaces) lady
   who had come out of her apartment only three times in sixty-one years.
 I skimmed past the part 部分をざっと読んだ
 about the agoraphobic 広場恐怖症の〜についての
 (fear of spaces) lady 広場に対する恐怖、(を持っている)女性
 who had come out of her apartment only アパートから〜しか出たことがない
 three times in sixty-one years. 61年間で3回
  skim ざっと読む
  agoraphobic 広場恐怖症の


 [03] And the gephyrophobic (fear of bridges) man whose wife puts him in the
   car trunk when they cross a dreaded span.
 And the gephyrophobic そして橋恐怖症の
 (fear of bridges) man 橋に対する恐怖(を持つ)男性
 whose wife puts him in the car trunk 奥さんが彼を車のトランクに入れる
 when they cross a dreaded span. 2人で恐ろしい範囲を通過する時
  gephyrophobic 橋恐怖症の
  dreaded 恐ろしい
  span 範囲


 [04] And all the other examples of phobics who fear snakes, shopping malls,
   strangers, eating in public, dogs, germs, vehicles or darkness.
 And all the other examples of phobics そしてその他全ての恐怖症を持つ人の例
 who fear 〜を恐れる人
 snakes, shopping malls, strangers, 蛇、商店街、知らない人
 eating in public, dogs, germs, 人前で食べること、犬、細菌
 vehicles or darkness. 乗物あるいは暗闇
  phobic 恐怖症の(人)
  shopping mall 商店街
  in public 人前で
  germ 細菌
  vehicle 乗物


 [05] Then I found it.
 Then そして
 I found it. 私はそれを見つけた


 [06] Aerophobia: the fear of flying.
 Aerophobia: 飛行恐怖症、つまり
 the fear of flying. 飛ぶことに対する恐怖
  aerophobia 飛行恐怖症


 [07] My own, personal phobia.
 My own, 私自身の
 personal phobia. 個人的な恐怖症
  phobia 恐怖症


 [08] I have this thing about airplanes.
 I have this thing 私はこいつを持っている
 about airplanes. 飛行機について


 [09] I've been on a plane only once in the past twenty-five years.
 I've been on a plane only once 私は1回しか飛行機に乗ったことがない
 in the past twenty-five years. この25年で


 [10] Actually, I've been on two, but I don't count the second one because I
   scrambled off before the stewardess closed the door.
 Actually, I've been on two, 実は、2回ある
 but I don't count the second one 2回目は数に入れていない
 because I scrambled off 私は急いで降りたからだ
 before the stewardess closed the door. 客室乗務員が扉を閉める前に
  count 数える
  scramble 急いで〜する


 [11] Since I won't fly, naturally I'm interested in the subject of not
   flying, and I read all the articles about itespecially those that
   suggest a remedy.
 Since I won't fly, 私は飛行機に乗ってどこかに行くことはないので
  ☆ since [接続詞]〜なので
 naturally I'm interested 当然、興味を持っている
 in the subject of not flying, 飛ばないことについての話題に
 and I read all the articles about it そして、それについての記事を全て読んだ
 especially those 特に〜ものである
 that suggest a remedy. 治療法を示唆する
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は those 。
  article 記事
  remedy 治療法


 [12] Just once, I'd like to read something that got it right.
 Just once, ただ一度(でよいから)
 I'd like to read something ものを読みたい
 that got it right. 正しく理解した
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は something 。
  get it right それ[状況]をきちんと理解する[言う]


 [13] And, I'm sorry to say, the current Newsweek article didn't succeed.
 And, I'm sorry to say, だが、こう言っては悪いのだが
 the current Newsweek article 最新のニューズウィークの記事
 didn't succeed. (そのことに)成功していない
  current 最新の
  I'm sorry to say こう言っては悪い(のだ)が、残念だが〜と言わざるを得ない


 [14] It said:The fear of flying is usually experienced as the fear of
   being trapped inside an airplane.
 It said: そこには〜と書かれていた
 The fear of flying is usually 飛行に対する恐怖は通常
 experienced as the fear of 〜の恐怖として経験される
 being trapped inside an airplane. 飛行機の中に閉じ込められること
  trap 閉じ込める


 [15] It is a kind of claustrophobia of the soul that has very little to do
   with the real dangers of air travel.
 It is a kind of claustrophobia of the soul それはある種の精神的閉所恐怖症
 that has very little to do with 〜とまずほとんど関係がない
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は claustrophobia 。
 the real dangers of air travel. 飛行機による移動での実際の危険性
  claustrophobia 閉所恐怖症
  danger 危険
  travel 移動
  have little to do with 〜と関係がほとんどない


  [[長文No.107]] B  533Z8454
 [16] What nonsense.
 What nonsense. 何という無意味な考え方か
  nonsense 無意味な考え(方)


 [17] It has nothing to do with being trapped inside an airplane.
 It has nothing to do with 〜と何の関係もない
 being trapped inside an airplane. 飛行機の中に閉じ込められること
  have nothing to do with 〜と全く関係がない


 [18] Or anyclaustrophobia of the soul,whatever that means.
 Or 〜とも(関係がない)
 any“claustrophobia of the soul,”どんな「精神的閉所恐怖症」
 whatever that means. それがどんな意味であろうと


