大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.126]] A 536Z8515NTA126
    The arrival of the biotechnological age has brought a greater
 divergence in thought ( 1 ) the meaning and value of human body tissue.
 Increasingly, the language of science is ( 2 ) with the commercial
 language of supply and demand, contracts, exchange, and compensation.
    Some scientists ( 3 ) to the body as aprojectorsubject,a
 system that can be divided and ( 4 ) down to the molecular level.
 Body parts are extracted like a mineral, harvested like a crop, or ( 5 )
 like a resource. Cells, embryos, and tissue are frozen, banked, marketed,
 bought, or sold. Umbilical cords, whose ( 6 ) cells are useful for
 therapeutic purposes, are described as ahot clinical property.
    Such language ( 7 ) a set of cultural assumptions about the body:
 that it can be understood in terms of its units, and that these units can be
 pulled from their context, isolated, and abstracted from real people who
 live in a particular time, at an actual location, in a given society. The
 body has become commodified, ( 8 ) to an object.
    That the body has ( 9 ) value has long been recognized. The English
 philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) believed that corpses would be of
 great use to society if they were studied or displayed rather than simply
 buried away. Preserved, exhibited, and studied, a corpse, he said, could
 servemoral, political, money-saving, money-getting, commemorative,
 architectural, and theatricalends. Following his instructions, Bentham's
 own body was preserved and placed on public ( 10 ) in a glass case at
 University College, London.
  ア utilitarian  イ stem  ウ regarding  エ mined   オ display
  カ dissected   キ refer  ク reflects  ケ infused  コ reduced
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.126]] B 536Z8515
    But the body is more than a utilitarian object: it is also a social,
 ritual, and metaphorical ( 11 ), and the only thing many people can really
 call their own. Indeed, our bodies and body parts are layered with ideas,
 images, cultural meanings, and personal associations. By defining the
 body in such a way as to reduce and decontextualize it, scientists and
 biotechnology firms are able to extract, use, and patent body tissue, even
 as they completely ( 12 ) the individual and his or her personal desires
 and social needs.
    The expanding use of human body materials ( 13 ) basic and difficult
 dilemmas. The removal of body tissue ( 14 ) to scientific research,
 but it also ( 15 ) on body boundaries, imposing on individual autonomy.
 Collecting samples for the expanding DNA identification systems may be an
 efficient means to ( 16 ) crime, but it also increases the risk of a
 surveillance society. Storing tissue samples and extracting information
 from them provides a clinically useful database for health information, but
 using tissue without the ( 17 ) of the people who provided it may violate
 their personal privacy. And while patenting ( 18 ) encourages the venture
 capital necessary to support costly research, the possibility of gaining a
 patent can encourage exploitative behavior.
    The creation of commercial products from human tissue has raised
 questions of profit and property, of consent and control. Participants in
 a range of legal and social ( 19 ) over body parts are asking whether
 tissue and genes are the essence of an individual and a sacred part of the
 human inheritance or whether they are“the ( 20 ) of the future.”
  サ contributes  シ genes  ス intrudes  セ combat  ソ consent
  タ currency   チ poses  ツ disputes  テ entity  ト ignore
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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1.ウ  2.ケ  3.キ  4.カ  5.エ  6.イ  7.ク  8.コ  9.ア 10.オ  .
11.テ 12.ト 13.チ 14.サ 15.ス 16.セ 17.ソ 18.シ 19.ツ 20.タ  .
  [[長文No.126]] A 536Z8515
  [01] The arrival of the biotechnological age has brought a greater
 divergence in thought regarding the meaning and value of human body tissue.
 [02] Increasingly, the language of science is infused with the commercial
 language of supply and demand, contracts, exchange, and compensation.


  [03] Some scientists refer to the body as aprojectorsubject,a
 system that can be divided and dissected down to the molecular level.
 [04] Body parts are extracted like a mineral, harvested like a crop, or
 mined like a resource. [05] Cells, embryos, and tissue are frozen, banked,
 marketed, bought, or sold. [06] Umbilical cords, whose stem cells are
 useful for therapeutic purposes, are described as ahot clinical property.


