大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.119]] A-1 400Z5E24NTA119-555
    Fundamentally, there are just two major food illnesses in our society:
 eating too much and eating too little. The former is more ( 1 ), but both
 have steadily increased over the past few decades, and both are important
 because, when pushed to their ( 2 ), they are killers. People who are very
 overweight may have various health problems, the most deadly of which ( 3 )
 with high blood pressure and can end in death from heart disease. At the
 other extreme, the rejection of food begins with dieting, can progress to
 more serious eating ( 4 ), and can end in death from self-starvation. This
 is not to say that there are no other medical problems centered on food.
 Meanwhile, it should be kept in mind that these eating disorders are
 important not only because they are a problem for many people but also
 because they ( 5 ) the complex social and psychological factors that can
 ( 6 ) food behaviors.
    The most general approach to the mysteries of being overweight has
 been ( 7 ) by the food and diet expert David Booth in the questionWhy do
 we now not like being fat? The question should not be ( 8 ) as mere
 rhetoric. It points to a recent and profoundly significant change in the
 social and emotional meanings of food and our ideas about our bodies. Up
 through the end of the 19th and the early years of the 20th century, we did
 like being fat. Fat had obvious survival value as protection against the
 effects of ( 9 ) in a world where local food shortages and widespread
 famines were not ( 10 ). And it still does in parts of Africa, Asia, and
 the former Soviet Union.
  ア formulated  イ begins  ウ dismissed  エ distort  オ prevalent
  カ starvation  キ reveal  ク disorders  ケ unusual  コ extremes
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.119]] A-2 400Z5E24-555
    In almost all human societies, being fat was also a ( 11 ) sign of
 material success and high social status for both men and women. Yet today
 in North America and most of Europe, fat means just the ( 12 ). It is the
 poor who are most likely to be fat, and the rich and famous, particularly
 women, who live out the ( 13 )You can never be too rich or too thin.
 How did this reversal happen? Why is possessing a well-padded body or
 ( 14 ) in the joy of eating to the limit no longer desirable in modern
    The politically correct response today would simply behealth.
 But the widespread prejudice, in many cases ( 15 ), against being fat in
 our society today is not mainly due to the medical risks that have become
 common knowledge over the past thirty years. It is much more a matter of
 aesthetics and, perhaps even more importantly, a psychological effect of
 the new industrial and urban environments that ( 16 ) most dramatically
 in North America and Western Europe early in the 20th century. Most
 discussions of this topic only note that changes in aesthetic values and
 fashion styles are responsible for the trend ( 17 ) from the bulky, heavier
 bodies admired during the 19th century and earlier. They give little
 attention to the question of why this trend occurred. But closer
 examination suggests that the answer involves a ( 18 ) of biological,
 social, and psychological adaptations to modern industrial life. With the
 ( 19 ) of the machine age and all the technological changes associated with
 it, including new food processing, distribution, and consumption patterns,
 heavy bodies became as out-of-date as the manual and physical activities
 that once ( 20 ) them.
  サ combination  シ away  ス indulging  セ doctrine  ソ disgust
  タ conspicuous  チ dawn  ツ justified  テ opposite  ト emerged
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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1.オ  2.コ  3.イ  4.ク  5.キ  6.エ  7.ア  8.ウ  9.カ 10.ケ  .
11.タ 12.テ 13.セ 14.ス 15.ソ 16.ト 17.シ 18.サ 19.チ 20.ツ  .
  [[長文No.119]] A-1 400Z5E24-555
  [01] Fundamentally, there are just two major food illnesses in our
 society: eating too much and eating too little. [02] The former is more
 prevalent, but both have steadily increased over the past few decades,
 and both are important because, when pushed to their extremes, they are
 killers. [03] People who are very overweight may have various health
 problems, the most deadly of which begins with high blood pressure and
 can end in death from heart disease. [04] At the other extreme, the
 rejection of food begins with dieting, can progress to more serious
 eating disorders, and can end in death from self-starvation. [05] This
 is not to say that there are no other medical problems centered on food.
 [06] Meanwhile, it should be kept in mind that these eating disorders are
 important not only because they are a problem for many people but also
 because they reveal the complex social and psychological factors that can
 distort food behaviors.


