大学受験 単語学習用英語長文上級編         NTI

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  [[長文No.130]] A 540Z8546NTA130
    Great business leaders have been shown to solve problems through
 integrative thinking rather than conventional thinking. What does the
 process of integrative thinking look ( 1 )? How do integrative thinkers,
 as ( 2 ) to conventional thinkers, consider their options in a way that
 leads to new possibilities and not merely back to the same inadequate
 ( 3 )? They work through four related but distinct stages.
    Determining salience. The first step is figuring ( 4 ) which factors
 to take into account. The conventional approach is to ( 5 ) as many as
 possibleor not even to consider some of them in the first place. In
 order to reduce our ( 6 ) to uncomfortable complexity, we keep only salient
 features when considering an issue.
    The integrative thinker, by contrast, actively seeks less obvious but
 potentially ( 7 ) factors. Of course, more salient features make for a
 messier problem but integrative thinkers don't mind the mess. In fact, they
 embrace it, because it assures them that they haven't dismissed anything
 that may illuminate the problem as a whole. They ( 8 ) complexity, because
 that's where the best answers come from. They are confident that they'll
 find their way through it and emerge on the other side with a clear
    Analyzing causality. In the second step of decision making,
 you analyze how the numerous salient factors relate to one another.
 Conventional thinkers tend to take the same narrow view of causality that
 they do of salience. When we make bad decisions, sometimes it is because
 we got the causal ( 9 ) between salient features wrong. It could also be
 because we may have been right about the direction of a relationship but
 wrong about the ( 10 ).
    The integrative thinker isn't afraid to question the validity of
 apparently obvious links or to consider multidirectional and nonlinear
  ア alternatives  イ out  ウ compared  エ links   オ relevant
  カ magnitude   キ like  ク exposure  ケ discard  コ welcome
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
  [[長文No.130]] B 540Z8546
    Envisioning the decision architecture. With a good handle on the
 causal relationships between salient features, you're ready to turn to the
 ( 11 ) itself. When you're trying to invent a new business model, the
 number of decision making variables ( 12 ). And with that, conventional
 thinkers have the impulse not only to establish a strict ( 13 ) in which
 issues will be considered but also to dole out pieces of a decision so that
 various parties can work on them ( 14 ).
    Integrative thinkers don't break down a problem into independent
 pieces and work on them separately or in a certain ( 15 ). They see the
 entire architecture of the problemhow the various parts of it fit
 together, how one decision will affect ( 16 ). Just as important, they
 hold all of those pieces ( 17 ) in their minds at once. They don't parcel
 out the elements for ( 18 ) to work on piecemeal or let one element
 temporarily drop out of sight, only to be taken up again for consideration
 after everything else has been decided.
    Achieving resolution. All of these stagesdetermining what is
 salient, analyzing the causal relationships between the salient factors,
 examining the architecture of the problemlead to an outcome. Too often,
 conventional thinkers accept an unpleasant trade-off with relatively ( 19 )
 complaint, since it appears to be the best alternative. That's because by
 the time we have reached this stage, our desire for simplicity has led us
 to ( 20 ) opportunities in the previous three steps to discover interesting
 and novel ways around the trade-off.
  サ separately  シ order  ス decision  セ little  ソ sequence
  タ suspended  チ ignore  ツ explodes  テ others  ト another
11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.   .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /   .
    年  月  日 1回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 2回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 3回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 4回目 時間     分 得点    /10.
    年  月  日 5回目 時間     分 得点    /10.

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1.キ  2.ウ  3.ア  4.イ  5.ケ  6.ク  7.オ  8.コ  9.エ 10.カ  .
11.ス 12.ツ 13.ソ 14.サ 15.シ 16.ト 17.タ 18.テ 19.セ 20.チ  .
  [[長文No.130]] A 540Z8546
  [01] Great business leaders have been shown to solve problems through
 integrative thinking rather than conventional thinking. [02] What does
 the process of integrative thinking look like? [03] How do integrative
 thinkers, as compared to conventional thinkers, consider their options
 in a way that leads to new possibilities and not merely back to the
 same inadequate alternatives? [04] They work through four related but
 distinct stages.


  [05] Determining salience. [06] The first step is figuring out which
 factors to take into account. [07] The conventional approach is to discard
 as many as possibleor not even to consider some of them in the
 first place. [08] In order to reduce our exposure to uncomfortable
 complexity, we keep only salient features when considering an issue.


