大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.128]] A 538Z8539NTA128
    ( 1 ) is deadlier than ( 2 ). Denied food, you might survive for a
 few weeks, but without liquid refreshment, you would be lucky to last more
 than a few days. Only ( 3 ) matters more. Tens of thousands of years ago,
 early humans foraging in small bands had to remain near rivers, springs and
 lakes in order to ensure an adequate ( 4 ) of fresh water, since storing or
 carrying it was impractical. The ( 5 ) of water restricted and guided
 mankind's progress. Drinks have continued to shape human history ever since.
    Only in the past ten thousand years or so have new drinks ( 6 ) to
 challenge the pre-eminence of water. These drinks do not ( 7 ) naturally
 in any quantity, but must be made deliberately. As well as offering safer
 alternatives to disease-ridden water supplies in human settlements, these
 new drinks have also ( 8 ) on a variety of roles. Many of them have been
 used as currencies, in religious rites, as political symbols, or as sources
 of philosophical and artistic inspiration. Some have served to highlight
 the power and status of the elite, and others to subjugate or appease the
 downtrodden. Drinks have been used to ( 9 ) births, commemorate deaths,
 and forge and strengthen social bonds; to seal business transactions and
 treaties; to ( 10 ) the senses or dull the mind; to convey life-saving
 medicines and deadly poisons.
  ア availability  イ occur  ウ celebrate  エ hunger  オ sharpen
  カ breathing   キ taken  ク emerged   ケ thirst  コ supply
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.128]] B 538Z8539
    As the tides of history have ( 11 ) and flowed, different drinks have
 come to ( 12 ) in different times, places and cultures, from Stone-Age
 villages to Ancient Greek dining rooms or Enlightenment coffeehouses.
 Each one became popular when it met a particular need or aligned with a
 historical trend: in some cases, it then ( 13 ) on to influence the course
 of history in unexpected ways. Just as archaeologists divide history into
 different periods based on the use of different materialsthe Stone Age,
 the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and so onit is also possible to divide
 world history into periods ( 14 ) by different drinks. Six drinks in
 particularbeer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea and colachart the flow
 of world history. Three contain alcohol and three contain caffeine, but
 what they all have in common is that each drink was the symbolic drink
 during a key historical period, from ( 15 ) to the present day.
    Beer was first made in the Fertile Crescent and by 3000 B.C. was so
 important to Mesopotamia and Egypt that it was being used to pay ( 16 ).
 In ancient Greece, wine became the main export of a vast seaborne trade,
 helping to spread Greek culture abroad. After the ( 17 ) of Rome, spirits
 such as brandy and rum, made using a process ( 18 ) by Arab alchemists,
 fueled the Age of Exploration, fortifying seamen on long voyages and oiling
 the pernicious slave trade. Coffee also ( 19 ) in the Arab world and
 went on to inspire scientific, financial and political revolutions in
 Europe during the Age of Reason, when coffeehouses became centers of
 intellectual exchange. And hundreds of years after the Chinese began
 drinking tea, it exploded in popularity in Britain, with far-reaching
 ( 20 ) on British foreign policy. Finally, though carbonated drinks were
 invented in 18th-century Europe, they became a 20th-century phenomenon,
 and cola, Coca-Cola in particular, is the leading symbol of globalization.
  サ originated  シ fall  ス antiquity  セ ebbed  ソ devised
  タ prominence  チ went  ツ dominated  テ wages  ト effects
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

1.ケ  2.エ  3.カ  4.コ  5.ア  6.ク  7.イ  8.キ  9.ウ 10.オ  .
11.セ 12.タ 13.チ 14.ツ 15.ス 16.テ 17.シ 18.ソ 19.サ 20.ト  .
  [[長文No.128]] A 538Z8539
  [01] Thirst is deadlier than hunger. [02] Denied food, you might survive
 for a few weeks, but without liquid refreshment, you would be lucky to last
 more than a few days. [03] Only breathing matters more. [04] Tens of
 thousands of years ago, early humans foraging in small bands had to remain
 near rivers, springs and lakes in order to ensure an adequate supply of
 fresh water, since storing or carrying it was impractical. [05] The
 availability of water restricted and guided mankind's progress. [06] Drinks
 have continued to shape human history ever since.