  [07] The most general approach to the mysteries of being overweight has
 been formulated by the food and diet expert David Booth in the question
 Why do we now not like being fat? [08] The question should not be
 dismissed as mere rhetoric. [09] It points to a recent and profoundly
 significant change in the social and emotional meanings of food and our
 ideas about our bodies. [10] Up through the end of the 19th and the early
 years of the 20th century, we did like being fat. [11] Fat had obvious
 survival value as protection against the effects of starvation in a world
 where local food shortages and widespread famines were not unusual.
 [12] And it still does in parts of Africa, Asia, and the former Soviet


  [[長文No.119]] A-2 400Z5E24-555
  [13] In almost all human societies, being fat was also a
 conspicuous sign of material success and high social status for both men
 and women. [14] Yet today in North America and most of Europe, fat means
 just the opposite. [15] It is the poor who are most likely to be fat, and
 the rich and famous, particularly women, who live out the doctrineYou
 can never be too rich or too thin. [16] How did this reversal happen?
 [17] Why is possessing a well-padded body or indulging in the joy of
 eating to the limit no longer desirable in modern societies?


  [18] The politically correct response today would simply behealth.
 [19] But the widespread prejudice, in many cases disgust, against being
 fat in our society today is not mainly due to the medical risks that have
 become common knowledge over the past thirty years. [20] It is much more
 a matter of aesthetics and, perhaps even more importantly, a psychological
 effect of the new industrial and urban environments that emerged most
 dramatically in North America and Western Europe early in the 20th century.
 [21] Most discussions of this topic only note that changes in aesthetic
 values and fashion styles are responsible for the trend away from the
 bulky, heavier bodies admired during the 19th century and earlier.
 [22] They give little attention to the question of why this trend occurred.
 [23] But closer examination suggests that the answer involves a
 combination of biological, social, and psychological adaptations to modern
 industrial life. [24] With the dawn of the machine age and all the
 technological changes associated with it, including new food processing,
 distribution, and consumption patterns, heavy bodies became as out-of-date
 as the manual and physical activities that once justified them.



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  [[長文No.119]] A 400Z5E24-555
 [01] Fundamentally, there are just two major food illnesses in our
   society: eating too much and eating too little.
 Fundamentally, there are just two 基本的に、2つしかない
 major food illnesses in our society 人間社会の食料に関わる大きな病気
 eating too much and 食べ過ぎと
 eating too little 食べなさ過ぎ
  fundamentally 基本的に
  major 主要な
  illnesses 病気


 [02] The former is more prevalent, but both have steadily increased over
   the past few decades, and both are important because, when pushed to
   their extremes, they are killers.
 The former is more prevalent, but 前者の方が広く認められているが
  ☆ the former 前者[食べ過ぎ] ←→ the latter 後者。
 both have steadily increased 両方とも、だんだんと増えてきた
 over the past few decades, この数十年で
 and both are important そしてその両方が重要
 because, なぜなら、〜だから
 when pushed to their extremes, 極端な場合になると
 they are killers. それによって命を落とす
  prevalent 広く認められている、普及している
  steadily だんだんと、着々と
  increase 増加する
  decade 10年
  extreme 極端な(もの[状態])
  killer 殺すもの


 [03] People who are very overweight may have various health problems, the
   most deadly of which begins with high blood pressure and can end in
   death from heart disease.
 People who are very overweight 太りすぎの人
  ☆ People[S] have[V] problems[O] 3文型。
 may have various health problems, 様々な健康上の問題がある可能性がある
 the most deadly of which そのうちの最も生命の危機に関わるもの
  ☆ the most deadly of which = and the most deadly of them
 begins with high blood pressure and 高血圧に始まり
 can end in death from heart disease. 心臓病からの死まで至りかねない
  overweight 太り過ぎ(の)
  various 様々な
  deadly 命に関わる、命取りになる
  begin with 〜から始まる
  high blood pressure 高血圧
  end in 〜に終わる
  heart disease 心臓病