  [09] The integrative thinker, by contrast, actively seeks less obvious
 but potentially relevant factors. [10] Of course, more salient features
 make for a messier problem but integrative thinkers don't mind the
 mess. [11] In fact, they embrace it, because it assures them that they
 haven't dismissed anything that may illuminate the problem as a whole.
 [12] They welcome complexity, because that's where the best answers come
 from. [13] They are confident that they'll find their way through it and
 emerge on the other side with a clear resolution.


  [14] Analyzing causality. [15] In the second step of decision making,
 you analyze how the numerous salient factors relate to one another.
 [16] Conventional thinkers tend to take the same narrow view of causality
 that they do of salience. [17] When we make bad decisions, sometimes it
 is because we got the causal links between salient features wrong.
 [18] It could also be because we may have been right about the direction
 of a relationship but wrong about the magnitude.


  [19] The integrative thinker isn't afraid to question the validity of
 apparently obvious links or to consider multidirectional and nonlinear


  [[長文No.130]] B 540Z8546
  [20] Envisioning the decision architecture. [21] With a good handle on
 the causal relationships between salient features, you're ready to
 turn to the decision itself. [22] When you're trying to invent a new
 business model, the number of decision making variables explodes.
 [23] And with that, conventional thinkers have the impulse not only to
 establish a strict sequence in which issues will be considered but
 also to dole out pieces of a decision so that various parties can
 work on them separately.


  [24] Integrative thinkers don't break down a problem into independent
 pieces and work on them separately or in a certain order. [25] They see
 the entire architecture of the problemhow the various parts of it
 fit together, how one decision will affect another. [26] Just as important,
 they hold all of those pieces suspended in their minds at once. [27] They
 don't parcel out the elements for others to work on piecemeal or let
 one element temporarily drop out of sight, only to be taken up again
 for consideration after everything else has been decided.


  [28] Achieving resolution. [29] All of these stagesdetermining what
 is salient, analyzing the causal relationships between the salient
 factors, examining the architecture of the problemlead to an
 outcome. [30] Too often, conventional thinkers accept an unpleasant
 trade-off with relatively little complaint, since it appears to be
 the best alternative. [31] That's because by the time we have reached this
 stage, our desire for simplicity has led us to ignore opportunities
 in the previous three steps to discover interesting and novel ways
 around the trade-off.



      目次に戻る     Homeに戻る 

  [[長文No.130]] A 540Z8546
 [01] Great business leaders have been shown to solve problems through
   integrative thinking rather than conventional thinking.
 Great business leaders 企業の偉大な指導者達
 have been shown to solve problems 問題を解決することが示されてきた
 through integrative thinking 統合的な考え方で
 rather than conventional thinking. 従来の考え方ではなく
  integrative 統合的な
  conventional 従来(型)の、型にはまった、平凡な、因習的な
  rather than 〜ではなく、よりむしろ


 [02] What does the process of integrative thinking look like?
 What どんなものなのか
  ☆ whatlike どのような = how
 does the process of integrative thinking 統合的な考え方の過程は
 look like? 〜のよう(に見える)


 [03] How do integrative thinkers, as compared to conventional thinkers,
   consider their options in a way that leads to new possibilities and not
   merely back to the same inadequate alternatives?
 How do integrative thinkers, 統合的な考え方をする人はどのように
 as compared to conventional thinkers, 従来の考え方をする人に比べて
 consider their options in a way that 〜といった形で自分の選択肢を考える
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は way 。
 leads to new possibilities and 新しい可能性につながる
 not merely back to 〜に戻ってくるだけでなく
 the same inadequate alternatives? それと同じ不十分な選択肢
  option 選択肢
  possibility 可能性
  merely 単に〜だけ
  inadequate 不十分な、不適当な
  alternative (他の)選択肢、代案
  (as) compared to[with] 〜に比べて、と比較すると
  in a way 形で
  lead to 〜につながる


 [04] They work through four related but distinct stages.
 They work through 〜通して進んでいく
 four related but distinct stages. 関連はするが全く別個の4つの段階
  relate 関連させる、関係づける
  distinct 全く別個の、独特の
  stage 段階、時期、舞台


 [05] Determining salience.
 Determining salience. 顕著な特徴を決定すること
  determine 決定する、決心させる
  salience 顕著な特徴[点]、突出(物)


