大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.116]] A 707Z8E96NTA116-485
    Richard Wrangham was lying beside a fire at home on a cold winter
 night 10 years ago when his mind ( 1 ) to the first hominids to cook food.
 As a Harvard University primatologist who studies wild chimpanzees in
 Africa, Wrangham knew that cooking is one of the few uniquely human
 ( 2 ). He also knew that our habit of preparing our food by heating it
 allows us to spend less energy on ( 3 ). And he suddenly realized that
 cooking is not merely the ( 4 ) of culinary culture. It would have given
 our ( 5 ) a big evolutionary advantage. He argues that cooking ( 6 ) the
 way for the dramatic expansion of the human brain and eventually fueled
 intellectual accomplishments such as cave painting, writing symphonies, and
 inventing the Internet. In fact, Wrangham ( 7 ) cooking as one of the
 answers to a long-standing riddle in human evolution: Where did humans get
 the extra energy to support their large brains?
    Expanding the brain demands a new supply of energy, because human
 brains are voracious. The brain ( 8 ) 60% of the energy expended by a
 resting newborn baby. And a resting adult's brain uses 25% of its energy,
 as ( 9 ) to 8% used on average by ape brains. But humans consume about the
 same amount of calories as smaller-brained ( 10 ) of similar body size.
  ア abilities  イ ancestors  ウ digestion  エ wandered  オ consumes
  カ presents  キ mammals   ク opposed   ケ basis   コ paved
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.116]] B 707Z8E96NTA116-485
    One classic explanation is that humans saved energy by shrinking
 their digestive organs, effectively trading brains for guts as they ( 11 )
 to a higher quality diet of more meat. That ( 12 ) is now gathering
 additional support. Wrangham thinks that in ( 13 ), our ancestors
 got cooking, giving them the same number of calories for less effort.
    Other researchers are ( 14 ) about the new results. But many aren't
 ( 15 ) by Wrangham's arguments that the first cooked meal was prepared
 1.9 million to 1.6 million years ago, when the brain began to expand
 dramatically in Homo erectus (H. erectus). They think that although ( 16 )
 energy by shrinking the gut may have been important, the culinary explosion
 came later, perhaps during the evolution of our own species less than half
 a million years ago.
    Even those ( 17 ) about the role of cooking in human evolution agree
 that something crucial must have happened to our ancestors' energy budget.
 Line up the skulls of early hominids and you'll see why: From 1.9
 million to 200,000 years ago, our ancestors ( 18 ) their brain size.
    The earliest members of the human family, including the
Australopithecines that lived from 4 million to 1.2 million years ago,
 had brains about the size of chimpanzees. The brain didn't ( 19 )
 significantly until just after H. erectus appeared in Africa about 1.9
 million years ago, with a brain that eventually ( 20 ) 1000 cc, or about
 twice the size of a chimpanzee's. The next increase in brain capacity
 came 500,000 to 200,000 years ago with the evolution of our own species,
 whose brains average 1300 cc, and of Neanderthals (1500 cc).
  サ enthusiastic  シ convinced  ス addition  セ averaged  ソ shifted
  タ tripled    チ expand   ツ saving   テ theory   ト unsure
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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  1.エ  2.ア  3.ウ  4.ケ  5.イ  6.コ  7.カ  8.オ  9.ク 10.キ  。
 11.ソ 12.テ 13.ス 14.サ 15.シ 16.ツ 17.ト 18.タ 19.チ 20.セ  .
  [[長文No.116]] A 707Z8E96-485

  [01] Richard Wrangham was lying beside a fire at home on a cold winter
 night 10 years ago when his mind wandered to the first hominids to cook food.
 [02] As a Harvard University primatologist who studies wild chimpanzees in
 Africa, Wrangham knew that cooking is one of the few uniquely human
 abilities. [03] He also knew that our habit of preparing our food by
 heating it allows us to spend less energy on digestion. [04] And he
 suddenly realized that cooking is not merely the basis of culinary culture.
 [05] It would have given our ancestors a big evolutionary advantage.
 [06] He argues that cooking paved the way for the dramatic expansion of the
 human brain and eventually fueled intellectual accomplishments such as cave
 painting, writing symphonies, and inventing the Internet. [07] In fact,
 Wrangham presents cooking as one of the answers to a long-standing riddle in
 human evolution: Where did humans get the extra energy to support their
 large brains?


