大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.127]] A 537Z8518NTA127
    The introduction of invasive marine species ( 1 ) new environments by
 ships' ballast water, attached to ships' hulls and via other vectors has
 been identified as one of the four greatest ( 2 ) to the world's oceans.
 The ( 3 ) three are land-based sources of marine pollution, overexploitation
 of living marine resources and physical alteration/destruction of marine
    Shipping moves over 80% of the world's commodities and transfers
 approximately 3 to 5 billion tons of ballast water internationally each
 year. A similar volume may also be transferred domestically within
 countries and regions each year. Ballast water is absolutely ( 4 ) to
 the safe and efficient operation of modern shipping, providing balance
 and stability to ships that are not ( 5 ). However, it may also ( 6 )
 a serious ecological, economic and health threat.
    A potentially serious environmental problem ( 7 ) when this ballast
 water contains marine life.
    Since ancient times, marine species have dispersed throughout the
 oceans by natural ( 8 ), carried on currents and attached to floating logs
 and debris.
    Natural barriers, such as temperature and land masses, have prevented
 many species ( 9 ) dispersing into certain areas. This has resulted in the
 natural patterns of biogeography observed in the oceans today.
    In particular, the tropical zone has separated the northern and
 southern temperate and cold water zones. This has allowed many species
 to evolve quite independently in these latter zones, ( 10 ) in quite
 different marine biodiversity between the north and the south.
  ア resulting  イ essential  ウ threats  エ arises  オ loaded
  カ means    キ other    ク from   ケ pose   コ into
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
  [[長文No.127]] B 537Z8518
    In tropical areas species have not faced the same barriers. This is
 illustrated by the relatively homogeneous marine biodiversity ( 11 ) the
 huge area of the Indo-Pacific, from the east coast of Africa to the west
 coast of South America.
    Humans have of course ( 12 ) this process for as long as they have
 sailed, mainly by dispersing marine species that have attached to the hulls
 of ships. The beginning of the use of water as ballast, and the development
 of larger, faster ships completing their voyages in ever shorter times,
 combined with rapidly increasing world trade, means that the natural
 ( 13 ) to the dispersal of species across the oceans are being reduced.
 In particular, ships provide a ( 14 ) for temperate marine species to pierce
 the tropical zones, and some of the most spectacular introductions have
 involved northern temperate species invading southern temperate waters,
 and ( 15 ) versa.
    As a result, whole ecological systems are being changed. In the USA,
 the European Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha has invaded and become
 common in over 40% of internal waterways and may have required between
 US$750 million and US$1 billion in expenditure on control measures between
 1989 and 2000. In several countries, introduced, microscopic,red-tide
 algae (toxic dinoflagellates) have been absorbed by filter-feeding
 shellfish, such as oysters. ( 16 ) eaten by humans, these ( 17 )
 shellfish can cause paralysis and even death.
    There are hundreds of other examples of catastrophic introductions
 around the world, ( 18 ) severe human health, economic and/or ecological
 impacts in their host environments.
    Unlike other forms of marine pollution, such as oil spills, ( 19 )
 ameliorative action can be taken and from which the environment will
 eventually recover, the impacts of invasive marine species are most often
 ( 20 )!
  サ contaminated  シ way  ス barriers  セ aided  ソ causing
  タ irreversible  チ vice  ツ covering  テ where  ト when
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .

      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

1.コ  2.ウ  3.キ  4.イ  5.オ  6.ケ  7.エ  8.カ  9.ク 10.ア  .
11.ツ 12.セ 13.ス 14.シ 15.チ 16.ト 17.サ 18.ソ 19.テ 20.タ  .
  [[長文No.127]] A 537Z8518
  [01] The introduction of invasive marine species into new environments by
 ships' ballast water, attached to ships' hulls and via other vectors has
 been identified as one of the four greatest threats to the world's oceans.
 [02] The other three are land-based sources of marine pollution,
 overexploitation of living marine resources and physical
 alteration/destruction of marine habitat.


  [03] Shipping moves over 80% of the world's commodities and transfers
 approximately 3 to 5 billion tons of ballast water internationally each
 year. [04] A similar volume may also be transferred domestically within
 countries and regions each year. [05] Ballast water is absolutely essential
 to the safe and efficient operation of modern shipping, providing balance
 and stability to ships that are not loaded. [06] However, it may also pose
 a serious ecological, economic and health threat.


  [07] A potentially serious environmental problem arises when this ballast
 water contains marine life.


