大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.123]] A 702Z6550NTA123
    Gandhi had been saying that he wanted to live a hundred and
 twenty-five years but without ( 1 )“an animated corpse, a burden
 to one's relations and society.” How would he keep ( 2 )? He first
 explained how he had kept physically fit. In 1901 he threw away the
 medicine bottle and ( 3 ) nature cures and regular eating, drinking,
 and sleeping habits. More important, he developed“( 4 ) of mind,”
 the key to longevity. “Everyone,”Gandhi said,“has a right and should
 desire to live 125 years while performing service without an eye to
 result.” Dedication to service and renunciation of the fruits thereof
 are“an ineffable joy,”a“nectar”which ( 5 ) life. It leaves“no room
 for worry or impatience.” Egoism is the killer; unselfishness the life
    The Mahatma now ( 6 ) an additional cause: nature cure. He called
 it his“latest born”; the older children−khadi, village industries,
 the development of a national language, food growing, independence for
 India, freedom for Indians, and world peace−continued to receive his
 energetic care. For the new baby, a trust was ( 7 ) up with Gandhi as
 one of three trustees. Dr. Dinshah Mehta, Gandhi's physician, had a
 nature-cure clinic in the city of Poona, and it was therefore agreed,
 as the trust's first venture, to ( 8 ) the clinic into a nature-cure
    But one silent Monday Gandhi abruptly decided to abandon the project.
 It“( 9 ) upon me,”he confessed,“that I was a fool to think that I could
 ever hope to make an institute for the poor in a town.” He had to carry
 nature cure to the poor and not expect the poor to come to him. This
 mistake had a moral:“Never take anything for gospel truth even if it
 comes from a Mahatma unless it ( 10 ) to both ... head and heart.”
 Gandhi disliked automatic obedience.
  ア substituted  イ set  ウ becoming  エ dawned  オ adopted
  カ detachment  キ fit  ク sustains  ケ expand  コ appeals
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.123]] B 702Z6550
    He would start nature-cure work in a village;“that is real India,”
 he wrote,“my India, for ( 11 ) I live.” He did so immediately. He
 ( 12 ) down for a short while in Uruli, a village of three thousand
 inhabitants on the Poona-Sholapur railway line with plenty of water, a
 good climate, fruit farms, a telegraph and post office, but no telephone.
    The first day, thirty peasants ( 13 ) at the nature-cure centre.
 Gandhi himself examined six. In each case, he ( 14 ) the same thing:
 the continuous recitation of God's name, sun baths, friction and hip baths,
 cow's milk, buttermilk, fruit juices, and plenty of water. The ( 15 )
 of God's name, however, should be more than lip movement; it must ( 16 )
 the entire being throughout the recitation and throughout life. “All
 mental and physical ailments,”Gandhi explained simply,“are due to one
 common ( 17 ). It is therefore but natural that there should be a common
 ( 18 ).” Almost everyone is sick in body or mind, he said. Repeating
 “Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama”while intensively concentrating on
 godliness, goodness, service, and selflessness paves the way for the
 remedial functions of mud packs, sitz baths, and massage.
    Gandhi was himself a ( 19 ) of the power of mind and mood over matter.
    Gandhi was ( 20 ) with health throughout his entire adult life and
 indeed in his youth when he nursed his dying father. He doctored everyone
 within reach. Pain in others pained him. He was capable of boundless
  サ prescribed  シ appeared  ス occupied  セ reciting  ソ settled
  タ absorb    チ remedy   ツ cause   テ proof   ト which
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

1.ウ  2.キ  3.ア  4.カ  5.ク  6.オ  7.イ  8.ケ  9.エ 10.コ  .
11.ト 12.ソ 13.シ 14.サ 15.セ 16.タ 17.ツ 18.チ 19.テ 20.ス  .
  [[長文No.123]] A 702Z6550
  [01] Gandhi had been saying that he wanted to live a hundred and
 twenty-five years but without becoming“an animated corpse, a burden
 to one's relations and society.” [02] How would he keep fit? [03] He
 first explained how he had kept physically fit. [04] In 1901 he threw
 away the medicine bottle and substituted nature cures and regular eating,
 drinking, and sleeping habits. [05] More important, he developed
 “detachment of mind,”the key to longevity. [06] “Everyone,”Gandhi
 said,“has a right and should desire to live 125 years while performing
 service without an eye to result.” [07] Dedication to service and
 renunciation of the fruits thereof are“an ineffable joy,”a“nectar”
 which sustains life. [08] It leaves“no room for worry or impatience.”
 [09] Egoism is the killer; unselfishness the life preserver.


