[[長文No.112]] B-1 528Z8D70NTA112-456
Men are faster at mentally ( 21 ) an object−imagining what something
looks like from a different ( 22 )−and have an internal compass that
enables them to look up at the sun to ( 23 ) out directions. Women, on the
other hand, rely on landmarks−turn right at the church, turn left after
the fire station−to find their way around.
Because it ( 24 ) hundreds of thousands of years for the genetic
evolution of natural ( 25 ) to occur, these sex differences in navigation
strategies probably have their roots in the Stone Age. Women most likely
watched the kids and worked close to home, using ( 26 ) sights to find their
way back. Men, meanwhile, were hunters and ventured into unknown territory
in ( 27 ) of food. In all likelihood, they figured out where they were by
( 28 ) the distance they had already traveled and their orientation in space.
Over the millennia, men and women apparently evolved different mental
pathways to get around, and men mastered the use of geometric cues to
navigate ( 29 ) territory. In a 2000 German study, for example, men sped
through a three-dimensional virtual-reality maze much faster than women,
averaging two minutes and 22 seconds ( 30 ) with three minutes and 16
seconds for women.
ア perspective イ estimating ウ unfamiliar エ selection オ compared
カ familiar キ rotating ク figure ケ search コ takes
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. .
月 日 氏名 得点 / .
年 月 日 1回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 2回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 3回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 4回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 5回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
[[長文No.112]] B-2 528Z8D70
Brain imaging techniques ( 31 ) that men found their way out of the
maze using the left hippocampus, a memory storage region that also governs
mapping of the physical environment. Women used their right parietal and
prefrontal regions, which are ( 32 ) to visual identification and reasoning.
The women's use of the prefrontal region, say researchers, suggests that
they ( 33 ) on landmarks and pictured the objects in their minds, while the
men used both landmarks and geometric cues, like shapes and angles, to
escape the maze.
These skills may have ( 34 ) men to navigate distant lands across
unmarked desert sands and vast unexplored oceans. In one famous 1916
incident, New Zealand native Frank Worsley, a member of the Antarctic
expedition led by explorer Ernest Shackleton, relied almost solely on his
internal compass to save the lives of 28 men ( 35 ) on an island in the
Worsley ( 36 ) off from the remote island in a 22-foot lifeboat across
the South Atlantic Ocean, eventually traveling 800 miles to one of the South
Sandwich Islands near the tip of South America, where there was a whaling
station where they could get help. Worsley had only been able to ( 37 )
sightings of the sun four times during the stormy 17-day trip, and the rest
had been ( 38 ) on his internal compass.
The way males and females handle their anger or emotionally upsetting
situations−women may feel sick to their stomach, while men tend to act
out−may also ( 39 ) from fundamental differences in how their brains
have ( 40 ).
サ enabled シ evolved ス revealed セ linked ソ relied
タ based チ lost ツ stem テ take ト set
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. .
月 日 氏名 得点 / .
年 月 日 1回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 2回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 3回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 4回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
年 月 日 5回目 時間 分 得点 /10.
21.キ 22.ア 23.ク 24.コ 25.エ 26.カ 27.ケ 28.イ 29.ウ 30.オ .
31.ス 32.セ 33.ソ 34.サ 35.チ 36.ト 37.テ 38.タ 39.ツ 40.シ .
[[長文No.112]] B-1 528Z8D70-456
[18] Men are faster at mentally rotating an object−imagining what
something looks like from a different perspective−and have an
internal compass that enables them to look up at the sun to figure
out directions. [19] Women, on the other hand, rely on landmarks−turn
right at the church, turn left after the fire station−to find
their way around.
[20] Because it takes hundreds of thousands of years for the genetic
evolution of natural selection to occur, these sex differences in
navigation strategies probably have their roots in the Stone Age.
[21] Women most likely watched the kids and worked close to home, using
familiar sights to find their way back. [22] Men, meanwhile, were hunters
and ventured into unknown territory in search of food. [23] In all
likelihood, they figured out where they were by estimating the distance they
had already traveled and their orientation in space.
