中級英文 No.5 ☆

     It is almost impossible to ( 1 ) your own people impartially; they
 have a power ( 2 ) by no other race both to create affection and cause
 annoyance; if love is a ( 3 ) of contact, so also is anger−we are apt
 to quarrel readily with those who are near and dear to us. ( 4 ) may be
 Englishmen ( 5 ) attitude of mind is so entirely international ( 6 ) they
 can look upon their England as dispassionately as if it were Thailand or
 Peru, but ( 7 ) that detachment I know myself incapable−for good or for
 evil, my angle of vision is English. No one goes abroad more happily than
 I do and ( 8 ), I think, can have kindlier friends of foreign blood; but
 all the same, when I land in England it is always with a stirring of the
 heart. ( 9 ) other races and lands have given me, it is always good to
 be back among my own people; who may, ( 10 ) times, be annoying, even
 exasperating, but who, all the same, are my people, my English, who speak
 my tongue and understand more than my words, the outlook, the habit of
 thought that we have in common.
  ア at  イ of  ウ to  エ all  オ few  カ that  キ they  ク whom  ケ a few
  コ which  サ there  シ whose  ス means  セ denied  ソ matter  タ survey
  チ compare  ツ however  テ whatever  ト possessed
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 rb3305193 全訳例
     It is almost impossible to survey your own people impartially; they
 have a power possessed by no other race both to create affection and cause
 annoyance; if love is a matter of contact, so also is anger−we are apt
 to quarrel readily with those who are near and dear to us. There may be
 Englishmen whose attitude of mind is so entirely international that they
 can look upon their England as dispassionately as if it were Thailand or
 Peru, but of that detachment I know myself incapable−for good or for
 evil, my angle of vision is English. No one goes abroad more happily than
 I do and few, I think, can have kindlier friends of foreign blood; but all
 the same, when I land in England it is always with a stirring of the heart.
 Whatever other races and lands have given me, it is always good to be back
 among my own people; who may, at times, be annoying, even exasperating,
 but who, all the same, are my people, my English, who speak my tongue and
 understand more than my words, the outlook, the habit of thought that we
 have in common.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     It is almost impossible to survey your own people impartially; they
 have a power possessed by no other race both to create affection and cause
 annoyance; if love is a matter of contact, so also is anger−we are apt
 to quarrel readily with those who are near and dear to us. There may be
 Englishmen whose attitude of mind is so entirely international that they
 can look upon their England as dispassionately as if it were Thailand or
 Peru, but of that detachment I know myself incapable−for good or for
 evil, my angle of vision is English. No one goes abroad more happily than
 I do and few, I think, can have kindlier friends of foreign blood; but all
 the same, when I land in England it is always with a stirring of the heart.
 Whatever other races and lands have given me, it is always good to be back
 among my own people; who may, at times, be annoying, even exasperating,
 but who, all the same, are my people, my English, who speak my tongue and
 understand more than my words, the outlook, the habit of thought that we
 have in common.
   a・broad [§br¦®d]        外国に[へ]
   af・fec・tion [§fék¸§n]      愛情
   an・ger [¢¿g§r]         怒り
   an・gle [¢¿gl]          角度、視点
   an・noy [§n¦i]         vt いらいらさせる
   an・noy・ance [§n¦i§ns]      いらいらさせること、いらだち
   apt [¢pt]            する傾向がある
   at・ti・tude [¢tit(j)ù®d]     態度、姿勢
   blood [bld]          血(液)
   cause [k¦®z]          vt 原因(になる)、理想、 理由
   com・mon [k½m§n]         共通の、普通の
   con・tact [k½ntækt]       接触(する)、付き合い
   cre・ate [kriéit]        vt 創造する
   dear [dí§r]           親愛な(人)、大事な
   de・tach・ment [dit¢t¸m§nt]    分離、孤立、無関心、公平、超然、派遣
   dis・pas・sion・ate [disp¢¸§n§t]  冷静な、感情に動かされない、公平な
   en・tire [entái§r/in-]      全体の、完全な
   e・vil [í®vl]        悪(い)、邪悪(な)、害悪、不運、不幸、悪く
   ex・as・per・ate [igz¢sp§rèit/egz-/-½®s-] vt 怒らせる、悪化させる
   for・eign [f¦(®)rin]       外国の、異質の
   hab・it [h¢bit]         習慣、くせ
   heart [h½®rt]          心(臓)、中心
   im・par・tial [imp½®r¸l]     偏らない、偏見のない、公平な
   im・pos・si・ble [imp½s§bl]    不可能な、あり得ない
   in・ca・pa・ble [inkéip§bl]    能力を欠いている、出来ない、無能の
   in・ter・na・tion・al [ìnt§rn¢¸§nl] 国家間の、国際的な
   kind・ly [káindli]        思いやりのある、親切にも、どうか
   land [l¢nd]           v. 陸(地)、土地、国(土)、着陸する
   mat・ter [m¢t§r]         vi 物質、事柄、困難、重要(である)
   mind [máind]          v. 心、知力、嫌がる、用心する
   oth・er [¶ð§r]          もう一方の(もの)、別の(人)
   out・look [áutlùk]        見解、見込み、見晴らし
   pos・sess [p§zés]        vt 所有する、持っている
   quar・rel [kw¦(®)rl]       vi 口論(する)、苦情(を言う)
   race [réis]           v. 競争(する)、人種、種族
   read・i・ly [rédili]       すぐに、容易に、快く
   stir [st©®r]          v. かき回す(こと)、動く
   sur・vey [s©®rvei/s§®rvéi] vt 見渡す、概観(する)、調査(する)
   thought [·¦®t]       思考、考え、 v. think の過去、過去分詞
   un・der・stand [µnd§rst¢nd]   v. 理解する、分かる
   vi・sion [ví¾§n]       vt 視力、先見性、空想(する)、幻(影)、光景
   word [w©®rd]          単語、約束