 [06] The first step is figuring out which factors to take into account.
 The first step is figuring out 第一段階は解決することだ
 which factors to take into account. どの要因を考慮に入れるべきか
  ☆ which factors to take = which factors you should take
  figure out 解決[解答]する、理解する
  factor 要因、要素
  account 考慮、説明、重要性、計算書
  take into account 考慮に入れる


 [07] The conventional approach is to discard as many as possibleor not
   even to consider some of them in the first place.
 The conventional approach 従来の取り組み方
 is to discard as many as possible 出来るだけ(多く)捨てることだ
 −or not even to consider あるいは、考慮にさえ入れないこと
 some of them in the first place. 最初からある程度の部分を
  approach 取り組み(方)、接近(する)
  discard (見)捨てる、放棄する
  consider 考慮に入れる、(よく)考える、みなす
  as many as possible 出来るだけ多くのこと
  in the first place 最初から、(そもそも)まず第一に


 [08] In order to reduce our exposure to uncomfortable complexity, we keep
   only salient features when considering an issue.
 In order to reduce our exposure 身をさらすことを減らすため
 to uncomfortable complexity, 困ってしまう複雑さに
 we keep only salient features 顕著な特徴しか残さない
 when (we are) considering an issue. 一つの問題を考える時
  reduce 減らす、減少する
  exposure さらすこと、さらされること
  uncomfortable 困ってしまう(ような)、(居)心地の悪い
  complexity 複雑さ、複雑なもの
  salient 顕著な、重要な、目立つ
  feature 特徴、特色
  issue 問題、出す、発行(されたもの)
  in order to 〜するために


 [09] The integrative thinker, by contrast, actively seeks less obvious but
   potentially relevant factors.
 The integrative thinker, by contrast, それに比べて、統合的な考え方をする人
  ☆ thinker[S] seeks[V] factors[O] 3文型。
 actively seeks 積極的に探す
 less obvious but それ程明らかではないが
 potentially relevant factors. 潜在的な重要性を持った要因
  actively 積極的に、活発に
  seek 探す、探し求める、要求する
  obvious 明らかな、明白な
  potentially 潜在的に
  relevant 重要な、(密接な)関連がある
  by[in] contrast それに比べて、それと対照的に


 [10] Of course, more salient features make for a messier problem but
   integrative thinkers don't mind the mess.
 Of course, more salient features 無論、たくさんの顕著な特徴
 make for a messier problem but より複雑な問題になっていくが
 integrative thinkers don't mind the mess. 統合的思考者は困難を嫌がらない
  messy 複雑[面倒]な、散らかった、汚い
  mess 困難、乱雑(な状態)
  make for 〜を生み出す、役立つ、に向かう


 [11] In fact, they embrace it, because it assures them that they haven't
   dismissed anything that may illuminate the problem as a whole.
 In fact, they embrace it, もっと言えば、複雑さに喜んで応じる
 because it assures them that なぜなら、それによって〜が保証されるから
 they haven't dismissed anything 何も捨てていない
 that may illuminate それによって明らかになるかも知れない
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、主格。先行詞は anything 。[無生物主語]
 the problem as a whole. その問題が全体として
  embrace 喜んで応じる、抱きしめる、甘受する
  assure 保証する、確信させる
  dismiss 捨てる、退ける、解散する、解雇する
  illuminate 明らかにする、解明する、照らす
  in fact もっと言えば、実際は、さらに
  as a whole 全体として


 [12] They welcome complexity, because that's where the best answers come
 They welcome complexity, 複雑さを歓迎する
 because that's where なぜなら、そこからだから
 the best answers come from. 最高の答えが出てくる
  welcome 歓迎する、喜んで受け入れる


 [13] They are confident that they'll find their way through it and emerge
   on the other side with a clear resolution.
 They are confident that 〜という自信を持っている
 they'll find their way through it その複雑さを通り抜ける道を見つける
 and emerge on the other side そして反対側に出る
 with a clear resolution. 明確な解決策と共に
  confident 自信を持っている、確信している
  emerge 出てくる、現れる
  resolution 解決策、解答、決意
  on the other side 反対側に


 [14] Analyzing causality.
 Analyzing causality. 因果関係を分析すること
  analyze 分析する
  causality 因果関係、因果律


 [15] In the second step of decision making, you analyze how the numerous
   salient factors relate to one another.
 In the second step of decision making, 意思決定の第二段階では
 you analyze how どのように〜かを分析する
 the numerous salient factors 数多くの顕著な要因
 relate to one another. 互いに関係している
  numerous 数多くの
  relate 関係している[がある]、関連づける、述べる
  decision making 意思決定
  one another 互い


