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■11998 / inTopicNo.1)  rHMVdUpdiIYpzSg
□投稿者/ Kerry -(2018/03/24(Sat) 17:54:22) [ID:ft5y2dLZ]
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     http://www.pbmwc.co.uk/stmap_90da168.html?ibuprofen.levitra.timoptic buy strattera no prescription  Europe may have useful lessons here. In the 1970s DI became more generous in the Netherlands, and case loads exploded. Had the increase in disability numbers shown up in unemployment instead, the Dutch unemployment rate, which was 6% in 1980, would have been 13.4%, according to a 1992 report by Mr Burkhauser and two co-authors. The crushing expense of DI eventually forced the Dutch government to make reforms about a decade ago, primarily by making employers bear more of the expense of employees who end up on the system. Since then, case loads have dropped. America, whose DI trust fund is expected to run dry in 2016 on current trends, should show similar resolve.
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