  [07] Only in the past ten thousand years or so have new drinks emerged to
 challenge the pre-eminence of water. [08] These drinks do not occur
 naturally in any quantity, but must be made deliberately. [09] As well as
 offering safer alternatives to disease-ridden water supplies in human
 settlements, these new drinks have also taken on a variety of roles.
 [10] Many of them have been used as currencies, in religious rites, as
 political symbols, or as sources of philosophical and artistic inspiration.
 [11] Some have served to highlight the power and status of the elite, and
 others to subjugate or appease the downtrodden. [12] Drinks have been used
 to celebrate births, commemorate deaths, and forge and strengthen social
 bonds; to seal business transactions and treaties; to sharpen the senses or
 dull the mind; to convey life-saving medicines and deadly poisons.


  [[長文No.128]] B 538Z8539
  [13] As the tides of history have ebbed and flowed, different drinks have
 come to prominence in different times, places and cultures, from Stone-Age
 villages to Ancient Greek dining rooms or Enlightenment coffeehouses.
 [14] Each one became popular when it met a particular need or aligned with a
 historical trend: in some cases, it then went on to influence the course of
 history in unexpected ways. [15] Just as archaeologists divide history into
 different periods based on the use of different materialsthe Stone Age,
 the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and so onit is also possible to divide
 world history into periods dominated by different drinks. [16] Six drinks
 in particularbeer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea and colachart the flow
 of world history. [17] Three contain alcohol and three contain caffeine,
 but what they all have in common is that each drink was the symbolic drink
 during a key historical period, from antiquity to the present day.


  [18] Beer was first made in the Fertile Crescent and by 3000 B.C. was so
 important to Mesopotamia and Egypt that it was being used to pay wages.
 [19] In ancient Greece, wine became the main export of a vast seaborne trade,
 helping to spread Greek culture abroad. [20] After the fall of Rome,
 spirits such as brandy and rum, made using a process devised by Arab
 alchemists, fueled the Age of Exploration, fortifying seamen on long voyages
 and oiling the pernicious slave trade. [21] Coffee also originated in the
 Arab world and went on to inspire scientific, financial and political
 revolutions in Europe during the Age of Reason, when coffeehouses became
 centers of intellectual exchange. [22] And hundreds of years after the
 Chinese began drinking tea, it exploded in popularity in Britain, with
 far-reaching effects on British foreign policy. [23] Finally, though
 carbonated drinks were invented in 18th-century Europe, they became a
 20th-century phenomenon, and cola, Coca-Cola in particular, is the leading
 symbol of globalization.


 *(the) Fertile Crescent 肥沃半月弧《パレスチナ地方からペルシア湾に及ぶ地帯》
  Age of Reason: 理性の時代(18世紀、英仏での時代の一つの呼び名)

      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

  [[長文No.128]] A 538Z8539
 [01] Thirst is deadlier than hunger.
 Thirst is deadlier 喉の渇きの方がより命取りになる
 than hunger. 空腹よりも
  thirst (喉の)渇[カワ]き
  deadly 命取りになる
  hunger 空腹


 [02] Denied food, you might survive for a few weeks, but without liquid
   refreshment, you would be lucky to last more than a few days.
 Denied food, 食料を与えられなくても
  ☆ Denied 分詞構文[条件、仮定] = even if you are denied
 you might survive for a few weeks, 2、3週間は生き延びるかも知れない
  ☆ might survive 仮定法過去。
 but without liquid refreshment, しかし、液体の飲み物なしでは
 you would be lucky to last 持てば幸運であろう
  ☆ would be 仮定法過去。
  ☆ to last 不定詞の副詞用法[条件、仮定] = if you last
 more than a few days. 2、3日以上
  deny 与えない = not give
  liquid 液体の
  refreshment 飲み物、清涼剤、軽い飲食物、食事、休養
  last 持つ、持ちこたえる、生き続ける


