大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.129]] A 539Z8546NTA129
    In the 17th century there were no ( 1 ) fertilizers, antibiotics
 or pesticides.  All food was“organic.” Now, people who ( 2 ) about their
 food buy“organic food.” But some ask if it is ( 3 ) the extra cost.
    Food producers today must fill an increasing worldwide ( 4 ) for their
 products. As a result, they use insecticides and chemical fertilizers to
 increase production. But these substances can ( 5 ) the natural underground
 water supply as well as leave dangerous traces in the fruits
 and vegetables grown by the farmers.
    As for farm animals, they are fed or injected with food supplements,
 antibiotics and growth hormones to ( 6 ) them grow faster and not get sick.
 While use of these modern methods greatly helps production, ( 7 ) of the
 chemical substances show up in our milk, butter, cheese and other dairy
 products, not to mention the meat that we eat.
    In contrast, some farmers grow“organic”crops and ( 8 ) animals
 “organically”−no hormones or chemicals allowed. Such farmers do not
 use insecticides, but rather keep insects under ( 9 ) by using their
 natural enemies−birds and other insects. “Free-range”chickens are not
 cooped up in“chicken factories”or fed chemicals. Instead, they are kept
 in an open field with plenty of ( 10 ) to run around and the chance to eat
 any insects, grass and seeds they may find. When fed, they are fed only
 natural grains. Organic cattle and pigs are likewise raised in open fields
 and eat only natural foods.
  ア help  イ artificial  ウ demand  エ raise  オ traces
  カ room  キ control   ク worry  ケ poison  コ worth
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.129]] B 539Z8546
    The website of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
 (MOFGA, from the state of Maine in the USA) details further benefits of
 organic farming. For example, MOFGA explains how organic farming ( 11 ) on
 microbes in the soil to break down organic matter and minerals into the
 form that growing plants need. As a result, all of the“trace elements”
 necessary to health are ( 12 ). Soil in fields ( 13 ) with chemical
 fertilizers does not produce these trace elements. As a result, it can be
 ( 14 ) that food grown commercially is not as nutritious as organic food.
    “Flavor is another ( 15 ) of healthy plants growing in a living
 soil,”the website adds. A chef who pays up to 50% more for organic food
 agrees, saying,“Meat and vegetables taste better when they are raised
 organically.” But ( 16 ) say he is wasting his money.
    A question then is,“Are these benefits worth the additional cost?”
 Also,“How do we know what we are getting with‘natural’food?”
    In supermarkets, organic vegetables are packed into bins that may have
 held other vegetables; when displayed, all vegetables are sprayed frequently
 with water that may ( 17 ) a chemical“freshener.” Organic meat is cut up
 into serving pieces on the same worktables where non-organic meat is
 processed. “We can't ( 18 ) that all of our organic products are kept
 out of ( 19 ) with other food,”said the manager of a large supermarket.
 To customers, this means they may not be getting organic food even though
 the label says“Organic.”
    In a“taste test”conducted by The New York Times, most tasters
 couldn't tell the difference between organic and“commercial”chickens.
 The article's conclusion:“Not worth the extra cost.”
    But each person must decide for themselves whether or not organic food
 is worth buying. There are good ( 20 ) for each side.
  サ arguments  シ argued  ス benefit  セ relies  ソ present
  タ guarantee  チ others  ツ contact  テ contain  ト treated
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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1.イ  2.ク  3.コ  4.ウ  5.ケ  6.ア  7.オ  8.エ  9.キ 10.カ  .
11.セ 12.ソ 13.ト 14.シ 15.ス 16.チ 17.テ 18.タ 19.ツ 20.サ  .
  [[長文No.129]] A 539Z8546
  [01] In the 17th century there were no artificial fertilizers, antibiotics
 or pesticides. [02] All food was“organic.” [03] Now, people who worry
 about their food buy“organic food.” [04] But some ask if it is worth the
 extra cost.


  [05] Food producers today must fill an increasing worldwide demand for
 their products. [06] As a result, they use insecticides and chemical
 fertilizers to increase production. [07] But these substances can poison
 the natural underground water supply as well as leave dangerous traces in
 the fruits and vegetables grown by the farmers.


