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■14761 / inTopicNo.1)  XHABMNYYOBpYewvcTb
□投稿者/ Bradley -(2018/03/31(Sat) 11:17:16) [ID:3FPd5Bq3]
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      All these excellent songs had to share the stage with the star's schtick. Since the original album clocks in at not much over 40 minutes, the show almost had to be padded. To accomplish that, Lauper talked 但ツツ or rather, 但ツツ徼awked但ツツ 但ツツ as much as she sang, leaning her into her deepest Noo Yawk accent. Segments of her speech illuminated the songs, as they were meant to. But many of her monologues rambled for minutes on end.
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