英文法ドリル  Grammar:G問題(文法・語法)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice GG0280
261. The cherry blossoms will have fallen by the time he (  ) here.
   イ returns    ロ returned    ハ had returned  ニ will return
262. (  ) to herself in the cellar, the little girl began to cry bitterly.
   イ Leaving    ロ Left      ハ Having left  ニ Be left
263. (  ) is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
   イ Whichever   ロ Whatever    ハ Whoever    ニ Whomever
264. I'll talk about it with you (  ) you want to.
   イ whichever   ロ however    ハ whenever    ニ whether
265. Poor (  ) he is, Johnson is very honest.
   イ if       ロ that      ハ or       ニ as
266. Jim would have helped me (  ) that he was short of money.
   イ except     ロ seeing     ハ insomuch    ニ granting
267. We had scarcely arrived at the station (  ) the train started.
   イ because    ロ after     ハ before     ニ providing
268. The car that Mr. Brown sold yesterday (  ) to his uncle before.
   イ belonging   ロ would belong  ハ was belonging ニ had belonged
269. I would appreciate (  ) from you soon.
   イ to hear    ロ hearing    ハ that I hear  ニ that I heard
270. He comes from Ireland, (  ) we can perceive from his accent.
   イ where     ロ as       ハ otherwise   ニ though
271. Nara is one of the old cities (  ) I'd like to visit.
   イ to where    ロ what      ハ to which    ニ which
272. I don't see their car. They (  ) home.
   イ should have gone ロ must have gone ハ can have gone ニ could go
273. I don't know (  ) what he told us is true.
   イ as     ロ in     ハ of     ニ if     ホ because
274. I looked for the box (  ) a lot of jewels.
   イ contain  ロ to contain ハ contained ニ containing ホ being contained
275. She talked as if she (  ) the accident.
   イ see    ロ saw     ハ was seeing ニ has seen  ホ had seen
276. I wonder how (  ) his boring speech will end.
   イ early   ロ lately   ハ long    ニ quickly  ホ soon
277. Having an unbalanced diet (  ) cause health problems.
   イ is a      ロ becomes to   ハ can      ニ will be
278. I could be a good athlete (  ) enough time to practice.
   イ gave    ロ give    ハ given    ニ have given ホ to give
279. It is the quality of sleep that (  ) , not the amount.
   イ counts     ロ is counting  ハ can count   ニ to count
280. My parents were always encouraging and (  ) during my difficult times.
   イ supportive ロ supporter  ハ support ニ supporting ホ being supported
261.  262.  263.  264.  265.  266.  267.  268.  269.  270.  .
271.  272.  273.  274.  275.  276.  277.  278.  279.  280.  .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /    .

261. 彼が帰ってくるまでには桜は散ってしまっていることでしょう。
262. 地下貯蔵庫に一人にされて、その女の子はひどく泣き始めた。
263. 少しでもやる価値のあることはきちんとやる価値がある。
264. 君が話したいと思う時にいつでもその話をしようじゃないか。
265. 貧しかったが、ジョンソンはとても正直だ。
266. お金に困っていたとしても、ジムは私を助けてくれたでしょう。
267. 駅に着いた途端に、列車は出てしまった。
268. ブラウンさんが昨日売った車は、それまで彼の叔父さんのものでした。
269. 至急お返事をいただければ幸いです。
270. 彼はアイルランド出身です、彼の訛りから分かる通りです。
271. 奈良は行ってみたい古都の一つです。
272. 車が見あたらない。きっと家に帰ったんだ。
273. 彼の言ったことが本当かどうかは分からない。
274. たくさんの宝石が入った箱を探した。
275. 彼女はその事故を目撃したかのように話した。
276. 彼のつまらない話はいつ終わるんだろうか。
277. 調和のとれていない食事をしていると健康上の問題を抱えることになりうる。
278. 練習する時間が十分与えられれば私は運動が上手になるのに。
279. 重要なのは眠りの質で、量ではない。
280. 両親は私が大変な時、いつも私を励まして支えてくれました