 [16] Conventional thinkers tend to take the same narrow view of causality
   that they do of salience.
 Conventional thinkers tend to 従来型思考者は〜する傾向がある
 take the same narrow view of causality 同じ狭い視野で因果関係を捉える
 that they do of salience. 顕著な特徴(決定)に関しての場合
  ☆ that 関係代名詞、目的格。 do[takeの代動詞] の目的語。先行詞は view 。
  narrow 狭い、限られた
  view 視野、見方、考え方


 [17] When we make bad decisions, sometimes it is because we got the causal
   links between salient features wrong.
 When we make bad decisions, まずい判断をする時には
 sometimes it is because 〜が原因である場合がある
 we got the causal links 因果関係を捉えていた
  ☆ we[S] got[V] links[O] wrong[C] 5文型。
 between salient features wrong. 間違って、顕著な特徴同士の間にある〜
  make decisions 判断[決定]をする
  causal link 因果関係


 [18] It could also be because we may have been right about the direction of
   a relationship but wrong about the magnitude.
 It could also be because 〜が原因でもあり得る
 we may have been right 正しかったかも知れない
 about the direction of a relationship 関係の方向性について
 but wrong about the magnitude. しかしその大きさについて間違っていた
  direction 方向(性)、傾向、指導、指示
  magnitude 大きさ、重要性


 [19] The integrative thinker isn't afraid to question the validity of
   apparently obvious links or to consider multidirectional and nonlinear
 The integrative thinker isn't afraid to 統合的思考者は〜する勇気を持っている
  ☆ afraid to do こわくて〜出来ない→not afraid to do 〜する勇気を持っている
 question the validity 妥当性を疑う
 of apparently obvious links 一見明らかな関係の
 or to consider あるいは考える
 multidirectional and nonlinear relationships. 多方面に広がる直線的でない関係
  question 疑う、疑問(視する)、問う
  validity 妥当性、重要性、効力
  apparently 一見〜らしい、明らかに
  multidirectional 多方面に広がる
  nonlinear 直線的でない、非線形の、順調に進まない


  [[長文No.130]] B 540Z8546
 [20] Envisioning the decision architecture.
 Envisioning the decision architecture. 結論構成を予想すること
  envision 予想する、心に描く = envisage
  decision 結論、決定
  architecture 構成


 [21] With a good handle on the causal relationships between salient features,
   you're ready to turn to the decision itself.
 With a good handle on 〜が十分に分かれば
 the causal relationships between salient features, 顕著な特徴間の因果関係
 you're ready to turn to the decision itself. 結論そのものに向かう準備が整った
  with a handle on 〜が分かっている
  ready to する準備が出来ている
  turn to (の方)に向かう


 [22] When you're trying to invent a new business model, the number of
   decision making variables explodes.
 When you're trying to invent 考えだそうとしている時には
 a new business model, 新しい事業形態
 the number of decision making variables 意思決定上の変数の数
  ☆ number[S] explodes[V] 1文型。
 explodes. 爆発的に増加する
  invent 考え出す、発明する、でっち上げる、盗む
  business model 事業形態
  the number of 〜の数
  variable 変数、変わりやすいもの
  explode 爆発(的に増加)する[させる]、論破する、覆す


 [23] And with that, conventional thinkers have the impulse not only to
   establish a strict sequence in which issues will be considered but also
   to dole out pieces of a decision so that various parties can work on
   them separately.
 And with that, そしてそのことによって
 conventional thinkers have the impulse 従来型の思考者は衝動に駆られる
 not only to establish a strict sequence 厳密な順序を確立するだけでなく
  ☆ not onlybut also B:AだけでなくBもまた
  ☆ to establish 不定詞の形容詞用法。 impulse にかかる。
 in which issues will be considered (その中で)問題が考慮される
  ☆ in which その中で = in the siquence
 but also to dole out pieces of a decision 決定を小出しにして分け与える
 so that various parties can 様々な関係者が出来るように
  ☆ so that can [目的]〜出来るように
 work on them separately. 別々に取り組む
  impulse 衝動、動機、欲求、推進力、衝撃
  establish 確立[設立]する、定着させる
  strict 厳密な、厳しい、正確な
  sequence 順序、連続
  dole 惜しそうに少しずつ与える、分け与える、分配、施し、手当て
  separately 別々に、別個に、単独に
  dole out 惜しそうに少しずつ与える、分け与える
  work on 取り組む