  [08] As for farm animals, they are fed or injected with food supplements,
 antibiotics and growth hormones to help them grow faster and not get sick.
 [09] While use of these modern methods greatly helps production, traces of
 the chemical substances show up in our milk, butter, cheese and other dairy
 products, not to mention the meat that we eat.


  [10] In contrast, some farmers grow“organic”crops and raise animals
 “organically”−no hormones or chemicals allowed. [11] Such farmers do
 not use insecticides, but rather keep insects under control by using their
 natural enemies−birds and other insects. [12] “Free-range”chickens are
 not cooped up in“chicken factories”or fed chemicals. [13] Instead, they
 are kept in an open field with plenty of room to run around and the chance
 to eat any insects, grass and seeds they may find. [14] When fed, they are
 fed only natural grains. [15] Organic cattle and pigs are likewise raised
 in open fields and eat only natural foods.


  [[長文No.129]] B 539Z8546
  [16] The website of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
 (MOFGA, from the state of Maine in the USA) details further benefits of
 organic farming. [17] For example, MOFGA explains how organic farming
 relies on microbes in the soil to break down organic matter and minerals
 into the form that growing plants need. [18] As a result, all of the“trace
 elements”necessary to health are present. [19] Soil in fields treated with
 chemical fertilizers does not produce these trace elements. [20] As a
 result, it can be argued that food grown commercially is not as nutritious
 as organic food.


  [21] “Flavor is another benefit of healthy plants growing in a living
 soil,”the website adds. [22] A chef who pays up to 50% more for organic
 food agrees, saying,“Meat and vegetables taste better when they are raised
 organically.” [23] But others say he is wasting his money.


  [24] A question then is,“Are these benefits worth the additional cost?”
 [25] Also,“How do we know what we are getting with‘natural’food?”


  [26] In supermarkets, organic vegetables are packed into bins that may
 have held other vegetables; when displayed, all vegetables are sprayed
 frequently with water that may contain a chemical“freshener.” [27] Organic
 meat is cut up into serving pieces on the same worktables where non-organic
 meat is processed. [28] “We can't guarantee that all of our organic
 products are kept out of contact with other food,”said the manager of a
 large supermarket. [29] To customers, this means they may not be getting
 organic food even though the label says“Organic.”


  [30] In a“taste test”conducted by The New York Times, most tasters
 couldn't tell the difference between organic and“commercial”chickens.
 [31] The article's conclusion:“Not worth the extra cost.”


  [32] But each person must decide for themselves whether or not organic
 food is worth buying. [33] There are good arguments for each side.



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  [[長文No.129]] A 539Z8546
 [01] In the 17th century there were no artificial fertilizers, antibiotics
   or pesticides.
 In the 17th century 17世紀に
 there were no artificial fertilizers, 人工肥料は全く存在しなかった
 antibiotics or pesticides. 抗生物質も、殺虫剤も
  artificial 人工の、人工的な
  fertilizer (化学)肥料
  antibiotic 抗生物質(の)
  pesticide 殺虫剤


 [02] All food was“organic.”
 All food was“organic.” 全ての食物が「有機栽培による」ものだった
  organic 有機(栽培)の、有機的な、生物[自然]の


 [03] Now, people who worry about their food buy“organic food.”
 Now, 今では
 people who worry about their food 自分達の食物について心配する人達
  ☆ who 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は people 。
 buy“organic food.” 「有機栽培の食物」を買っている


 [04] But some ask if it is worth the extra cost.
 But some ask if しかし〜かどうかを問う人もいる
 it is worth the extra cost. それに余分な費用を払う価値がある
  worth 価値がある
  extra 余分な、追加の
  cost 費用、値段、犠牲


 [05] Food producers today must fill an increasing worldwide demand for
   their products.
 Food producers today must fill 今日、食物の生産者は満たさなければならない
 an increasing worldwide demand 増え続ける世界中の需要
 for their products. 自分達の生産物に対する
  producer 生産[制作]者
  demand 需要、要求
  product 生産物、製品、成果


 [06] As a result, they use insecticides and chemical fertilizers to increase
 As a result, その結果として
 they use insecticides and chemical fertilizers 殺虫剤と化学肥料を使っている
 to increase production. そして生産高を向上させている
  ☆ to increase 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」、目的「ために」、どちらも可]。
  insecticide 殺虫(剤)
  chemical 化学の、化学作用の、化学薬品[物質](による)
  production 生産(高)、生産量
  as a result その結果(として)


