大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.120]] B-1 400Z5E24NTA120-449
    A well-fleshed, bulky body with ( 21 ) fat reserves is clearly very
 desirable if you are working outdoors in all sorts of weather or shoveling
 coal for a ( 22 ). But if you are in a protected indoor environment
 working at tasks that require ( 23 ) physical effort, such a heavy body is
 essentially useless. And from the standpoint of prevalent social class
 values, it is also a mark of social status, in the same way that rough work
 boots and overalls reveal or define a person as low-end working class. On
 the other hand, to have a thin body is to be marked as ( 24 ): unfit for
 the heavy outdoor work or frequent childbearing reserved forthe masses,
 but well ( 25 ) to office work and driving cars with automatic transmissions.
 In ( 26 ), with the rise of modern industrial society, the body begins to
 lose itsuse valuewhile ( 27 )exchange value. It ( 28 ) on a symbolic
 meaning revealing social class status and becomes valued less for its
 survival uses against heavy work or harsh weather than for its decorative
 or aesthetic functions. In fact, according to current health ( 29 ), it is
 now just the opposite, because in modern societies thin bodies make for
 ( 30 ) survival.
  ア statistics  イ frail  ウ adapted  エ short  オ living
  カ substantial  キ takes  ク gaining  ケ longer  コ little
21.  22.  23.  24.  25.  26.  27.  28.  29.  30.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.120]] B-2 400Z5E24-449
    Essential to this transformation of the body from an object geared to
 the harsh ( 31 ) of nature to one defined by its fit to the made modern
 world is a new, culturally ( 32 ) view of the body. The body is now not
 ( 33 ) a naturalgivenbut a form of personal property, an object one
 owns and is responsible for maintaining and developing. Nor are such
 maintenance and development merely a ( 34 ) of individual choice. There is
 a clear, if unspoken, underlying concept of the contemporary body that is
 directly in line with the values ( 35 ) in all the other creations of
 modern times.
    The industrial age idealized efficiency and rationality. The
 efficiency of any machine is defined by its energy input to output ratio
 and its power to weight ratio. This ideal can be achieved only through
 ( 36 ) rationality, in the form of mechanical engineering. Like the
 ideal machine, the efficiency of the modern body requires ( 37 ) weight
 to be removed, and the means to accomplish this are provided by the
 rationality of diet and food science. And so it is no mere change of
 fashion that ( 38 ) a lean, lightweight human body as the modern ideal
 but, rather, a blend of the fundamental values associated with modern
 culture. Nothing, however, is more ( 39 ) to those values than excess
 body weight. Living in a culture ( 40 ) almost everywhere to the
 achievement of light, slim, energy-efficient design, how could we not
 apply these criteria to ourselves?
  サ represented  シ driven  ス applying  セ matter  ソ creates
  タ dedicated   チ excess  ツ demands  テ simply  ト opposed
31.  32.  33.  34.  35.  36.  37.  38.  39.  40.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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21.カ 22.オ 23.コ 24.イ 25.ウ 26.エ 27.ク 28.キ 29.ア 30.ケ  .
31.ツ 32.シ 33.テ 34.セ 35.サ 36.ス 37.チ 38.ソ 39.ト 40.タ  .
  [[長文No.120]] B-1 400Z5E24-449
  [25] A well-fleshed, bulky body with substantial fat reserves is clearly
 very desirable if you are working outdoors in all sorts of weather or
 shoveling coal for a living. [26] But if you are in a protected indoor
 environment working at tasks that require little physical effort, such a
 heavy body is essentially useless. [27] And from the standpoint of
 prevalent social class values, it is also a mark of social status, in the
 same way that rough work boots and overalls reveal or define a person as
 low-end working class. [28] On the other hand, to have a thin body is
 to be marked as frail: unfit for the heavy outdoor work or frequent
 childbearing reserved forthe masses,but well adapted to office work
 and driving cars with automatic transmissions. [29] In short, with the
 rise of modern industrial society, the body begins to lose itsuse value
 while gainingexchange value. [30] It takes on a symbolic meaning
 revealing social class status and becomes valued less for its survival
 uses against heavy work or harsh weather than for its decorative or
 aesthetic functions. [31] In fact, according to current health statistics,
 it is now just the opposite, because in modern societies thin bodies make
 for longer survival.