 [24] Integrative thinkers don't break down a problem into independent
   pieces and work on them separately or in a certain order.
 Integrative thinkers don't break down 統合的思考者は分解しない
 a problem into independent pieces 問題を独立した各部分に
 and work on them separately そしてそれらに別々に取り組む
 or in a certain order. あるいは一定の順序で
  independent 独立した
  order 順序、秩序、規律
  break down 分解する
  in a certain order 一定の順序で


 [25] They see the entire architecture of the problemhow the various
   parts of it fit together, how one decision will affect another.
 They see the entire architecture of the problem その問題の全体構造を見る
 how the various parts of it fit together, 様々な部分がどう組み合わさっていて
 how one decision will affect another. 一つの決定が別の決定にどう影響するか
  entire 全体の


 [26] Just as important, they hold all of those pieces suspended in their
   minds at once.
 Just as important, (それと)ちょうど同じように重要なのが
 they hold all of those pieces suspended そうした各部分全てを保留しておく
  ☆ they[S] hold[V] pieces[O] suspended[C] 5文型。
 in their minds at once. 頭の中で、同時に
  suspend 保留する、決めずにおく、一時停止する、浮遊させる
  just as ちょうど同じくらい
  in one's mind 頭の中で
  at once 同時に、直ちに


 [27] They don't parcel out the elements for others to work on piecemeal or
   let one element temporarily drop out of sight, only to be taken up again
   for consideration after everything else has been decided.
 They don't parcel out the elements 諸要素を振り分けることをしない
 for others to work on piecemeal そして他の人にばらばらに取り組ませる
  ☆ for others to work 不定詞の副詞用法[目的、結果、どちらも可。]
 or let one element temporarily drop あるいは一つの要素を一時的にはずす
  ☆ let[V] element[O] drop[C] 5文型。
 out of sight, 視野から
 only to be taken up again for consideration 再び取り上げて考慮するためだけに
 after everything else has been decided. 他の全ての事柄が決定した後で
  parcel 小包、包み、一群、分ける、分配する
  piecemeal ばらばらに[の]、少しずつ
  temporarily 一時的に
  parcel out 振り分ける、分配する
  drop out of sight 視野から外[ハズ]れる
  take up 取り上げる


 [28] Achieving resolution.
 Achieving resolution. 問題解決の達成
  achieve 達成(する)、成し遂げる、獲得する


 [29] All of these stagesdetermining what is salient, analyzing the
   causal relationships between the salient factors, examining the
   architecture of the problemlead to an outcome.
 All of these stages これら全ての段階
 determining what is salient, 何が顕著かを決定し
 analyzing the causal relationships 因果関係を分析し
 between the salient factors, 顕著な諸要因の間にある
 examining the architecture of the problem 問題の構造を吟味すること
 lead to an outcome. 一つの成果につながる
  outcome 成果、結果


 [30] Too often, conventional thinkers accept an unpleasant trade-off with
   relatively little complaint, since it appears to be the best alternative.
 Too often, 非常に多い
 conventional thinkers accept 従来型思考者は受け入れる
 an unpleasant trade-off 不愉快な妥協案
 with relatively little complaint, 不平をまずほとんど言わずに
 since it appears to be それが〜であると思えるからだ
 the best alternative. 他に取るべき最高の道
  unpleasant 不愉快な、いやな、悪意のある
  trade-off 妥協案、妥協のための取引、(より必要なものとの)交換
  relatively 比較的(に)、割合に、相対的に、とても
  complaint 苦情、不平(の訴え)、不満(の種)


 [31] That's because by the time we have reached this stage, our desire for
   simplicity has led us to ignore opportunities in the previous three steps
   to discover interesting and novel ways around the trade-off.
 That's because それは〜が原因
 by the time we have reached this stage, この段階に到達するまでに
 our desire for simplicity 単純さを求める気持ち[欲求]→[物S]→によって
  ☆ desire[S] led[V] us[O] to ignore[C] 5文型。
 has led us to ignore opportunities 機会を無視するようになってしまった
 in the previous three steps 前の3つの段階の中にある
 to discover interesting and novel ways 興味深く新しい方法を発見する
  ☆ to discover 不定詞の形容詞用法。 opportunities にかかる。
 around the trade-off. 妥協案を避けて
  by the time 時までに
  way around 〜   〜を避ける方法[道]
  simplicity 単純さ



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