英文法ドリル  Grammar:G問題(文法・語法)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice
   各空所に最も適切なものを記号で記せ。   GG080
 61. Let's buy this one. It's (  ) cheaper.
   イ much      ロ very      ハ too      ニ more
 62. I didn't enjoy the movie. It was (  ).
   イ bored     ロ boring     ハ excited    ニ exciting
 63. I wanted some cake, but there was (  ) left.
   イ none      ロ no       ハ any      ニ much
 64. The postman doesn't often come here. We receive (  ) letters.
   イ many      ロ much      ハ little     ニ few
 65. Going by train will (  ) you 1,000 yen.
   イ find     ロ spare     ハ provide   ニ take    ホ lose
 66. I was told to take a bath, (  ) advice I followed.
   イ which    ロ that     ハ whose    ニ its    ホ what
 67. (  ) he read a letter then, he would have understood me.
   イ Unless    ロ Otherwise   ハ When     ニ Did    ホ Had
 68. A man is not great (  ) he knows many things.
   イ for     ロ as      ハ because   ニ so     ホ since
 69. The more you desire, (  ) it is to keep your mind in peace.
   イ better     ロ less      ハ the more    ニ the harder
 70. I would gladly help you with your report (  ) I had the time.
   イ as soon as   ロ after     ハ if only    ニ unless
 71. It is (  ) one falls ill that one realizes the blessing of health.
   イ before     ロ only then   ハ owing to    ニ not until
 72. (  ) Russia can attain true democracy is still a question mark.
   イ However    ロ That      ハ Whether    ニ What
 73. I don't feel like (  ) this evening.
   イ to eat     ロ in eating   ハ eaten     ニ eating
 74. (  ) what you say, I still think that you are wrong.
   イ Admitted    ロ Admitting   ハ Since admitted  ニ To admit
 75. The car crashed into a line of people, three of (  ) were killed.
   イ whose     ロ who      ハ that      ニ whom
 76. I (  ) that picture, but I hardly remember I have.
   イ can draw    ロ may have drawn ハ may draw   ニ draw
 77. (  ) those newspapers have you read?
   イ What are    ロ Which     ハ What of    ニ Which of
 78. What kind of watch shall I buy? Get (  ).
   イ one Swiss   ロ a French    ハ a Japanese one ニ some American
 79. She had three sons, all (  ) became doctors.
   イ of whom    ロ which     ハ of which    ニ who
 80. The population of Tokyo is larger than (  ) of Osaka.
   イ those     ロ which     ハ one      ニ that
 61.  62.  63.  64.  65.  66.  67.  68.  69.  70.  .
 71.  72.  73.  74.  75.  76.  77.  78.  79.  80.  .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /    .

 全 訳 例
 61. これを買おう。ずっと安いから。
 62. その映画は面白くなかった。退屈だったよ。
 63. ケーキが欲しかったんだけど、全く残っていなかった。
 64. 郵便屋さんがここに来ることはあまりない。手紙はほとんど来ない。
 65. 電車で行けば1000円浮くよ。
 66. フロにはいるように言われて、その通りにした。
 67. その時手紙を読んでいたら、彼は私のことを理解していただろう。
 68. たくさん物事を知っているからといってその人が偉いということにはならない。
 69. 望むことが多ければ多いほど、心の平静を保つのは難しい。
 70. もしも時間があれば、喜んであなたの報告書を手伝うんだが。
 71. 病気になって初めて健康のありがたみが分かる。
 72. ロシアが本当の民主主義を達成できるかどうかはまだ分からない。
 73. 今夜は食べたくない。
 74. 君の言うことは認めるが、それでもやはり私は君が間違っていると思う。
 75. その車は人の列につっこんで、3人が死亡した。
 76. その絵を描いたかも知れないが、描いたことはほとんど覚えていない。
 77. そこにある新聞のどれを読んだんですか。
 78. どんな時計を買えばいいかな。日本のにすればいい。
 79. 彼女には3人息子がいて、全員が医者になった。
 80. 東京の人口は大阪よりも多い。