  [[長文No.120]] B-2 400Z5E24-449
  [32] Essential to this transformation of the body from an object
 geared to the harsh demands of nature to one defined by its fit to the
 made modern world is a new, culturally driven view of the body. [33] The
 body is now not simply a naturalgivenbut a form of personal property,
 an object one owns and is responsible for maintaining and developing.
 [34] Nor are such maintenance and development merely a matter of
 individual choice. [35] There is a clear, if unspoken, underlying concept
 of the contemporary body that is directly in line with the values
 represented in all the other creations of modern times.


  [36] The industrial age idealized efficiency and rationality. [37] The
 efficiency of any machine is defined by its energy input to output ratio
 and its power to weight ratio. [38] This ideal can be achieved only
 through applying rationality, in the form of mechanical engineering.
 [39] Like the ideal machine, the efficiency of the modern body requires
 excess weight to be removed, and the means to accomplish this are provided
 by the rationality of diet and food science. [40] And so it is no mere
 change of fashion that creates a lean, lightweight human body as the
 modern ideal but, rather, a blend of the fundamental values associated
 with modern culture. [41] Nothing, however, is more opposed to those
 values than excess body weight. [42] Living in a culture dedicated almost
 everywhere to the achievement of light, slim, energy-efficient design, how
 could we not apply these criteria to ourselves?



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  [[長文No.120]] B 400Z5E24-449
 [25] A well-fleshed, bulky body with substantial fat reserves is clearly
   very desirable if you are working outdoors in all sorts of weather or
   shoveling coal for a living.
 A well-fleshed, bulky body 十分肉の付いた大きな体
 with substantial fat reserves たくさんの脂肪の蓄えがある
 is clearly very desirable 明らかに非常に望ましい
 if you are working outdoors もしも外で働いているなら
 in all sorts of weather あらゆる種類の天候の中
 or shoveling coal for a living. あるいは、生活のため石炭をシャベルですくう
  well-fleshed 十分肉の付いた
  substantial たくさんの、十分な
  fat 脂肪
  reserve 蓄え、蓄積
  outdoors 外で、戸外で
  shovel シャベルですくう
  coal 石炭
  for a living 生活のため


 [26] But if you are in a protected indoor environment working at tasks
   that require little physical effort, such a heavy body is essentially
 But if you are in しかし、もしも中にいるなら
 a protected indoor environment 保護された室内の環境
 working at tasks 仕事をしている
 that require little physical effort, 肉体的な取り組みをほとんど必要としない
 such a heavy body そうした重い体
 is essentially useless. 必ずしも役には立たない
  protected 保護された
  indoor 室内の
  effort 取り組み、努力
  essentially 必ずしも、基本的に
  useless 役に立たない


 [27] And from the standpoint of prevalent social class values, it is also
   a mark of social status, in the same way that rough work boots and
   overalls reveal or define a person as low-end working class.
 And from the standpoint of そして〜の観点からは
 prevalent social class values, 普及している社会階級的価値観
 it is also a mark of social status, それは社会的地位の印でもある
 in the same way that 〜と同じような意味で
 rough work boots and overalls 粗末な作業靴とオーバーオール
 reveal or define a person 人が分かったり、定義されたりする
 as low-end working class. 最下層の労働者階級の人として
  standpoint 観点
  prevalent 普及している
  values 価値観
  rough 粗末な
  overall オーバーオール
  low-end 最下層の
  from the standpoint of 〜の観点から
  in the same way that 〜と同じように、〜と同じような意味で
  working class 労働者階級