  * 胚[ハイ]、胎芽[タイガ] 受精後8週間未満の生体。
  [07] Such language reflects a set of cultural assumptions about the body:
 that it can be understood in terms of its units, and that these units can be
 pulled from their context, isolated, and abstracted from real people who
 live in a particular time, at an actual location, in a given society.
 [08] The body has become commodified, reduced to an object.


  [09] That the body has utilitarian value has long been recognized.
 [10] The English philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) believed that
 corpses would be of great use to society if they were studied or displayed
 rather than simply buried away. [11] Preserved, exhibited, and studied, a
 corpse, he said, could servemoral, political, money-saving, money-getting,
 commemorative, architectural, and theatricalends. [12] Following his
 instructions, Bentham's own body was preserved and placed on public display
 in a glass case at University College, London.


  [[長文No.126]] B 536Z8515
  [13] But the body is more than a utilitarian object: it is also a social,
 ritual, and metaphorical entity, and the only thing many people can really
 call their own. [14] Indeed, our bodies and body parts are layered with
 ideas, images, cultural meanings, and personal associations.
 [15] By defining the body in such a way as to reduce and decontextualize it,
 scientists and biotechnology firms are able to extract, use, and patent
 body tissue, even as they completely ignore the individual and his or her
 personal desires and social needs.


  [16] The expanding use of human body materials poses basic and difficult
 dilemmas. [17] The removal of body tissue contributes to scientific
 research, but it also intrudes on body boundaries, imposing on individual
 autonomy. [18] Collecting samples for the expanding DNA identification
 systems may be an efficient means to combat crime, but it also increases
 the risk of a surveillance society. [19] Storing tissue samples and
 extracting information from them provides a clinically useful database for
 health information, but using tissue without the consent of the people who
 provided it may violate their personal privacy. [20] And while patenting
 genes encourages the venture capital necessary to support costly research,
 the possibility of gaining a patent can encourage exploitative behavior.


  [21] The creation of commercial products from human tissue has raised
 questions of profit and property, of consent and control. [22] Participants
 in a range of legal and social disputes over body parts are asking whether
 tissue and genes are the essence of an individual and a sacred part of the
 human inheritance or whether they are“the currency of the future.”



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  [[長文No.126]] A 536Z8515
 [01] The arrival of the biotechnological age has brought a greater
   divergence in thought regarding the meaning and value of human body
 The arrival of the biotechnological age 生物工学の時代の到来[無生物主語]
 has brought a greater divergence in thought 思想の大きな不一致がもたらされた
 regarding the meaning and value 意味と価値に関する
 of human body tissue. 人体組織の
  arrival 到来、到着
  biotechnological 生物工学
  age 時代
  divergence 不一致、分岐、逸脱、相違
  regarding 〜に関する
  meaning 意味
  value 価値、重要性
  tissue 組織


 [02] Increasingly, the language of science is infused with the commercial
   language of supply and demand, contracts, exchange, and compensation.
 Increasingly, the language of science ますます、科学で使う言葉に
 is infused with 〜が入り込んでいる
 the commercial language of 〜という商業上で使う言葉
 supply and demand, contracts, 需要と供給、契約
 exchange, and compensation. 交易、そして賠償
  increasingly ますます、だんだん
  infuse 注ぐ、注入する、吹き込む
  commercial 商業(上)の、通商[貿易]の
  supply and demand 供給と需要[対語]
  contract 契約
  exchange 交易、両替、為替、交換(する)
  compensation 埋め合わせ、賠償(金)
  infused with 〜が注がれる


 [03] Some scientists refer to the body as aprojectorsubject,a
   system that can be divided and dissected down to the molecular level.
 Some scientists refer to the body 体のことを語る科学者もいる
 as a“project”or“subject,”「研究計画」とか「実験課題」として
 a system that can be divided and dissected 分割して切り裂ける組織
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は system 。
 down to the molecular level. 分子の段階にまで
  project (研究)計画、企画
  subject 実験課題、主題、実験材料になる人[動物]
  divide 分割[分裂、分類]する
  dissect 切り裂く、解剖する
  molecular 分子の
  refer to のことを言う、言及する