[24] Over the millennia, men and women apparently evolved different
mental pathways to get around, and men mastered the use of geometric
cues to navigate unfamiliar territory. [25] In a 2000 German study, for
example, men sped through a three-dimensional virtual-reality maze
much faster than women, averaging two minutes and 22 seconds compared
with three minutes and 16 seconds for women.
[[長文No.112]] B-2 528Z8D70
[26] Brain imaging techniques revealed that men found their way out of
the maze using the left hippocampus, a memory storage region that also
governs mapping of the physical environment. [27] Women used their right
parietal and prefrontal regions, which are linked to visual
identification and reasoning. [28] The women's use of the prefrontal
region, say researchers, suggests that they relied on landmarks and
pictured the objects in their minds, while the men used both landmarks
and geometric cues, like shapes and angles, to escape the maze.
*前頭前野(あるいは前頭連合野、前頭前皮質)はPrefrontal Cortex
[29] These skills may have enabled men to navigate distant lands
across unmarked desert sands and vast unexplored oceans. [30] In one
famous 1916 incident, New Zealand native Frank Worsley, a member of
the Antarctic expedition led by explorer Ernest Shackleton, relied
almost solely on his internal compass to save the lives of 28 men
lost on an island in the Antarctic.
[31] Worsley set off from the remote island in a 22-foot lifeboat
across the South Atlantic Ocean, eventually traveling 800 miles to
one of the South Sandwich Islands near the tip of South America, where
there was a whaling station where they could get help. [32] Worsley had
only been able to take sightings of the sun four times during the
stormy 17-day trip, and the rest had been based on his internal
[33] The way males and females handle their anger or emotionally
upsetting situations−women may feel sick to their stomach, while
men tend to act out−may also stem from fundamental differences in
how their brains have evolved.
*sick to one's stomach 《米》憤慨して
[[長文No.112]] B-1 528Z8D70-456
[18] Men are faster at mentally rotating an object−imagining what
something looks like from a different perspective−and have an
internal compass that enables them to look up at the sun to figure out
Men are faster 男性の方が速い
at mentally rotating an object 頭の中で物体を回転させる
− つまり
imagining what something looks like ものがどのように見えるか想像する
from a different perspective 違った角度から
and have an internal compass そして体内方位計を持っている
that enables them それによって男性は〜することが出来る
to look up at the sun to figure out directions. 太陽を見上げ、方角を特定する
☆ to figure 不定詞の副詞用法[結果] = and figure
mentally 頭の中で、想像で
rotate 回転させる
from a different perspective 違った観点[角度]から
internal compass 体内方位計
look up at 〜を見上げる
figure out 特定する、理解する、解決する
[19] Women, on the other hand, rely on landmarks−turn right at the church,
turn left after the fire station−to find their way around.
Women, on the other hand, rely on landmarks 一方、女性は、目印に頼る
− 例えば〜といった具合だ
turn right at the church, 教会で右に曲がって
turn left after the fire station 消防署を過ぎたら左に曲がる
to find their way around. 道を見つける(ために)
☆ to find 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」、目的「ために」どちらも可]。
on the other hand 一方、他方では
rely on 〜に頼る
landmark 目印
fire station 消防署
[20] Because it takes hundreds of thousands of years for the genetic
evolution of natural selection to occur, these sex differences in
navigation strategies probably have their roots in the Stone Age.
Because it takes hundreds of thousands of years 何十万年もかかるので
for the genetic evolution of natural selection 自然淘汰による遺伝子の進化が
to occur, 起こる
☆ it A for B to C:[不定詞の基本構文]BがCするのはA
these sex differences こうした男女間の違い
in navigation strategies 進路決定[選択]術での
probably have their roots おそらくは根本原因があるだろう
in the Stone Age. 石器時代に
take (時間や手間が)かかる
genetic 遺伝子の
evolution 進化、発展
navigation 進路決定[選択]、航海、飛行、車の誘導
strategy 戦術、戦略
root 根本原因、根
hundreds of 何百もの
thousands of 何千もの
natural selection 自然淘汰
the Stone Age 石器時代
[21] Women most likely watched the kids and worked close to home, using
familiar sights to find their way back.
