大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.122]] A 704Z6526NTA122
    I have a terrible memoryHow often have you heard that? In my
 own ( 1 ), whenever I meet someone, and in casual conversation admit that
 I ( 2 ) out research on memory, by far the most common response isYou
 should do some work on memy memory is awful! So is ( 3 )I even
 managed to ( 4 ) to turn up for a radio phone-in on memory. I was ( 5 )
 of my dreadful lapse by reading the radio section of the newspaper, and
 arrived at the studio just in time to be asked by the anchor man fora
 few tips on improving your memory!
    I also believe however, that I have a good memory, and would ( 6 ),
 despite its occasionally embarrassing fallibility, that both my memory and
 yours ( 7 ) that of the best computer in terms of capacity, flexibility,
 and durability. In the chapters that follow, I hope to ( 8 ) you to
 share my admiration.
    Perhaps the best way to ( 9 ) the importance of memory is to
 consider what it would be like to live without it, or rather without
 them, as memory is not a single organ like the heart or liver, but an
 alliance of systems that work together, allowing us to learn from the
 past and ( 10 ) the future.
    In recent years we have learned a great deal from the study of memory
 impairment following brain damage. Almost any damage to the brain will
 lead to some slowing in learning and some impairment in the speed with
 which we access old memories. Certain areas of the brain, however, are
 particularly crucial for memory. Serious damage to these can lead to
 dense amnesia, which can be a crippling handicap.
  ア appreciate  イ persuade  ウ reminded  エ predict  オ exceed
  カ forget    キ argue   ク carry   ケ case   コ mine
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.122]] B 704Z6526
    Consider the case of Clive Wearing, a talented musician and an
 expert on early music, who fell ill as a result of a viral infection. The
 herpes simplex virus is carried by a large percentage of the population,
 typically having no ( 11 ) effect than causing the occasional cold sore.
 On very ( 12 ) occasions, however, the virus manages to overcome the
 brain's natural defences and cause an inflammation ( 13 ) as encephalitis.
 This can lead to extensive brain damage, and until relatively recently was
 often ( 14 ). Although the disease can now be treated, patients often
 suffer extensive brain damage which frequently leads to memory problems.
    Clive Wearing is a particularly dramatic example of the terrible
 after-effects of encephalitis. He is so ( 15 ) that he cannot remember
 what happened more than minutes before, with the result that he is ( 16 )
 that he has only just recovered consciousness. He keeps a diary which
 records this ( 17 )−page upon page of records indicating the date, the
 time, and the fact that consciousness has just been ( 18 ). When ( 19 )
 with evidence of earlier apparent conscious awareness, by being shown a
 video himself, for example, he becomes upset and denies the evidence,
 even after many years of being in this condition. It is as if, faced with
 the enormity of a life limited to a horizon of a few seconds, he clings
 to the view that he has just recovered consciousness, with the implication
 that in the future all will be ( 20 ).
  サ confronted  シ convinced  ス obsession  セ impaired  ソ regained
  タ fatal    チ known    ツ rare    テ well    ト worse
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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1.ケ  2.ク  3.コ  4.カ  5.ウ  6.キ  7.オ  8.イ  9.ア 10.エ  .
11.ト 12.ツ 13.チ 14.タ 15.セ 16.シ 17.ス 18.ソ 19.サ 20.テ  .
  [[長文No.122]] A 704Z6526
  [01]I have a terrible memoryHow often have you heard that? [02] In
 my own case, whenever I meet someone, and in casual conversation admit
 that I carry out research on memory, by far the most common response is
 You should do some work on memy memory is awful!” [03] So is
 mineI even managed to forget to turn up for a radio phone-in on memory.
 [04] I was reminded of my dreadful lapse by reading the radio section of
 the newspaper, and arrived at the studio just in time to be asked by the
 anchor man fora few tips on improving your memory!


  [05] I also believe however, that I have a good memory, and would argue,
 despite its occasionally embarrassing fallibility, that both my memory and
 yours exceed that of the best computer in terms of capacity, flexibility,
 and durability. [06] In the chapters that follow, I hope to persuade you
 to share my admiration.


  [07] Perhaps the best way to appreciate the importance of memory is to
 consider what it would be like to live without it, or rather without
 them, as memory is not a single organ like the heart or liver, but an
 alliance of systems that work together, allowing us to learn from the
 past and predict the future.


  [08] In recent years we have learned a great deal from the study of
 memory impairment following brain damage. [09] Almost any damage to the
 brain will lead to some slowing in learning and some impairment in the
 speed with which we access old memories. [10] Certain areas of the brain,
 however, are particularly crucial for memory. [11] Serious damage to
 these can lead to dense amnesia, which can be a crippling handicap.