 [19] I don't mind at all being trapped inside an airplane.
 I don't mind at all 私は全く気にならない
 being trapped inside an airplane. 飛行機の中に閉じ込められ(てい)ること


 [20] I could get on a plane right now, sit down and be totally relaxed,
   comfortable, without a trace of fear.
 I could get on a plane right now, たった今でも飛行機に乗れる
 sit down and be totally relaxed, 座って、完全にくつろいで
 comfortable, without a trace of fear. 気楽な気分で、全く恐怖を感じない
  totally 完全に
  right now たった今
  without a trace of ほんのわずかの〜もなく


 [21] As long as the thing stayed on the ground, where it belongs.
 As long as ただし〜
 the thing stayed on the ground, そいつ[飛行機]が地面にとどまっている
 where it belongs. そこが、それの属している場所なのだ
  as long as ただし〜、〜である限り


 [22] That's the part that bothers menot being inside that tin tube.
 That's the part that bothers me それが私の気になる部分だ
  ☆ That は代名詞「それ」。 that は関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は part 。
 − つまり
 not being inside that tin tube. あの、ブリキの管[飛行機]の中にいることでない
  ☆ not A but B :AではなくB。but は次の文にある。
  bother 悩ませる
  tin ブリキ(の)
  tube 管


 [23] But being inside of it when it is hurtling through the air at the speed
   of a bullet, four or five miles above the nearest rooftop.
 But being inside of it when そうではなく、〜時にその中にいること
 it is hurtling through the air そいつが空中を進んでいる
 at the speed of a bullet, 弾丸の速度で
 four or five miles 4、5マイル
 above the nearest rooftop. 一番近い屋根の上
  hurtle 突進[ばく進]する、ビューンと飛ぶ
  bullet 弾丸
  rooftop 屋根、屋上


 [24] Over the years, I've tried to explain my problem to those who urge me
   to fly or try to get to the root of my resistance.
 Over the years, 何年も(に渡って)
 I've tried to explain my problem 私は自分の問題を説明しようとしてきた
 to those who urge me to fly 私に飛行機での移動を強く迫る人達に
 or try to get to the root of あるいは、〜の根本原因を究明しようとする
 my resistance. 私の抵抗
  urge 強く迫る
  get to the root 根本原因を究明する


 [25] I tried going to a psychiatrist.
 I tried going 行ってみた
 to a psychiatrist. 精神科医のところに
  psychiatrist 精神科医
  try doing してみる


 [26] He spent hours listening to me talk about all the things that can
   happen to an airplane.
 He spent hours listening to 彼は、〜に何時間も耳を傾けてくれた
 me talk about all the things 私が全てのことについて話す
 that can happen to an airplane. 飛行機に起こる可能性のあること
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は things 。
  spend 時間 (in) doing 〜して時間を過ごす


 [27] Birds flying into the jet intake.
 Birds flying into 鳥が〜の中に飛び込むこと
 the jet intake. ジェットエンジンの通気口
  ☆ この部分は文型を構成していない。前文の例の羅列の一部。
  intake 通気口


 [28] Mechanics with hangovers forgetting to tighten bolts.
 Mechanics with hangovers 二日酔いの機械工
 forgetting to tighten bolts. ボルトを締め忘れること
  ☆ この部分も文型を構成していない。前文の例の羅列の一部。
  mechanic 機械工
  hangover 二日酔い
  tighten 締める


 [29] Guys in the control tower having nervous breakdowns.
 Guys in the control tower 管制塔の職員達
 having nervous breakdowns. 神経衰弱になること
  ☆ この部分も文型を構成していない。前文の例の羅列の一部。
  guys 連中
  control tower 管制塔
  (nervous) breakdown 神経衰弱


 [30] Pilots with suicidal tendencies.
 Pilots with suicidal tendencies. 自殺願望的傾向を持った操縦士
  ☆ この部分も文型を構成していない。前文の例の羅列の一部。
  suicidal 自殺志願の


 [31] Some passenger jumping up and saying:Take me to Havana or we go
 Some passenger jumping up and saying 乗客の誰かが飛び上がって言う
 Take me to Havana 俺をハバナへ連れて行け
 or we go boom! さもないと爆発するぞ
  ☆ この部分も文型を構成していない。前文の例の羅列の一部。
  passenger 乗客
  go boom 爆発する
  ☆ boom は擬音語。


 [32] When I finished our last session, nothing had changed, except the
   psychiatrist had become so scared that he wouldn't fly either.
 When I finished our last session, 最後の診療時間を終えた時
 nothing had changed, 何も変わっていなかった
 except ただ一つ(変わったことは〜だった)
 the psychiatrist had become その精神科医が〜になっていた
 so scared that とても怖がるようになり〜
  ☆ sothat B:とてもAなのでB。
 he wouldn't fly either. 彼も飛行機には乗りたくなくなった
  session 会合、集まり、→診療(時間)
  except 〜を除いて、ただ一つ〜だけが別
  scare 怖がらせる


 [33] And after all I did for him, he still sent me a bill.
 And after all (that) I did for him, しかし、私が彼にした全てのことの後
 he still sent me a bill. 彼はそれでも私に請求書を送った
  bill 請求書



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