大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.121]] C-1 400Z5E24NTA121-420
    But having applied them, we encounter one of the ( 41 ) of modern life.
 The same conditions of relative wealth and freedom from the ( 42 ) of nature
 that technology provides for us also make it very difficult for us to
 avoid becoming fat. It is all too ( 43 ) that, while many of our objects
 (telephones, televisions, computers, and so on) have steadily grown slimmer,
 our bodies have not. On the one hand, ( 44 ) on all sides by energy-saving
 devices, we lack the everyday, fat-burning activities that once helped
 prevent excessive weight. On the other hand, surrounded by an ever-growing
 variety of foods and drinks from all over the world, many of which have been
 carefully designed and marketed to ( 45 ) our appetites, we are more and
 more easily led into eating too much. The way out of this paradox that
 began to ( 46 ) in North America during the 1920s and is still with us is
    By way of conclusion, perhaps the most ( 47 ) thing to emphasize about
 the food disorders and unhealthy eating behaviors discussed here is that
 they are a growing problem in our society precisely at a time when, by all
 objective ( 48 ), we have the safest and most varied food supplies in
 history. The ( 49 ) is evident and speaks directly to the fact that
 psychological meanings of food often have little or no connection with food
 science or otherobjectivefacts. Instead, it seems that the very ( 50 )
 of food in our society is what stimulates the growth of the major disorders
 and the various minor eating problems.
  ア availability  イ irony  ウ surrounded  エ dangers  オ stimulate
  カ appropriate  キ emerge  ク paradoxes  ケ obvious  コ accounts
41.  42.  43.  44.  45.  46.  47.  48.  49.  50.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.121]] C-2 400Z5E24-420
    A convincing explanation for this state of ( 51 ) can be drawn from
 the discussion of the ( 52 ) between theuse valueof any object and its
 exchange value. As it applies to food, this suggests that, since it is
 ( 53 ) available in our society, food's use value for the satisfaction of
 ( 54 ) and biological needs is easily taken for granted and ( 55 ), whereas
 its symbolic or exchange value becomes increasingly ( 56 ). More concretely,
 the mere satisfaction of hunger becomes ( 57 ) to the functions that food
 can serve as a status symbol or a sign of good taste, aesthetic sensitivity,
 love and affection, or ethnic, religious, or even political convictions.
 The social-psychological significance of caviar, for example, is far out
 of ( 58 ) to its ability to satisfy hunger. This fact suggests that the
 ( 59 ) of eating problems in our wealthy society is closely connected to
 the increasing importance we have ( 60 ) on the social and emotional
 exchange value of food.
  サ prevalence  シ hunger  ス overlooked  セ readily  ソ secondary
  タ proportion  チ placed  ツ prominent  テ affairs  ト contrast
51.  52.  53.  54.  55.  56.  57.  58.  59.  60.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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41.ク 42.エ 43.ケ 44.ウ 45.オ 46.キ 47.カ 48.コ 49.イ 50.ア  .
51.テ 52.ト 53.セ 54.シ 55.ス 56.ツ 57.ソ 58.タ 59.サ 60.チ  .
  [[長文No.121]] C-1 400Z5E24-420
  [43] But having applied them, we encounter one of the paradoxes of
 modern life. [44] The same conditions of relative wealth and freedom from
 the dangers of nature that technology provides for us also make it very
 difficult for us to avoid becoming fat. [45] It is all too obvious that,
 while many of our objects (telephones, televisions, computers, and so on)
 have steadily grown slimmer, our bodies have not. [46] On the one hand,
 surrounded on all sides by energy-saving devices, we lack the everyday,
 fat-burning activities that once helped prevent excessive weight. [47] On
 the other hand, surrounded by an ever-growing variety of foods and drinks
 from all over the world, many of which have been carefully designed and
 marketed to stimulate our appetites, we are more and more easily led into
 eating too much. [48] The way out of this paradox that began to emerge in
 North America during the 1920s and is still with us is dieting.