 [04] Body parts are extracted like a mineral, harvested like a crop, or
   mined like a resource.
 Body parts are extracted like a mineral, 体の各部は鉱物のように取り出され
 harvested like a crop, 作物のように収穫され
 or mined like a resource. あるいは、資源のように採掘されている
  extract 取り出す、引き出す、抽出する
  mineral 鉱物、鉱石、無機(物)の
  harvest 収穫(する)、取り入れる
  crop 作物、収穫物[高]
  mine 採掘する、鉱山、地雷(を敷設する)
  resource 資源、財産、手段


 [05] Cells, embryos, and tissue are frozen, banked, marketed, bought, or
 Cells, embryos, and tissue are 細胞、胚、そして組織は
 frozen, banked, marketed, 冷凍され、預けられ、市場で取引され
 bought, or sold. 売買される
  cell 細胞、基本組織、小部屋
  embryo 胚[ハイ]、胎芽[タイガ][人間の場合、受精後8週未満の生体。それ以降は胎児]。
  bank (銀行に)預ける
  market 市場(で取引する[に出す])


 [06] Umbilical cords, whose stem cells are useful for therapeutic purposes,
   are described as ahot clinical property.
 Umbilical cords, へその緒
 whose stem cells are useful その幹細胞は役立つ
  ☆ whose 関係代名詞、所有格。= and their 。
 for therapeutic purposes, 治療目的に
 are described as 〜として表現されている
  ☆ describe A as B「AをBと(して)表現する」の受け身。
 ahot clinical property. 「人気のある臨床上の資産」
  umbilical へそ(の緒)の、へそ状の、中央の
  stem 茎、幹、(人間の)脚、血統、系図
  therapeutic 治療(法)の、健康上の
  describe 表現[描写、説明]する、特徴を述べる
  hot 人気のある、よく売れる、熱い、激しい
  clinical 臨床(上)の、病床の
  property 資産、財産、所有(権)
  umbilical cord へその緒
  stem cell 幹細胞


 [07] Such language reflects a set of cultural assumptions about the body:
   that it can be understood in terms of its units, and that these units
   can be pulled from their context, isolated, and abstracted from real
   people who live in a particular time, at an actual location, in a given
 Such language reflects そうした言葉には、〜が反映されている
 a set of cultural assumptions 一連の文化的前提
 about the body 体に関する
 :that つまり
 it can be understood 体は理解できる
 in terms of its units, その各構成単位の点から
 and that そして。and は2つの that[同格]節を並列。
 these units can be pulled そうした構成単位は抜き出せる
 from their context, (体という)全体状況から
 isolated, and abstracted from real people 現実の人間から分離させて取り出す
 who live in a particular time, 特定の時代に生きている
 at an actual location, in a given society. 現実の場所に、ある社会に
  reflect 反射する、反映である
  assumption 前提、想定
  unit (構成)単位
  context (全体)状況
  isolate 分離[孤立]させる
  abstract 取り[引き]出す、抽象化する
  particular 特定の
  actual 現実の、実際の
  location 場所、位置
  given 一定[特定]の、ある
  a set of 一連の
  in terms of 〜の(観)点から


 [08] The body has become commodified, reduced to an object.
 The body has become commodified, 体は商品にされてしまった
 reduced to an object. 物に(まで)変えられた
  commodify 商品にする
  reduce 減少させる、変える、変形する


 [09] That the body has utilitarian value has long been recognized.
 That the body has utilitarian value 体に実用的な価値があるということ
  ☆ That 接続詞。名詞節を導き、主語を構成する。
 has long been recognized. 長い間認められてきた
  utilitarian 実用(本位)の、実用的な
  recognize 認める、承認する


 [10] The English philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) believed that
   corpses would be of great use to society if they were studied or
   displayed rather than simply buried away.
 The English philosopher イギリスの哲学者
 Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) ジェレミーベンサム
 believed that 〜と考えていた
 corpses would be of great use to society 死体は社会に非常に役立つだろう
 if they were studied or displayed 研究されたり展示されたりすれば
 rather than simply buried away. 単に埋められてしまうよりも
  philosopher 哲学者
  corpse 死体、死骸
  of use 役に立つ、有用な = useful
  display 展示[掲示]する、表す
  rather than 〜よりも(むしろ)
  bury 埋める