 [03] Only breathing matters more.
 Only breathing 呼吸しかない
 matters more. それ以上に重要なのは
  matter 以上である


 [04] Tens of thousands of years ago, early humans foraging in small bands
   had to remain near rivers, springs and lakes in order to ensure an
   adequate supply of fresh water, since storing or carrying it was
 Tens of thousands of years ago, 何万年も前
 early humans foraging in small bands 少人数で食料を探し回っていた古代の人間
 had to remain near 近くにとどまらねばならなかった
 rivers, springs and lakes 川、泉、そして湖
 in order to ensure 確保するために
 an adequate supply of fresh water, 真水の十分な供給
 since storing or carrying it 貯蔵することも持ち運ぶことも〜だったからだ
 was impractical. 現実的ではなかった
  forage 食料を入手する、探し回る、飼料(を与える)
  band 一群、一隊、一団
  ensure 確保する、確実にする
  adequate 十分な(量の)、適した
  supply 供給(量[物])
  store 貯蔵(する)、蓄え(る)
  impractical 非現実的な、実用的でない、実行できない
  tens of 何十もの
  thousands of 何千もの
  fresh water 真水


 [05] The availability of water restricted and guided mankind's progress.
 The availability of water 水が入手できるかどうか→[物S]→によって
 restricted and guided 制限され、左右された
 mankind's progress. 人類の進歩は
  availability 入手できるかどうか、利用可能性
  restrict 制限[限定]する
  guide 左右する、案内する、導く
  mankind 人類、人間
  progress 進歩、発展


 [06] Drinks have continued to shape human history ever since.
 Drinks have continued to shape 飲み物によって方向付けられ続けてきた
 human history ever since. 人間の歴史を、以来ずっと
  continue 続ける
  shape 方向付ける、形作る
  ever since (それ)以来ずっと


 [07] Only in the past ten thousand years or so have new drinks emerged to
   challenge the pre-eminence of water.
 Only in the past ten thousand years 最近の1万年間になってやっと
  ☆ Only 以下が否定の副詞で+have[V] drinks[S] emerged が倒置。
 or so かそこら
 have new drinks emerged 新しい飲み物が出現してきた
 to challenge the pre-eminence of water. そして水の優位性が試された
  emerge 出現する、表れる
  challenge 試す、問題にする、課題
  pre-eminence 優位性、優秀、傑出


 [08] These drinks do not occur naturally in any quantity, but must be made
 These drinks do not occur naturally そうした飲み物は、自然に生じることはなく
  ☆ notbut B:AではなくB
 in any quantity, いかなる分量でも、全くどんな少ない分量も
 but must be made deliberately. 計画的に作られねばならない
  occur 生じる
  naturally 自然に
  quantity (分)量
  deliberately 計画的に、故意に、慎重に


 [09] As well as offering safer alternatives to disease-ridden water supplies
   in human settlements, these new drinks have also taken on a variety of
 As well as offering 提供する[→得られる]だけでなく
 safer alternatives より安全な代替物
 to disease-ridden water supplies 病気に冒された水源
 in human settlements, 人間の定住地にある
 these new drinks have also taken on そうした新しい飲み物により担われてもきた
 a variety of roles. 様々な役割
  offer 提供する
  alternative 代替物、(他の)選択肢
  disease-ridden 病気に冒された、病気に支配された
  settlement 定住地、入植地、居留地、定着
  as well as だけでなく、同様
  take on 担う、引き受ける、負う
  a variety of 様々な


 [10] Many of them have been used as currencies, in religious rites, as
   political symbols, or as sources of philosophical and artistic
 Many of them have been used そのうちの多くが使われてきた
 as currencies, in religious rites, 通貨として、宗教上の儀式に
 as political symbols, or as sources 政治の象徴として、あるいは源として
 of philosophical and artistic inspiration. 哲学や芸術上の刺激の
  currency 通貨、貨幣、通用
  religious 宗教(上)の、宗教に関する
  rite 儀式、慣習
  political 政治(上)の、政治に関する
  symbol 象徴、表象
  source 源、源泉、出所
  philosophical 哲学(上)の、哲学に関する
  artistic 芸術(上)の、芸術的な
  inspiration 刺激、霊感、鼓舞