  [08] Since ancient times, marine species have dispersed throughout the
 oceans by natural means, carried on currents and attached to floating logs
 and debris.


  [09] Natural barriers, such as temperature and land masses, have prevented
 many species from dispersing into certain areas. [10] This has resulted in
 the natural patterns of biogeography observed in the oceans today.


  [11] In particular, the tropical zone has separated the northern and
 southern temperate and cold water zones. [12] This has allowed many species
 to evolve quite independently in these latter zones, resulting in quite
 different marine biodiversity between the north and the south.


  [[長文No.127]] B 537Z8518
  [13] In tropical areas species have not faced the same barriers.
 [14] This is illustrated by the relatively homogeneous marine biodiversity
 covering the huge area of the Indo-Pacific, from the east coast of Africa
 to the west coast of South America.


  [15] Humans have of course aided this process for as long as they have
 sailed, mainly by dispersing marine species that have attached to the hulls
 of ships. [16] The beginning of the use of water as ballast, and the
 development of larger, faster ships completing their voyages in ever shorter
 times, combined with rapidly increasing world trade, means that the natural
 barriers to the dispersal of species across the oceans are being reduced.
 [17] In particular, ships provide a way for temperate marine species to
 pierce the tropical zones, and some of the most spectacular introductions
 have involved northern temperate species invading southern temperate waters,
 and vice versa.


  [18] As a result, whole ecological systems are being changed. [19] In the
 USA, the European Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha has invaded and become
 common in over 40% of internal waterways and may have required between
 US$750 million and US$1 billion in expenditure on control measures between
 1989 and 2000. [20] In several countries, introduced, microscopic,
 red-tidealgae (toxic dinoflagellates) have been absorbed by
 filter-feeding shellfish, such as oysters. [21] When eaten by humans,
 these contaminated shellfish can cause paralysis and even death.


  Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha: カワホトトギスガイ《淡水生二枚貝》
  filter-feeding shellfish: 濾過摂食をする貝や甲殻類
red-tidealgae (toxic dinoflagellates): 赤潮の原因となる藻類(有害炎色植物)
  [22] There are hundreds of other examples of catastrophic introductions
 around the world, causing severe human health, economic and/or ecological
 impacts in their host environments.


  [23] Unlike other forms of marine pollution, such as oil spills, where
 ameliorative action can be taken and from which the environment will
 eventually recover, the impacts of invasive marine species are most often



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  [[長文No.127]] A 537Z8518
 [01] The introduction of invasive marine species into new environments by
   ships' ballast water, attached to ships' hulls and via other vectors has
   been identified as one of the four greatest threats to the world's oceans.
 The introduction of invasive marine species 健康な組織を冒す海洋種の伝来
 into new environments 新しい環境への
 by ships' ballast water, 船の底に用の海水による
 attached to ships' hulls 船体に付着して
  ☆ attached 分詞構文[継続「〜して」or付帯状況「〜しながら」]
 and via other vectors そしてその他の病原菌媒介生物によって
  ☆ and は3つの副詞句 by 〜、 attached 〜、 via 〜 を並列。
 has been identified as 〜だとして確認されてきた
 one of the four greatest threats 最大の4つの脅威の一つ
 to the world's oceans. 世界の海洋への
  introduction 伝来、導入、紹介
  invasive (他の生物の)健康な組織を冒す、侵入する、侵略的な
  marine 海(洋)の
  species 種
  ballast 底荷(を積む)、砂袋、砂利
  attach くっつける、付着する、所属させる
  (ships') hull 船体、覆い、外皮(を除く)
  via 〜を通して、〜によって
  vector 病原菌媒介生物(蚊、蝿など)、方向、進路、動因、影響力
  identify 確認[認定]する、身分を証明する
  threat 脅威(となるもの)
  identify A as B:AをBだと確認する


 [02] The other three are land-based sources of marine pollution,
   overexploitation of living marine resources and physical
   alteration/destruction of marine habitat.
 The other three are 他の3つは
 land-based sources of marine pollution, 陸を出所として出てくる海洋汚染
 overexploitation of living marine resources 海洋生物資源の乱獲
 and physical alteration/destruction そして自然環境の改造と破壊
 of marine habitat. 海洋生息域の
  land-based 陸を基礎とする、陸上で生活する
  source 源、出所
  overexploitation 乱獲、過剰開発
  resource 資源、財産、手段
  physical 物理的な、自然の、肉体の
  alteration 改造、変更、修正、変質
  destruction 破壊(行為)
  habitat 生息域[地]