 [11] Preserved, exhibited, and studied, a corpse, he said, could serve
   moral, political, money-saving, money-getting, commemorative,
   architectural, and theatricalends.
 Preserved, exhibited, and studied, 保存され、展示され、そして研究されれば
  ☆ Preserved 分詞構文[条件、仮定]。= If it is preserved
 a corpse, he said, could serve 死体は果たすだろうと彼は言っている
moral, political, money-saving, 道徳、政治、節約
 money-getting, commemorative, 蓄財、記念
 architectural, and theatricalends. 建築そして演劇の点での目的
  preserve 保存する、保つ、守る
  exhibit 展示する、見せる
  moral 道徳(上)の、道徳的な
  political 政治(学)(上)の
  money-saving お金を節約する
  money-getting お金を稼ぐ
  commemorative 記念の、記念となる
  architectural 建築(学)(上)の
  theatrical 演劇(用)の
  end 目的


 [12] Following his instructions, Bentham's own body was preserved and placed
   on public display in a glass case at University College, London.
 Following his instructions, 彼の支持の後→彼の指示に従って
 Bentham's own body was preserved and ベンサム自身の体は保存され
 placed on public display in a glass case 一般公開用にガラス箱の中に安置された
 at University College, London. ロンドン大学で
  following 〜の後
  instruction 指示、命令、教授
  on display 展示[公開]用の


  [[長文No.126]] B 536Z8515
 [13] But the body is more than a utilitarian object: it is also a social,
   ritual, and metaphorical entity, and the only thing many people can
   really call their own.
 But the body is more than しかし、体は〜以上の存在
 a utilitarian object 実用的な物
 it is also 体は〜でもある
 a social, ritual, and metaphorical entity, 社会的、儀式的、比喩的な存在、
 and the only thing そして唯一の物だ
 (that) many people can really call 多くの人が本当に〜と呼べる
 their own. 自分自身のもの
  ritual 儀式的な、儀式(の)
  metaphorical 比喩的な
  entity 存在、実在、実体、統一体


 [14] Indeed, our bodies and body parts are layered with ideas, images,
   cultural meanings, and personal associations.
 Indeed, our bodies and body parts 実際、人間の体には
 are layered with 〜が重ねられている
 ideas, images, cultural meanings, 様々な考え、印象、文化的意味
 and personal associations. そして個人的な連想
  layer 層(にする[なる])、重ね(着す)る
  association 連想
  layered with 〜が重ねられている


 [15] By defining the body in such a way as to reduce and decontextualize it,
   scientists and biotechnology firms are able to extract, use, and patent
   body tissue, even as they completely ignore the individual and his or her
   personal desires and social needs.
 By defining the body 体を定義することによって
 in such a way as to 〜するような形で
 reduce and decontextualize it, (意味を)縮小し(実際の)状況から取り出す
 scientists and biotechnology firms are able 科学者と生物工学会社は〜できる
 to extract, use, and patent body tissue, 体の組織を取り出し、利用し、特許を取る
 even as they completely ignore 完全に無視しながらでも
 the individual and his or her personal desires 個人と、その人の要望
 and social needs. そして社会的必要
  define 定義する、定める、限定する
  decontextualize 状況から取り出す
  biotechnology 生物[生体]工学、人間工学
  firm 会社、商社、堅い
  patent 特許権を取る
  desire 要望、願望
  in a way 〜な形で + such 〜 as to do するような
  = in such a way as to do 〜するような形で


 [16] The expanding use of human body materials poses basic and difficult
 The expanding use of human body materials 広がる人体材料の使用→によって
 poses basic and difficult dilemmas. 基本的で困難な問題が生じている
  expand 広がる[げる]
  material 材料、素材、原料
  pose 引き起こす、主張する、姿勢(を取らせる)
  dilemma 難問、(二者択一の)板挟み