  [49] By way of conclusion, perhaps the most appropriate thing to
 emphasize about the food disorders and unhealthy eating behaviors
 discussed here is that they are a growing problem in our society
 precisely at a time when, by all objective accounts, we have the safest
 and most varied food supplies in history. [50] The irony is evident and
 speaks directly to the fact that psychological meanings of food often
 have little or no connection with food science or otherobjective
 facts. [51] Instead, it seems that the very availability of food in our
 society is what stimulates the growth of the major disorders and the
 various minor eating problems.


  [[長文No.121]] C-2 400Z5E24-420
  [52] A convincing explanation for this state of affairs can be drawn
 from the discussion of the contrast between theuse valueof any object
 and itsexchange value. [53] As it applies to food, this suggests that,
 since it is readily available in our society, food's use value for
 the satisfaction of hunger and biological needs is easily taken for
 granted and overlooked, whereas its symbolic or exchange value becomes
 increasingly prominent. [54] More concretely, the mere satisfaction of
 hunger becomes secondary to the functions that food can serve as a
 status symbol or a sign of good taste, aesthetic sensitivity, love and
 affection, or ethnic, religious, or even political convictions. [55] The
 social-psychological significance of caviar, for example, is far out of
 proportion to its ability to satisfy hunger. [56] This fact suggests that
 the prevalence of eating problems in our wealthy society is closely
 connected to the increasing importance we have placed on the social and
 emotional exchange value of food.



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  [[長文No.121]] C 400Z5E24-420
 [43] But having applied them, we encounter one of the paradoxes of modern
 But having applied them, しかしそうした基準を当てはめてしまうと
  ☆ having 分詞構文[条・仮定]もし〜すると。
 we encounter one of the paradoxes 矛盾の一つに遭遇する
 of modern life. 現代生活の
  apply 当てはめる
  encounter 遭遇する、出くわす
  paradox 矛盾、逆説


 [44] The same conditions of relative wealth and freedom from the dangers
   of nature that technology provides for us also make it very difficult
   for us to avoid becoming fat.
 The same conditions その同じ条件[無生物主語]→によって
  ☆ conditions[S] make[V] it[O] difficult[C] 5文型。
 of relative wealth and 比較的裕福であることと〜という
 freedom from the dangers of nature 自然の危険からの解放
 that technology provides for us 科学技術によってもたらされる
 also make it very difficult for us 非常に難しくもなる
  ☆ make itforto C:BがCするのがAになる
 to avoid becoming fat. 太るのを避けること
  condition 条件
  relative 比較的
  avoid 避ける


 [45] It is all too obvious that, while many of our objects (telephones,
   televisions, computers, and so on) have steadily grown slimmer, our
   bodies have not.
 It is all too obvious that, 〜は非常に明らかだ
 while many of our objects 人の持ち物は〜が多いが
 (telephones, televisions, computers, 電話、テレビ、コンピュータ
 and so on) 等々
 have steadily grown slimmer, だんだんとほっそりしてきた
 our bodies have not (grown slimmer). 人の体は違う(=そうなっていない)
  obvious 明らかな
  object もの
  steadily だんだんと
  slim ほっそりした
  all too = very 非常に


 [46] On the one hand, surrounded on all sides by energy-saving devices,
   we lack the everyday, fat-burning activities that once helped prevent
   excessive weight.
 On the one hand, 一方で
 surrounded on all sides by 四方を〜に囲まれ
  ☆ surrounded 分詞構文[原因・理由] as we are surrounded 〜「なので」
 energy-saving devices, 省エネ機器
 we lack the everyday, fat-burning activities 日々の脂肪燃焼活動が足りない
 that once helped (to) prevent かつて防ぐのに役立った
 excessive weight. 過度の体重
  energy-saving 省エネの、エネルギーを省く
  device 装置、機器
  lack 不足している、ない
  fat-burning 脂肪を燃やす
  prevent 防ぐ
  excessive 余分な、過度の
  on the one hand 一方で
  on all sides 四方全て、全ての側