 [03] Shipping moves over 80% of the world's commodities and transfers
   approximately 3 to 5 billion tons of ballast water internationally each
 Shipping moves over 80% 船舶によって80%を超えるものが運ばれている
 of the world's commodities 世界の商品の
 and transfers そして運ばれている
 approximately 3 to 5 billion tons 約3十億から5十億トン
 of ballast water internationally each year. 毎年国境を越えて底荷用の水が
  shipping 船積み、海運業、船舶
  commodity 商品、産物、必需品
  transfer 移動させる、移す、移転する
  approximately 約、おおよそ
  billion 十億
  internationally 国際的に、国境を越えて


 [04] A similar volume may also be transferred domestically within
   countries and regions each year.
 A similar volume それと同様の分量
 may also be transferred domestically 国内でも運ばれているかも知れない
 within countries and regions each year. 国の中と地域の中で毎年
  similar よく似た、類似した
  volume 分量、容量、多量
  domestically 国内で、家庭内で
  region 地域、領域


 [05] Ballast water is absolutely essential to the safe and efficient
   operation of modern shipping, providing balance and stability to ships
   that are not loaded.
 Ballast water is absolutely essential 底荷用の水は絶対に不可欠
 to the safe and efficient operation 安全で能率的な操業に
 of modern shipping, 現代の海運業の
 providing balance and stability 均衡と安定性が得られるので
  ☆ providing 分詞構文[原因、理由「なので」]。= as it provides
 to ships that are not loaded. 荷の積まれていない船に
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は ships 。
  absolutely 絶対に、完全[確実]に、無条件に
  essential 不可欠の、本質的な(要素)
  efficient 能率的な、有能な
  operation 操業、実施、作業、作用、手術、運転
  stability 安定(性)、固定
  load (積)荷(を積む)、重くする、積載量、重さ


 [06] However, it may also pose a serious ecological, economic and health
 However, it may also pose しかし、それによって〜も生じるかも知れない
  ☆ it[S] pose[V] threat[O] 3文型[無生物主語]
 a serious ecological, economic 深刻な、生態学上の、経済上の
 and health threat. そして健康上の脅威
  pose 姿勢(を取らせる)、引き起こす、主張する
  ecological 生態学(的)の、生態(上)の


 [07] A potentially serious environmental problem arises when this ballast
   water contains marine life.
 A potentially serious environmental problem 深刻な環境問題になる可能性
 arises when 〜な時に生じる
 this ballast water contains marine life. この底荷用の水に海洋生物が含まれる
  potentially 潜在的に(は)、もしかすると
  serious 深刻な
  arise 起こる、生ずる
  contain 含む


 [08] Since ancient times, marine species have dispersed throughout the
   oceans by natural means, carried on currents and attached to floating
   logs and debris.
 Since ancient times, 古代からずっと
 marine species have dispersed 海洋種は広まってきた
 throughout the oceans by natural means, 自然による手段で海洋中に
 carried on currents and 海流に乗って運ばれ
 attached to floating logs and debris. 流木や瓦礫[ガレキ]にに付着して
  disperse 広がる[げる]、分散する
  current 海流、流れ
  log 丸太、丸木
  debris 瓦礫[ガレキ]、破片、残骸


 [09] Natural barriers, such as temperature and land masses, have prevented
   many species from dispersing into certain areas.
 Natural barriers, such as 〜のような自然の壁→[物S]→によって
 temperature and land masses, 温度や大陸
 have prevented many species from 〜を妨げられる種が多かった
 dispersing into certain areas. 一定の地域に広がること
  barrier (障)壁
  land mass 大陸


 [10] This has resulted in the natural patterns of biogeography observed in
   the oceans today.
 This has resulted in このことが〜の結果につながった、その結果が〜
 the natural patterns of biogeography 生物地理学の自然の型
 observed in the oceans today. 今日の海洋に見られる
  ☆ observed 過去分詞の形容詞。 patterns にかかる。
  biogeography 生物地理学
  observe 観察する、見る
  result in 結果が〜になる


 [11] In particular, the tropical zone has separated the northern and
   southern temperate and cold water zones.
 In particular, the tropical zone 特に、熱帯性の区域→[物S]→によって
 has separated 隔てられてきた
 the northern and southern temperate 北と南の温暖な水域
 and cold water zones. そして寒冷な水域が
  tropical 熱帯(性)の
  temperate 温暖[温和]な
  in particular 特に
  temperate zone 温帯