  [08] Expanding the brain demands a new supply of energy, because human
 brains are voracious. [09] The brain consumes 60% of the energy expended
 by a resting newborn baby. [10] And a resting adult's brain uses 25% of its
 energy, as opposed to 8% used on average by ape brains. [11] But humans
 consume about the same amount of calories as smaller-brained mammals of
 similar body size.


  [[長文No.116]] B 707Z8E96NTA116-485
  [12] One classic explanation is that humans saved energy by shrinking
 their digestive organs, effectively trading brains for guts as they shifted
 to a higher quality diet of more meat. [13] That theory is now gathering
 additional support. [14] Wrangham thinks that in addition, our ancestors
 got cooking, giving them the same number of calories for less effort.


  [15] Other researchers are enthusiastic about the new results. [16] But
 many aren't convinced by Wrangham's arguments that the first cooked meal was
 prepared 1.9 million to 1.6 million years ago, when the brain began to
 expand dramatically in Homo erectus (H. erectus). [17] They think that
 although saving energy by shrinking the gut may have been important, the
 culinary explosion came later, perhaps during the evolution of our own
 species less than half a million years ago.


  [18] Even those unsure about the role of cooking in human evolution agree
 that something crucial must have happened to our ancestors' energy budget.
 [19] Line up the skulls of early hominids and you'll see why: From 1.9
 million to 200,000 years ago, our ancestors tripled their brain size.


  [20] The earliest members of the human family, including the
Australopithecines that lived from 4 million to 1.2 million years ago,
 had brains about the size of chimpanzees. [21] The brain didn't expand
 significantly until just after H. erectus appeared in Africa about 1.9
 million years ago, with a brain that eventually averaged 1000 cc, or about
 twice the size of a chimpanzee's. [22] The next increase in brain capacity
 came 500,000 to 200,000 years ago with the evolution of our own species,
 whose brains average 1300 cc, and of Neanderthals (1500 cc).



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  [[長文No.116]] A 707Z8E96
 [01] Richard Wrangham was lying beside a fire at home on a cold winter
   night 10 years ago when his mind wandered to the first hominids to cook
 Richard Wrangham was lying リチャードランハムは横になっていた
 beside a fire at home 家で火のそばで
 on a cold winter night 10 years ago 10年前寒い冬の夜
 when his mind wandered その時、頭であれこれ考えた
 to the first hominids to cook food 料理をした最初のヒトに
  ☆ to cook 不定詞の形容詞用法。 hominid にかかる。
  lying 横になる
  beside のそばで
  mind 頭
  wander あれこれ考える
  hominid ヒト


 [02] As a Harvard University primatologist who studies wild chimpanzees in
   Africa, Wrangham knew that cooking is one of the few uniquely human
 As a Harvard University primatologist ハーバード大の霊長類学者として
 who studies wild chimpanzees in Africa, アフリカで野生のチンパンジを研究する
 Wrangham knew that cooking is one ランハムは料理が一つだと知っていた
 of the few uniquely human abilities. 数少ない人間独特の能力
  primatologist 霊長類学者
  cooking 料理
  uniquely 独特に


 [03] He also knew that our habit of preparing our food by heating it allows
   us to spend less energy on digestion.
 He also knew that 〜も知っていた
 our habit of preparing our food 食べ物の準備をする習慣[無生物主語]→によって
 by heating it 熱することで
 allows us to spend 使うことが出来る
 less energy on digestion. 消化により少ないエネルギーを
  digestion 消化


 [04] And he suddenly realized that cooking is not merely the basis of
   culinary culture.
 And he suddenly realized that そして彼は突然思いついた
 cooking is not merely the basis 料理することは基礎であるだけでない
 of culinary culture. 料理文化
  suddenly 突然
  realize 気がつく
  basis 基礎
  culinary 料理の


 [05] It would have given our ancestors a big evolutionary advantage.
 It would have given our ancestors 料理することで先祖達は得ただろう
 a big evolutionary advantage. 大きな進化上の強み
  ancestor 先祖
  evolutionary 進化上の
  advantage 強み


 [06] He argues that cooking paved the way for the dramatic expansion of the
   human brain and eventually fueled intellectual accomplishments such as
   cave painting, writing symphonies, and inventing the Internet.
 He argues that 彼は言う
 cooking paved the way for 料理することで〜が容易になった
 the dramatic expansion of the human brain 人間の脳の劇的な拡大
 and eventually fueled そしてついには助長された
 intellectual accomplishments such as 〜といった知的成果
 cave painting, writing symphonies, and 洞窟壁画、交響曲を書くことそして
 inventing the Internet. インターネットを発明すること
  argue 主張する、言う
  dramatic 劇的な
  expansion 広がり、拡大
  brain 脳
  eventually ついには、結局は
  fuel 燃料を注ぐ、助長する
  intellectual 知的な
  accomplishment 成果
  cave 洞窟
  symphony 交響曲
  pave the way for 〜を容易にする、〜への道を整える
  such as 〜といった、例えば
  the Internet インターネット