 [47] On the other hand, surrounded by an ever-growing variety of foods and
   drinks from all over the world, many of which have been carefully
   designed and marketed to stimulate our appetites, we are more and more
   easily led into eating too much.
 On the other hand, 他方では
 surrounded by an ever-growing variety of foods 絶えず多様化する食料に囲まれ
 and drinks from all over the world, そして世界中から来る飲み物
 many of which その多くが
  ☆ many of which = and many of them
 have been carefully designed and marketed 注意深く作られて売り込まれる
 to stimulate our appetites, 食欲を刺激するように
 we are more and more easily led ますます簡単に導かれる
 into eating too much. 食べ過ぎる方向へ
  surround 取り囲む
  ever-growing 絶えず大きくなる
  variety 多様性
  design 作る、設計する、計画する
  market 売り込む、市場に出す
  stimulate 刺激する
  appetites 食欲


 [48] The way out of this paradox that began to emerge in North America
   during the 1920s and is still with us is dieting.
 The way out of this paradox この矛盾からの出口
 that began to emerge 現れ始めた
 in North America during the 1920s 1920年代にアメリカで
 and is still with us そして今もまだ続いている
 is dieting. 減量することだ
  paradox 矛盾、逆説
  emerge 現れる、出てくる
  the 1920s 1920年代


 [49] By way of conclusion, perhaps the most appropriate thing to emphasize
   about the food disorders and unhealthy eating behaviors discussed here
   is that they are a growing problem in our society precisely at a time
   when, by all objective accounts, we have the safest and most varied
   food supplies in history.
 By way of conclusion, 結論として
 perhaps the most appropriate thing ひょっとして最も適切なのは〜かも知れない
 to emphasize about について強調すべき
  ☆ to emphasize 不定詞の形容詞用法。 thing にかかる。
 the food disorders and unhealthy eating behaviors 摂食障害と不健康な食習慣
 discussed here ここで議論されている
  ☆ discussed 過去分詞の形容詞。 the food 〜 behaviors にかかる。
 is that they are a growing problem それが大きくなりつつある問題であることだ
 in our society 現代社会で
 precisely at a time when, 〜というまさにその時に
 by all objective accounts, いかなら客観的な説明から言っても
 we have がある
 the safest and most varied food supplies 最も安全で多様な食糧供給
 in history. 歴史上
  conclusion 結論
  appropriate 適切な
  emphasize 強調する
  unhealthy 不健康な、健康に良くない
  behavior 行動、習性
  precisely まさに、ちょうど
  objective 客観的な
  account 説明
  varied 多様な、様々な
  supply 供給
  by way of 〜のつもりで、ということで、経由で
  food disorders 摂食障害


 [50] The irony is evident and speaks directly to the fact that
   psychological meanings of food often have little or no connection with
   food science or otherobjectivefacts.
 The irony is evident この皮肉は明らか
 and speaks directly to the fact that そして、〜という事実を正に指示する
 psychological meanings of food 食品の心理学的な意味
 often have little or no connection ほとんどあるいは全く関係ないことが多い
 with food science or 食品科学とも
 otherobjectivefacts. その他の「客観的事実」とも
  irony 皮肉
  evident 明らかな
  directly まさに、直接
  psychological 心理学的な
  objective 客観的な
  speak to 〜を支持する、〜に話しかける
  have connection with 〜と関係がある
  little or no ほとんどないか全くない


 [51] Instead, it seems that the very availability of food in our society
   is what stimulates the growth of the major disorders and the various
   minor eating problems.
 Instead, it seems that そうではなく、〜のようだ
  ☆ Instead [前文の内容を受けて]そうではなく
 the very availability of food 食料が手に入りやすいというまさにその点
 in our society 現代社会の
 is what stimulates the growth of 〜が刺激されて大きくなっている原因だ
 the major disorders and 主な摂食障害と
 the various minor eating problems. 食べることに関する小さい様々な問題
  instead そうではなく
  availability 手にはいること
  stimulate 刺激する
  major 主な、大きな
  minor 小さな、重大でない


