大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.109]] A 370Z3835NTA109 
    Ours is a world in which no individual, and no country, ( 1 ) in
 isolation. All of us live simultaneously in our own communities and in the
 world at large. Peoples and cultures are increasingly hybrid. The same
 icons, whether on a movie screen or a computer screen, are recognizable
 from Argentina to Zimbabwe. We are all consumers in the same global
 economy. We are all influenced by the same tides of political, social, and
 technological change. Pollution, ( 2 ) crime, and the proliferation of
 deadly weapons likewise show little ( 3 ) for the niceties of borders; they
 are problems without passports and, as such, our common ( 4 ). We are
 connected, wired, interdependent.
    Such connections are ( 5 ) new. Human beings have interacted across
 planet Earth for centuries. But today's globalization is different. It is
 happening more rapidly. It is ( 6 ) by new engines, such as the Internet.
 Globalization is bringing more choices and new opportunities for prosperity.
 It is ( 7 ) us more familiar with global diversity. However, millions of
 people around the world experience globalization not as an agent of progress
 but as a ( 8 ) force, almost hurricane-like in its ability to ( 9 ) lives,
 jobs, and traditions. Many have an urge to resist the process and take
 ( 10 ) in the illusory comforts of nationalism, fundamentalism, or other
  ア disruptive  イ enemy  ウ destroy  エ refuge  オ exists
  カ organized  キ driven  ク nothing  ケ regard  コ making
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.109]] B 370Z3835 
    Faced with the ( 11 ) good of globalization as well as its risks, we
 must identify areas ( 12 ) collective action is needed−and then take
 that action to ( 13 ) the common, global interest. Local communities have
 fire departments, municipal services, and town councils. Nations have
 legislatures and judicial ( 14 ). But in today's globalized world, the
 institutions and mechanisms ( 15 ) for global action are still in an early
 stage of development. Now is the time to encourage the growth of strong
 international bodies that can act globally.
    What makes a community? What binds it together? For some it is
 ( 16 ). For others it is the ( 17 ) of an idea, such as democracy. Some
 communities are ( 18 ), others multicultural. Some are as small as schools
 and villages, others as large as continents. Today, of course, more and
 more communities are ( 19 ), as people, even in the remotest locations on
 earth, discover and promote their shared ( 20 ) through the latest
 communications and information technologies.
  サ homogeneous  シ faith  ス potential  セ bodies  ソ defense
  タ available   チ where  ツ safeguard  テ values  ト virtual
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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1.オ  2.カ  3.ケ  4.イ  5.ク  6.キ  7.コ  8.ア  9.ウ 10.エ  .
11.ス 12.チ 13.ツ 14.セ 15.タ 16.シ 17.ソ 18.サ 19.ト 20.テ  .
  [[長文No.109]] A 370Z3835-375A
  [01] Ours is a world in which no individual, and no country, exists
 in isolation. [02] All of us live simultaneously in our own communities
 and in the world at large. [03] Peoples and cultures are increasingly
 hybrid. [04] The same icons, whether on a movie screen or a computer
 screen, are recognizable from Argentina to Zimbabwe. [05] We are all
 consumers in the same global economy. [06] We are all influenced by the
 same tides of political, social, and technological change. [07] Pollution,
 organized crime, and the proliferation of deadly weapons likewise show
 little regard for the niceties of borders; they are problems without
 passports and, as such, our common enemy. [08] We are connected, wired,


  [09] Such connections are nothing new. [10] Human beings have
 interacted across planet Earth for centuries. [11] But today's
 globalization is different. [12] It is happening more rapidly. [13] It
 is driven by new engines, such as the Internet. [14] Globalization is
 bringing more choices and new opportunities for prosperity. [15] It is
 making us more familiar with global diversity. [16] However, millions
 of people around the world experience globalization not as an agent of
 progress but as a disruptive force, almost hurricane-like in its ability
 to destroy lives, jobs, and traditions. [17] Many have an urge to resist
 the process and take refuge in the illusory comforts of nationalism,
 fundamentalism, or other isms.


  [[長文No.109]] B 370Z3835-375B
  [18] Faced with the potential good of globalization as well as its
 risks, we must identify areas where collective action is needed−and
 then take that action to safeguard the common, global interest.
 [19] Local communities have fire departments, municipal services, and
 town councils. [20] Nations have legislatures and judicial bodies.
 [21] But in today's globalized world, the institutions and mechanisms
 available for global action are still in an early stage of development.
 [22] Now is the time to encourage the growth of strong international
 bodies that can act globally.


