基礎英文 No.5

     When people go to ( 1 ) country for travel, school, or business,
 they look ( 2 ) ways ( 3 ) which the new country is similar ( 4 ), or
 different ( 5 ), their native country. To understand something unfamiliar
 we compare it with something ( 6 ). We can then gain an ( 7 ) for the
 ( 8 ) features of the new country, as ( 9 ) as a greater understanding and
 appreciation of our own ( 10 ).
  ア in    イ to    ウ for    エ from    オ same
  カ soon   キ well   ク other   ケ unique   コ travel
  サ another  シ country  ス unknown  セ familiar  ソ appreciation
 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.  10.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

 rc5505065 全訳例
     When people go to another country for travel, school, or business,
 they look for ways in which the new country is similar to, or different
 from, their native country. To understand something unfamiliar we compare
 it with something familiar. We can then gain an appreciation for the
 unique features of the new country, as well as a greater understanding and
 appreciation of our own country.

  ☆ 単語を確認しつつ何度も読み返してみよ。
     When people go to another country for travel, school, or business,
 they look for ways in which the new country is similar to, or different
 from, their native country. To understand something unfamiliar we compare
 it with something familiar. We can then gain an appreciation for the
 unique features of the new country, as well as a greater understanding and
 appreciation of our own country.
  an・oth・er [§n¶ð§r]       もう一つの(もの)、もう一人
  ap・pre・ciation [§pr쮸iéi¸§n]  正しい理解、評価、鑑賞(力)、感謝
  busi・ness [bíznis]       事業、仕事、用事、こと
  com・pare [k§mpé§r]       比べる、例える、匹敵する
  coun・try [kntri]        土地、田舎、 国
  dif・fer・ent [díf§r§nt]     違った、様々な
  fa・mil・iar [f§mílj§r]      良く知られた、親しい、精通している
  fea・ture [fí®t¸§r]       特徴(を持つ、づける)、顔立ち
  gain [géin]          得る、増加(する)、利益、時計が進む
  na・tive [néitiv]        出生地の、生まれ育った(人)
  sim・i・lar [símil§r]       よく似た、類似の
  trav・el [tr¢vl]         旅行(する)
  un・der・stand [µnd§rst¢nd]    理解する、分かる
  un・der・stand・ing [µnd§rst¢ndi¿] 理解(力)(のある)、見解、知性、合意
  un・fa・mil・iar [ùnf§mílj§r]   未知の、なじみの薄い、慣れていない
  u・nique [ju®ní®k]        唯一の、独特の
  way [wéi]            道、方法、意味、形



 テスト 12  空所に適語を記せ。
     When people go ( 1 ) another country for travel, school, or
 business, they look ( 2 ) ways ( 3 ) which the new country is similar
 ( 4 ), or different ( 5 ), their native country. ( 6 ) understand
 something ( 7 ) we ( 8 ) it with ( 9 ) familiar. We can then gain an
 appreciation for the unique features of ( 10 ) new country, as ( 11 )
 as a greater understanding and appreciation of our ( 12 ) country.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 16 空所に適語を記せ。
     When people go ( 1 ) another country ( 2 ) travel, school, or
 business, they look ( 3 ) ways in ( 4 ) the new ( 5 ) is similar ( 6 ),
 or different ( 7 ), their native ( 8 ). ( 9 ) understand ( 10 )
 unfamiliar we ( 11 ) it with something ( 12 ). We can then gain an
 appreciation for the ( 13 ) features ( 14 ) the new country, as ( 15 ) as
 a greater understanding and appreciation ( 16 ) our own country.
  1.        2.        3.         4.        .
  5.        6.        7.         8.        .
  9.        10.       11.        12.        .
 13.        14.       15.        16.        .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .


 テスト 12+8 Aの空所には適語を、Bの空所には下から選んで適語を記号で記せ。
     When people ( A1 ) to ( B1 ) country ( A2 ) travel, school, or
 ( B2 ), they look for ( A3 ) in ( A4 ) the ( A5 ) country is ( B3 ) to,
 or different ( A6 ), their ( B4 ) country. ( A7 ) understand ( A8 )
 unfamiliar we ( B5 ) it with something ( B6 ). We can then gain an
 ( B7 ) for the unique ( B8 ) of the new ( A9 ), as ( A10 ) as a greater
 understanding and appreciation of ( A11 ) own ( A12 ).
  native  another  compare  similar  business
  familiar  features  appreciation
 A1.        A2.       A3.        A4.        .
 A5.        A6.       A7.        A8.        .
 A9.       A10.       A11.        A12.        .
 B1.   B2.   B3.   B4.   B5.   B6.   B7.   B8.   .
   月  日 氏名                 得点     /    .

1.サ  2.ウ  3.ア  4.イ  5.エ  6.セ  7.ソ  8.ケ  9.キ 10.シ  .

  1. to       2. for      3. in       4. to       .
  5. from      6. To      7. unfamiliar   8. compare    .
  9. something   10. the     11. well      12. own      .

  1. to       2. for      3. for       4. which     .
  5. country    6. to      7. from      8. country    .
  9. To      10. something  11. compare    12. familiar    .
 13. unique    14. of      15. well      16. of       .

A1. go      A2. for     A3. ways      A4. which     .
A5. new      A6. from     A7. To       A8. something   .
 A9. country    A10. well    A11. our      A12. country    .
 B1.イ  B2.オ  B3.エ  B4.ア  B5.ウ  B6.カ  B7.ク  B8.キ  .

☆ 各テストに満点を取れたら、この英文はマスターしたものと考えて良し。
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