  [10] The Mahatma now adopted an additional cause: nature cure.
 [11] He called it his“latest born”; the older children−khadi,
 village industries, the development of a national language, food growing,
 independence for India, freedom for Indians, and world peace−continued
 to receive his energetic care. [12] For the new baby, a trust was set up
 with Gandhi as one of three trustees. [13] Dr. Dinshah Mehta, Gandhi's
 physician, had a nature-cure clinic in the city of Poona, and it was
 therefore agreed, as the trust's first venture, to expand the clinic into
 a nature-cure university.


  [14] But one silent Monday Gandhi abruptly decided to abandon the
 project. [15] It“dawned upon me,”he confessed,“that I was a fool to
 think that I could ever hope to make an institute for the poor in a town.”
 [16] He had to carry nature cure to the poor and not expect the poor to
 come to him. [17] This mistake had a moral:“Never take anything for
 gospel truth even if it comes from a Mahatma unless it appeals to both ...
 head and heart.” [18] Gandhi disliked automatic obedience.


  [[長文No.123]] B 702Z6550
  [19] He would start nature-cure work in a village;“that is real India,”
 he wrote,“my India, for which I live.” [20] He did so immediately.
 [21] He settled down for a short while in Uruli, a village of three
 thousand inhabitants on the Poona-Sholapur railway line with plenty of
 water, a good climate, fruit farms, a telegraph and post office, but no


  [22] The first day, thirty peasants appeared at the nature-cure centre.
 [23] Gandhi himself examined six. [24] In each case, he prescribed the
 same thing: the continuous recitation of God's name, sun baths, friction
 and hip baths, cow's milk, buttermilk, fruit juices, and plenty of water.
 [25] The reciting of God's name, however, should be more than lip
 movement; it must absorb the entire being throughout the recitation and
 throughout life. [26] “All mental and physical ailments,”Gandhi
 explained simply,“are due to one common cause. [27] It is therefore but
 natural that there should be a common remedy.” [28] Almost everyone is
 sick in body or mind, he said. [29] Repeating“Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama,
 Rama”while intensively concentrating on godliness, goodness, service, and
 selflessness paves the way for the remedial functions of mud packs, sitz
 baths, and massage.


  [30] Gandhi was himself a proof of the power of mind and mood over
  [31] Gandhi was occupied with health throughout his entire adult life
 and indeed in his youth when he nursed his dying father. [32] He doctored
 everyone within reach. [33] Pain in others pained him. [34] He was
 capable of boundless compassion.


  * without an eye to result
  cf. with an eye to doing 〜を目的として、〜をしようとして
  * gospel truth = the gospel 絶対的真理

      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

  [[長文No.123]] A 702Z6550
 [01] Gandhi had been saying that he wanted to live a hundred and
   twenty-five years but without becoming“an animated corpse, a burden
   to one's relations and society.”
 Gandhi had been saying that ガンジーはずっと〜と言ってきた
 he wanted to live 生きたい
 a hundred and twenty-five years 125年
 but without becoming しかし〜になることなく
 an animated corpse 生きた死骸
 a burden to one's relations and society 親戚や社会の重荷
  Gandhi ガンジー[1869-1948]インド民族独立運動の指導者
  animate 生命を吹き込む、元気づける
  corpse 死体、死骸
  burden 重荷
  relation 親戚、親族


 [02] How would he keep fit?
 How would he 彼はどのようにして〜するつもりだったのか
 keep fit 元気を保つ
  fit 身体の調子が良い、元気な


 [03] He first explained how he had kept physically fit.
 He first explained how 彼は最初に、どうやって〜かを説明した
 he had kept physically fit 身体的な健康を保ってきた
 physically 身体的に、肉体的に


 [04] In 1901 he threw away the medicine bottle and substituted nature
   cures and regular eating, drinking, and sleeping habits.
 In 1901 1901年
 he threw away the medicine bottle 彼は薬瓶を捨てた
 and そして。 threw と substituted を並列。
 substituted 〜に替えた
 nature cures and 自然療法と
 regular 定期的な
 eating, drinking, and sleeping habits 食べ、飲み、眠る習慣
  medicine 薬
  substitute 〜に替える
  throw away 捨てる
  nature cure 自然療法