  [23] What makes a community? [24] What binds it together? [25] For
 some it is faith. [26] For others it is the defense of an idea, such as
 democracy. [27] Some communities are homogeneous, others multicultural.
 [28] Some are as small as schools and villages, others as large as
 continents. [29] Today, of course, more and more communities are virtual,
 as people, even in the remotest locations on earth, discover and promote
 their shared values through the latest communications and information



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  [[長文No.109]] A 370Z3835-375A
 [01] Ours is a world in which no individual, and no country, exists in
 Ours is a world 現代は(〜な)世界だ
  ☆ Ours = our world 現代
 in which その中で
 no individual, and no country いかなる個人もいかなる国も〜ない
 exists in isolation 孤立して存在する
  individual 個人
  exist 存在する
  isolation 孤立
  in isolation 孤立した状態で


 [02] All of us live simultaneously in our own communities and in the world
   at large.
 All of us live 誰もが生きている
 simultaneously 同時に
  ☆ simultaneously in A and in B:同時にAとBの中に
 in our own communities 自分の地域社会の中に
 and そして。2つの in 〜 を並列。
 in the world at large 世界全体の中に
  simultaneously 同時に
  community 地域社会
  at large 全体としての


 [03] Peoples and cultures are increasingly hybrid.
 Peoples and cultures 民族も文化も
 are increasingly hybrid ますます交配種になりつつある
  peoples 民族、国民
  increasingly ますます、だんだん
  hybrid 交配種、雑種、混成物


 [04] The same icons, whether on a movie screen or a computer screen, are
   recognizable from Argentina to Zimbabwe.
 The same icons 同じ類似記号
  ☆ icons[S] are[V] recognizable[C] 2文型
 whether on a movie screen or 映画の画面でも〜でも
  ☆ whether A or B:AでもBでも
 a computer screen コンピュータの画面
 are recognizable 認識可能だ
 from Argentina to Zimbabwe アルゼンチンからジンバブエまで
  icon 類似記号、図像
  recognizable 認識できる、見分けがつく
  whether A or B:AでもBでも


 [05] We are all consumers in the same global economy.
 We are all consumers 全ての人が消費者
 in the same global economy 共通の地球経済の
  consumer 消費者
  global 地球の、全世界の
  economy 経済


 [06] We are all influenced by the same tides of political, social, and
   technological change.
 We are all influenced 誰もが皆影響を受ける
 by the same tides 同じ流れによって
 of political, social, and technological 政治の社会のそして技術の
 change 変化
  influence 影響する
  tide 流れ、潮流
  political 政治の
  technological (科学)技術の


 [07] Pollution, organized crime, and the proliferation of deadly weapons
   likewise show little regard for the niceties of borders; they are
   problems without passports and, as such, our common enemy.
 Pollution, organized crime, and 汚染、組織犯罪そして
 the proliferation of deadly weapons 殺人兵器の拡散
 likewise 同様に
 show little regard for 〜にはほとんどお構いなし
 the niceties of borders 国境などという細かい点点
 ;= and
 they are problems without passports and パスポートのない問題であり
 as such, our common enemy それ自体、人類共通の敵
  organized 組織化された
  crime 犯罪
  proliferation 拡散、激増
  deadly 命取りになる、命に関わる
  likewise 同様に
  regard 注意、関心、配慮
  nicety 微妙な点、細かい点
  border 国境
  deadly weapon 殺人兵器
  show little regard ほとんどお構いなし
  as such それ自体で(は)


 [08] We are connected, wired, interdependent.
 We are connected, 人はつながっていて
 wired, interdependent. 接続されていて、相互依存している
  connect つなげる
  wire 接続する、針金で結ぶ
  interdependent 相互依存している


 [09] Such connections are nothing new.
 Such connections こうしたつながり
 are nothing new 何も新しいものではない


 [10] Human beings have interacted across planet Earth for centuries.
 Human beings have interacted 人間は相互作用してきた
 across planet Earth for centuries 何世紀にも渡って地球全土で


 [11] But today's globalization is different.
 But today's globalization しかし現在の国際化
 is different (from it) (それとは)異なる
  globalization 国際化、世界化


 [12] It is happening more rapidly.
 It is happening 起こっている
 more rapidly もっと急激に


 [13] It is driven by new engines, such as the Internet.
 It is driven 動かされている
 by new engines 新しい原動力によって
 such as the Internet インターネットのような
  drive 動かす
  engine 原動力
  the Internet インターネット
  such as 〜のような


 [14] Globalization is bringing more choices and new opportunities for
 Globalization 国際化[無生物主語]→によって
 is bringing もたらされつつある
 more choices and new opportunities さらなる選択肢と新たな機会
 for prosperity 繁栄に向かう
  globalization 国際化
  prosperity 繁栄


 [15] It is making us more familiar with global diversity.
 It それ[無生物主語]→によって
 is making us (我々[一般人称→訳さない]は)〜になりつつある
 more familiar いっそう身近に
  ☆ It[S] make[V] us[O] familiar[C] 5文型
 with global diversity 世界の多様性と
  diversity 多様性
  familiar with 〜が身近である、〜をよく知っている


 [16] However, millions of people around the world experience globalization
   not as an agent of progress but as a disruptive force, almost
   hurricane-like in its ability to destroy lives, jobs, and traditions.
 However しかし
 millions of people around the world 世界中で何百万もの人が
 experience globalization 国際化を経験している
  ☆ not as A but as B:AとしてではなくBとして
 not as an agent of progress 進歩の力としてではなく
 but as a disruptive force 破壊的な力として
 almost hurricane-like ほとんどハリケーンのような
 in its ability to destroy 〜を破壊する力では
 lives, jobs, and traditions 生活、仕事、伝統
  millions of
  not as an
  agent 力、作用、媒介
  disruptive 破壊的な
  hurricane-like ハリケーンのような
  not as A but as B:AとしてではなくBとして