 [07] But these substances can poison the natural underground water supply
   as well as leave dangerous traces in the fruits and vegetables grown by
   the farmers.
 But these substances しかし、そうした物質→[物S]→によって
 can poison 悪影響が及ぶ可能性がある
 the natural underground water supply 天然の地下水源
 as well as leave dangerous traces 微量の危険物質が残るだけでなく
 in the fruits and vegetables 果物や野菜に
 grown by the farmers. 農民が作る
  ☆ grown 過去分詞の形容詞。 fruits and vegetables にかかる。
  substance 物質、薬物
  poison 悪影響が及ぶ、毒(する)、害する
  underground 地下(の)
  dangerous 危険な
  trace 微量のもの、(痕)跡
  water supply 給水量→水源
  as well as 〜だけでなく


 [08] As for farm animals, they are fed or injected with food supplements,
   antibiotics and growth hormones to help them grow faster and not get sick.
 As for farm animals, 農場の動物について言えば
 they are fed or injected with 与えられるか注射される
 food supplements, antibiotics 食品補給物質、抗生物質
 and growth hormones そして成長ホルモン
 to help them grow faster そしてより速く成長するのに役立つ
  ☆ to help 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」、目的「ために」、どちらも可]。
 and not get sick. そして病気にならない
  feed (食物)を与える
  inject 注射[入]する
  supplement 補給物質、補足
  hormone ホルモン
  as for 〜について言えば
  inject A with B AにBを注射[入]する


 [09] While use of these modern methods greatly helps production, traces of
   the chemical substances show up in our milk, butter, cheese and other
   dairy products, not to mention the meat that we eat.
 While use of these modern methods そうした現代的な方法を使うことが〜だが
 greatly helps production, 生産に大いに役立っている
 traces of the chemical substances 微量の化学物質
 show up in our milk, butter, 牛乳、バターの中に出てくる
 cheese and other dairy products, チーズそしてその他の乳製品
 not to mention the meat that we eat. 人間が食べる肉は言うまでもなく
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、目的格。先行詞は meat 。
  dairy 酪農(業)
  traces of 微量の〜
  show up 出てくる
  dairy products 乳製品
  not to mention 〜は言うまでもなく


 [10] In contrast, some farmers grow“organic”crops and raise animals
   “organically”−no hormones or chemicals allowed.
 In contrast, some farmers それとは対照的に〜な農民もいる
 grow“organic”crops and 「有機栽培の」作物を育て
 raise animals“organically” 動物を「有機的に」飼育する
 − =and 「そして」、あるいはピリオドと同じ。
 no hormones or chemicals allowed. ホルモンも化学物質も全く許されない
  crop 作物
  organically 有機的に、有機栽培で
  in[by] contrast (それとは)対照的に


 [11] Such farmers do not use insecticides, but rather keep insects under
   control by using their natural enemies−birds and other insects.
 Such farmers do not use insecticides, そうした農民は殺虫剤を使わず
  ☆ not A but (rather):Aでなく(むしろ)B
 but rather むしろ
 keep insects under control 昆虫を抑制する
 by using their natural enemies 天敵を使って
 − つまり、例えば
 birds and other insects. 鳥や他の昆虫
  insect 昆虫
  keep 〜 under control 〜を抑制する
  natural enemy 天敵


 [12] “Free-range”chickens are not cooped up in“chicken factories”or fed
 “Free-range”chickens are 「放し飼いの」鶏は
 not cooped up in“chicken factories”「養鶏工場」に閉じ込められない
 or fed chemicals. 化学物質を与えられることもない
  free-range 放し飼い(用地)の
  coop (up) 閉じ込める、オリに入れる
  chicken factory 養鶏工場


 [13] Instead, they are kept in an open field with plenty of room to run
   around and the chance to eat any insects, grass and seeds they may find.
 Instead, そうではなく、そういうことをするのではなく
 they are kept in an open field 広々とした野原で飼われていて
 with plenty of room to run around and 走り回る十分な場所があり
  ☆ to run 不定詞の形容詞用法。 room にかかる。
 the chance to eat any insects, どんな昆虫でも食べる機会がある
  ☆ to eat 不定詞の形容詞用法。 chance にかかる。
 grass and seeds they may find. 見つけられる草、種
  room 場所、余地
  seed 種


