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■14256 / inTopicNo.1)  FnliZvfHgXE
□投稿者/ Tracey -(2018/03/31(Sat) 06:59:23) [ID:39rRQE7F]
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      Of course, one can ask why Twitter is "experimenting" at this stage in its development. One answer is that it has deliberately held off on milking money from its swelling usage. That's the conventional wisdom in the Internet world: Let usage grow before blasting the audience with ads, lest you kill the goose.
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      SYDNEY, Oct 18 (Reuters) - A bitter legal battle betweenGina Rinehart and her children over control of Australia'slargest mining fortune could ultimately lead to a shift of powerin the board room and loosen the tycoon's legendary grip on herbusiness empire.

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