 [05] More important, he developed “detachment of mind,”the key to
 More important さらに重要なことに
  ☆ More important = What is more important is that
 he developed 彼は身に付けた
 “detachment of mind”「(あらゆることから)精神的に距離を置くこと」
 the key to longevity 長生きの鍵
  develop 身に付ける
  detachment 距離を置くこと、超然、無関心、公平(な態度)
  longevity 長寿、長生き


 [06] “Everyone,”Gandhi said,“has a right and should desire to live 125
   years while performing service without an eye to result.”
 Everyone 誰でも
 Gandhi said ガンジーは言っている[挿入節]
 has a right and should desire 権利があり、そして望むべき
 to live 125 years
  ☆ to live 不定詞の形容詞用法[ right にかかる ]と、
            名詞用法[ desire の目的語]を兼ねている。
 while performing service 努めを果たしながら
  ☆ while performing 分詞構文 = while you perform
 without an eye to result 結果を目的とせず
  right 権利
  desire 望む
  perform 行う
  without an eye to result 結果を目的とせず


 [07] Dedication to service and renunciation of the fruits thereof are“an
   ineffable joy,”a“nectar”which sustains life.
 Dedication to service and 努めに専念することと
 renunciation of the fruits thereof そこからの成果を放棄すること
 are“an ineffable joy” 「言葉では言い表せない喜び」である
 which sustains life それ[無生物主語]で生命が維持できる
  ☆ which 関係代名詞。主格。
  dedication 専念すること
  renunciation 放棄すること
  fruit 成果
  thereof その、そこから(の)
  ineffable 言葉で言い表せない、言いようのない
  nectar ネクタル[神々の飲む不老長寿の酒]
  sustain 維持する


 [08] It leaves“no room for worry or impatience.”
 It leaves“no room それでは「余地が」残され「ない」
 for worry or impatience.” 「心配やいらだちの」
  room 余地
  impatience いらだち、切望


 [09] Egoism is the killer; unselfishness the life preserver.
 Egoism is the killer 利己主義は致命的なもの
 ; = and
 unselfishness (is) the life preserver 自分本位でないことが命を保つもと
  egoism 利己主義
  killer 致命的な(もの)
  unselfishness 自分本位でないこと、滅私
  preserver 保つもと、保存装置、防具


 [10] The Mahatma now adopted an additional cause: nature cure.
 The Mahatma now adopted このマハトマ[聖人]は、今度は採用した
 an additional cause さらなる理想
 nature cure 自然療法
  Mahatma マハトマ[インド、チベットでの聖人]
  adopt 採用する
  additional さらなる
  cause 理想


 [11] He called it his“latest born”; the older children−khadi, village
   industries, the development of a national language, food growing,
   independence for India, freedom for Indians, and world peace−
   continued to receive his energetic care.
 He called it his“latest born” 彼はそれを自分の「末っ子」と呼んだ
 ;ピリオド、あるいは and と同じ。
 the older children 上の子供達
 khadi, village industries カーディ[インド平織り木綿]、村の産業
 the development of a national language 国民言語の発達
 food growing, independence for India 食物栽培、インドの独立
 freedom for Indians, and world peace インド人の自由、そして世界平和
 continued to receive his energetic care 彼の精力的な努力を受け続けた
                    → 彼は精力的な努力を続けた
  independence インド
  continue 続ける
  receive 受ける
  energetic 精力的な
  care 努力、注意


 [12] For the new baby, a trust was set up with Gandhi as one of three
 For the new baby この新しい赤ん坊のために
 a trust was set up 企業合同が設立された
 with Gandhi as one of three trustees ガンジーを3人の理事の一人として
  trust 企業合同
  trustee 理事
  set up 設立する


 [13] Dr. Dinshah Mehta, Gandhi's physician, had a nature-cure clinic in
   the city of Poona, and it was therefore agreed, as the trust's first
   venture, to expand the clinic into a nature-cure university.
 Dr. Dinshah Mehta ディンシャ・メータ博士
 Gandhi's physician ガンジーのかかりつけ医
 had a nature-cure clinic 自然療法の診療所を持っていた
 in the city of Poona プーナ市に
 and 〜なので = so
 it was therefore agreed 従って、意見がまとまった
  ☆ itto B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
 as the trust's first venture その企業合同の最初の冒険的事業として
 to expand the clinic その診療所を発展させること
 into a nature-cure university 自然療法の大学に
  physician 内科医、医師
  clinic 診療所
  venture 冒険的事業
  expand 発展させる
  in the city of 〜(という名の都)市に
  expand A into B:AをBに発展させる