 [14] When fed, they are fed only natural grains.
 When (they are) fed, 食料を与えられる時には
 they are fed only natural grains. 自然の穀物しか与えられない
  grain 穀物


 [15] Organic cattle and pigs are likewise raised in open fields and eat only
   natural foods.
 Organic cattle and pigs are likewise 有機の牛や豚も同じように
 raised in open fields and 広々とした野原で飼育され
 eat only natural foods. 自然の食物しか食べない


  [[長文No.129]] B 539Z8546
 [16] The website of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
   (MOFGA, from the state of Maine in the USA) details further benefits of
   organic farming.
 The website of the Maine メイン州の〜のウェブサイト
 Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 有機農民と庭いじりをする人の協会
 (MOFGA, from the state of Maine in the USA) MOFGA、アメリカのメイン州発
 details further benefits さらに詳細に利点を説明している
 of organic farming. 有機農業の
  detail 詳しく述べる
  organic farming 有機農業


 [17] For example, MOFGA explains how organic farming relies on microbes in
   the soil to break down organic matter and minerals into the form that
   growing plants need.
 For example, MOFGA explains 例えば、MOFGAでは説明している
 how organic farming relies on 有機農業では、いかに依存しているか
 microbes in the soil 土壌の中の微生物
 to break down organic matter and minerals そして有機物と鉱物を分解する
  ☆ to break 不定詞の副詞用法[結果「そして」、目的「ために」、どちらも可]。
 into the form that growing plants need. 成長している植物に必要な形態に変える
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、目的格、 need の目的語。先行詞は form 。
  microbe 微生物
  soil 土壌
  rely on 〜に依存する、頼る
  break down 分解する
  mineral 鉱物、無機物


 [18] As a result, all of the“trace elements”necessary to health are
 As a result, all of the“trace elements”その結果全ての「微量元素」
 necessary to health 健康に必要な
 are present. 含まれる(ことになる)
  present 含まれ(てい)る、ある、存在する
  trace element 微量元素[生物の体内に微量に含まれているマンガン、銅、ホウ素等]


 [19] Soil in fields treated with chemical fertilizers does not produce these
   trace elements.
 Soil in fields 田畑の土壌→[物S]→では
 treated with chemical fertilizers 化学物質で処理された田畑の土壌
  ☆ treated 過去分詞の形容詞。 fields にかかる。
 does not produce these trace elements. そうした微量元素が生み出されない
  treat 処理する、扱う
  treat with 〜で[を使って]処理する


 [20] As a result, it can be argued that food grown commercially is not as
   nutritious as organic food.
 As a result, it can be argued that その結果〜ということが言える[主張できる]
 food grown commercially 商業的に育てられた食物
  ☆ grown 過去分詞の形容詞。 food にかかる。
 is not as nutritious as organic food. 自然食品ほどの栄養がない
  argue 主張[議論]する、言う
  commercially 商業[営利]的に
  nutritious 栄養がある、健康によい
  not as[so] A as B BほどAではない


 [21] “Flavor is another benefit of healthy plants growing in a living
   soil,”the website adds.
 Flavor is another benefit 味がもう一つの利点
 of healthy plants growing in a living soil 生きた土壌で育つ健康な植物の
  ☆ growing 現在分詞の形容詞。 plants にかかる。
 the website adds. ウェブサイトでは付け加えている
  flavor 味、風味
  add (付け)加える


 [22] A chef who pays up to 50% more for organic food agrees, saying,“Meat
   and vegetables taste better when they are raised organically.”
 A chef who 〜な一人の料理長
  ☆ who 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は chef 。
 pays up to 50% more for organic food 自然食品に50%も余分に払っている
 agrees, saying,“ 賛成して〜と言っている
 Meat and vegetables taste better 肉も野菜も味が、より良くなく
 when they are raised organically. 有機的に育てられると
  chef 料理長
  up to まで、〜も