Women most likely watched the kids 女性は子供をも守っていた可能性が非常に高い
and worked close to home, そして家の近くで働いていた
using familiar sights そして見慣れた景色を使って
☆ using 分詞構文 = and they used
to find their way back. 帰り道を見つけていた
☆ to find 不定詞の副詞的用法[結果「そして〜」= and found]
[22] Men, meanwhile, were hunters and ventured into unknown territory in
search of food.
Men, meanwhile, were hunters and 一方、男性は猟師であり
ventured into unknown territory 危険を冒して未知の領域に入った
in search of food. 食料を求めて
meanwhile 一方、その間に
venture 危険を冒して〜する[行く、進む]
unknown 未知の
territory 領域、領土、縄張り
in search of 〜を求めて
[23] In all likelihood, they figured out where they were by estimating the
distance they had already traveled and their orientation in space.
In all likelihood, おそらく〜であろう
they figured out where they were 自分達がどこにいるかを理解した
by estimating the distance 距離を推定することで
they had already traveled それまでに移動してきた
and their orientation in space. そして場所の見当を付けること
estimate 推測する
travel 移動する
orientation 方位決定、帰巣本能
in all likelihood おそらく、十中八九
figure out 理解する
in space 場所の中での
[24] Over the millennia, men and women apparently evolved different mental
pathways to get around, and men mastered the use of geometric cues to
navigate unfamiliar territory.
Over the millennia, 何千年にもわたって
men and women apparently 男性と女性は明らかに
evolved different mental pathways 違う方針を発達させた
to get around, 動き回るのに
and men mastered the use そして男性は使い方を体得した
of geometric cues 幾何学的な手がかりの
to navigate unfamiliar territory. 不慣れな場所での進路を決めるのに
millennia 数千年(単数形:millennium)
apparently 明らかに
evolve 進化させる
pathway 方針
master 体得する、習得する
geometric 幾何学的な
cue 手がかり
navigate 進路を決める
get around 動き回る
[25] In a 2000 German study, for example, men sped through a
three-dimensional virtual-reality maze much faster than women,
averaging two minutes and 22 seconds compared with three minutes and
16 seconds for women.
In a 2000 German study, for example, 例えば、2000年のドイツの研究で
men sped through 男性は〜を抜けて疾走した
a three-dimensional virtual-reality maze 立体仮想現実の迷路
much faster than women, 女性よりもずっと速く
averaging two minutes and 22 seconds 平均して2分22秒で
☆ averaging 分詞構文[継続]。= and they averaged
compared with three minutes and 16 seconds for women. 女性の3分16秒に比べ
speed 疾走する
three-dimensional 3次元の、立体の
virtual-reality 仮想現実(の)
maze 迷路
compared with 〜に比べて
[[長文No.112]] B-2 528Z8D70
[26] Brain imaging techniques revealed that men found their way out of the
maze using the left hippocampus, a memory storage region that also
governs mapping of the physical environment.
Brain imaging techniques revealed that 脳の画像処理技術によって〜が分かった
men found their way out of the maze 男性が迷路から出る道を見つける
using the left hippocampus, 左の海馬を使って
☆ using 分詞構文[付帯状況「ながら」]「使いながら、使って」
,(カンマ)は同格「つまり(それは)」=which is
a memory storage region 記憶保管領域
that also governs mapping 地図製作も管理している
of the physical environment. 物理的環境の
reveal 明らかにする
hippocampus 海馬[カイバ]。脳の一領域。記憶に関係する。
storage 保管
govern 管理する
mapping 地図製作
physical 物理的な
[27] Women used their right parietal and prefrontal regions, which are
linked to visual identification and reasoning.
Women used their right parietal 女性は右の頭頂を使った
and prefrontal regions, そして前頭前野
which are linked to 〜に関係している
visual identification and reasoning. 視覚による認識と推論
parietal 頭頂[トウチョウ]
visual 視覚による
identification 認識、理解
prefrontal regions 前頭前野[ゼントウゼンヤ]
linked to 〜に関係している
[28] The women's use of the prefrontal region, say researchers, suggests
that they relied on landmarks and pictured the objects in their minds,
while the men used both landmarks and geometric cues, like shapes and
angles, to escape the maze.
