英文法ドリル  Grammar:A問題(整序)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice ga0030
 21. 今日、私達は情報のほとんどをマスメディアに頼っている。
   Today, most (of, our, mass, upon, media, depends, information).
(                                     )
 22. 君に見ていられたら読書に集中できないよ。
   I can't (concentrate, me, my, on, reading, watching, with, you).
(                                     )
 23. 祖父はその有名な画家に肖像画を描いてもらったのです。
   My grandfather (painted, had, his portrait, by) that famous painter.
(                                     )
 24. 私の息子の味方をして下さって、ありがとうございます。
   It is (of, to, up, for, you, kind, stand) my son.
(                                     )
 25. 食事の後は必ずお皿を洗うように。
   After the (to, the, make, meal, sure, wash, dishes).
(                                     )
 26. 出かける時に戸の鍵をかけ忘れるなんてジャックは不注意だった。
   It was (door, leave, to, unlocked, careless, of, Jack, the) when
  he went out.
(                                     )
 27. この通りを歩けば必ず知っている人に会いますよ。
   You can't (meeting, without, walk along, someone, this street) you
(                                     )
 28. 彼女の助力がなかったならば、君はそれを成し遂げることは決して出来なか
   Without her (finished, you, have, help, could, never) it.
(                                     )
 29. 彼はこの分野でさらに研究しても無駄だと思った。
   He (in, no, studying, point, that, there, thought, was) further in
  this field.
(                                     )
 30. うちの娘はいつも駅に迎えに来て欲しいと電話をします。
   My daughter always gives me a telephone call (asking me, to meet,
  to come out, her) at the station.
(                                     )
   月  日 氏名                得点   /   

解 答
 21. Today, most of our information depends upon mass media.
 22. I can't concentrate on my reading with you watching me.
 23. My grandfather had his portrait painted by that famous painter.
 24. It is kind of you to stand up for my son.
 25. After the meal, make sure to wash the dishes.
 26. It was careless of Jack to leave the door unlocked when he went out.
 27. You can't walk along this street without meeting someone you know.
 28. Without her help, you could never have finished it.
 29. He thought that there was no point in studying further in this field.
 30. My daughter always gives me a telephone call asking me to come out to
  meet her at the station.


  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問10点で100点満点。
      60点で---- 偏差値50
      70点で---- 偏差値55
      80点で---- 偏差値60
      90点で---- 偏差値65
     100点で---- 偏差値70だ。
   ★ ここまでの平均が、参考となる偏差値だ。★

      50点で---- 偏差値50
      60点で---- 偏差値55
      70点で---- 偏差値60
      80点で---- 偏差値65
      90点で---- 偏差値70だ。


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