 [11] Some have served to highlight the power and status of the elite, and
   others to subjugate or appease the downtrodden.
 Some have served to highlight 強調するのに役立ってきたものもある
 the power and status of the elite, 選ばれた者達の権力と地位
 and others (have served) そして、役立ってきたものもある
 to subjugate or appease 支配したりなだめたりするのに
 the downtrodden. しいたげられた者達を
  serve 役立つ
  highlight 強調する、目立たせる
  status (高い社会的)地位、身分
  (the) elite 選ばれた者達
  subjugate 支配[征服]する、手なずける、押さえる
  appease なだめる、譲歩する、満たす
  (the) downtrod(den) しいたげ[踏みつけ]られた者達


 [12] Drinks have been used to celebrate births, commemorate deaths, and
   forge and strengthen social bonds; to seal business transactions and
   treaties; to sharpen the senses or dull the mind; to convey life-saving
   medicines and deadly poisons.
 Drinks have been used to 飲み物は〜するのに使われてきた
 celebrate births, commemorate deaths, 誕生を祝い、死者を追悼する
 and forge and strengthen social bonds; そして社会的なきずなを築いて強める
 to seal business transactions and treaties; 商取引や条約を確認する
 to sharpen the senses or dull the mind; 感覚を研ぎ澄ましたり、理性を鈍らせる
 to convey 運ぶ
 life-saving medicines and deadly poisons. 命を救う薬や命取りになる毒
  celebrate 祝う、賛美する
  birth 誕生、出生
  commemorate 追悼する、祝う
  forge 築く、鍛えて作る、偽造する、徐々に進む、一歩先んじる
  strengthen 強める、強くする[なる]、補強する
  bond きずな、結束
  seal 確認する、決める、調印する
  transaction 取引、処理
  treaty 条約、協定、約束
  sharpen 研ぎ澄ます、鋭く[激しく]する[なる]
  dull 鈍らせる、鈍い
  convey 運ぶ、伝える
  life-saving 命を救う、人命救助の


  [[長文No.128]] B 538Z8539
 [13] As the tides of history have ebbed and flowed, different drinks have
   come to prominence in different times, places and cultures, from
   Stone-Age villages to Ancient Greek dining rooms or Enlightenment
 As the tides of history have ebbed and flowed, 歴史の潮流が盛衰を繰り返す中
 different drinks have come to prominence 様々な飲み物が突出してきた
 in different times, places and cultures, 様々な時代、場所そして文化で
 from Stone-Age villages 石器時代の村々から
 to Ancient Greek dining rooms 古代ギリシャの食堂まで
 or Enlightenment coffeehouses. あるいは啓蒙運動時代のクラブ式軽食喫茶店
  tide 潮流、潮の干満、傾向、時流
  ebb and flow 盛衰(を繰り返す)、栄えて衰える、満ち引きする
  prominence 突出(物)、目立つこと、重要
  Stone-Age 石器時代
  Enlightenment (18世紀ヨーロッパの)啓蒙[ケイモウ]運動(時代)
  coffeehouse クラブ式軽食喫茶店


 [14] Each one became popular when it met a particular need or aligned with a
   historical trend: in some cases, it then went on to influence the course
   of history in unexpected ways.
 Each one became popular それぞれが人気を得た
 when it met a particular need 特定の必要を満たした時
 or aligned with a historical trend: あるいは歴史の傾向に沿った
 in some cases, it then went on to 場合によっては、することにまでなった
 influence the course of history 歴史の進路に影響する
 in unexpected ways. 思いがけない形で
  align 沿う、一直線に並ぶ[べる]
  trend 傾向、すう勢、方向、流行
  influence 影響(する)
  unexpected 思いがけない、思いもよらない
  in some cases 場合によっては
  go on to (次に、続けて)〜する(ことにまでなる)
  in unexpected ways 思いがけない形で


