大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.118]] E 707Z8E96NTA118-491
    Wrangham's analysis of nutritional, archaeological, and primatological
 data ( 41 ) up to a hypothesis that hot cuisine fueled the brain. It's
 such a nice explanation,says anthropologist Leslie Aiello. She says the
 smaller teeth in H. erectus ( 42 ) to her that it wasn't chewing much tough
 raw food:Something must be going on. If only there were ( 43 ) for fire.
    And that's the ( 44 ) block to Wrangham's theories: Cooking
 ( 45 ) fire. Clear evidence of habitual cooking requires stone
 hearths or even clay cooking pots. Solid evidence for hearths, with
 stones or bones circling patches of dark ground or ash, has been ( 46 ) no
 earlier than 250,000 years ago in several sites in southern Europe.
 Burned bones, stones, ash, and charcoal 300,000 to 500,000 years ago
 have also been ( 47 ) to hearths. And burned flints, seeds, and wood
 found in a hearth-like pattern have been cited as ( 48 ) of controlled fire
 790,000 years ago. But even the earliest of those dates are long after the
 dramatic anatomical changes seen in H. erectus, says Wrangham. He notes
 that evidence for fire is often ( 49 ) and argues that humans were roasting
meat and roots around the campfire as ( 50 ) as 1.9 million years ago.
  ア ambiguous  イ stumbling  ウ assigned  エ evidence  オ indicate
  カ requires  キ early    ク found   ケ signs   コ adds
41.  42.  43.  44.  45.  46.  47.  48.  49.  50.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.118]] F 707Z8E96NTA118-491
    Indeed, there are a dozen ( 51 ) for campfires almost that ancient.
 Anthropologist Jack Harris has presented evidence of burned stone tools
 1.5 million years ago, along with burned clay at two sites. H. erectus
has been found at both sites. Claims by other researchers ( 52 ) animal
 bones burned at high temperatures 1.5 million years ago, and clay burnt at
 high temperatures 1.4 million years ago. But ( 53 ) there is smoke there
 isn't necessarily cooking fire: None of these teams can ( 54 ) out beyond
 a doubt that the burns came from natural fires, although Harris argues that
 cooking fires burn hot at 600°C to 800°C and leave a trail different from
 that of bush fires, ( 55 ) often burn as low as 100°C.
    All the same, those most familiar with H. erectus aren't convinced
 they were chefs. Walker says that if the species was cooking with fire,
 he and others should have found campfires ( 56 ) with its bones and stone
 tools. ( 57 ) agree: Loring Brace notes that less than 200,000 years ago
 is about the time evidence appears for earth-oven cookery:While fire has
 been under control back near 800,000 years, its use in the systematic
 preparation of food has only been over the last 100,000-plus years.
    Others think that cooking may have played an important ( 58 ) early
 on, along with other adaptations to expand human brainpower. As Aiello
 observes, the big brain was apparently the lucky accident of several
 converging ( 59 ) that accentuate each other. Critical sources of
 energy to fuel the brain came from several sourcesmore meat, reduced
 guts, cooking, and perhaps more efficient upright walking and running.
 The ( 60 ) in which our ancestors adopted these energy-saving
 adaptations is under hot debate, with the timing for cooking hardest to test.
  サ associated  シ factors  ス include  セ claims  ソ others
  タ order    チ where   ツ which   テ role   ト rule
51.  52.  53.  54.  55.  56.  57.  58.  59.  60.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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 41.コ 42.オ 43.エ 44.イ 45.カ 46.ク 47.ウ 48.ケ 49.ア 50.キ  .
 51.セ 52.ス 53.チ 54.ト 55.ツ 56.サ 57.ソ 58.テ 59.シ 60.タ  .
  [[長文No.118]] E 707Z8E96-491
  [48] Wrangham's analysis of nutritional, archaeological, and
 primatological data adds up to a hypothesis that hot cuisine fueled the
 brain. [49] It's such a nice explanation,says anthropologist Leslie
 Aiello. [50] She says the smaller teeth in H. erectus indicate to her that
 it wasn't chewing much tough raw food:Something must be going on.
 [51] If only there were evidence for fire.


