英文法ドリル  Grammar:D問題(総合力)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice gd0250

  Error Detection   正誤問題  実践演習
241. She always has @fresh eggs Aavailable because she Braises Cchicken
  in her yard.
242. @Working part-time at Avarious places, I found Bwhat I heard was
  one thing and what I saw was quite Cthe other.
243. Whether you're inspiring your teammates @in competition or,
  Ahandling a confrontation, remember to respect Bone another's
  Cindividuals differences.
244. Eventually @with a groan of good nature he gave in. There was, Ain
  a matter of fact, even something Bpleasing to him in thus Cgiving in.
245. The manager's projection @relies Ato a great extent Bto our market
  survey, which was completed Conly yesterday.
246. @An index Afinger's head Bsize tumor was found in the posterior
  part of the left nasal Ccavity.
247. A @growing number of Japanese women want to continue Aworking
  Bsince after Cthey have children.
248. @There is probably Aa general election next summer
  Bif the government loses Cany more support.
249. @Why is it that Abullying among children Bhave become
   Csuch a serious problem in Japan?
250. Professor Tong @will depend on his research assistants Awhile he
  Bwill take a leave of Cabsence next year.

  241. @ A B C     241. @ A B C    241. @ A B C
  242. @ A B C     242. @ A B C    242. @ A B C
  243. @ A B C     243. @ A B C    243. @ A B C
  244. @ A B C     244. @ A B C    244. @ A B C
  245. @ A B C     245. @ A B C    245. @ A B C
  246. @ A B C     246. @ A B C    246. @ A B C
  247. @ A B C     247. @ A B C    247. @ A B C
  248. @ A B C     248. @ A B C    248. @ A B C
  249. @ A B C     249. @ A B C    249. @ A B C
  250. @ A B C     250. @ A B C    250. @ A B C
  月  日 氏名                  得点   /    .

241. 彼女はいつでも新鮮な卵を手に入れられる。庭で鶏を飼っているからだ。
242. 様々な場所でアルバイトをしてきて、聞くことと見ることは全く別のことだ
243. 競争でチームの仲間を元気づけている時も、人間関係の問題を扱っている時
244. ついに、感じの悪くないうめき声と共に彼は屈服した。実のところ、この負
245. 部長の計画はかなりの部分、我々の市場調査によるものなのだが、それは昨
246. 左の鼻腔の後部に、人差し指の頭程度の大きさの腫瘍が見つかった。
247. 子供が生まれた後も働き続けたいと思っている日本人女性の数はどんどん増
248. もしも政府がさらに支持を失えば、来年の夏には総選挙があるだろう。
249. いじめが日本でそれほど深刻な問題になったのは一体なぜなのか。
250. トン教授は、来年休暇を取る間は、研究助手達に頼ることになるだろう。

241. She always has @fresh eggs Aavailable because she Braises Cchicken
  in her yard.
 C ⇒ chickens/hens:chickenは加算名詞。
242. @Working part-time at Avarious places, I found Bwhat I heard was
  one thing and what I saw was quite Cthe other.
 Canother:代名詞。A is one thing, and B is another「AとBは別」。
243. Whether you're inspiring your teammates @in competition or,
  Ahandling a confrontation, remember to respect Bone another's
  Cindividuals differences.
 C ⇒ individual:形容詞なのでsはつかない。
244. Eventually @with a groan of good nature he gave in. There was, Ain
  a matter of fact, even something Bpleasing to him in thus Cgiving in.
 A ⇒ as:熟語。 as a matter of fact「実は」。
245. The manager's projection @relies Ato a great extent Bto our market
  survey, which was completed Conly yesterday.
 B ⇒ on:熟語。rely on。間に入った to a great extent に惑わされないこと。
246. @An index Afinger's head Bsize tumor was found in the posterior
  part of the left nasal Ccavity.
247. A @growing number of Japanese women want to continue Aworking
  Bsince after Cthey have children.
 B ⇒ ×:接続詞は一つだけ。
248. @There is probably Aa general election next summer
  Bif the government loses Cany more support.
 @there will provably be:時制。next summerだから未来。
249. @Why is it that Abullying among children Bhave become
   Csuch a serious problem in Japan?
 Bhas become:三単現。主語は bullying。
250. Professor Tong @will depend on his research assistants Awhile he
  Bwill take a leave of Cabsence next year.
 B ⇒ takes:時制。時の副詞節。現在時制を使う。

 解 答
  241. @ A B C
  242. @ A B C
  243. @ A B C
  244. @ A B C
  245. @ A B C
  246. @ A B C
  247. @ A B C
  248. @ A B C
  249. @ A B C
  250. @ A B C



  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問10点で100点満点。
      50点で---- 偏差値50
      60点で---- 偏差値55
      70点で---- 偏差値60
      80点で---- 偏差値65
      90点で---- 偏差値70
     100点で---- 偏差値75だ。

   ★ 101番から200番までの平均より上がっているかどうか。★
  ☆ 上がっていたら実力がupしたと考えよう。その調子で頑張れ。☆
  ☆ 下がった場合は勉強量を増やそう。☆

      40点で---- 偏差値50
      50点で---- 偏差値55
      60点で---- 偏差値60
      70点で---- 偏差値65
      80点で---- 偏差値70
      90点で---- 偏差値75だ。