 [17] The removal of body tissue contributes to scientific research, but it
   also intrudes on body boundaries, imposing on individual autonomy.
 The removal of body tissue 体の組織を除去すること→[物S]→によって
 contributes to scientific research, 科学的研究に貢献する
 but it also intrudes しかし、そのことで侵害にもなる
 on body boundaries, 体の境界線の
 imposing on individual autonomy. 個人の自主性に無理が強いられる
  ☆ imposing 分詞構文[継続]。= and it imposes
  removal 除去(すること)、移動
  contribute 貢献する、寄与[寄付]する、一員となる
  intrude 侵害[侵入]する、強いる、押し入る
  boundary 境界線、限界
  impose 強いる、課す、つけ込む、だます、押しつける
  autonomy 自主[律]性、自治(権)
  contribute to 〜に貢献[寄与]する
  intrude on 〜を侵害する
  impose on 〜に無理を強いる


 [18] Collecting samples for the expanding DNA identification systems may be
   an efficient means to combat crime, but it also increases the risk of a
   surveillance society.
 Collecting samples for 〜のための標本を集めること
 the expanding DNA identification systems 広まりつつあるDNA身元確認方式
 may be an efficient means to combat crime, 犯罪と戦う効率的な手段かも知れない
 but it also increases the risk しかし、それによって危険性も増加する
 of a surveillance society. 監視社会の
  collect 集める、まとめる
  sample 標本、見本
  identification 身元確認(証)、鑑識、同一視、一体感
  means 手段、方法、財産
  combat 戦う、闘争、論争
  crime 犯罪
  surveillance 監視、見張り
  surveillance society 監視社会


 [19] Storing tissue samples and extracting information from them provides a
   clinically useful database for health information, but using tissue
   without the consent of the people who provided it may violate their
   personal privacy.
 Storing tissue samples and 組織標本を蓄積し
 extracting information from them そこから情報を引き出すこと→[物S]→によって
 provides a clinically useful database 臨床上役立つデータベースが得られる
 for health information, 健康情報のための
 but using tissue without the consent しかし同意なしに組織を使うこと
 of the people who provided it それを提供してくれる人々の
 may violate their personal privacy. 個人のプライバシーを侵害するかも知れない
  store 蓄積する、蓄える、保管する
  clinically 臨床[医学]上
  consent 同意、承諾、許可
  violate 侵害[妨害]する、違反する、汚す


 [20] And while patenting genes encourages the venture capital necessary to
   support costly research, the possibility of gaining a patent can
   encourage exploitative behavior.
 And while そして〜〜の一方で
 patenting genes encourages 遺伝子の特許権を取ることは奨励になる
 the venture capital 危険負担資本
 necessary to support costly research, 費用のかかる研究を援助するのに必要な
 the possibility of gaining a patent 特許権がとれるという可能性によって
 can encourage exploitative behavior. 搾取的な行動が助長されかねない
  encourage 奨励する
  costly 費用のかかる、高価な、犠牲の大きい
  exploitative 搾取的な、私的利用の
  venture capital 有望な新規企業に損失の危険を冒して投下される資本


 [21] The creation of commercial products from human tissue has raised
   questions of profit and property, of consent and control.
 The creation of commercial products 商業製品を作り出すこと
 from human tissue 人体組織から
 has raised questions of 〜という問題が生じてきた
 profit and property, 利益と所有権
 of consent and control. 同意と制限
  creation 作り出すこと、創造
  raise 引き起こす、作る、上げる


 [22] Participants in a range of legal and social disputes over body parts
   are asking whether tissue and genes are the essence of an individual and
   a sacred part of the human inheritance or whether they are“the currency
   of the future.”
 Participants in a range of 一連の〜の参加者
 legal and social disputes over body parts 体の部分をめぐる法的、社会的議論
 are asking 問いを発している
  ☆ whether A or whether B:AなのかそれともBなのか
 whether tissue and genes 組織と遺伝子が〜なのか
 are the essence of an individual and 個人の本質であり
 a sacred part of the human inheritance 人間が受け継ぐ神聖な部分
 or whether あるいは
 they are“the currency of the future.” 「未来の通貨」なのか
  participant 参加者、関係者、当事者
  a range of 一連の、様々な
  legal 法的な、法律(上)の、合法の
  dispute 論争、議論
  gene 遺伝(因)子
  essence 本質、神髄、最も重要な部分
  sacred 神聖な(る)、厳粛な、不可侵の
  inheritance 受け継ぐもの、相続(権)、遺産
  currency 通貨、貨幣、普及



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