The women's use of the prefrontal region, 女性が前頭前野を使っていることから
say researchers, suggests that 〜が分かる、と研究者は言う
they relied on landmarks 女性が目印に頼っている
and pictured the objects in their minds, そして頭の中で対象物を映像化する
while the men used 一方男性は〜を使う
both landmarks and geometric cues, 目印と幾何学的な手がかりの両方
like shapes and angles, 例えば形や角度といった
to escape the maze. そして迷路を脱出した
☆ to escape 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」目的「ために」両方可]。
picture 映像化[想像]する
angle 角度
rely on 〜に頼る
[29] These skills may have enabled men to navigate distant lands across
unmarked desert sands and vast unexplored oceans.
These skills may have enabled そうした技術のおかげで〜できたのかも知れない
men to navigate distant lands 男性は遠い土地で進路を取ることが
across unmarked desert sands and 目印のない砂漠の砂地や〜を超えて
vast unexplored oceans. 未探検の広大な海
unmarked 目印のない
unexplored 未探検の
[30] In one famous 1916 incident, New Zealand native Frank Worsley, a
member of the Antarctic expedition led by explorer Ernest Shackleton,
relied almost solely on his internal compass to save the lives of 28 men
lost on an island in the Antarctic.
In one famous 1916 incident, 1916年の有名な出来事で
New Zealand native Frank Worsley, ニュージーランド出身のフランクワースリー
a member of the Antarctic expedition 南極探検隊の一員
led by explorer Ernest Shackleton, 探検家アーネストシャックルトン率いる
relied almost solely on his internal compass ほぼ自分の体内方位形にしか頼らず
to save the lives of 28 men 28人の命を助けた
☆ to save 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」目的「ために」両方可]。
lost on an island in the Antarctic. 南極のある島で迷った
incident 出来事
native 出身の
expedition 探検(隊)
lost 迷った
[31] Worsley set off from the remote island in a 22-foot lifeboat across
the South Atlantic Ocean, eventually traveling 800 miles to one of the
South Sandwich Islands near the tip of South America, where there was a
whaling station where they could get help.
Worsley set off from the remote island ワースリーは遠く離れた島から出発した
in a 22-foot lifeboat 22フィート(67m)の救命ボートで
across the South Atlantic Ocean, 南大西洋を渡って
eventually traveling 800 miles 最終的には800マイル(1480km)航海した
☆ eventually traveling 分詞構文[結果] = and he eventually traveled
to one of the South Sandwich Islands 南サンドイッチ諸島の一つの島まで
near the tip of South America, 南アメリカ先端近くの
where there was a whaling station そこには捕鯨基地があり
☆ , where = and there そしてそこに[で]
where they could get help. そこで助けを得ることが出来た
remote 遠く離れた
eventually 最終的には
set off 出発する
[32] Worsley had only been able to take sightings of the sun four times
during the stormy 17-day trip, and the rest had been based on his
internal compass.
Worsley had only been able to ワースリーは(ずっと)〜しか出来なかった
take sightings of the sun four times 4回太陽を見ること
during the stormy 17-day trip, 嵐の17日間の旅で
and the rest had been based on そして残りは全て〜に基づいていた
his internal compass. 自分の体内の方位形
take sightings of 〜を見る
the rest 残り全部
based on 〜に基づいている
[33] The way males and females handle their anger or emotionally upsetting
situations−women may feel sick to their stomach, while men tend to
act out−may also stem from fundamental differences in how their brains
have evolved.
The way males and females handle 男女の〜の対処法
their anger or emotionally upsetting situations 怒りや心を乱される状況
− 例えば、つまり
women may feel sick to their stomach, 女性は憤慨を感じる
while men tend to act out 一方男性は行動に表す傾向がある
may also stem from fundamental differences も、基本的な差によるのかも知れない
in how their brains have evolved. 脳がどのように進化してきたか
handle 扱う、処理する
emotionally 感情的に
upsetting 心を乱されるような
fundamental 基本的な
sick to their stomach 憤慨して
act out 行動に表す
stem from 〜に起因する、〜による