  [[長文No.122]] B 704Z6526
  [12] Consider the case of Clive Wearing, a talented musician and an
 expert on early music, who fell ill as a result of a viral infection.
 [13] The herpes simplex virus is carried by a large percentage of the
 population, typically having no worse effect than causing the occasional
 cold sore. [14] On very rare occasions, however, the virus manages to
 overcome the brain's natural defences and cause an inflammation known as
 encephalitis. [15] This can lead to extensive brain damage, and until
 relatively recently was often fatal. [16] Although the disease can now
 be treated, patients often suffer extensive brain damage which frequently
 leads to memory problems.


  [17] Clive Wearing is a particularly dramatic example of the terrible
 after-effects of encephalitis. [18] He is so impaired that he cannot
 remember what happened more than minutes before, with the result that he
 is convinced that he has only just recovered consciousness. [19] He
 keeps a diary which records this obsession−page upon page of records
 indicating the date, the time, and the fact that consciousness has just
 been regained. [20] When confronted with evidence of earlier apparent
 conscious awareness, by being shown a video himself, for example, he
 becomes upset and denies the evidence, even after many years of being in
 this condition. [21] It is as if, faced with the enormity of a life
 limited to a horizon of a few seconds, he clings to the view that he has
 just recovered consciousness, with the implication that in the future all
 will be well.



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  [[長文No.122]] A 704Z6526
 [01]I have a terrible memoryHow often have you heard that?
 I have a terrible memory 私の記憶力はひどいものです
 How often have you heard that? 何度聞いたことがあるだろうか
  terrible ひどい、ひどく悪い
  memory 記憶[力]


 [02] In my own case, whenever I meet someone, and in casual conversation
   admit that I carry out research on memory, by far the most common
   response isYou should do some work on memy memory is awful!
 In my own case, whenever I meet someone, 私自身の場合、誰かに会うたび
 and in casual conversation admit そしてうち解けた会話で〜を言うと
 that I carry out research on memory, 記憶についての調査をしていること
 by far the most common response is 何より最も一般的な反応は
 You should do some work on me 私について何らかの調査をすべきです
 my memory is awful! 私の記憶力はひどい
  casual うち解けた
  admit 〜と言う、認める
  response 反応
  awful ひどい、ひどく悪い
  in 〜 case 〜の場合
  carry out 実行する、行う
  by far はるかに[最上級の強調]


 [03] So is mineI even managed to forget to turn up for a radio
   phone-in on memory.
 So is mine 私の記憶力もひどい
  ☆ so + V + S:SもまたV。
 I even managed to forget 〜さえ忘れてしまった
 to turn up for a radio phone-in 視聴者電話参加ラジオ番組に行くこと
 on memory. 記憶力に関しての
  turn up 現れる、来る、行く
  a radio phone-in 視聴者電話参加ラジオ番組


 [04] I was reminded of my dreadful lapse by reading the radio section of
   the newspaper, and arrived at the studio just in time to be asked by
   the anchor man fora few tips on improving your memory!
 I was reminded of my dreadful lapse 私は自分の大変な失態に気づいた
  ☆ remind A of B:AにBを思い出させる
 by reading the radio section of the newspaper, 新聞のラジオ欄を読んで
 and arrived at the studio just in time スタジオにぎりぎりの時間で到着し
 to be asked by the anchor man 番組の総司会者に頼まれた
  ☆ ask A for B:AにBを要求する[頼む]
 fora few tips 「秘訣をいくつか」教えて欲しい
 on improving your memory 記憶力を向上させることに関する
  remind 思い出させる
  dreadful ひどい、激しい、恐ろしい
  lapse 失策、失念
  anchor man 総合司会者
  tip 秘訣
  in time 間に合って
  remind A of B:AにBを思い出させる
  ask A for B:AにBを要求する[頼む]


 [05] I also believe however, that I have a good memory, and would argue,
   despite its occasionally embarrassing fallibility, that both my memory
   and yours exceed that of the best computer in terms of capacity,
   flexibility, and durability.
 I also believe however, that しかし、私は〜だとも思っている
 I have a good memory, 素晴らしい記憶力を持っている
 and would argue, そして言いたい
 despite its occasionally その時折の〜にもかかわらず
 embarrassing fallibility, 恥ずかしいような失敗
 that both my memory and yours 自分の記憶力も皆さんの記憶力も
 exceed that of the best computer いかなるコンピュータ(のそれ)よりも勝る
 in terms of 〜の点で
 capacity, flexibility, and durability. 能力、柔軟さそして耐久性
  argue 言う、論じる、主張する
  occasionally 時折
  embarrassing まごつかせるような
  fallibility 失敗、誤りに陥ること
  exceed 超える、上回る
  flexibility 柔軟さ
  durability 耐久性
  in terms of 〜の点で