261. The cherry blossoms will have fallen by the time he (  ) here.
   イ returns    ロ returned    ハ had returned  ニ will return
   時・条件の副詞節by the timeを覚える。
262. (  ) to herself in the cellar, the little girl began to cry bitterly.
   イ Leaving    ロ Left      ハ Having left  ニ Be left
   分詞構文。as/when/after she was left to herself の意。
263. (  ) is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
   イ Whichever   ロ Whatever    ハ Whoever    ニ Whomever
   名詞節を導き、is の主語になる語。「なものは何でも」
264. I'll talk about it with you (  ) you want to.
   イ whichever   ロ however    ハ whenever    ニ whether
265. Poor (  ) he is, Johnson is very honest.
   イ if       ロ that      ハ or       ニ as
   2番目の as は though の意。
266. Jim would have helped me (  ) that he was short of money.
   イ except     ロ seeing     ハ insomuch    ニ granting
   granting that「かりに〜としても」
267. We had scarcely arrived at the station (  ) the train started.
   イ because    ロ after     ハ before     ニ providing
   scarcely[hardly] before[when] の構文。
268. The car that Mr. Brown sold yesterday (  ) to his uncle before.
   イ belonging   ロ would belong  ハ was belonging ニ had belonged
269. I would appreciate (  ) from you soon.
   イ to hear    ロ hearing    ハ that I hear  ニ that I heard
   appreciate doing「することを感謝する」3文型ではこの形。
270. He comes from Ireland, (  ) we can perceive from his accent.
   イ where     ロ as       ハ otherwise   ニ though
271. Nara is one of the old cities (  ) I'd like to visit.
   イ to where    ロ what      ハ to which    ニ which
   visit は他動詞なので、関係代名詞 which を選ぶ。
272. I don't see their car. They (  ) home.
   イ should have gone ロ must have gone ハ can have gone ニ could go
   must have p.p.「したに違いない
273. I don't know (  ) what he told us is true.
   イ as     ロ in     ハ of     ニ if     ホ because
   「かどうか」の if。
274. I looked for the box (  ) a lot of jewels.
   イ contain  ロ to contain ハ contained ニ containing ホ being contained
   box にかかる現在分詞の形容詞。「〜している
275. She talked as if she (  ) the accident.
   イ see    ロ saw     ハ was seeing ニ has seen  ホ had seen
276. I wonder how (  ) his boring speech will end.
   イ early   ロ lately   ハ long    ニ quickly  ホ soon
   今から「どれくらいの時間で」の意で how soon
277. Having an unbalanced diet (  ) cause health problems.
   イ is a      ロ becomes to   ハ can      ニ will be
   having[主語] cause[他動詞] problems[目的語]の文型だから助動詞can
278. I could be a good athlete (  ) enough time to practice.
   イ gave    ロ give    ハ given    ニ have given ホ to give
   分詞構文。if I were given の意。
279. It is the quality of sleep that (  ), not the amount.
   イ counts     ロ is counting  ハ can count   ニ to count
280. My parents were always encouraging and (  ) during my difficult times.
   イ supportive ロ supporter  ハ support ニ supporting ホ being supported
   eccouraging並列形容詞を選ぶ。A and B。

 解 答
261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. .
271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276.ホ 277. 278. 279. 280. .



  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問5点で100点満点。
      60点で---- 偏差値50
      70点で---- 偏差値55
      80点で---- 偏差値60
      85点で---- 偏差値65
      90点で---- 偏差値70だ。

   ★ 101番から200番までの平均より上がったかどうか。★
  ☆ 上がっていたら実力がupしたと考えよう。その調子で頑張れ。☆
  ☆ 下がった場合は勉強量を増やそう。☆

      50点で---- 偏差値50
      60点で---- 偏差値55
      70点で---- 偏差値60
      75点で---- 偏差値65
      80点で---- 偏差値70だ。