  [52] And that's the stumbling block to Wrangham's theories: Cooking
 requires fire. [53] Clear evidence of habitual cooking requires stone
 hearths or even clay cooking pots. [54] Solid evidence for hearths, with
 stones or bones circling patches of dark ground or ash, has been found no
 earlier than 250,000 years ago in several sites in southern Europe.
 [55] Burned bones, stones, ash, and charcoal 300,000 to 500,000 years ago
 have also been assigned to hearths. [56] And burned flints, seeds, and wood
 found in a hearth-like pattern have been cited as signs of controlled fire
 790,000 years ago. [57] But even the earliest of those dates are long after
 the dramatic anatomical changes seen in H. erectus, says Wrangham. [58] He
 notes that evidence for fire is often ambiguous and argues that humans were
 roasting meat and roots around the campfire as early as 1.9 million years


  [[長文No.118]] F 707Z8E96-491
  [59] Indeed, there are a dozen claims for campfires almost that ancient.
 [60] Anthropologist Jack Harris has presented evidence of burned stone tools
 1.5 million years ago, along with burned clay at two sites. [61] H. erectus
has been found at both sites. [62] Claims by other researchers include
 animal bones burned at high temperatures 1.5 million years ago, and clay
 burnt at high temperatures 1.4 million years ago. [63] But where there is
 smoke there isn't necessarily cooking fire: None of these teams can rule out
 beyond a doubt that the burns came from natural fires, although Harris
 argues that cooking fires burn hot at 600°C to 800°C and leave a trail
 different from that of bush fires, which often burn as low as 100°C.


  [64] All the same, those most familiar with H. erectus aren't convinced
 they were chefs. [65] Walker says that if the species was cooking with fire,
 he and others should have found campfires associated with its bones and
 stone tools. [66] Others agree: Loring Brace notes that less than 200,000
 years ago is about the time evidence appears for earth-oven cookery:While
 fire has been under control back near 800,000 years, its use in the
 systematic preparation of food has only been over the last 100,000-plus


  [67] Others think that cooking may have played an important role early
 on, along with other adaptations to expand human brainpower. [68] As Aiello
 observes, the big brain was apparently the lucky accident of several
 converging factors that accentuate each other. [69] Critical sources of
 energy to fuel the brain came from several sourcesmore meat, reduced
 guts, cooking, and perhaps more efficient upright walking and running.
 [70] The order in which our ancestors adopted these energy-saving
 adaptations is under hot debate, with the timing for cooking hardest to test.



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  [[長文No.118]] E 707Z8E96
 [48] Wrangham's analysis of nutritional, archaeological, and primatological
   data adds up to a hypothesis that hot cuisine fueled the brain.
 Wrangham's analysis of ランハムの〜の分析
 nutritional, archaeological, 栄養学上の、考古学上の
 and primatological data そして霊長類学上の資料
 adds up to a hypothesis that という仮説に至る
 hot cuisine fueled the brain. 熱する料理法で脳に燃料が補給された
  analysis 分析
  nutritional 栄養学上の
  archaeological 考古学上の
  primatological 霊長類学上の
  data 資料
  add up to 〜に至る、つまるところ〜ということになる
  hypothesis 仮説
  cuisine 料理(法)
  fuel 燃料を補給する


 [49] It's such a nice explanation,says anthropologist Leslie Aiello.
 It's such a nice explanation これは非常に満足出来る説明だ
 says anthropologist Leslie Aiello. 文化人類学者レスリーアイエロは言う


 [50] She says the smaller teeth in H. erectus indicate to her that it
   wasn't chewing much tough raw food:Something must be going on.
 She says 彼女は言う
 the smaller teeth in H. erectus ホモエレクトスの小さい歯
 indicate to her that 自分には〜が示されているように思える
 it wasn't chewing much tough raw food 固くて生の食べ物はあまり噛んでなかった
 Something must be going on. 何かが起こっているに違いない
  indicate 〜を示す


 [51] If only there were evidence for fire.
 If only there were 〜さえあれば
 evidence for fire. 火の証拠


 [52] And that's the stumbling block to Wrangham's theories: Cooking
   requires fire.
 And that's the stumbling block そしてそれが障害物だ
 to Wrangham's theories ランハムの理論の
 Cooking requires fire. 調理には火が必要
  stumbling block 障害物


 [53] Clear evidence of habitual cooking requires stone hearths or even clay
   cooking pots.
 Clear evidence of habitual cooking 習慣的な料理の明確な証拠
 requires stone hearths 石の炉床が必要
 or even clay cooking pots. あるいは陶製の調理用のつぼ
  habitual 習慣的な
  hearth 炉床
  clay pot 陶製のつぼ


