英文法ドリル  Vocabulary:V問題(語彙・熟語・表現)
  ☆Intermediate English Practice gv0180
161. Jack and Jill went (  ) a drive in the country on Sunday.
   イ by       ロ for      ハ out      ニ with
162. Just relax and (  ) yourself. There's nothing to worry about.
   イ ease      ロ enjoy     ハ favor     ニ please
163. A knowledge of science is (  ) great use to everyone.
   イ at       ロ for      ハ of       ニ with
164. You often take me (  ) Yamada, don't you?
   イ as       ロ at       ハ for      ニ in
165. I have a problem (  ) this coffee maker, and I want my money back.
   イ of       ロ on       ハ with      ニ about
166. I'm kind of tired. I had a (  ) hard week.
   イ nicely     ロ good      ハ poorly     ニ pretty
167. Minako! How was your trip? I'm (  ) to hear all about it.
   イ going     ロ trying     ハ dying     ニ biginning
168. I'd like to apply (  ) a credit card.
   イ for      ロ to       ハ in       ニ with
169. The London policemen are always (  ) to help.
   イ rely      ロ ready     ハ steady     ニ willingly
170. My father felt it was our duty as citizens to help other people (  ).
   イ in needing   ロ needed     ハ in need    ニ to be needed
171. The (  ) at class was over 40 last Friday.
   イ obligation   ロ announcement  ハ attendance   ニ confession
172. The spaceship has been put in (  ) around the earth.
   イ explosion   ロ orbit     ハ launching   ニ wandering
173. We'll get to school on time−we're (  ) there now.
   イ as far as   ロ as for     ハ as good as   ニ as of
174. We will have to (  ) our rights someday.
   イ bring about  ロ engage in   ハ give rise to  ニ stand up for
175. There is no doubt (  ) his honesty.
   イ according as  ロ as to     ハ different from  ニ up to
176. I've had enough of his complaints. I'm (  ) them.
   イ fed up with  ロ compared to  ハ looking forward to ニ taking away
177. Cathy and John were then (  ) five and three years old.
   イ regardlessly  ロ respectably  ハ respectfully  ニ respectively
178. We had a long talk and came to (  ) the same conclusion.
   イ more and more ロ less and less ハ more or less  ニ no more than
179. Mr. Brown, though out of work for a while, was a carpenter (  ) trade.
   イ by       ロ in       ハ with      ニ on
180. Make sure to take a message when you (  ) the phone.
   イ answer    ロ call     ハ receive  ニ reply    ホ ring
161.  162.  163.  164.  165.  166.  167.  168.  169.  170.  .
171.  172.  173.  174.  175.  176.  177.  178.  179.  180.  .
   月  日 氏名                得点    /    .

161. ジャックとジルは日曜日田舎にドライブに出かけた。
162. くつろいでお楽しみ下さい。心配することなど何もありません。
163. 科学の知識は誰にでもとても役に立つものです。
164. あなたは私をしょっちゅう山田さんと間違いますね。
165. このコーヒーメーカに問題があるんだ。返金して欲しい。
166. どうも疲れたな。今週は大変だったからな。
167. 美奈子。旅行はどうだった。全部聞かせてもらうからね。
168. クレジットカードの申し込みをしたいんです。
169. ロンドンのお巡りさんはいつでもすぐに助けてくれますよ。
170. 父は困っている人を助けるのは市民としての努めだと思っていた。
171. 先週の金曜日、クラスの出席は40を越えていた。
172. その宇宙船は地球の周回軌道に乗った。
173. 学校には間に合うよ。もうほとんど着いたも同然だ。
174. いづれ自分の権利を守らなければならなくなるだろう。
175. 彼が正直であることは疑う余地がない。
176. 彼の文句はもう充分聞いた。もううんざりだ。
177. キャシーとジョンは当時それぞれ5歳と3歳だった。
178. 長い間話し合ってほぼ同じ結論に達した。
179. ブラウンさんはしばらく仕事をしていなかったが職業は大工だった。
180. 電話に出る時は、伝言を聞くことを忘れないこと。

161. Jack and Jill went (  ) a drive in the country on Sunday.
   by       ロ for       out       with
   熟語。go for a drive「ドライブに行く」
162. Just relax and (  ) yourself. There's nothing to worry about.
   ease      ロ enjoy      favor      please
   熟語。enjoy oneself「楽しむ」
163. A knowledge of science is (  ) great use to everyone.
   at       for      ハ of       with
   熟語。of use=useful「役に立つ」of+抽象名詞=形容詞
164. You often take me (  ) Yamada, don't you?
   as       at       ハ for       in
   熟語。take A for B「AをBと間違える」
165. I have a problem (  ) this coffee maker, and I want my money back.
   of       on       ハ with      about
166. I'm kind of tired. I had a (  ) hard week.
   nicely     good      poorly     ニ pretty
167. Minako! How was your trip? I'm (  ) to hear all about it.
   going      trying     ハ dying      biginning
   熟語。dying to do「とても〜したい」
168. I'd like to apply (  ) a credit card.
   イ for       to       in       with
   熟語。apply for「に申し込む」
169. The London policemen are always (  ) to help.
   rely      ロ ready      steady     willingly
   熟語。ready to do「進んで〜する」
170. My father felt it was our duty as citizens to help other people (  ).
   in needing   needed     ハ in need     to be needed
   熟語。in need「困っている」
171. The (  ) at class was over 40 last Friday.
   obligation   announcement  ハ attendance   confession
172. The spaceship has been put in (  ) around the earth.
   explosion   ロ orbit      launching    wandering
173. We'll get to school on time−we're (  ) there now.
   as far as    as for     ハ as good as   as of
   熟語。as good as=almost「〜同然」
174. We will have to (  ) our rights someday.
   bring about   engage in    give rise to  ニ stand up for
   熟語。stand up for「を擁護する」
175. There is no doubt (  ) his honesty.
   according as  ロ as to      different from  up to
   熟語。as to「に関して」
176. I've had enough of his complaints. I'm (  ) them.
   イ fed up with   compared to   looking forward to  taking away
   熟語。fed up with「うんざりだ」
177. Cathy and John were then (  ) five and three years old.
   regardlessly  respectably   respectfully  ニ respectively
178. We had a long talk and came to (  ) the same conclusion.
   more and more  less and less ハ more or less  no more than
   熟語。more or less「多少とも、だいたい」
179. Mr. Brown, though out of work for a while, was a carpenter (  ) trade.
   イ by       in       with      on
   熟語。by trade「職業は」
180. Make sure to take a message when you (  ) the phone.
   イ answer    call     receive   reply    ring
   熟語。answer the phone「電話に出る」

 解 答
161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. .
171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. .



  大学受験生としての実力判定。 1問5点で100点満点。
      55点で---- 偏差値50
      65点で---- 偏差値55
      75点で---- 偏差値60
      80点で---- 偏差値65
      85点で---- 偏差値70だ。

   ★ 1番から100番までの平均より上がっているかどうか。★
  ☆ 上がっていたら実力がupしたと考えよう。その調子で頑張れ。☆
  ☆ 下がった場合は勉強量を増やそう。☆

      45点で---- 偏差値50
      55点で---- 偏差値55
      65点で---- 偏差値60
      70点で---- 偏差値65
      75点で---- 偏差値70だ。
