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■14162 / inTopicNo.1)  ALfXRlXZZdODND
□投稿者/ Zachariah -(2018/03/31(Sat) 06:54:49) [ID:xxmwE75j]
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      'He was very open with the children. No secrets – they went and saw him having treatment. Together we all coped with everything. It did make us closer. But I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.’
     https://www.laboitedigitale.com/vitalexi-854e.pdf#recently vitalexi shoes  What we now know is that on September 17 and 18 2002, a week before the dossier was published, Alastair Campbell sent memos to its author, Sir John Scarlett, saying that he and Tony Blair were “worried” that on Saddam’s nuclear capability the dossier gave the (accurate) impression that “there’s nothing much to worry about”. On September 19, Campbell emailed Scarlett again, suggesting the insertion of a totally false claim that, in certain circumstances, Saddam could produce nuclear weapons in as little as a year. This fabrication duly appeared in the dossier.
     https://www.infocentroid.com/dnasupplementsbid-7f6d.pdf dnasupplements.bid  "'Gay Inc.' is interested in military, marriage, and money," says Michael Petrelis, a gay and AIDS activist, in reference to the campaigns against the military policy of "don't ask, don't tell," which was overturned in 2010, and the Defense of Marriage Act, which was ruled unconstitutional last week. "But for the millions of gay people who don't want to be soldiers, who don't want to get married, where's the advocacy?" he says.
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