 [14] But one silent Monday Gandhi abruptly decided to abandon the project.
 But one silent Monday しかし、ある静かな月曜日
 Gandhi abruptly decided ガンジーは突然決めた
 to abandon the project その事業を中止すること
  abruptly 突然、不意に
  abandon 中止する、断念する
  project 事業、企画


 [15] It“dawned upon me,”he confessed,“that I was a fool to think that
   I could ever hope to make an institute for the poor in a town.”
 It dawned upon me 私には、わかり始めた
  ☆ Itthat B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
 he confessed 彼は告白している[挿入節]
 that I was a fool 自分が愚かだということ
  ☆ that 接続詞。名詞節を導く。
 to think that 〜と考える
  ☆ that 接続詞。名詞節を導く。
 I could ever hope 〜したいなどと
 to make an institute for the poor 貧しい人のための大学を作ること
 in a town 町に
  dawn (up)on 人に〜(という考え)が浮かぶ
  confess 告白する
  fool 愚か者
  institute 大学、研究所、協会
  the poor 貧しい人々 = poor people


 [16] He had to carry nature cure to the poor and not expect the poor to
   come to him.
 He had to carry nature cure 彼は自然療法をもたらさねばならなかった
 to the poor 貧しい人々に
 and not そして〜ではない
  ☆ A and not B:AであってBではない
 expect the poor to come 貧しい人達が来ることを期待する
  ☆ expect[V] poor[O] to come[C] 5文型
 to him 自分の所に


 [17] This mistake had a moral:“Never take anything for gospel truth even
   if it comes from a Mahatma unless it appeals to both ... head and
 This mistake had a moral この間違いには教訓があった
 Never take anything for 何事も決して〜と考えてはならない
  ☆ take A for B:AをBだと考える[間違える]
 gospel truth 絶対的真実
 even if it comes from a Mahatma たとえもしそれが聖人からのものでも
 unless it appeals to both それが両方に訴えるものでないならば
 ... head and heart つまり、頭と心である
  moral 教訓
  gospel (truth) 絶対的真理
  appeal 訴える


 [18] Gandhi disliked automatic obedience.
 Gandhi disliked ガンジーは嫌いだった
 automatic obedience 無意識的な服従
  automatic 無意識的な、自動的な
  obedience 服従、従順


  [[長文No.123]] B 702Z6550
 [19] He would start nature-cure work in a village;“that is real India,”
   he wrote,“my India, for which I live.”
 He would start nature-cure work 彼は自然療法の仕事を始めるつもりだった
 in a village ある村で
 that is real India それが本当のインドだ
 he wrote 彼は書いている[挿入節]
 my India 私のインドだ
 for which I live その[インドの]ために私は生きる


 [20] He did so immediately.
 He did so 彼はそうした
 immediately すぐに、直ちに


 [21] He settled down for a short while in Uruli, a village of three
   thousand inhabitants on the Poona-Sholapur railway line with plenty of
   water, a good climate, fruit farms, a telegraph and post office, but no
 He settled down for a short while 彼はしばらくの間落ち着いた
 in Uruli, ウルーリに
 a village of three thousand inhabitants 住民3000人の村
 on the Poona-Sholapur railway line プーナショラパー鉄道沿いの
 with 〜があった
 plenty of water, a good climate 豊かな水、良い季候
 fruit farms, a telegraph and post office 果樹園、電信機と郵便局
 but no telephone しかし電話はなかった
  inhabitant 住民
  railway (line) 鉄道
  climate 気候
  telegraph 電信(機)
  settle down 落ち着く、移り住む
  for a (short) while しばらくの(短い)間
  plenty of 豊富な


 [22] The first day, thirty peasants appeared at the nature-cure centre.
 The first day 初日
 thirty peasants appeared 30人の農場労働者がやって来た
 at the nature-cure centre その自然療法の施設に
  peasant 小作農、農業労働者
  appear 現れる、やって来る


 [23] Gandhi himself examined six.
 Gandhi himself ガンジー自身
 examined six 6人診察した
  examine 診察する