 [17] Many have an urge to resist the process and take refuge in the
   illusory comforts of nationalism, fundamentalism, or other isms.
 Many have an urge to 〜死体という衝動を持った人が多い
  ☆ to resist 不定詞の形容詞用法。 urge にかかる。
 resist the process and この変化に抵抗し
 take refuge in the illusory comforts 実在しない慰めの中に逃げ込む
 of nationalism, fundamentalism, or 国家主義、原理主義あるいは〜という
 other isms その他の主義
  urge 衝動
  resist 抵抗する
  process 変化、過程
  refuge 避難(所)
  illusory 実在しない、架空の、人を誤らせる
  comfort 慰め
  nationalism 国家主義
  fundamentalism 原理主義
  ism (-ism) 主義、学説
  take refuge in 〜に逃げ込む


  [[長文No.109]] B 370Z3835-375B
 [18] Faced with the potential good of globalization as well as its risks,
   we must identify areas where collective action is needed−and then
   take that action to safeguard the common, global interest.
 Faced with the potential good of globalization 国際化の潜在的な価値に直面し
  ☆ Faced 分詞構文 = as we are faced 直面しているので
 as well as its risks その危険性だけでなく
 we must identify areas 分野を特定しなければならない
 where collective action is needed 協力して行動することが必要な
 −and then そしてそれから
 take that action その行動を起こす
 to safeguard the common, global interest 全世界共通の利益を守るために
  ☆ to safeguard 不定詞の副詞用法。[目的「ために」][結果「そして」]両方可。
  potential 潜在的な
  good 価値
  identify 特定する、発見する、決定する
  collective 集団の、共同の
  safeguard 保護する、守る
  interest 利益
  as well as 〜だけでなく、〜同様
  take action 措置をとる、取りかかる


 [19] Local communities have fire departments, municipal services, and
   town councils.
 Local communities have 地域社会には〜がある
 fire departments, municipal services, and 消防局、地方自治そして
 town councils 町議会
  department 局、省、庁、部署
  municipal 地方自治の
  council 会議、地方自治体、評議会
  fire department 消防局
  municipal service 地方自治
  town council 町議会


 [20] Nations have legislatures and judicial bodies.
 Nations have 国家には〜がある
 legislatures and judicial bodies 立法府と司法府
  nation 国家
  legislature 立法府、州議会
  judicial 司法の、裁判による
  judicial body 司法府


 [21] But in today's globalized world, the institutions and mechanisms
   available for global action are still in an early stage of development.
 But in today's globalized world しかし、今日の国際化した世界では
 the institutions and mechanisms 組織も仕組みも
 available for global action 世界規模の行動に利用可能な
 are still in an early stage of development まだ発達の初期段階にある
  globalize 世界規模化する
  institution 組織、機構
  mechanism 仕組み
  available 利用可能な
  stage 段階


 [22] Now is the time to encourage the growth of strong international
   bodies that can act globally.
 Now is the time 今こそ〜な時だ
 to encourage the growth 成長を促進する
  ☆ to encourage 不定詞の形容詞用法。 time にかかる。
 of strong international bodies 強力な国際組織の
 that can act globally 地球規模で行動できる
  ☆ that 関係代名詞。主格。


 [23] What makes a community?
 What 何[無生物主語]→によって
 makes a community 地域社会が出来る


 [24] What binds it together?
 What 何[無生物主語]→によって
 binds it together それが結束する
  bind 結ぶ、結びつける


 [25] For some it is faith.
 For some 人によっては〜の場合もある
 it is faith それが信仰である
  faith 信仰


 [26] For others it is the defense of an idea, such as democracy.
 For others 人によっては〜の場合もある
 it is the defense of an idea 概念の防衛である
 such as democracy 民主主義のような
  defense 防衛、守ること
  democracy 民主主義


 [27] Some communities are homogeneous, others multicultural.
 Some communities 地域社会もある
  ☆ Some A、 others B:AもあればBもある
 are homogeneous 均質である
 others multicultural 多種文化の場合もある
  homogeneous 均質な、同質の
  multicultural 多種文化の


 [28] Some are as small as schools and villages, others as large as
 Some are as small as schools and villages 学校や村のように小さいものもある
 others as large as continents 大陸のように大きいものもある
  continent 大陸


 [29] Today, of course, more and more communities are virtual, as people,
   even in the remotest locations on earth, discover and promote their
   shared values through the latest communications and information
 Today, of course 今日ではもちろん
 more and more communities are virtual ますます多くの地域社会が仮想である
 as = bacasue 〜だからである
 people, even in the remotest locations on earth 地球上の辺境の地域でさえ
 discover and promote their shared values 共通の価値観を発見し促進している
 through the latest 最新の〜を通して
 communications and information technologies 情報伝達技術
  virtual 仮想の
  remotest location (どれほど)辺境の地域でも
  promote 促進する
  shared values 共通の価値観



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