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■12979 / inTopicNo.1)  kPKGaxHqrhgcQJOUts
□投稿者/ Lindsey -(2018/03/30(Fri) 18:56:07) [ID:sy3908b9]
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     https://swenyo.com/blog/stmap_636a66.html#fossil how long do effexor xr withdrawals last  What Cassidy is talking about here, under the happy euphemism of “consolidation”, is a massive program of destruction, displacement, and forced relocation — one affecting hundreds of thousands of families. It’s the kind of thing one can maybe imagine in China, or possibly even in New York City circa Robert Moses — but both of those examples involve acting with the tide, as it were, a government helping to expand cities which are growing fast and which will in any case require a vast new infrastructure.
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