 [54] Solid evidence for hearths, with stones or bones circling patches of
   dark ground or ash, has been found no earlier than 250,000 years ago in
   several sites in southern Europe.
 Solid evidence for hearths, 炉床の明確な証拠
 with stones or bones 石や骨のある
 circling patches of dark ground or ash, 黒い土や灰の狭い地面を取り囲んでいる
 has been found 見つかっている
 no earlier than 250,000 years ago 25万年よりも前のものは全くない
 in several sites in southern Europe. 南ヨーロッパの数カ所から
  solid 明確な
  patch 小さな土地
  ash 灰


 [55] Burned bones, stones, ash, and charcoal 300,000 to 500,000 years ago
   have also been assigned to hearths.
 Burned bones, stones, ash, and charcoal 燃えた骨、石、灰そして木炭
 300,000 to 500,000 years ago 30万年から50万年前
 have also been assigned to hearths. もまた炉床によるものだとされている
  charcoal 木炭
  assign 帰する
  assigned to 〜によるものだとする


 [56] And burned flints, seeds, and wood found in a hearth-like pattern have
   been cited as signs of controlled fire 790,000 years ago.
 And burned flints, seeds, and wood そして燃えた火打ち石、種そして木
 found in a hearth-like pattern 炉床の様な形態のものから見つかった
 have been cited as signs 証拠として引用されてきた
 of controlled fire 790,000 years ago. 79万年前に火を利用していた
  flint 火打ち石
  cite 引用する
  sign 証拠
  control 抑制する、制御する


 [57] But even the earliest of those dates are long after the dramatic
   anatomical changes seen in H. erectus, says Wrangham.
 But even the earliest of those dates しかしそれらの最も古い物の年代さえ
 are long after ずっと後なのだ
 the dramatic anatomical changes 劇的な構造変化
 seen in H. erectus, ホモエレクトスに見られる
 says Wrangham. ランハムは言う
  date 年代


 [58] He notes that evidence for fire is often ambiguous and argues that
   humans were roasting meat and roots around the campfire as early as 1.9
   million years ago.
 He notes that 彼は〜に注目している
 evidence for fire is often ambiguous 火の証拠には曖昧であることが多い
 and argues that そして〜と主張している
 humans were roasting meat and roots 人間が肉や根を焼いていた
 around the campfire キャンプファイアの周りで
 as early as 1.9 million years ago. 190万年前にはすでに
  note 注目する
  evidence 証拠
  ambiguous 曖昧な
  argue 主張する、論じる
  roast 焼く、あぶる
  campfire キャンプファイア
  as early as 〜にはすでに、早くも〜には


  [[長文No.118]] F 707Z8E96
 [59] Indeed, there are a dozen claims for campfires almost that ancient.
 Indeed, there are a dozen 実際、十数個の〜がある
 claims for campfires キャンプファイアについての主張
 almost that ancient. それ程昔の
  a dozen 12
  claim 主張
  ancient 昔の、古代の


 [60] Anthropologist Jack Harris has presented evidence of burned stone tools
   1.5 million years ago, along with burned clay at two sites.
 Anthropologist Jack Harris 文化人類学者のジャックハリス
 has presented evidence of 〜の証拠を発表している
 burned stone tools 1.5 million years ago, 150万年前の焼けた石
 along with burned clay at two sites. 2カ所からの焼けた粘土と共に
  present 発表する
  tool 道具
  clay 粘土
  site 場所
  along with 〜と共に


 [61] H. erectus has been found at both sites.
 H. erectus has been found ホモエレクトスが発見されている
 at both sites. 両方の場所で


 [62] Claims by other researchers include animal bones burned at high
   temperatures 1.5 million years ago, and clay burnt at high temperatures
   1.4 million years ago.
 Claims by other researchers 発表している研究者もいる
 include animal bones burned 焼かれた動物の骨を含む
 at high temperatures 1.5 million years ago, 150万年前に高温で
 and clay burnt at high temperatures そして高温で焼かれた粘土
 1.4 million years ago. 140万年前に


 [63] But where there is smoke there isn't necessarily cooking fire: None of
   these teams can rule out beyond a doubt that the burns came from natural
   fires, although Harris argues that cooking fires burn hot at 600°C to
   800°C and leave a trail different from that of bush fires, which often
   burn as low as 100°C.
 But where there is smoke しかし煙のあるところに
 there isn't necessarily cooking fire 必ずしも調理用の火がある訳ではない
 None of these teams can rule out そうした研究班のどれも排除出来ていない
 beyond a doubt that 〜を間違いなく
 the burns came from natural fires, その燃焼が自然の火による
 although Harris argues that しかしハリスは〜と主張する
 cooking fires burn hot 調理用の火は熱くなる
 at 600°C to 800°C 600度から800度で
 and leave a trail different そして違う痕跡が残る
 from that of bush fires, 山火事とは
 which often burn as low as 100°C. 山火事の燃焼は100度しかないことが多い
  trail 痕跡
  where there is smoke there is fire: 火のないところに煙は立たない[諺]
  rule out 排除する
  beyond a doubt 間違いなく
  bush fire 山火事


