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■11368 / inTopicNo.1)  saXsvEjgwfJ
□投稿者/ Nicole -(2018/03/24(Sat) 17:26:41) [ID:9KCss1nL]
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    No one I know, or have ever read here or in any other location, has argued that the framers knew that today we'd have automatics, semi-automatics, large capacity magazines, or anything else. The point that was made, and that you are twisting demagogically, is that the framers understood that life before them had less technology, had evolved up to their point, and would surely evolve after they were gone from the scene. And yet they STILL used that particular language in the 2nd Amendment. Your conclusion either renders the framers naive or nefarious. They were neither.
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    "The next day, local representatives came to us and said they wanted to discuss arrangements for the camp," said one aid official. "They realised they may not be going back as soon as they thought."
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