 [28] On the other hand, to have a thin body is to be marked as frail:
   unfit for the heavy outdoor work or frequent childbearing reserved for
  the masses,but well adapted to office work and driving cars with
   automatic transmissions.
 On the other hand, 他方
 to have a thin body 細い体を持っていること
 is to be marked as frail: ひ弱である印になる
 unfit for the heavy outdoor work 戸外での厳しい仕事には適していない
 or frequent childbearing 頻繁な出産にも
 reserved for the masses, 「大衆」のものとされている
 but well adapted to office work しかし事務所での仕事にはとても適している
 and driving cars そして自動車を運転することにも
 with automatic transmissions. 自動変速機のついた
  frail ひ弱な
  unfit 適していない
  childbearing 出産
  reserved 指定されている
  adapt 適応させる
  on the other hand 他方
  adapted to 〜に適している
  automatic transmission 自動変速機
  the masses 一般大衆


 [29] In short, with the rise of modern industrial society, the body begins
   to lose itsuse valuewhile gainingexchange value.
 In short, 手短に言えば
 with the rise of modern industrial society, 現代の産業化社会の出現と共に
 the body begins to lose itsuse value 体は「使用価値」を失い始め
 while gainingexchange value. その一方で「交換価値」を得始める
  gain 得る
  exchange 交換(する)
  in short 手短に言えば


 [30] It takes on a symbolic meaning revealing social class status and
   becomes valued less for its survival uses against heavy work or harsh
   weather than for its decorative or aesthetic functions.
 It takes on a symbolic meaning 象徴的な意味を持つ
 revealing social class status 社会階級上の地位が分かる
  ☆ revealing 現在分詞の形容詞。= which reveals 。 meaning にかかる。
 and becomes valued 価値を持つようになる
 less for its survival uses 生き残りの価値よりも
 against heavy work or harsh weather つらい仕事や厳しい天候に対しての
 than for its decorative or aesthetic functions. 装飾上あるいは美的な役割で
  symbolic 象徴的な
  harsh 厳しい
  decorative 装飾的な
  aesthetic 美的な
  function 役割、機能
  take on 〜を帯びる、持つ


 [31] In fact, according to current health statistics, it is now just the
   opposite, because in modern societies thin bodies make for longer
 In fact, 実際
 according to current health statistics, 現在の健康上の統計によると
 it is now just the opposite, それは今では全く逆
 because in modern societies 現代の社会では〜だからだ
 thin bodies make for longer survival. 細い体の方が長期の生存に役立つ
  current 現在の
  statistics 統計(上の数字)
  opposite 正反対、逆
  in fact 実際
  according to 〜によると
  make for 〜に役立つ


  [[長文No.120]] B-2 400Z5E24-449
 [32] Essential to this transformation of the body from an object geared
   to the harsh demands of nature to one defined by its fit to the made
   modern world is a new, culturally driven view of the body.
 Essential to this transformation of the body この体の変化に極めて重要
  ☆ Essential[C] is[V] view[S] 2文型。
 from an object ものから
 geared to the harsh demands of nature 自然の厳しい要求に合わせた
  ☆ geared 過去分詞の形容詞。 object にかかる。
 to one defined by its fit その適合によって定義されるものへ
 to the made modern world 作り出された現代世界
 is a new, culturally driven view 文化に動かされた新しい考え方である
 of the body. 体についての
  transformation 変化
  object もの
  gear 合わせる、適合させる
  driven 動かされた
  view 考え方
  essential to 〜に極めて重要な


 [33] The body is now not simply a naturalgivenbut a form of personal
   property, an object one owns and is responsible for maintaining and
 The body is now not simply 体は今や、単に〜であるだけではなく
 a naturalgiven 自然から「与えられたもの」
 but a form of personal property, 個人的な所有物の一形態
 an object one owns and is responsible 自分で所有し責任を持つもの
 for maintaining and developing. 維持し発達させる
  property 所有物、財産
  maintain 維持する
  responsible for 責任を持つ


 [34] Nor are such maintenance and development merely a matter of
   individual choice.
 Nor are such maintenance and development そうした維持と発展も〜でない
  ☆ Nor are[V] maintenance and development[S]:nor VS:SもまたVでない
 merely a matter of individual choice. 単なる個人的な選択の問題
  maintenance 維持