 [24] In each case, he prescribed the same thing: the continuous recitation
   of God's name, sun baths, friction and hip baths, cow's milk,
   buttermilk, fruit juices, and plenty of water.
 In each case それぞれの患者に
 he prescribed the same thing 彼は同じものを処方した
 the continuous recitation of God's name 神の名を連続して唱えること
 sun baths, friction and hip baths 日光浴、マッサージと座浴
 cow's milk, buttermilk, fruit juices 牛乳、バターミルク、果物のジュース
 and plenty of water そしてたくさんの水
  in each case それぞれの患者(の症例、場合)に
  case 患者(の症例)
  prescribe 処方する
  continuous 連続した
  recitation 唱えること、暗唱すること
  friction マッサージ


 [25] The reciting of God's name, however, should be more than lip
   movement; it must absorb the entire being throughout the recitation and
   throughout life.
 The reciting of God's name 神の名を唱えること
 however しかし[最初に訳す]
 should be more than lip movement 口を動かすことを越えたものであるべき
 it must absorb the entire being そこに存在全てで没頭しなければなっらない
  ☆ it[無生物S] absorb[V] being[O] 3文型
 throughout the recitation and 唱えている間ずっとと
 throughout life 生きている間ずっと
  recite 唱える、暗唱する、声に出して言う
  movement 動き、動かすこと
  absorb 吸収する、没頭させる
  entire 全〜
  being 存在


 [26] “All mental and physical ailments,”Gandhi explained simply,“are
   due to one common cause.
 All mental and physical ailments 精神的な病気も肉体的な病気も全て
 Gandhi explained simply ガンジーは単純に説明している
 are due to one common cause 一つの共通の原因による
  mental 精神的な、精神の
  physical 肉体的な、肉体の
  ailment 病気
  due to 〜による、〜が原因


 [27] It is therefore but natural that there should be a common remedy.”
 It is therefore but natural that 従って〜は全く自然なことだ
  ☆ but = only 全く、ごく、非常に
  ☆ Itthat B:形式主語構文「BはA」。
  ☆ It is natural that S (should) V:SVは当然[自然][shouldに注意]
 there should be a common remedy 共通の治療法がある
  remedy 治療法


 [28] Almost everyone is sick in body or mind, he said.
 Almost everyone is sick ほとんど全ての人が病気である
 in body or mind 体か心が
 he said 彼は言っている


 [29] Repeating“Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama”while intensively
   concentrating on godliness, goodness, service, and selflessness paves
   the way for the remedial functions of mud packs, sitz baths, and
 Repeating“Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama”「ラマラマラマラマ」と繰り返すこと
  ☆ Repeating 繰り返すこと[無生物S]→によって
 while intensively concentrating on 〜に強く集中しながら
 godliness, goodness 信心深さ、善良さ
 service, and selflessness 奉仕、そして無欲
 paves the way for the remedial functions 治療の働きが容易になる
 of mud packs, sitz baths, and massage 泥パック、座浴そしてマッサージの
  Rama 神の名[ヒンズー教の神Vishnuの化身]
  intensively 集中して
  concentrate 集中する
  godliness 信心深さ
  selflessness 無欲
  remedial 治療の
  function 働き、機能
  concentrate on 〜に集中する
  pave the way for 〜を容易にする、〜の道を整える


 [30] Gandhi was himself a proof of the power of mind and mood over matter.
 Gandhi was himself a proof of ガンジー自身が〜の証明だった
 the power of mind and mood 精神と心構えの力
 over matter ものに勝る
  proof 証拠、証明


 [31] Gandhi was occupied with health throughout his entire adult life
   and indeed in his youth when he nursed his dying father.
 Gandhi was occupied with health ガンジーは「健康」に専念した
 throughout his entire adult life 大人になってからの生涯を通じて
 and indeed in his youth そして実際若い頃(もそうだった)
 when he nursed his dying father 死に瀕した父親を看病した時
  occupy 専念させる、占める
  indeed 実際
  nurse 看病する
  occupied with 〜に専念し(てい)る


 [32] He doctored everyone within reach.
 He doctored everyone 彼は全ての人を治療した
 within reach 手の届く範囲にいる
  doctor 治療する
  within reach 手の届く範囲内の


 [33] Pain in others pained him.
 Pain in others 他の人の痛み[無生物S]→によって
 pained him 彼は痛みを感じた
  pain 痛み(を与える)
  others 他の人


 [34] He was capable of boundless compassion.
  He was capable of 彼には〜という能力があった
  boundless compassion 無限の思いやり
  boundless 無限の、際限のない
  compassion 思いやり、あわれみ
  capable of 能力がある



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