 [04] At the other extreme, the rejection of food begins with dieting, can
   progress to more serious eating disorders, and can end in death from
 At the other extreme, 逆の極端では
 the rejection of food begins with dieting, 拒食症が食事制限から始まり
 can progress to に進む可能性がある
 more serious eating disorders, さらに深刻な摂食障害
 and can end in death そして死に至ることもある
 from self-starvation. 自ら飢えることで
  rejection 拒絶
  dieting 食事制限、減量
  progress 進む
  serious 深刻な
  self-starvation 自ら飢える
  eating disorders 摂食障害、接触異常


 [05] This is not to say that there are no other medical problems centered
   on food.
 This is not to say that これ[こう言ったこと]は〜ということではない
 there are no other medical problems 医療上の問題が他にない
 centered on food 食料を中心とした
  ☆ centered 過去分詞の形容詞。 problems にかかる。
  medical 医療上の
  center on 〜に集中させる


 [06] Meanwhile, it should be kept in mind that these eating disorders are
   important not only because they are a problem for many people but also
   because they reveal the complex social and psychological factors that
   can distort food behaviors.
 Meanwhile, it should be kept in mind that 一方、〜を認識すべきだ
 these eating disorders are important こうした摂食障害は重要だ
 not only because という理由だけでなく
  ☆ not only because A but also because B:Aの理由だけでなくBの理由でも
 they are a problem for many people 多くの人の問題である
 but also because they reveal そこから分かるという理由でも
 the complex social and psychological factors 複雑な社会的心理的要因
 that can distort food behaviors. 摂食行為の歪みの原因となる
  meanwhile 一方では、その間に
  reveal 明らかにする
  psychological 精神的な、心理学的な
  factor 要因、要素
  distort 歪める、曲げる
  behavior 行動、振る舞い
  keep 〜 in mind 心に留めておく、覚えている


 [07] The most general approach to the mysteries of being overweight has
   been formulated by the food and diet expert David Booth in the question
  Why do we now not like being fat?
 The most general approach to the mysteries 謎に対する最も一般的な取り組み
 of being overweight 太りすぎという
 has been formulated 組み立てられてきた
 by the food and diet expert David Booth 食料と食事の専門家デビッドブースに
 in the question 疑問の中で
 Why do we now not like being fat? なぜ今は、太っていることを好まないのか
  general 一般的な
  approach 取り組み
  mystery 謎
  formulate 組み立てる、公式化する
  diet 食事、食事制限(をする)
  expert 専門家


 [08] The question should not be dismissed as mere rhetoric.
 The question should not be dismissed この疑問は片づけるべきではない
 as mere rhetoric. 単なる大げさな言葉として
  dismiss 片づける、退ける、解雇する
  rhetoric 大げさな言葉、修辞法、雄弁術、美辞麗句


 [09] It points to a recent and profoundly significant change in the social
   and emotional meanings of food and our ideas about our bodies.
 It points to その言葉で示されている
 a recent and profoundly significant change 最近の深くて重要な変化
 in the social and emotional meanings of food 食料の社会的感情的意味の
 and our ideas about our bodies そして、自分達の体についての考え方
  profoundly 深く、全く
  significant 重要な
  emotional 感情的
  point to 〜を示す


 [10] Up through the end of the 19th and the early years of the 20th
   century, we did like being fat.
 Up through the end of の終わりまでずっと
 the 19th and the early years of the 20th century, 19世紀と20世紀初頭
 we did like being fat. 人間は太っていることを好んでいた