 [23] But others say he is wasting his money.
 But others say (that) しかし〜と言う人もいる
 he is wasting his money. この料理長はお金を無駄にしている
  waste 無駄に[浪費]する


 [24] A question then is,“Are these benefits worth the additional cost?”
 A question then is そうすると、問題は〜だ
 Are these benefits そうした利点
 worth the additional cost 余分な費用を払う価値があるのか
  additional 余分な、追加の


 [25] Also,“How do we know what we are getting with‘natural’food?”
 Also さらに
 How do we know どうすれば分かるのか
 what we are getting 手に入れている物が何なのか
 with‘natural’food 「自然」食品というもので


 [26] In supermarkets, organic vegetables are packed into bins that may have
   held other vegetables; when displayed, all vegetables are sprayed
   frequently with water that may contain a chemical“freshener.”
 In supermarkets, スーパーでは
 organic vegetables are packed into bins 有機野菜は容器に詰められる
 that may have held other vegetables 他の野菜が入っていたかも知れない
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は bins 。
 when (they are) displayed, 陳列されると
 all vegetables are sprayed frequently 全ての野菜に散布されることが多い
 with water that may contain 含まれているかも知れない水
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は water 。
 a chemical“freshener.” 「新鮮にする」化学物質
  supermarket スーパー(マーケット)
  pack 詰め込む、梱包する
  bin 容器、置き場
  display 陳列する、表す
  spray 散布する、吹きつける
  frequently 〜ことが(とても)多い、頻繁に
  contain 含む、入っている
  freshener 新鮮にするもの
  may have p.p. 〜たかも知れない
  spray A with B AにBを散布する[吹きつける]


 [27] Organic meat is cut up into serving pieces on the same worktables where
   non-organic meat is processed.
 Organic meat is cut up into 有機肉は〜(の大きさ[状態])に切られる
 serving pieces 単位毎の、一人前の部分
 on the same worktables 同じ仕事台で
 where non-organic meat is processed. 非有機肉が処理される
  ☆ where 関係副詞 = in which 。
  serving 一単位、一人前(分)
  worktable 仕事台
  non-organic 非有機(農法)の
  process 処理[作用](する)、過程


 [28] “We can't guarantee that all of our organic products are kept out of
   contact with other food,”said the manager of a large supermarket.
 We can't guarantee that 〜は保証できません
 all of our organic products are 当店の有機製品全てが
 kept out of contact with other food 他の食品と接触しないようになっている
 said the manager of a large supermarket. 大規模スーパーの支配人は言う
  guarantee 保証(する)
  keep out of 〜に近づかないよう[から離れたまま]にしておく
  keep out of contact with 〜に接触しないようにしておく


 [29] To customers, this means they may not be getting organic food even
   though the label says“Organic.”
 To customers, this means (that) お客さんにとって、これは〜ということだ
 they may not be getting organic food 有機食品を手に入れていないかも知れない
 even though the label says“Organic.” たとえはり札に「有機」と書いてあっても
  customer 顧客
  label はり札


 [30] In a“taste test”conducted by The New York Times, most tasters
   couldn't tell the difference between organic and“commercial”chickens.
 In a“taste test” 「試食試験」では
 conducted by The New York Times, ニューヨークタイムズによって行われた
  ☆ conducted 過去分詞の形容詞。“taste test”にかかる。
 most tasters couldn't tell the difference ほとんどの人が違いが分からなかった
 between organic and 有機の〜と
 “commercial”chickens. 「商業的に作られた」鶏肉との
  conduct 行う
  taster 味わう人
  tell the difference between A and B:AとBの違いが分かる


 [31] The article's conclusion:“Not worth the extra cost.”
 The article's conclusion: その記事の結論は次のようなものだ
 “Not worth the extra cost.”「余分な費用の価値なし。」
  article 記事、品物
  conclusion 結論


 [32] But each person must decide for themselves whether or not organic
   food is worth buying.
 But each person must decide しかしそれぞれの人が決めなければならない
 for themselves whether or not かどうかは自分で
 organic food is worth buying. 有機食品に買う価値がある
  whether or not 〜かどうか


 [33] There are good arguments for each side.
 There are good arguments 優れた主張はある
 for each side. どちらの側にも、それぞれの側に
  argument 主張、論拠、議論



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