 [07] In fact, Wrangham presents cooking as one of the answers to a
   long-standing riddle in human evolution: Where did humans get the extra
   energy to support their large brains?
 In fact, Wrangham presents cooking 実際は、ランハムは料理を発表している
 as one of the answers to a long-standing riddle 長年続いている謎の答えとして
 in human evolution: 人類の進化の
 :Where did humans get つまり、人間はどこから得たのか
 the extra energy 余分なエネルギー
 to support their large brains? 大きな脳を支える
  ☆ to support 不定詞の形容詞用法。 energy にかかる。
  in fact 実際
  present 発表する
  riddle 謎
  evolution 進化
  extra 余分な


 [08] Expanding the brain demands a new supply of energy, because human
   brains are voracious.
 Expanding the brain demands 脳の拡大には必要だ
 a new supply of energy, 新しいエネルギーの供給
 because human brains are voracious. 人間の脳は大変なエネルギーを消費するから
  demand 要求する、必要である
  supply 供給
  voracious 大食の、(食欲)旺盛な、飽くことを知らない


 [09] The brain consumes 60% of the energy expended by a resting newborn baby.
 The brain consumes 60% of the energy 脳では60%のエネルギーが消費される
 expended by a resting newborn baby. 休んでいる新生児によって使われる
  ☆ expended 過去分詞の形容詞。 energy にかかる。
  ☆ resting 現在分詞の形容詞。
  consume 消費する
  expend 費やす、使い果たす
  rest 休む
  newborn 生まれたばかりの


 [10] And a resting adult's brain uses 25% of its energy, as opposed to 8%
   used on average by ape brains.
 And a resting adult's brain そして、休んでいる大人の脳
 uses 25% of its energy, エネルギーの25%を使う
 as opposed to 8% 8%に対して
 used on average by ape brains. 類人猿の脳で平均的に使われる
  ☆ used 過去分詞の形容詞。 8%にかかる。
  oppose 反対する、対立させる
  ape 類人猿
  as opposed to に対して
  on average 平均的に、平均して


 [11] But humans consume about the same amount of calories as smaller-brained
   mammals of similar body size.
 But humans consume しかし人間は消費する
 about the same amount of calories ほぼ同量のカロリー
 as smaller-brained mammals 脳の小さい他のほ乳類と
 of similar body size. 体の大きさが類似している
  consume 消費する
  amount 量
  calory カロリー
  mammal ほ乳類
  the same A as B:Bと同じA


  [[長文No.116]] B 707Z8E96NTA116-485
 [12] One classic explanation is that humans saved energy by shrinking their
   digestive organs, effectively trading brains for guts as they shifted
   to a higher quality diet of more meat.
 One classic explanation is that 古典的な説明は〜だ
 humans saved energy 人間はエネルギーを節約した
 by shrinking their digestive organs, 消化器官を小さくすることで
 effectively trading brains for guts 効果的に内臓と脳を交換した
  ☆ trading 分詞構文[継続]。 and they effectively traded ...
 as they shifted to a higher quality diet 質の高い食事に変えたので
 of more meat. 肉のより多い
  classic 古典的な
  save 節約する
  shrink 縮ませる、小さくする
  digestive 消化の
  organ 器官
  effectively 効果的に
  gut 内臓
  shift 変える
  trade A for B:AをBと交換する、取引する


 [13] That theory is now gathering additional support.
 That theory is now その理論が今
 gathering additional support. さらなる支持を集めつつある
  gather 集める
  additional さらなる、追加の


 [14] Wrangham thinks that in addition, our ancestors got cooking, giving
   them the same number of calories for less effort.
 Wrangham thinks that in addition, その上〜とランハムは考えている
 our ancestors got cooking, 先祖達は料理するということを得た
 giving them the same number of calories そのことで同じ量のカロリーを得た
  ☆ giving 分詞構文[継続]。 and it gave them ...
 for less effort. より少ない努力と交換に
  ☆ for 交換の前置詞for。
  in addition さらに、その上
  the same number of 同じ数の