 [15] Just as archaeologists divide history into different periods based on
   the use of different materialsthe Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the
   Iron Age, and so onit is also possible to divide world history into
   periods dominated by different drinks.
 Just as archaeologists divide history 考古学者が歴史を分割するのと同様に
 into different periods 様々な期間に
 based on the use of different materials 様々な物質の使用に基づいて
 the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, 石器時代、青銅器時代
 the Iron Age, and so on 鉄器時代、などなど
 it is also possible to divide world history 世界の歴史を分類することも可能だ
 into periods 期間に
 dominated by different drinks. 様々な飲み物が優位を占めていた
  archaeologist 考古学者
  material 物質、材料
  dominate 優位を占める、支配する
  just as 〜と同様に、ちょうど同じように
  based on 〜に基づいて
  the Stone Age 石器時代
  the Bronze Age 青銅器時代
  the Iron Age 鉄器時代
  and so on などなど


 [16] Six drinks in particularbeer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea and
   colachart the flow of world history.
 Six drinks in particular 特に、6つの飲み物→[物S]→によって
 beer, wine, spirits, coffee, ビール、ワイン、蒸留酒、コーヒー
 tea and cola 紅茶、そしてコーラ
 chart the flow of world history. 世界の歴史の流れが描かれている
  spirit 蒸留酒[ウィスキー、ブランデー、ジン、ラムなど]
  chart 描く、記録する、図表で表す
  flow 流れ(る)、満ちる


 [17] Three contain alcohol and three contain caffeine, but what they all
   have in common is that each drink was the symbolic drink during a key
   historical period, from antiquity to the present day.
 Three contain alcohol and 3つにアルコールが含まれ
 three contain caffeine, 3つにカフェインが含まれている
 but what they all have in common is that しかし全てに共通しているのは〜だ
 each drink was the symbolic drink それぞれの飲み物が象徴的な飲み物だった
 during a key historical period, 鍵となる歴史的な期間の
 from antiquity to the present day. 太古の昔から現在に至るまで
  contain 含む、入っている
  alcohol アルコール(飲料)
  caffein(e) カフェイン[コーヒーや茶に含まれるアルカロイド]
  symbolic 象徴的な、象徴する
  antiquity 太古の昔、古代
  have in common 共通して(持って)いる
  the present (day) 現在


 [18] Beer was first made in the Fertile Crescent and by 3000 B.C. was so
   important to Mesopotamia and Egypt that it was being used to pay wages.
 Beer was first made ビールは最初、作られた
 in the Fertile Crescent 肥沃半月弧で
 and by 3000 B.C. was so important そして、紀元前3000年までには非常に重要
  ☆ sothat B:とてもAなのでB。
 to Mesopotamia and Egypt メソポタミアとエジプトにとって
 that it was being used to pay wages. 賃金の支払いに使われていた
  Mesopotamia メソポタミア
  Egypt エジプト
  wage 賃金
  the Fertile Crescent 肥沃半月弧《パレスチナ地方からペルシア湾に及ぶ地帯》


 [19] In ancient Greece, wine became the main export of a vast seaborne trade,
   helping to spread Greek culture abroad.
 In ancient Greece, 古代ギリシャでは
 wine became the main export ワインは主な輸出品になった
 of a vast seaborne trade, 膨大な海上輸送貿易での
 helping to spread そして広めるのに役立った
  ☆ helping 分詞構文[継続「そして」]= and it helped 。
 Greek culture abroad. ギリシャ文化を海外に
  Greece ギリシャ
  export 輸出(品)
  vast 膨大な、莫大な、広大な
  seaborne 海上輸送の
  Greek ギリシャの、ギリシャ人