 テスト 16 空所に適語を記せ。
     ( 1 ) is almost impossible to survey your own people impartially;
 they have a power ( 2 ) by no other race both to create affection and
 cause annoyance; if love is a ( 3 ) of contact, ( 4 ) also is anger−we
 are apt to quarrel readily with those ( 5 ) are near and dear to us.
 There may be Englishmen ( 6 ) attitude of mind is ( 7 ) entirely
 international that they can ( 8 ) upon their England as dispassionately
 ( 9 ) if it were Thailand or Peru, but ( 10 ) that detachment I know
 myself incapable−for good or for evil, my angle of vision is English.
 No one goes abroad ( 11 ) happily than I do and few, I think, can have
 kindlier friends of foreign blood; but ( 12 ) the same, when I land in
 England it is always with a stirring of the heart. Whatever other races
 and lands have given me, it is always good to be back ( 13 ) my own
 people; who may, ( 14 ) times, be annoying, even exasperating, but who,
 ( 15 ) the same, are my people, my English, who speak my tongue and
 understand more than my words, the outlook, the habit of thought that we
 have in ( 16 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 20 空所に適語を記せ。
     It is almost impossible ( 1 ) survey your own people impartially;
 they have a power possessed by ( 2 ) other race both to create affection
 ( 3 ) cause annoyance; if love is a matter ( 4 ) contact, so also is
 anger−we are apt to quarrel readily ( 5 ) those who are near and
 dear to us. There ( 6 ) be Englishmen whose attitude of mind is so
 entirely international ( 7 ) they can look ( 8 ) their England ( 9 )
 dispassionately as ( 10 ) it were Thailand or Peru, but of that detachment
 I know ( 11 ) incapable−for good or for evil, my angle ( 12 ) vision
 is English. No one goes abroad more happily ( 13 ) I do and few, I think,
 can have kindlier friends of foreign blood; but all the ( 14 ), when I
 land in England ( 15 ) is always with a stirring of the heart. Whatever
 other races and lands have ( 16 ) me, it is always good to be back among
 my own people; who may, at ( 17 ), be annoying, even exasperating, but who,
 all ( 18 ) same, are my people, my English, ( 19 ) speak my tongue and
 understand more than my words, the outlook, the habit of thought that we
 have in ( 20 ).
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
 17.        18.       19.        20.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 32 Aの空所には適語を、Bの空所には下から選んで適語を記号で記せ。
     ( A1 ) is almost impossible ( A2 ) survey your own people ( B1 );
 they have a power ( B2 ) by no ( A3 ) race both to create affection and
 cause ( B3 ); if love is a matter ( A4 ) contact, so also ( A5 ) anger−
 we are apt to quarrel ( B4 ) with those ( A6 ) are near and ( B5 ) to us.
 ( A7 ) may be Englishmen ( A8 ) attitude of mind is ( A9 ) entirely
 international that they can ( A10 ) upon their England ( A11 )
 dispassionately as if it ( A12 ) Thailand or Peru, but of that ( B6 ) I
 know myself ( B7 )−for good or for evil, my ( B8 ) of vision is English.
 ( A13 ) one goes abroad more happily than I do and ( A14 ), I think, can
 have kindlier friends of foreign blood; but ( A15 ) the same, when I land
 in England it is always with a ( B9 ) of the heart. ( A16 ) other races
 and lands have given me, it is always good to be back among my own people;
 ( A17 ) may, ( A18 ) times, be ( B10 ), even exasperating, but who,
 ( A19 ) the same, are my people, my English, who speak my ( B11 ) and
 understand more than my words, the ( B12 ), the habit of thought that we
 have ( A20 ) common.
  dear   angle   tongue   outlook   annoying
  readily  stirring  annoyance  incapable  possessed
  detachment  impartially
 A1.        A2.       A3.        A4.        .
 A5.        A6.       A7.        A8.        .
 A9.       A10.       A11.        A12.        .
A13.       A14.       A15.        A16.        .
A17.       A18.       A19.        A20.        .
 B1.   B2.   B3.   B4.   B5.   B6.   B7.   B8.   .
 B9.   B10.   B11.   B12.    
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

  1.タ  2.ト  3.ソ  4.サ  5.シ  6.カ  7.イ  8.オ  9.テ 10.ア  .

 1. It       2. possessed   3. matter     4. so      .
 5. who      6. whose     7. so       8. look     .
 9. as      10. of      11. more      12. all      .
13. among     14. at      15. all      16. common    .

  1. to       2. no      3. and       4. of      .
  5. with      6. may      7. that      8. (up)on    .
  9. as     10. if      11. myself    12. of      .
 13. than     14. same     15. it      16. given     .
 17. times     18. the     19. who       20. common    .

A1. It       A2. to      A3. other     A4. of       .
A5. is      A6. who     A7. There     A8. whose     .
A9. so     A10. look    A11. as       A12. were      .
A13. No     A14. few     A15. all      A16. Whatever    .
A17. who     A18. at     A19. all      A20. in       .
B1.シ  B2.コ  B3.ク  B4.カ  B5.ア  B6.サ  B7.ケ  B8.イ 
B9.キ  B10.オ  B11.ウ  B12.エ 

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