英文法ドリル  Grammar:A問題(整序)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice ga0190

  次の各英文の( )内の語を並べ換えて正しい文にせよ。解答は( )
181. How is it (children, innocence, of, possible, protect, the, to)
  in modern society?
(                                     )
182. It's a lot easier to (being, is, object, something, the, to, way)
  done than it is to do it yourself.
(                                     )
183. A lot of companies spend more to package, advertise and
  (on, product, sell, spend, than, their, they) making it.
(                                     )
184. We're all proud of admitting little mistakes because it gives us
  the feeling (any, big, don't, make, ones, that, we).
(                                     )
185. It becomes all the more necessary to (bring, full, groups, in,
  into, minority, participation) the mainstream of American society.
(                                     )
  次の各英文の( )内の語を並べ換えて正しい文にせよ。不要な語が1語あ
 る。解答は( )内の並べ換えた部分のみを記せ。
186. He did not think that (a, ecology, knowledge, of, out, would) help him
  very much in his new occupation.
(                                     )
187. Like many other people, I hate (my, over, having, looked, looking,
  someone) shoulder to read my newspaper.
(                                     )
188. Some people do not consult a doctor until they have a positive
  symptom and (be, are, to, beyond, willing, likely) cure.
(                                     )
189. The experience I have gathered in the course of my travels may
  be (to, of, in, some, those, use) who are planning to go abroad
  for the first time.
(                                     )
190. A frequent complaint of parents is that they cannot understand
  their children, and that (they, are, that, of, children, parents)
  misunderstood by their parents.
(                                     )
  月  日 氏名               得点     /   

解 答
181.How is it possible to protect the innocence of children in modern
182.It's a lot easier to object to the way something is being done
  than it is to do it yourself.
183.A lot of companies spend more to package, advertise and sell
  their product than they spend on making it.
184.We're all proud of admitting little mistakes because it gives us
  the feeling that we don't make any big ones.
185.It becomes all the more necessary to bring minority groups into
  full participation in the mainstream of American society.
186.He did not think that a knowledge of ecology would help him very
  much in his new occupation. out 不要
187.Like many other people, I hate having someone looking over my shoulder
  to read my newspaper. looked 不要
188.Some people do not consult a doctor until they have a positive symptom
  and are likely to be beyond cure. willing 不要
189.The experience I have gathered in the course of my travels may be
  of some use to those who are planning to go abroad for the first time.
  in 不要
190.A frequent complaint of parents is that they cannot understand their
  children, and that of children that they are misunderstood by their
  parents. parents 不要



  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問10点で100点満点。
      50点で---- 偏差値50
      60点で---- 偏差値55
      70点で---- 偏差値60
      80点で---- 偏差値65
      90点で---- 偏差値70だ。
     100点で---- 偏差値75だ。

   ★ 101番から150番までの平均より上がっているかどうか。★
  ☆ 上がっていたら実力がupしたと考えよう。その調子で頑張れ。☆
  ☆ 下がった場合は勉強量を増やそう。☆

      40点で---- 偏差値50
      50点で---- 偏差値55
      60点で---- 偏差値60
      70点で---- 偏差値65
      80点で---- 偏差値70だ。
      90点で---- 偏差値75だ。