 [20] After the fall of Rome, spirits such as brandy and rum, made using a
   process devised by Arab alchemists, fueled the Age of Exploration,
   fortifying seamen on long voyages and oiling the pernicious slave trade.
 After the fall of Rome, ローマが滅びた後
 spirits such as brandy and rum, ブランデーやラム酒といった蒸留酒によって
  ☆ spirits[S] fueled[V] Age[O] 3文型。
 made using a process 方法を使って作られ
  ☆ made 分詞構文[継続]。 = which were made
  ☆ using 分詞構文[付帯状況「ながら」]。
 devised by Arab alchemists, アラブの錬金術師達が考案した
  ☆ devised 過去分詞の形容詞。 process にかかる。
 fueled the Age of Exploration, 探検の時代が刺激された
 fortifying seamen on long voyages and 長い航海中の船員達が元気づけられ
  ☆ fortifying 分詞構文[継続] = which fortified 〜 and oiled
 oiling the pernicious slave trade. 悪質な奴隷貿易が円滑に進んだ
  fall 滅亡、没落、死
  brandy ブランデー
  rum ラム酒
  devise 考案する、工夫する
  Arab アラブ(人)
  alchemist 錬金術師
  fuel 刺激する、あおる、たきつける
  fortify 元気づける、強化する
  seaman 船員、海員
  voyage 航海、船旅
  oil 円滑にする、油(をさす)
  pernicious 悪質な = evil 、ひどく有害な、致命的な
  the Age of Exploration 探検の時代
  slave trade 奴隷貿易


 [21] Coffee also originated in the Arab world and went on to inspire
   scientific, financial and political revolutions in Europe during the Age
   of Reason, when coffeehouses became centers of intellectual exchange.
 Coffee also originated in the Arab world コーヒーもアラブ世界から出てきた
 and went on to inspire そして〜が生じる一因となった
 scientific, financial and political revolutions 科学、金融そして政治の大変革
 in Europe during the Age of Reason, 理性の時代にヨーロッパで
  ☆ , when = and then 当時、そしてその頃
 when coffeehouses became centers 当時、クラブ式軽食喫茶店は中心になっていた
 of intellectual exchange. 知識人の交流の
  originate (から)出てくる、起こる、始まる、生じる
  inspire 〜が生じる一因になる、もたらす、鼓舞する
  scientific 科学的な、科学の
  financial 金融(上)の、財政(上)の
  revolution 大変革、革命、回転、公転、運行
  the Age of Reason 理性の時代(18世紀、英仏での時代の一つの呼び名)
  intellectual 知識人(の)、(理)知的な、知性の
  exchange 交流、やりとり、交換(する)


 [22] And hundreds of years after the Chinese began drinking tea, it exploded
   in popularity in Britain, with far-reaching effects on British foreign
 And hundreds of years after そして〜の何百年も後
 the Chinese began drinking tea, 中国人が紅茶を飲み始めた
 it exploded in popularity in Britain, 英国で人気が爆発した
 with far-reaching effects on 〜に広範に渡る影響があった
 British foreign policy. 英国の外交政策
  explode 爆発する[させる]、拡大する
  popularity 人気、評判、流行
  far-reaching 広範[将来]に渡る、遠大な
  hundreds of 何百もの
  effect on 〜への影響
  foreign policy 外交政策


 [23] Finally, though carbonated drinks were invented in 18th-century Europe,
   they became a 20th-century phenomenon, and cola, Coca-Cola in particular,
   is the leading symbol of globalization.
 Finally, though 最後に〜だが
 carbonated drinks were invented 炭酸飲料は発明された
 in 18th-century Europe, 18世紀のヨーロッパで
 they became a 20th-century phenomenon, 20世紀の一現象になった
 and cola, Coca-Cola in particular, そしてコーラ、特にコカコーラ
 is the leading symbol of globalization. 国際化の主要な象徴になっている
  finally 最後に
  invent 発明[考案]する
  phenomenon 現象、事象
  leading 主(要)な、先導(する)
  globalization 国際化、世界化、世界標準
  carbonated drinks[beverages] 炭酸飲料



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