 61. Let's buy this one. It's (  ) cheaper.
  イ much      ロ very      ハ too      ニ more
   比較級の強調が出来る語はmuch。more cheaperは英語ではない。
 62. I didn't enjoy the movie. It was (  ).
   イ bored      ロ boring     ハ excited    ニ exciting
 63. I wanted some cake, but there was (  ) left.
  イ none      ロ no       ハ any      ニ much
 64. The postman doesn't often come here. We receive (  ) letters.
   イ many      ロ much      ハ little     ニ few
 65. Going by train will (  ) you 1,000 yen.
   イ find     ロ spare     ハ provide   ニ take    ホ lose
 66. I was told to take a bath, (  ) advice I followed.
  イ which     ロ that     ハ whose    ニ its    ホ what
   and the adviceの意味になる関係形容詞which。カンマがあるからthatは×。
 67. (  ) he read a letter then, he would have understood me.
   イ Unless    ロ Otherwise   ハ When     ニ Did     ホ Had
   ifを省略した仮定法の文。後半のwould have PPから見破る。
 68. A man is not great (  ) he knows many things.
   イ for     ロ as      ハ because   ニ so     ホ since
   not A because B「Bだからといって必ずしもAということにはならない」
 69. The more you desire, (  ) it is to keep your mind in peace.
   イ better     ロ less      ハ the more    ニ the harder
   the+比較級A, the+比較級B「AであればあるほどますますB」
 70. I would gladly help you with your report (  ) I had the time.
   イ as soon as   ロ after     ハ if only     ニ unless
   would helpとhadから仮定法を見破る。
 71. It is (  ) one falls ill that one realizes the blessing of health.
   イ before     ロ only then   ハ owing to    ニ not until
   it is not until A that B:Aして初めてB。重要構文。
 72. (  ) Russia can attain true democracy is still a question mark.
   イ However    ロ That      ハ Whether     ニ What
 73. I don't feel like (  ) this evening.
   イ to eat     ロ in eating   ハ eaten     ニ eating
   feel like+-ing「したい気がする」
 74. (  ) what you say, I still think that you are wrong.
   イ Admitted    ロ Admitting   ハ Since admitted  ニ To admit
   admitting〜「は認めるけれど」=though I admitの意の分詞構文
 75. The car crashed into a line of people, three of (  ) were killed.
   イ whose     ロ who      ハ that      ニ whom
   and three of themと考え、関係代名詞whom。前置詞ofの後なのでthatは×。
 76. I (  ) that picture, but I hardly remember I have.
   イ can draw    ロ may have drawn ハ may draw   ニ draw
   「したかも知れない」はmay have PP助動詞の基本。
 77. (  ) those newspapers have you read?
   イ What are    ロ Which     ハ What of    ニ Which of
 78. What kind of watch shall I buy? Get (  ).
   イ one Swiss   ロ a French    ハ a Japanese one ニ some American
   get a Japanese watch。でa watchの代りだからone
 79. She had three sons, all (  ) became doctors.
  イ of whom     ロ which     ハ of which    ニ who
   and all of themだからof whom
 80. The population of Tokyo is larger than (  ) of Osaka.
   イ those     ロ which     ハ one      ニ that
   このまま暗記すべき比較の基本文。「大阪のそれ(人口)よりも」でthat of

 解 答
 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. .
 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. .



  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問5点で100点満点。
      60点で---- 偏差値50
      70点で---- 偏差値55
      80点で---- 偏差値60
      85点で---- 偏差値65
      90点で---- 偏差値70だ。


      50点で---- 偏差値50
      60点で---- 偏差値55
      70点で---- 偏差値60
      75点で---- 偏差値65
      80点で---- 偏差値70だ。