 [12] This has allowed many species to evolve quite independently in these
   latter zones, resulting in quite different marine biodiversity between
   the north and the south.
 This has allowed many species to evolve このことで多くの種が進化出来た
 quite independently in these latter zones, その後者の水域で全く独立して
 resulting in その結果が〜である
 quite different marine biodiversity 全く異なる海洋生物の多様性
 between the north and the south. 北と南で
  evolve 進化[発展]する
  independently 独立して、無関係に、自由に
  latter 後者の
  biodiversity 生物の多様性


  [[長文No.127]] B 537Z8518
 [13] In tropical areas species have not faced the same barriers.
 In tropical areas 熱帯地域では
 species have not faced 種は直面することがなかった
 the same barriers. それと同じ障壁


 [14] This is illustrated by the relatively homogeneous marine biodiversity
   covering the huge area of the Indo-Pacific, from the east coast of Africa
   to the west coast of South America.
 This is illustrated by これは〜によく表れている
 the relatively homogeneous marine biodiversity 比較的均質な海洋生物の多様性
 covering the huge area of the Indo-Pacific, インド洋から太平洋の広域を覆う
 from the east coast of Africa アフリカの東海岸から
 to the west coast of South America. 南アメリカの西海岸まで
  illustrate 説明する、例証する、挿し絵を入れる
  relatively 比較的、割に、相対的に
  homogeneous 均質の、同種の
  huge 広大な、巨大な
  Indo-Pacific インド洋から太平洋


 [15] Humans have of course aided this process for as long as they have
   sailed, mainly by dispersing marine species that have attached to the
   hulls of ships.
 Humans have of course aided this process 人間は無論この過程を助長してきた
 for as long as they have sailed, 船旅をしてきた間ずっと
 mainly by dispersing marine species 主に、海洋種を広めることで
 that have attached to the hulls of ships. 船体に付着してきた
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は species 。
  humans 人間
  aid 助ける、援助[促進]する
  as long as 〜の間ずっと、〜程長く
  sail 船旅をする、航行する


 [16] The beginning of the use of water as ballast, and the development of
   larger, faster ships completing their voyages in ever shorter times,
   combined with rapidly increasing world trade, means that the natural
   barriers to the dispersal of species across the oceans are being reduced.
 The beginning of the use of water as ballast, 底荷としての水の使用の始まり
 and the development of larger, faster ships そして、より大きく速い船の開発
 completing their voyages in ever shorter times, ますます短時間で航海を遂げる
  ☆ completing 現在分詞の形容詞。 ships にかかる。
 combined with rapidly increasing world trade, 世界の貿易の急増も組み合わさり
  ☆ combined 分詞構文[継続]。= which is combined
 means that 〜ということだ
 the natural barriers to 〜の障壁
 the dispersal of species across the oceans 海洋を越えて種が広がる
 are being reduced. 減ってきている
  complete 完遂する、終える、完全なものにする
  voyages 航海(する)、船旅、旅路
  combine 組み合わせる、結合する[させる]
  rapidly 急速に、速く
  trade 貿易、商売、仕事
  dispersal 分散、散らばり、散乱 = dispersion
  reduce 減らす、減少[縮小]する、させる
  ever shorter ますます短い
  combined with 〜と組み合わされて


 [17] In particular, ships provide a way for temperate marine species to
   pierce the tropical zones, and some of the most spectacular introductions
   have involved northern temperate species invading southern temperate
   waters, and vice versa.
 In particular, ships provide a way 特に、船によって道が与えられる
 for temperate marine species to pierce 温帯の海洋種が突破する
  ☆ forto C:不定詞の形容詞用法。 way にかかる。Bは意味上の主語。
 the tropical zones, 熱帯の区域
 and some of the most spectacular introductions そして最も劇的な伝来例の中に
 have involved northern temperate species 北半球の温帯種が含まれていた
 invading southern temperate waters, 南半球の温帯水域に広がった
  ☆ invading 動名詞、involved の目的語。 species が意味上の主語。
 and vice versa. そしてその逆もあった
  temperate 温帯の
  pierce 突破する、貫く、突き破る、
  spectacular 劇的な、壮観な、見応えのある
  involve 含む、巻き込む、関係する
  invade 広がる、侵入[侵略]する
  (and) vice versa その逆もそうだ、逆もまた同様


 [18] As a result, whole ecological systems are being changed.
 As a result, その結果
 whole ecological systems 生態系全体
 are being changed. 変えられつつある
  as a result その結果
  ecological system 生態系