  [[長文No.121]] C-2 400Z5E24-420
 [52] A convincing explanation for this state of affairs can be drawn from
   the discussion of the contrast between theuse valueof any object
   and itsexchange value.
 A convincing explanation 説得力のある説明
 for this state of affairs この状態についての
 can be drawn from the discussion 議論から引き出すことが出来る
 of the contrast between 〜の間の相違
 theuse valueof any object いかなるものに関しても「使用上の価値」
 and itsexchange value. そして、その「交換上の価値」
  convincing 説得力のある
  contrast 相違、対比
  object もの
  state of affairs 状態
  draw from 〜から引き出す


 [53] As it applies to food, this suggests that, since it is readily
   available in our society, food's use value for the satisfaction of
   hunger and biological needs is easily taken for granted and overlooked,
   whereas its symbolic or exchange value becomes increasingly prominent.
 As it applies to food, それが食料に当てはまるので
 this suggests that, これは〜だということが考えられる
 since it is readily available 食料が簡単に手に入るので
 in our society, 現代社会では
 food's use value 食料の使用上の価値
 for the satisfaction of hunger 空腹を満たす
 and biological needs そして生物学上の必要
 is easily taken for granted and overlooked, 簡単に当然とされ見逃される
 whereas its symbolic or exchange value 一方、その象徴的あるいは交換上の価値
 becomes increasingly prominent. どんどん重要になってくる
  apply 当てはめる
  readily 簡単に
  available 手に入る
  satisfaction 満足
  hunger 空腹
  biological 生物学上の
  overlook 見逃す
  symbolic 象徴的な
  prominent 重要な、目立った
  take for granted 当然のことと考える


 [54] More concretely, the mere satisfaction of hunger becomes secondary to
   the functions that food can serve as a status symbol or a sign of good
   taste, aesthetic sensitivity, love and affection, or ethnic, religious,
   or even political convictions.
 More concretely, さらに具体的に言えば
 the mere satisfaction of hunger 単に空腹を満たすこと
 becomes secondary to the functions 機能に比べてあまり重要でなくなる
 that food can serve as a status symbol 食品が地位の象徴として役割を果たす
 or a sign of good taste, あるいは優れた趣味のあかし
 aesthetic sensitivity, love and affection, 美的感受性、愛情
 or ethnic, religious, あるいは民族上、宗教上
 or even political convictions. 政治信条でさえ
  concretely 具体的に
  secondary あまり重要でない、第二の
  function 役割
  serve 果たす
  status symbol 地位の象徴
  aesthetic 美的な
  sensitivity 感受性
  love and affection (様々な)愛情
  ethnic 民族の、人種的な
  political 政治の
  conviction 信条、信念


 [55] The social-psychological significance of caviar, for example, is far
   out of proportion to its ability to satisfy hunger.
 The social-psychological significance 社会心理上の重要性
 of caviar, for example, 例えば、キャビアの
 is far out of proportion to 〜と全く釣り合いがとれていない
 its ability to satisfy hunger. その空腹を満たす能力
  social-psychological 社会心理(学)上の
  significance 重要性
  caviar キャビア[チョウザメの卵の塩漬け]
  out of proportion to 〜と釣り合いがとれていない、調和していない


 [56] This fact suggests that the prevalence of eating problems in our
   wealthy society is closely connected to the increasing importance we
   have placed on the social and emotional exchange value of food.
 This fact suggests that この事実から〜ということがうかがえる
 the prevalence of eating problems 食べることの問題が広まっていること
 in our wealthy society 現代の豊かな社会での
 is closely connected to 〜と密接に関係がある
 the increasing importance 重大性が増大していること
 (that) we have placed on 置いてきた
  ☆ we have placed importance で importance が関係代名詞になったもの。
 the social and emotional 社会的、感情的
 exchange value of food. 食品の交換上の価値
  prevalence 広がっていること、流行、普及
  wealthy 豊かな
  place importance on 〜に重要性を置く、〜を重要視する



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