 [11] Fat had obvious survival value as protection against the effects of
   starvation in a world where local food shortages and widespread famines
   were not unusual.
 Fat had obvious 太っていることには明らかな〜があった
 survival value 生き残り上の価値
 as protection against 〜からの保護として
 the effects of starvation 飢餓の影響
 in a world where 〜な世界では
 local food shortages and widespread famines 地元での食糧不足と広範囲の飢饉
 were not unusual. 珍しくない
  obvious 明らかな
  survival 生き残り
  value 価値
  protection 保護
  effect 影響
  starvation 飢餓
  shortage 不足
  widespread 広範囲に及ぶ
  famine 飢饉
  unusual 珍しい、希な、異常な


 [12] And it still does in parts of Africa, Asia, and the former Soviet
 And it still does そしていまでもそうだ(価値がある)
  ☆ does = has survival value
 in parts of Africa, Asia, and アフリカ、アジアと〜の一部では
 the former Soviet Union. 旧ソビエト連邦


  [[長文No.119]] A-2 400Z5E24-555
 [13] In almost all human societies, being fat was also a conspicuous sign
   of material success and high social status for both men and women.
 In almost all human societies, ほとんど全ての人間社会では
 being fat was also a conspicuous sign 太っているのは顕著な証拠でもあった
 of material success and high social status 物質的成功と高い社会的地位の
 for both men and women. 男にとっても女にとっても
  conspicuous わかりやすい、顕著な
  sign 証拠、あらわれ
  material 物質的
  success 成功
  status 地位


 [14] Yet today in North America and most of Europe, fat means just the
 Yet today しかし今日
 in North America and most of Europe, 北アメリカとヨーロッパのほとんどで
 fat means just the opposite. 太っていることはそれとは全く反対の意味
  ☆ just the opposite 全く反対のこと
  opposite (正)反対の、逆の


 [15] It is the poor who are most likely to be fat, and the rich and famous,
   particularly women, who live out the doctrineYou can never be too
   rich or too thin.
 It is the poor 貧しい人達だ
 who are most likely to be fat, 太っている可能性が最も高いのは
  ☆ It iswho B:BなのはA[強調構文]。
 and そして。この並列によって、次の it is は省略されている。
 (it is) the rich and famous, particularly women, 裕福で有名な人達、特に女性
 who live out the doctrine 教義を実践して生きている
 You can never be too rich or too thin. 金持ちとやせた体は、なり過ぎがない
  doctrine 教義
  likely to 可能性が高い
  live out 〜を実現する
  can never be too 〜にはなり過ぎることがない、どんなに〜しても足りない


 [16] How did this reversal happen?
 How did this reversal happen? この逆転はいかにして起こったのか
  reversal 逆転、反転、どんでん返し


 [17] Why is possessing a well-padded body or indulging in the joy of
   eating to the limit no longer desirable in modern societies?
 Why is possessing a well-padded body なぜ十分入った体を持つことが〜なのか
 or indulging in the joy of eating あるいは食べる喜びに耽ること
 to the limit 限界まで
 no longer desirable in modern societies? 現代社会では、もはや望ましくない
  possess 所有する、持つ
  well-padded 十分パッドの入っている→十分脂肪の入っている
  limit 限界
  desirable 望ましい
  indulge in 〜に耽る、〜を欲しいままにする
  no longer もはや〜ない


 [18] The politically correct response today would simply behealth.
 The politically correct response today 公正さを期した今日の返答
 would simply behealth. 単純に「健康」だろう
  response 返答
  politically correct 公正さを期した、差別的でない


 [19] But the widespread prejudice, in many cases disgust, against being
   fat in our society today is not mainly due to the medical risks that
   have become common knowledge over the past thirty years.
 But the widespread prejudice, しかし、広く行き渡った偏見
 in many cases disgust, 多くの場合嫌悪だが
 against being fat in our society today 現在の社会の、太っていることに対する
 is not mainly due to the medical risks 医学上の危険性によるものだけではない
 that have become common knowledge 一般常識になってきた
 over the past thirty years. この30年間で
  prejudice 偏見
  disgust 嫌悪
  medical 医学上の
  in many cases 多くの場合[caseの前置詞はin]
  due to 〜による、〜が原因
  common knowledge 一般常識