 [06] In the chapters that follow, I hope to persuade you to share my
 In the chapters that follow, この後の章で
 I hope to persuade you to share 皆さんにも共有してもらえることを望む
 my admiration. 私の賞賛の念
  chapter 章
  persuade 説得する、説得して〜させる
  admiration 賞賛(の念)


 [07] Perhaps the best way to appreciate the importance of memory is to
   consider what it would be like to live without it, or rather without
   them, as memory is not a single organ like the heart or liver, but an
   alliance of systems that work together, allowing us to learn from the
   past and predict the future.
 Perhaps the best way ひょっとすると一番の方法は〜かも知れない
 to appreciate the importance of memory 記憶力の重要性を評価する
 is to consider 考えることだ
 what it would be like to 〜することがどういうものか
 live without it, それなしで暮らす
 or rather without them, いやむしろ「それら」なし(というべき)か
 as memory is not a single organ なぜなら記憶は単独の器官ではないから
 like the heart or liver, 心臓や肝臓のような
 but an alliance of systems 組織の協調でできているもの
 that work together, 一緒に機能する
 allowing us to learn それによって、学ぶことが出来る
  ☆ allowing 分詞構文[継続]= and it allows
 from the past かこから
 and predict the future. そして未来を予測する
  appreciate 鑑賞する、評価する、感謝する、理解する
  what it would be like to 〜することがどういうことなのか
  organ 器官
  liver 肝臓
  alliance 協調(によるもの)、同盟
  predict 予測する


 [08] In recent years we have learned a great deal from the study of memory
   impairment following brain damage. 
 In recent years 近年
 we have learned a great deal 多くのことが分かってきた
 from the study of memory impairment 記憶障害の研究から
 following brain damage. 脳の損傷後に来る
  ☆ following 現在分詞の形容詞(=which follows) impairment にかかる。
  impairment 損傷、悪化


 [09] Almost any damage to the brain will lead to some slowing in learning
   and some impairment in the speed with which we access old memories. 
 Almost any damage to the brain ほぼどんな損傷でも脳に起こった場合には
 will lead to some slowing in learning 学習能力の低下につながる
 and some impairment in the speed そして速度の低下
 with which we access old memories. その速度で過去の記憶を呼び出す
  access 入手、記憶を呼び出すこと


 [10] Certain areas of the brain, however, are particularly crucial for
 Certain areas of the brain, however, しかし脳のある一定の領域が
 are particularly crucial for memory. 記憶には特に欠くことが出来ない
  particularly 特に
  crucial 欠くことが出来ない、必須の、決定的な


 [11] Serious damage to these can lead to dense amnesia, which can be a
   crippling handicap.
 Serious damage to these その部分への深刻な損傷[無生物主語]→があると
 can lead to dense amnesia, 極度の記憶喪失が起こり得る
 which can be a crippling handicap. そしてそれは、ひどく有害な障害になり得る
  ☆ , which = and it
  dense 極度の
  amnesia 記憶喪失、健忘(症)
  crippling ひどく有害な
  handicap 身体上の障害、不利な条件


  [[長文No.122]] B 704Z6526
 [12] Consider the case of Clive Wearing, a talented musician and an
   expert on early music, who fell ill as a result of a viral infection.
 Consider the case of Clive Wearing, クリーヴウェアリングの場合を考えよう
 a talented musician and 才能に恵まれた音楽家で
 an expert on early music, 初期の音楽の専門家
 who fell ill 病気になった
 as a result of a viral infection. ウィルス感染の結果
  fall ill 病気になる
  as a result of 〜の結果
  viral ウィルスの
  infection 感染


 [13] The herpes simplex virus is carried by a large percentage of the
   population, typically having no worse effect than causing the
   occasional cold sore.
 The herpes simplex virus 単純疱疹ウィルス
 is carried 持っている
 by a large percentage of the population, かなりの割合の人が
 typically having no worse effect than だいたいは〜よりも悪い影響はない
 causing the occasional cold sore. 時折冷たくてひりひりする痛みの原因になる
  herpes 疱疹、ヘルペス
  simplex 単純な
  virus ウィルス
  percentage 割合
  typically だいたいは、典型的に
  sore 触れると痛いところ、苦痛の種