 [35] There is a clear, if unspoken, underlying concept of the contemporary
   body that is directly in line with the values represented in all the
   other creations of modern times.
 There is a clear, if unspoken, 明言されていないとしても明らかな〜がある
  ☆ if (it is) unspoken 分詞構文:if の前に even の省略。
 underlying concept of the contemporary body 現代的な体という基本的概念
 that is directly in line with the values 価値観と全く調和している
 represented in all the other creations 作り出された他全てのものに象徴される
 of modern times. 現代に
  underlying 基本的な、基礎となる
  concept 概念
  contemporary 現代の、同時代の
  directly 全く、直接に
  represent 象徴する、表す
  in line with 〜と調和して、一致して
  modern times 現代


 [36] The industrial age idealized efficiency and rationality.
 The industrial age 産業時代[無生物主語]→には
 idealized efficiency and rationality. 能率と合理性が理想とされた
  industrial 産業の
  idealize 理想とする
  efficiency 能率、効率、仕事率
  rationality 合理性、良識


 [37] The efficiency of any machine is defined by its energy input to
   output ratio and its power to weight ratio.
 The efficiency of any machine いかなる機械の能率も
 is defined by its energy input 注がれるエネルギーで定義される
 to output ratio 生産高に対する割合
 and its power to weight ratio. そして、重さに対する出力の割合
  define 定義する
  input 入力(エネルギー)、入力されるもの、投入資本[労働力、材料]
  ratio 比、比率、割合
  output 生産高、出力


 [38] This ideal can be achieved only through applying rationality, in the
   form of mechanical engineering.
 This ideal can be achieved only through この理想は〜でしか達成出来ない
 applying rationality, 合理性を当てはめること
 in the form of mechanical engineering. 機械工学という形で
  ideal 理想
  achieve 達成する
  through 〜によって、〜を通して
  apply 当てはめる、応用する
  mechanical engineering 機械工学


 [39] Like the ideal machine, the efficiency of the modern body requires
   excess weight to be removed, and the means to accomplish this are
   provided by the rationality of diet and food science.
 Like the ideal machine, 理想的な機械と同じで
 the efficiency of the modern body 現代の体の能率
 requires excess weight to be removed, 余分な体重を取り除くことが必要
 and the means to accomplish this そしてその達成の手段
 are provided by the rationality 合理性によって提供される
 of diet and food science. 減量と食品科学の
  require 必要とする
  excess 余分な、超過
  remove 取り除く
  means 手段
  accomplish 達成する
  provide 提供する、与える
  diet 減量、食事(制限)


 [40] And so it is no mere change of fashion that creates a lean,
   lightweight human body as the modern ideal but, rather, a blend of the
   fundamental values associated with modern culture.
 And so 従って
 it is no mere change of fashion それは単なる流行の変化だけでは全くない
  ☆ no mere A but, rather B:Aであるだけでは全くなくむしろBである
 that creates a lean, lightweight human body 痩せた軽い人間の体を作る
 as the modern ideal 現代の理想として
 but, rather, a blend むしろ混ざり合ったものだ
 of the fundamental values 基本的な価値観の
 associated with modern culture. 現代の文化に伴う
  lean 痩せた
  lightweight 軽い、軽量の
  blend 混ざり合ったもの、混合物
  fundamental 基本的な、根本的な、重要な
  associate 関連させる、関わらせる、連想する
  associated with 〜に関わる


 [41] Nothing, however, is more opposed to those values than excess body
 Nothing, however, is more opposed しかし、〜ほど相容れないものはない
 to those values そうした価値観に
 than excess body weight. 余分な体重
  opposed 相容れない、〜と対立する
  opposed to 〜に相容れない


 [42] Living in a culture dedicated almost everywhere to the achievement of
   light, slim, energy-efficient design, how could we not apply these
   criteria to ourselves?
 Living in a culture 文化の中で生きていて
  ☆ Living 分詞構文[原因・理由]。〜しているのに、〜なので。
 dedicated almost everywhere ほとんどどこでも専念している
 to the achievement 達成に
 of light, slim, energy-efficient design, 軽く細くエネルギー効率の良い設計
 how could we not apply いかに当てはめないでいられるだろうか
 these criteria to ourselves? そうした基準を自分に
 Living in a culture dedicated almost everywhere to the achievement of
light, slim, energy-efficient design, how could we not apply these
criteria to ourselves?



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