 [20] It is much more a matter of aesthetics and, perhaps even more
   importantly, a psychological effect of the new industrial and urban
   environments that emerged most dramatically in North America and
   Western Europe early in the 20th century.
 It is much more a matter それは〜の問題である部分がはるかに大きい
 of aesthetics 美の哲学の
 and, perhaps even more importantly, そして、ひょっとするとさらに重要なのは
 a psychological effect of 〜の心理的影響
 the new industrial and urban environments 新たな産業と都市の環境
 that emerged most dramatically 最も劇的に現れた
 in North America and Western Europe 北アメリカと西ヨーロッパに
 early in the 20th century. 20世紀初期に
  aesthetics 美の哲学、美学
  industrial 産業の
  urban 都市の
  emerge 現れる
  a matter of 〜の問題


 [21] Most discussions of this topic only note that changes in aesthetic
   values and fashion styles are responsible for the trend away from the
   bulky, heavier bodies admired during the 19th century and earlier.
 Most discussions of this topic この話題のたいていの議論では
 only note that 〜にしか注目していない
 changes in aesthetic values and fashion styles 美的価値観と流行の型の変化
 are responsible for the trend 傾向の原因である
 away from the bulky, heavier bodies 太って重い体から離れる
 admired during the 19th century and earlier. 19世紀以前に賞賛された
  ☆ admired 過去分詞の形容詞。 bodies にかかる。
  topic 話題
  note 注目する、注意する、指摘する
  trend 傾向
  bulky 太った、かさばった
  admire 賞賛する
  responsible for 〜の原因である
  away from 〜から離れて


 [22] They give little attention to the question of why this trend occurred.
 They give little attention to 〜にはほとんど注目していない
 the question of という疑問
 why this trend occurred. なぜこの傾向が生じたのか
  give[pay] little attention to 〜にほとんど注目しない


 [23] But closer examination suggests that the answer involves a
   combination of biological, social, and psychological adaptations to
   modern industrial life.
 But closer examination suggests that しかし細かく調べてみると〜がうかがえる
  ☆ examination[S][無生物主語]→条件に訳す「調べてみると」
 the answer involves a combination 答えには、組み合わせが含まれている
 of biological, social, 生物学上と社会的な
 and psychological adaptations そして、心理的な適応
 to modern industrial life. 現代の産業化した生活
  closer examination さらに細かい調査
  combination 組み合わせ、組み合わさったもの
  biological 生物学上の
  adaptation 適応
  industrial 産業化した


 [24] With the dawn of the machine age and all the technological changes
   associated with it, including new food processing, distribution, and
   consumption patterns, heavy bodies became as out-of-date as the manual
   and physical activities that once justified them.
 With the dawn of the machine age 機械の時代の始まりと共に
 and all the technological changes そしてあらゆる科学技術の変化
 associated with it, それに伴う
 including new food processing, distribution, 新しい食品加工、流通も含まれる
 and consumption patterns, そして消費形態
 heavy bodies became as out-of-date as 重い体は〜同様、時代遅れになった
 the manual and physical activities 力仕事や肉体労働
 that once justified them. その[重い体の]正当化となった
  dawn 始まり、夜明け
  technological 科学技術の
  associate 関わらせる、関連させる
  including 〜を含む、そこには〜が含まれる
  processing 加工(工程)
  distribution 流通、分配
  consumption 消費
  out-of-date 時代遅れの
  justify 正当化する、根拠となる
  with the dawn of 〜の始まりと共に
  associated with 〜に関わる
  manual activity 手を使う活動、力仕事
  physical activity 体を使う活動、肉体労働



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