 [15] Other researchers are enthusiastic about the new results.
 Other researchers are enthusiastic 熱狂している研究者達もいる
 about the new results. この新しい答えに
  researcher 研究者
  enthusiastic 熱狂的な
  result 答え、結果


 [16] But many aren't convinced by Wrangham's arguments that the first cooked
   meal was prepared 1.9 million to 1.6 million years ago, when the brain
   began to expand dramatically in Homo erectus (H. erectus).
 But many aren't convinced しかし納得していない研究者が多い
 by Wrangham's arguments that 〜というランハムの議論に
  ☆ that 同格の接続詞「という」。名詞節を導く。 arguments の内容を説明。
 the first cooked meal was prepared 最初の料理された肉が準備された
 1.9 million to 1.6 million years ago, 190万年から160万年前
 when the brain began to expand 脳が拡大し始めた時
 dramatically in Homo erectus (H. erectus). ホモエレクトスの、劇的に
  convince 納得させる
  argument 議論、意見
  million 百万
  expand 拡大する
  dramatically 劇的に
  Homo erectus ホモエレクトス


 [17] They think that although saving energy by shrinking the gut may have
   been important, the culinary explosion came later, perhaps during the
   evolution of our own species less than half a million years ago.
 They think that 〜と考えている
 although 〜だが
 saving energy by shrinking the gut 内臓を小さくしてエネルギーを節約すること
 may have been important, 重要であったかも知れない
 the culinary explosion came later, 料理の爆発はもっと後に来た
 perhaps during the evolution ひょっとすると進化の期間かもしれない
 of our own species 現代人類の
 less than half a million years ago. 50万年前以降に


 [18] Even those unsure about the role of cooking in human evolution agree
   that something crucial must have happened to our ancestors' energy budget.
 Even those unsure about the role 役割について確信を持っていない研究者さえも
 of cooking in human evolution 人間の進化における料理の
 agree that 〜には同意している
 something crucial must have happened 何か決定的なことが起こったに違いない
  ☆ must have p.p. 〜したに違いない
 to our ancestors' energy budget. 先祖のエネルギー収支に
  unsure 確信を持っていない
  crucial 決定的な
  budget 収支、予算


 [19] Line up the skulls of early hominids and you'll see why: From 1.9
   million to 200,000 years ago, our ancestors tripled their brain size.
 Line up the skulls 頭蓋骨を並べてみなさい
  ☆ 命令文+and 〜しなさい、そうすれば/もし〜すれば
 of early hominids 初期のヒトの
 and you'll see why: そうすればなぜだかが分かる
 From 1.9 million to 200,000 years ago, 190万年から20万年前
 our ancestors tripled their brain size. 先祖の脳の大きさが3倍になった
  skull 頭蓋骨
  triple 3倍にする
  line up 並べる


 [20] The earliest members of the human family, including the
   Australopithecines that lived from 4 million to 1.2 million years ago,
   had brains about the size of chimpanzees.
 The earliest members of the human family, ヒト足の最初の一員達
 including the Australopithecines アウストラロピテクスを含めて
 that lived from 4 million 4百万年前から生きていた
 to 1.2 million years ago, 120万年前まで
 had brains 脳を持っていた
 about the size of chimpanzees. チンパンジーと同じくらいの大きさの
  Australopithecine アウストラロピテクス


 [21] The brain didn't expand significantly until just after H. erectus
   appeared in Africa about 1.9 million years ago, with a brain that
   eventually averaged 1000 cc, or about twice the size of a chimpanzee's.
 The brain didn't expand significantly 脳はやっと相当の拡大をした
 until just after H. erectus appeared ホモエレクトスが現れた後やっと
  ☆ not A until B:Bになって初めてA
 in Africa about 1.9 million years ago, アフリカに約190万年前
 with a brain 脳を持って
 that eventually averaged 1000 cc, 最終的には平均1000CCになった
 or about twice the size of a chimpanzee's. あるいはチンパンジーの脳の約2倍
  significantly 相当に
  eventually 最終的に
  average 平均〜である


 [22] The next increase in brain capacity came 500,000 to 200,000 years ago
   with the evolution of our own species, whose brains average 1300 cc, and
   of Neanderthals (1500 cc).
 The next increase in brain capacity 次の脳の容量の増加
 came 500,000 to 200,000 years ago 50万年から20万年前に訪れた
 with the evolution of our own species, 現生人類の進化と共に
 whose brains average 1300 cc, その脳の平均は1300CC
 and of Neanderthals (1500 cc). そして1500CCのネアンデルタール人の
  capacity 容量
  species 種
  Neanderthal ネアンデルタール人



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