 [14] On very rare occasions, however, the virus manages to overcome
   the brain's natural defences and cause an inflammation known as
 On very rare occasions, however, しかし、非常に希な場合
 the virus manages to overcome そのウィルスが何とか打ち勝つ
 the brain's natural defences 脳の生まれつきの防御[機能]
 and cause an inflammation そして炎症の原因になる
 known as encephalitis. 脳炎として知られている
  ☆ known 過去分詞の形容詞。 inflammation にかかる。
  overcome 打ち勝つ
  defences 防御[機能]
  inflammation 炎症
  encephalitis 脳炎
  known as 〜として知られ(てい)る


 [15] This can lead to extensive brain damage, and until relatively
   recently was often fatal.
 This can lead to これが〜につながり得る
 extensive brain damage, 広範囲にわたる脳の損傷
 and until relatively recently そして比較的最近まで
 was often fatal. 致命的なものであることが多かった
  extensive 広範囲にわたる
  relatively 比較的
  fatal 致命的な、命取りになる


 [16] Although the disease can now be treated, patients often suffer
   extensive brain damage which frequently leads to memory problems.
 Although the disease can now be treated, この病気は現在では治療出来るが
 patients often suffer 患者は〜を抱えることが多い
 extensive brain damage 広範囲にわたる脳の障害
 which frequently leads to memory problems. 記憶障害につながることが多い
  suffer 〜に苦しむ、〜をかかえる


 [17] Clive Wearing is a particularly dramatic example of the terrible
   after-effects of encephalitis.
 Clive Wearing クリーヴウェアリング
 is a particularly dramatic example 特に印象的な例である
 of the terrible after-effects of encephalitis. 脳炎のひどい後遺症の
  dramatic 劇的な、印象的な
  terrible ひどい
  after-effect 後遺症


 [18] He is so impaired that he cannot remember what happened more than
   minutes before, with the result that he is convinced that he has only
   just recovered consciousness.
 He is so impaired that かれの障害は大変なもので
  ☆ sothat B:とてもAなのでB
 he cannot remember what happened 起こったことを覚えていられない
 more than minutes before, 数分間を超えると
 with the result that その結果〜になる
 he is convinced that 〜を確信している
 he has only just recovered consciousness. 自分は意識を取り戻したばかり
  impaired 損なわれた、障害のある
  convince 確信させる
  consciousness 意識
  with the result that その結果が〜


 [19] He keeps a diary which records this obsession−page upon page of
   records indicating the date, the time, and the fact that consciousness
   has just been regained.
 He keeps a diary 彼は日記を付けている
 which records this obsession この妄念が記されている
 − ピリオドと同じ
 page upon page of records 記録がどのページにもある
 indicating the date, the time, 日付と時間が示されている
  ☆ indicating 現在分詞の形容詞。 records にかかる。
 and the fact that そして〜という事実
  ☆ the fact that 〜という事実[同格の接続詞that]
 consciousness has just been regained. 意識が戻ったばかり
  obsession 妄念、取りつかれること、強迫観念
  indicate 示す
  regain 回復する
  keep a diary 日記を付ける
  page upon page どのページもどのページも


 [20] When confronted with evidence of earlier apparent conscious awareness,
   by being shown a video himself, for example, he becomes upset and
   denies the evidence, even after many years of being in this condition.
 When confronted with evidence 証拠に直面すると
  ☆ When (he is) confronted with 〜に直面すると[分詞構文]
 of earlier apparent conscious awareness, 以前の明らかに意識がある状態の
 by being shown a video himself, 自分自身がビデオを見せられる
 for example, 例えば
 he becomes upset and denies the evidence, 狼狽してその証拠を否定する
 even after many years 何年も後でさえそうなのだ
 of being in this condition. この状態にいた
  confront 直面させる
  upset 狼狽させる、心を乱す
  confronted with 〜に直面させられると


 [21] It is as if, faced with the enormity of a life limited to a horizon
   of a few seconds, he clings to the view that he has just recovered
   consciousness, with the implication that in the future all will be well.
 It is as if, それはまるで〜のようだ
 faced with the enormity of a life 膨大な人生に直面して
  ☆ faced with 分詞構文[継続] = he is faced with 〜 and
 limited to a horizon of a few seconds, 数秒の視野の中に限られた
 he clings to the view that 〜という考えにしがみつく
 he has just recovered consciousness, たった今意識を取り戻したばかり
 with the implication that 〜と言いたい、〜という意味
  ☆ implication that という含意[同格の接続詞that]
 in the future all will be well. 将来は全てがうまくいく
  enormity 膨大さ
  cling to 〜にしがみつく
  implication (裏の)意味、含意



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