 [64] All the same, those most familiar with H. erectus aren't convinced
   they were chefs.
 All the same, それでもやはり
 those most familiar with H. erectus ホモエレクトスに最も精通している研究者達
 aren't convinced they were chefs 調理していたと確信していない
  convince 確信させる
  chef 料理する人
  all the same それでもやはり
  familiar with 〜に精通している


 [65] Walker says that if the species was cooking with fire, he and others
   should have found campfires associated with its bones and stone tools.
 Walker says that 〜とウォーカーは言う
 if the species was cooking with fire, もしこの種が火で調理していたなら
 he and others should have found 自分や他の研究者が発見しているはず
 campfires associated with 〜と共にキャンプファイア
 its bones and stone tools. 骨と石の道具
  associated with 〜を伴った


 [66] Others agree: Loring Brace notes that less than 200,000 years ago is
   about the time evidence appears for earth-oven cookery:While fire has
   been under control back near 800,000 years, its use in the systematic
   preparation of food has only been over the last 100,000-plus years.
 Others agree: 他の研究者も同意見だ。例えば
 Loring Brace notes that ローリングブレイスは〜と言っている
 less than 200,000 years ago 20万年前よりも後
 is about the time だいたいの時代
 evidence appears for earth-oven cookery 地面のかまどで調理した証拠が出てくる
 :While fire has been under control つまり、火は制御されていた
 back near 800,000 years, 80万年ほど前に
 its use in the systematic preparation of food 食品の意図的な準備に火を使った
 has only been over the last 100,000-plus years. この10数万年の間でしかない
  systematic 意図的な、体系的な
  100,000-plus 10数万
  earth-oven cookery 地面のかまどの調理場
  under control 制御されている


 [67] Others think that cooking may have played an important role early
   on, along with other adaptations to expand human brainpower.
 Others think that 〜と考える者もいる
 cooking may have played an important role 調理が重要な役割をしたかも知れない
 early on, 早期に
 along with other adaptations
 to expand human brainpower. 人間の脳の力が拡大する
  brainpower 脳の力
  play a role 役割を果たす
  early on 早期の
  adaptation to 〜への適応


 [68] As Aiello observes, the big brain was apparently the lucky accident of
   several converging factors that accentuate each other.
 As Aiello observes アイエロが言うように
 the big brain 大きな脳
 was apparently the lucky accident 幸運な偶然であったことは明らか
 of several converging factors 数々の要因が集中した
 that accentuate each other. 互いに引き立たせ合う
  observe 言う、主張する
  apparently 明らかに
  converge 集中する
  accentuate 引き立たせる、目立たせる
  lucky accident 幸運な偶然
  each other 互い


 [69] Critical sources of energy to fuel the brain came from several
   sourcesmore meat, reduced guts, cooking, and perhaps more efficient
   upright walking and running.
 Critical sources of energy 重大なエネルギー源
 to fuel the brain 脳に燃料を供給する
 came from several sources 様々な源から来た
 more meat, reduced guts, つまり、より多くの肉、小さくなった内臓
 cooking, and perhaps 調理、そしてひょっとすると〜かも知れない
 more efficient upright walking and running. より効果的な直立歩行と走ること
  critical 重大な
  source 源
  fuel 燃料を供給する
  efficient 効率的な
  upright 直立の


 [70] The order in which our ancestors adopted these energy-saving
   adaptations is under hot debate, with the timing for cooking hardest to
 The order 秩序
 in which our ancestors adopted その中で人類の祖先が採用した
 these energy-saving adaptations こうしたエネルギーを節約する適応
 is under hot debate, 熱い議論が行われている
 with the timing for cooking 調理が行われた時代の選択は〜
  ☆ with timing[A] hardest[B]:AがBの状態である
 hardest to test. 検証が最も困難
  energy-saving エネルギーを節約する
  adaptation 適応
  timing 時代の選択、決定
  test 検証する
  under debate 議論されている



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