 [19] In the USA, the European Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha has invaded
   and become common in over 40% of internal waterways and may have required
   between US$750 million and US$1 billion in expenditure on control
   measures between 1989 and 2000.
 In the USA, アメリカでは
 the European Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha ヨーロッパ産のカワホトトギス貝
 has invaded and become common 広がって一般的になってしまった
 in over 40% of internal waterways 40%を超える国内の水路
 and may have required そして必要としたかも知れない(正確な数字が不明、の意)
 between US$750 million and US$1 billion 7億5千万から10億アメリカドル
 in expenditure on control measures 抑制策のための出費に
 between 1989 and 2000. 1989年から2000年の間
  internal 内部の、国内の
  waterway 水路、運河
  require 必要とする
  million 百万
  billion 10億
  expenditure 出費、支出(額)、費用、消費
  control 抑制(する)、制御、支配、管理
  measure 対策、手段
  control measure 抑制策


 [20] In several countries, introduced, microscopic,red-tidealgae (toxic
   dinoflagellates) have been absorbed by filter-feeding shellfish, such as
 In several countries, 国によっては、国もある
 introduced, microscopic,red-tidealgae 伝来した非常に小さい「赤潮」藻
  ☆ introduced 過去分詞の形容詞。 algae にかかる。
 (toxic dinoflagellates) have been absorbed (有害単色植物)が吸収されてしまった
 by filter-feeding shellfish, 濾過摂食をする貝
 such as oysters. 例えばカキ
  microscopic 非常に小さい、顕微鏡でしか見えない、顕微鏡の
  red-tide 赤潮
  algae 藻[単数形alga]、藻類
  toxic 有害な、有毒な、中毒(性)の
  dinoflagellate 単色植物
  absorb 吸収する、取り入れる
  filter-feeding 濾過摂食をする
  shellfish 貝、甲殻[コウカク]類(カニ、エビなど)
  such as 例えば、〜のような
  oyster カキ


 [21] When eaten by humans, these contaminated shellfish can cause paralysis
   and even death.
 When eaten by humans, 人間が食べると
  ☆ When (they are) eaten 分詞構文、あるいはSVの省略。
 these contaminated shellfish そうした汚染された貝は
  ☆ contaminated 過去分詞の形容詞。 shellfish にかかる。
 can cause paralysis and even death. 麻痺の原因になり、死に至ることさえある
  contaminate 汚染する、汚す、悪影響を及ぼす
  cause 原因(となる)、引き起こす
  paralysis 麻痺(状態)


  Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha: カワホトトギスガイ《淡水生二枚貝》
  filter-feeding shellfish: 濾過摂食をする貝や甲殻類
red-tidealgae (toxic dinoflagellates): 赤潮の原因となる藻類(有害炎色植物)
 [22] There are hundreds of other examples of catastrophic introductions
   around the world, causing severe human health, economic and/or ecological
   impacts in their host environments.
 There are hundreds of other examples of 〜の他の例は数多くある
 catastrophic introductions around the world, 世界中の悲劇的な伝来
 causing severe human health, economic 人間の深刻な健康、経済の〜になっている
  ☆ causing 分詞構文[継続]。 = and they are causing
 and/or ecological impacts そして、あるいは、生態系への影響
 in their host environments. 住み着いた環境での
  hundreds of 数多い、何百もの
  catastrophic 悲劇的な、壊滅的な、大異変の
  severe 深刻な、厳しい、厳格な
  impact 影響(を与える)、衝撃(力)、衝突
  host 宿主の→(新たに)住み着いた


 [23] Unlike other forms of marine pollution, such as oil spills, where
   ameliorative action can be taken and from which the environment will
   eventually recover, the impacts of invasive marine species are most often
 Unlike other forms of marine pollution, 他の形の海洋汚染と違い
 such as oil spills, 石油流出のような
 where ameliorative action can be taken 石油流出の場合、改善行動が取れる
 and from which そしてそこから
  ☆ and は2つの関係詞節 where 〜 と from which 〜 を並列。
 the environment will eventually recover, 環境が最終的に回復する
 the impacts of invasive marine species 健康な組織を害する海洋種の影響
 are most often irreversible! 取り返しのつかないものであることが極めて多い
  unlike 〜と違って
  pollution 汚染(地域)、公害
  spill もれ(る)、流出(する)
  ameliorative 改善の(ための)、良くなる傾向の
  eventually いつかは、結局は、ゆくゆくは
  irreversible 取り返しがつかない、元に戻せない



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